
World navies yesterday



France 01 January 1970


SSB Gymnôte 1 S655 Gymnôte 1966 3000/3250t, 84.0x10.6x7.6m, 4dg,2em, 2600/2600hp, 11/10kts, 78p, 150m; 4 M-1 SLBM; Calypso II radar, DUUA-1 sonar
SS Narval 6 S631 Narval 1957 1635/1910t, 78.4x7.8x5.2m, 3dg,2em, 2250/4800hp, 16/18kts, 63p, 200m; 6-550TT; Calypso radar, 2x DUUA-2, DUUX-2 sonars
S632 Marsouin 1957
S633 Dauphin 1958
S634 Requin 1958
S637 Espadon 1960
S638 Morse 1960
Aréthuse 4 S635 Aréthuse 1959 543/669t, 49.6x5.8x4.0m, 2dg,1em, 1060/1300hp, 12.5/16kts, 39p, 180m; 4-550TT; Calypso radar, 2x DUUA-2, DUUX-2 sonars
S636 Argonaute 1958
S639 Amazone 1959
S640 Ariane 1960
Daphné 9 S641 Daphné 1964 869/1043t, 57.8x6.8x5.3m, 2d/em, 1300/1600hp, 13.5/16kts, 45p, 300m; 12-550TT; Calypso II radar, DUUA-1 sonar
S642 Diane 1964
S643 Doris 1964
S644 Eurydice 1964
S645 Flore 1964
S646 Galatée 1964
S648 Junon 1966
S649 Vénus 1966
S650 Psyché 1969


CV Clemenceau 2 R98 Clemenceau 1961 31496t, 265.0x51.2x8.6m, 6b,2gst, 126000hp, 32kts, 1338p; 50belt, 45deck; 8x1-100/55, 40aircraft (Étendard IV, F-8 Corsair fighters, Zéphyr attacker, TBM Avenger, Alizé ASW planes, Alouette II, HSS, Alouette III, Super Frelon helicopters); DRBV-20C, DRBV-23B, DRBV-50, 2x DRBI-10, 2x DRBC-32A(98), 2x DRBC-32C(99), 2x DRBC-31C(99), 2x DRBC-31D(98), NRBA-50, CCA radars, SQS-503 sonar, ARBR-16, ARBX-10 ECM suites, 2 Syllex DL, SENIT-1 CCS
R99 Foch 1963
CVL Colossus 1 R95 Arromanches 1944 17900t, 211.3x36.0x7.1m, 4b,2gst, 40000hp, 25kts, 1400p; 37helicopters (Alouette II, HSS, Alouette III, Super Frelon helicopters); type 79B, 281B, DRBV-22A radars, type 144 sonar


