
fighting ships of the world



AMIRAL BAUDIN barbette ships (1888 - 1889)

Amiral Baudin 1888

Formidable 1902

Name No Yard No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Amiral Baudin     Arsenal de Brest 10/1879 5.6.1883 12/1888 hulk 1909
Formidable     Arsenal de Lorient 9/1879 16.4.1885 2/1889 stricken 1911


Displacement normal, t


Displacement full, t


Length, m

101.0 wl

Breadth, m


Draught, m

8.46 max

No of shafts



2 VC, 12 cylindrical boilers

Power, h. p.

Amiral Baudin: 8400

Formidable: 9700

Max speed, kts

Amiral Baudin: 15

Formidable: 16

Fuel, t

coal 790

Endurance, nm(kts)

Amiral Baudin: 3000(10)

Formidable: 3200(10)

Armour, mm

steel and compound; belt: 550 - 350, barbettes: 400, tubes: 400, shields: 30, deck: 100 - 75, CT: 120 - 80


Amiral Baudin: 3 x 1 - 370/28 M1875-79, 4 x 1 - 165/30 M1884, 8 x 1 - 139/28 M1881, 4 x 1 - 47/40 M1885, 1 x 5 - 47/20 M1885, 14 x 5 - 37/20 M1885, 6 - 380 TT (1 bow, 4 beam, 1 stern, aw)

Formidable: 3 x 1 - 370/28 M1875-79, 4 x 1 - 165/30 M1884, 10 x 1 - 139/28 M1881, 1 x 1 - 47/40 M1885, 12 x 5 - 47/20 M1885, 18 x 5 - 37/20 M1885, 6 - 380 TT ( 1 bow, 4 beam, 1 stern, aw)


Amiral Baudin: 625

Formidable: 650

Project history: With this class there was a return to the high-freeboard barbette ship with pronounced ram bow and considerable tumblehome.The 370mm guns had about the same performance as the early British 343mm weapons. They were 71.4t Creusot in Baudin and 75.1t St Chamond in Formidable and were in 3 single barbettes on the centreline, forward, midships and aft. The 165mm were in fore and aft main deck sponsons and the 139mm on the main deck. Both ships had military foremasts but differed in Formidable having a larger funnel. Their chief fault was the large area of unprotected side from just above the waterline.

Ship protection: The steel belt was complete and 2.2m wide but only about 0.3m above water; amidships it was 550mm tapering to 500mm at the upper edge and 400mm at the lower, while forward it was 390-350mm and aft 350mm. The shallow barbettes were compound with steel ammunition tubes. The armour deck was at the belt upper edge slightly crowned on the centreline and was 100-75mm steel. 

Modernizations: 1898, Amiral Baudin: - 1 x 1 - 370/28 (midships), 8 x 1 - 139/28, 12 x 5 - 47/40, 12 x 5 - 37/20, 2 - 380 TT (beam); + 4 x 1 - 165/30 M1884, 8 x 1 - 139/45 M1887, 2 x 1 - 65/50 M1891, 16 x 1 - 47/40 M1885, 6 x 1 - 37/20 M1885

1898, Formidable: - 1 x 1 - 370/28 (midships), 2 - 380 TT (beam); + 4 x 1 - 165/30 M1884

Naval service: No significant events.

Amiral Baudin as built


Formidable after refit

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