
fighting ships of the world



COURONNE broadside ironclad (1862)

Couronne 1862

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Couronne     Arsenal de Lorient-Caudan 14.2.1859 28.3.1861 2.2.1862 gunnery TS 1885, barrack ship 12.1908


Displacement normal, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

80.0 wl 81.9 oa

Breadth, m


Draught, m

8.69 max

No of shafts



1 2-cyl HSE return connecting rod, 8 oval boilers

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


Fuel, t

coal 650

Endurance, nm(kts)


Armour, mm

wrought iron; belt: 100+40, battery: 80+40


10 x 1 - 194/16 50pdr SBML, 30 x 1 - 165/17 M1858 MLR



Project history: Ordered the same day as the Gloire, the iron-hulled Couronne was delayed during construction by alterations to the plans of her designer Audenet. She was however the first iron-hulled armoured battleship to be laid down, though launched and completed after the Warrior. The Couronne was similar in general layout to the Gloire but was a better ship. There was no effective compartmentation. Of the guns, 36 were in the broadside battery behind armour 2.1m above water and 4 were on the upper deck

Ship protection: The armour backing was unusual, comprising 100mm iron on 100mm teak on 40mm of iron on 250mm wooden hull on 10mm plating. Battery was protected by 80mm iron on 100mm teak backing on 40mm iron on 280mm teak on 10mm hull plating. As in the Gloire the sides were completely armoured above water, and the upper deck comprised 100mm oak and 13mm iron with the main beams also iron but did not cover the machinery spaces.

Modernizations: 1864: - 4 x 1 - 165/17; + 4 x 1 - 223/11 MLR

1865: new armament consisted of 14 x 1 - 194/19 M1864, 4 x 1 - 165/19 M1864

1869: was armed with 8 x 1 - 240/18 M1864, 4 x 1 - 194/19 M1864

Naval service: The Couronne was converted to a gunnery training ship in 1881-85, the armour being removed and a light iron spar deck and poop added, so that she resembled a screw 2-decker in appearance. An illustration of 1865 shows a full rig similar to that of the Gloire, and she was a better sea boat than the latter with a metacentric height of about 1.8m. Her iron hull seems to have lasted well and she remained afloat until 1932.

Couronne after converted to a gunnery training ship



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