CH Jeanne d'Arc 1 R97 Jeanne d'Arc 1964 12365t, 182.0x24.0x7.3m, 4b,2gst, 40000hp, 26.5kts, 627p; 4x1-100/55, 8helicopters(Super Frelon); DRBV-22D, DRBV-50, DRBI-10, 3x DRBC-32A radars, SQS-503 sonar, 2 Sylles DL
CL De Grasse 1 C610 De Grasse 1956 12350t, 188.3x21.5x5.5m, 4b,2gst, 120000hp, 33.8kts, 680p; 100belt, 38deck; 6x2-127/54; DRBV-23, DRBI-10, DRBC-11 radars
Colbert 1 C611 Colbert 1959 11100t, 180.5x20.3x6.5m, 4b,2gst, 87000hp, 33kts, 977p; 80belt, 50deck; 8x2-127/54, 10x2-57/60, helodeck; DRBV-20C, DRBV-22A, DRBI-10, 4x DRBC-31B, 4x DRBC-31A radars, DSBV-1 sonar, SENIT-1 CCS
DDG Kersaint 4 D622 Kersaint 1956 3740t, 128.6x12.7x5.4m, 4b,2gst, 63000hp, 34kts, 347p; 1x1 Tartar SAM(40), 3x2-57/60, 2x3-550TT, 1x6-375 Bofors ASWRL; DRBV-20A, SPS-39A, DRBC-11, 2x DRBC-30, 2x SPG-51 radars, DUBV-1, DUBA-1 sonars
D624 Bouvet 1956
D625 Dupetit-Thouars 1956
D630 Du Chayla 1957
Suffren 1 D602 Suffren 1967 6090t, 157.6x15.5x7.3m, 4b,2gst, 72500hp, 34kts, 355p; 1x2 Masurka Mk2 SAM(48), 1x1 Malafon ASuM(13), 2x1-100/55, 4x1-20/70, 4-550TC; DRBI-23, DRBV-50, 2x DRBR-51, DRBC-32A radars, DUBV-23, DUBV-43 sonars, 2x Syllex DC, SENIT-1 CCS
DD Surcouf 3 D621 Surcouf 1955 3740t, 128.6x12.7x5.4m, 4b,2gst, 63000hp, 34kts, 347p; 3x2-127/54, 2x2-57/60, 4x1-20/70, 4x3-550TT, helodeck(623); DRBV-20A, DRBV-11, DRBC-11, 2x DRBC-30 radars, DUBV-1, DUBA-1 sonars
D623 Cassard 1956
D626 Chevalier Paul 1956
Maillé-Brézé 5 D627 Maillé-Brézé 1957 3900t, 132.5x12.7x5.4m, 4b,2gst, 63000hp, 34kts, 260p; 1x1 Malafon ASuM(13), 2x1-100/55, 2x3-550TT, 1x6-375 Bofors Mk54 ASWRL; DRBV-22A, DRBV-50, DRBV-11, DRBC-11, 2x DRBC-32A radars, DUBV-23, DUBV-43 sonars
D628 Vauquelin 1956
D629 D'Estrées 1957
D631 Casabianca 1957
D632 Guépratte 1957
Duperré 4 D634 La Bourdonnais 1958 3740t, 128.6x12.7x5.4m, 4b,2gst, 63000hp, 34kts, 346p; 3x2-127/54, 3x2-57/60, 4x1-20/70, 1x6-375 Bofors Mk54 ASWRL, 2x3-550TT; DRBV-22A, DRBI-10, DRBC-11, 2x DRBC-30 radars, DUBV-1, DUBA-1 sonars
D635 Forbin 1958
D636 Tartu 1958
D637 Jauréguiberry 1958
La Galissonière 1 D638 La Galissonière 1962 3740t, 132.8x12.7x5.4m, 4b,2gst, 63000hp, 34kts, 333p; 1x1 Malafon ASuM(13), 2x1-100/55, 2x3-550TT, 1x4-305 ASWRL, 1 helicopter (Alouette II); DRBV-22A, DRBV-50, DRBC-32A, DRBN-32 radars, DUBV-23, DUBV-43 sonars
FF Le Corse 4 F761 Le Corse 1955 1702t, 99.7x10.3x4.3m, 2b,2gst, 20000hp, 28kts, 174p; 1x1-100/55(761), 2x2-57/60(761), 3x2-57/60(762-764), 2x1-20/70, 4x3-550TT, 1x6-375 Bofors Mk54 ASWRL(762-764), 2dct, 1dcr; DRBV-22A, DRBC-30, DRBC-32A(761) radars, DUBV-1, DUBA-1 sonars
F762 Le Brestois 1956
F763 Le Boulonnais 1955
F764 Le Bordelais 1955
Le Normand 11 F765 Le Normand 1956 1702t, 99.7x10.3x4.3m, 2b,2gst, 20000hp, 28kts, 175p; 3x2-57/60(765-770,774,775), 2x2-57/60(771-773), 2x1-20/70, 4x3-550TT, 1x6-375 Bofors Mk54 ASWRL, 2dct, 1dcr; DRBV-22A, DRBV-31, DRBC-31 radars, DUBV-1, DUBA-1 sonars
F766 Le Picard 1956
F767 Le Gascon 1957
F768 Le Lorrain 1957
F769 Le Bourguignon 1957
F770 Le Champenois 1957
F771 Le Savoyard 1957
F772 Le Breton 1957
F773 Le Basque 1957
F774 L'Agenais 1958
F775 Le Béarnais 1958
L'Alsacien 3 F776 L'Alsacien 1960 1702t, 99.7x10.3x4.3m, 2b,2gst, 20000hp, 28kts, 175p; 2x2-57/60, 2x1-20/70, 4x3-550TT, 1x4-305 ASWRL, 2dct, 1dcr; DRBV-22A, DRBV-31, DRBC-31 radars, DUBV-24, DUBA-1 sonars
F777 Le Provencal 1959
F778 Le Vendéen 1960
Commandant Rivière 8 F725 Victor Schoelcher 1962 2230t, 103.0x11.5x4.3m, 4d(2)(725,727,728, 733,740,748,749)-4fpgg,2gt(726), 16000hp, 25kts, 166p; 3x1-100/55, 2x1-30/70, 2x3-550TT, 1x4-305 ASWRL; 2 LCP, 80marines; DRBV-22A, DRBC-32A, DRBV-50 radars, DUBA-3, SQS-17 sonars
F726 Commandant Bory 1964
F727 Amiral Charner 1962
F728 Doudart de Lagrée 1963
F733 Commandant Rivière 1962
F740 Commandant Bourdais 1963
F748 Protet 1964
F749 Enseigne de vaisseau Henry 1965


