Names |
RB1 - 12 |
Builders |
Higgins, New Orleans, USA: RB1-12 |
Completed |
1940 - 1941 // ---: RB1 - 12 |
Losses |
all before completion: to UK as MGB69 - 73 (ex-RB1 - 5) and MGB100 - 106 (ex-RB6 - 12) |
Transfers |
none |
Discarding |
none |
Displacement standard, t |
30 |
Displacement full, t |
Length, m |
Breadth, m |
Draught, m |
No of shafts |
3 |
Machinery |
3 petrol engines |
Power, h. p. |
Max speed, kts |
27 |
Fuel, t |
petrol |
Endurance, nm(kts) | |
Armament |
in British service: 1 x 1 - 20/70 Oerlikon Mk II/IV, 2 x 2 - 12.7/62, DC |
Complement |
Project history: MTBs were ordered by Higgins in March 1940 but builder sold all this class to UK in June.
© Ivan Gogin, 2009-11