PC PC 1 P612 Voltigeur 1942 430t, 52.9x7.1x2.4m, 2d, 2880hp, 20kts, 65p; 1x1-76/50, 1x1-40/60, 5x1-20/70, 2x4-178 Mousetrap ASWRL, 2dct, 2dcr; SU radar, sonar
Le Fougueux 3 P641 Le Fougueux 1955 400t, 53.1x7.3x3.1m, 4d(2), 3240hp, 19kts, 62p; 2x1-40/60, 2x1-20/70, 1x24-178 Hedgehog ASWRL, 4dct, 2dcr; Decca radar, DUBA-2 sonar
P642 L'Opniâtre 1955
P643 L'Agile 1955
L'Adroit 11 P630 L'Intrépide 1959 400t, 53.1x7.3x3.1m, 4d(2), 3240hp, 19kts, 62p; 2x1-40/60, 1x1-550TT(630), 1x1-120 ASWRL, 2dct, 2dcr; Decca radar, QCU-2 sonar
P635 L'Ardent 1959
P637 L'Etourdi 1959
P638 L'Effronté 1959
P639 Le Frondeur 1959
P640 Le Fringant 1959
P644 L'Adroit 1958
P645 L'Alerte 1958
P646 L'Attentif 1958
P647 L'Enjoué 1958
P648 Le Hardi 1959
Ton 4 P650 Arcturus 1954 424t, 46.4x8.6x2.5m, 2gg,2gt or 2d, 2000hp, 15kts, 38p; 1x1-40/60, 1x1-20/70; radar
P656 Altaïr 1958
P658 Croix du Sud 1956
P659 Canopus 1956
PM La Combattante 1 P730 La Combattante 1964 202t, 45.0x7.4x2.5m, 2d, 3200hp, 23kts, 25p; 1x4 SS.11 SSM(4), 1x1-40/60, 2x1-12.7; radar, DL
YP VC1 4 P752, 753, 757, 760 VC2, 3, 7, 10 1956 - 1959 80t, 31.8x4.7x1.7m, 2d, 2700hp, 28kts, 15kts; 2x1-20/70


LSD Ouragan 2 L9021 Ouragan 1965 8500t, 149.0x21.5x5.4m, 2d, 8640hp, 17kts, 211p; 2x1-120/12, 4x1-40/60(9021), 3-13helicopters on deck (Alouette II, Alouette III, Super Frelon); 2 EDIC, 3 LCVP, 470troops; DRBN-32 radar, SQS-17(L9021) sonar
L9022 Orage 1968
LST Trieux 5 L9003 Argens 1960 4225t, 102.1x15.5x3.2m, 2d, 2000hp, 11kts, 85p; 1x2-120/12, 3x1-40/60(9003,9004,9008), 2x1-40/60(9007,9009), 2x1-20/70(9007,9009), 2helicopters(9007,9009); 4 LCVP, tanks, 170marines; radar
L9004 Bidassoa 1961
L9007 Trieux 1960
L9008 Dives 1961
L9009 Blavet 1961
LCU Issole 1 L9097 Issole 1958 610t, 48.7x7.0x2.1m, 2d, 1000hp, 12kts, 20p; 190t cargo; DRBN-31 radar
EDIC 14 L9091 EDIC9091 1958 736t, 59.0x12.0x1.3m, 2d, 1000hp, 8kts, 17p; 2x1-20/70, 2x1-12.7; 5 LVT; radar
L9092 EDIC9092 1959
L9093 EDIC9093 1959
L9094 EDIC9094 1959
L9095 EDIC9095 1959
L9096 EDIC9096 1959
L9081 EDIC9081 1965
L9082 EDIC9082 1965
L9083 EDIC9083 1966
L9084 EDIC9084 1965
L9070 EDIC9070 1967
L9071 EDIC9071 1967
L9072 EDIC9072 1969
L9073 EDIC9073 1969
LCT(8) 1 L9061 LCT9061 1946 810t, 68.6x11.6x1.5m, 2d, 1760hp, 11.9kts, 13p; 3x1-20/70; 8tanks, 42troops; radar
LC LCM(6) 31 1-31 LCM1031-1036, 1041-1046, 1051-1056, 1071-1076, 1081-1087 1943 - 1945 56t, 17.1x4.3x1.2m, 2d, 450hp, 9kts, 5p; 2x1-12.7; 1tank
CTM 14 1 CTM1 1966/70 No picture 150t, 28.3x6.4x1.2m, 2d, 225hp, 9.5kts, 6p; 90t of cargo
2 CTM2 1966/70
3 CTM3 1966/70
4 CTM4 1966/70
5 CTM5 1966/70
6 CTM6 1966/70
7 CTM7 1966/70
8 CTM8 1966/70
9 CTM9 1966/70
10 CTM10 1966/70
11 CTM11 1966/70
12 CTM12 1966/70
13 CTM13 1966/70
14 CTM14 1966/70


ML Bluebird 1 M680 Jacinthe 1954 400t, 44.3x8.1x2.1m, 2d, 1200hp, 13kts, 39p; 1x2-20/70, mines; SPS-53 radar
MSO Aggressive 13 M609 Narvik 1956 735t, 52.3x10.4x4.0m, 2d, 1520hp, 13kts, 70p; 1x1-40/60, 2x1-12.7, mechanical, acoustic, magnetic sweeping gear; SPS-53 radar, UQS-1 sonar
M610 Ouistreham 1956
M612 Alençon 1954
M613 Berneval 1954
M614 Bir Hacheim 1954
M615 Cantho 1955
M616 Dompaire 1954
M617 Garigliano 1954
M619 Vinh Long 1955
M620 Berlaimont 1956
M622 Autun 1956
M623 Baccarat 1956
M624 Colmar 1956
MSC Bluebird 25 M631 Pavot 1955 400t, 44.3x8.1x2.1m, 2d, 1200hp, 13kts, 39p; 1x2-20/70, mechanical, acoustic and magnetic sweeping gears; SPS-53 radar, UQS-1 sonar
M632 Pervenche 1954
M634 Renoncule 1955
M635 Réséda 1955
M638 Acacia 1953
M639 Acanthe 1953
M640 Aconit 1953
M667 Ajonc 1954
M668 Azalée 1953
M669 Bégonia 1954
M670 Bleuet 1954
M671 Camélia 1954
M672 Chrysanthème 1954
M673 Coquelicot 1954
M674 Cyclamen 1954
M676 Gardenia 1954
M677 Giroflée 1954
M678 Glaïeul 1954
M679 Glycine 1954
M681 Laurier 1954
M682 Lilas 1954
M683 Liseron 1955
M685 Magnolia 1954
M687 Mimosa 1955
M688 Miguet 1955
Ton 30 M701 Sirius 1954 424t, 46.4x8.6x2.5m, 2gg,2gt or 2d, 2000hp, 15kts, 38p; 1x1-40/60, 1x1-20/70, mechanical, acoustic, magnetic sweeping gear; radar
M702 Rigel 1954
M703 Antarès 1954
M704 Algol 1954
M705 Aldébaran 1955
M706 Régulus 1954
M707 Véga 1954
M708 Castor 1955
M709 Pollux 1955
M710 Pégase 1956
M735 Étoile Polaire 1958
M737 Capricorne 1958
M740 Cassiopée 1954
M741 Eridan 1955
M742 Orion 1955
M743 Sagittaire 1955
M744 Achernar 1955
M745 Procyon 1955
M747 Bételgeuse 1954
M748 Persée 1956
M749 Phénix 1956
M750 Bellatrix 1956
M751 Dénébola 1956
M752 Centaure 1956
M753 Fomalhaut 1956
M755 Capella 1956
M739 Céphée 1956
M757 Verseau 1956
M758 Ariès 1956
M759 Lyre 1957
Bay 6 M726 La Dunkerquoise 1954 412t, 46.3x8.5x2.6m, 2d, 2400hp, 15kts, 40p; 1x1-40/60, mechanical, acoustic, magnetic sweeping gear; radar
M727 La Malouine 1953
M728 La Bayonnaise 1953
M729 La Paimpolaise 1953
M730 La Dieppoise 1954
M731 La Lorientaise 1954
Mercure 1 M765 Mercure 1958 400t, 44.4x8.3x4.0m, 2d, 4000hp, 15kts, 48p; 1x2-20/70, mechanical, acoustic, magnetic sweeping gear; radar
MSI Ham 15 M771 Tulipe 1954 159t, 32.5x6.6x1.8m, 2d, 1100hp, 14kts, 15p; 1x1-40/60, mechanical sweeping gear; type 978 radar
M772 Armoise 1955
M773 Violette 1955
M774 Œillet 1955
M775 Pâquerette 1955
M776 Jasmin 1955
M781 Aubépine 1955
M782 Capucine 1955
M783 Hortensia 1955
M784 Géranium 1955
M785 Hibiscus 1955
M786 Dahlia 1955
M787 Jonquille 1955
M788 Myosotis 1955
M789 Pétunia 1955

© Ivan Gogin, 2015