
World navies yesterday


United States of America 01 January 1960


SSBN George Washington 1 SSBN598 George Washington 1959 5959/6709t, 116.4x10.1x8.1m, 1nr,2gst(1), 15000hp, 16/22kts, 112p, 210m; 16PolarisA-1SLBM(16UGM-27A), 6-533TT(12); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-2 sonars
SSG Gato SSG 1 SSG282 Tunny 1942 1525/2400t, 95.1x8.3x4.7m, 3dg/4em(2), 3430/2740hp, 17/9kts, 84p, 90m; 2 Regulus I CruM launchers (2 RGM-6), 10-533TT(24); SS, SV-6, BPS-1, BPS-4 radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, JT sonars
Balao SSG 2 SSG317 Barbero 1944 1830/2440t, 95.0x8.3x5.2m, 2dg/4em(2)(SSG317)-4dg/4em(2)(SSG337), 2305/2305hp(SSG317)-4610/2700(SSG337)hp, 15/9(SSG317)-20/10(SSG337)kts, 84p, 120m; 2RegulusI CruM(2RGM-6), 6-533TT(16)(SSG317), 10-533TT(24)(SSG337); SS, SV-6, BPS-1, BPS-4 radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, JT sonars
SSG337 Carbonero 1945
Grayback 1 SSG574 Grayback 1958 2670/3638t, 98.3x9.1x5.3m, 3dg,2em, 4500/5600hp, 15/12kts, 84p, 210m; 2x1RegulusISSM(4SSM-N-8), 8-533TT(16?); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-2 sonars
Growler 1 SSG577 Growler 1958 2174/3387t, 96.6x8.3x5.2m, 3dg,2em, 4600/5600hp, 15/12kts, 84p, 210m; 2x1RegulusdISSM(4SSM-N-8), 6-533TT(12?); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-2 sonars
SSN Nautilus 1 SSN571 Nautilus 1955 3533/4092t, 98.7x8.4x6.6m, 1nr,2gst, 15000hp, 22/23kts, 105p, 210m; 6-533TT(22); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-4A sonars
Seawolf 1 SSN575 Seawolf 1957 3741/4287t, 102.9x8.4x6.7m, 1nr,2gst, 15000hp, 192/1kts, 105p, 210m; 6-533TT(22); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-4A sonars
Skate 4 SSN578 Skate 1957 2550/2848t, 81.6x7.6x6.3m, 1nr,2gst, 6600hp, 15.5/20kts, 84p, 210m; 8-533TT(22); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-2 sonars
SSN579 Swordfish 1958
SSN583 Sargo 1958
SSN584 Seadragon 1959
Skipjack 1 SSN585 Skipjack 1959 3070/3500t, 76.8x9.7x7.7m, 1nr,2gst(1), 15000hp, 15/29kts, 85p, 210m; 6-533TT(24); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-2B sonars
SS Gato 22 SS212 Gato 1941 1810/2410-1700/2600(SS272)t, 95.0-104.1(SS272)x8.3x4.7m, 4dg/4em(2), 5400/2740-4610/1750(SS272)hp, 20.2/8.7-17/8(SS272)kts, 60p, 90m; 1x1-127/25, 1x1-40/60, 1x1-20/70, 10-533TT(24), 6-533TT(18)(SS272), SS, ST, SV radars, sonar
SS213 Greenling 1942
SS217 Guardfish 1942
SS224 Cod 1943
SS225 Cero 1943
SS228 Drum 1941
SS231 Haddock 1942
SS234 Kingfish 1942
SS235 Shad 1942
SS236 Silversides 1941
SS239 Whale 1942
SS245 Cobia 1944
SS254 Gurnard 1942
SS256 Hake 1942
SS258 Hoe 1942
SS264 Pargo 1943
SS265 Peto 1942
SS268 Puffer 1943
SS272 Redfin 1943
SS276 Sawfish 1942
SS280 Steelhead 1942
SS281 Sunfish 1942
Gato SSK 6 SS240 Angler 1943 1848/2440t, 93.6x8.2x5.2m, 2dg/4em(2), 2305/5400hp, 14/15kts, 82p, 90m; 10-533TT(24); SS, SV, BPS-1 radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, SQR-3, BQR-4 sonars
SS241 Bashaw 1943
SS242 Bluegill 1943
SS243 Bream 1944
SS244 Cavalla 1944
SS246 Croaker 1944
Balao 46 SS285 Balao 1943 1845/2415t, 95.0x8.3x4.7m, 4dg/4em(2), 5400/2740hp, 20.2/8.7kts, 60p, 120m; 1x1-127/25, 1x1-40/60, 1x1-20/70, 10-533TT(24); SS, ST, SV radars, sonar
SS286 Billfish 1943
SS287 Bowfin 1943
SS288 Cabrilla 1943
SS291 Crevalle 1943
SS292 Devilfish 1944
SS293 Dragonet 1944
SS295 Hackleback 1944
SS297 Ling 1945
SS298 Lionfish 1944
SS300 Moray 1945
SS301 Roncador 1945
SS304 Seahorse 1943
SS309 Aspro 1943
SS310 Batfish 1943
SS311 Archerfish 1943
SS321 Besugo 1944
SS328 Charr 1944
SS334 Cabezon 1944
SS335 Dentuda 1944
SS336 Capitaine 1945
SS342 Chopper 1945
SS348 Cusk 1946
SS372 Lambrey 1944
SS373 Lizardfish 1944
SS374 Loggerhead 1945
SS375 Macabi 1945
SS376 Mapiro 1945
SS378 Mero 1945
SS381 Sand Lance 1943
SS383 Pampanito 1943
SS384 Parche 1943
SS387 Pintado 1944
SS388 Pipefish 1944
SS389 Piranha 1944
SS390 Plaice 1944
SS393 Queenfish 1944
SS395 Redfish 1944
SS397 Scabbardfish 1944
SS400 Sea Devil 1944
SS401 Sea Dog 1944
SS404 Spikefish 1944
SS411 Spadefish 1944
SS412 Trepang 1944
SS413 Spot 1944
SS414 Springer 1944
Balao GUPPY II 9 SS339 Catfish 1945 1870/2440t, 93.6x8.2x5.2m, 4dg/4em(2), 4610/5400hp, 18/16kts, 82p, 120m; 10-533TT(24); SS, ST, SV radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, JT or SQR-3 sonars
SS343 Clamagore 1945
SS344 Cobbler 1945
SS346 Corporal 1945
SS347 Cubera 1945
SS349 Diodon 1946
SS350 Dogfish 1946
SS351 Greenfish 1946
SS352 Halfbeak 1946
Balao Fleet Snorkel 11 SS302 Sabalo 1945 1830/2440t, 95.0x8.3x5.2m, 4dg/4em(2), 4610/2700hp, 20/10kts, 82p, 120m; 10-533TT(24); SS, ST, SV radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, SQR-3 sonars
SS303 Sablefish 1945
SS307 Tilefish 1943
SS331 Bugara 1944
SS338 Carp 1945
SS392 Sterlet 1944
SS398 Segundo 1944
SS399 Sea Cat 1944
SS405 Sea Owl 1944
SS408 Sennet 1944
SS409 Piper 1944
Balao GUPPY IA 8 SS319 Becuna 1944 1830/2440t, 93.6x8.2x5.2m, 4dg,4em(2), 4610/5400hp, 18/15kts, 82p, 120m; 10-533TT(24); SS, SV, BPS-1 radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, SQR-3 sonars
SS322 Blackfin 1944
SS323 Caiman 1944
SS324 Blenny 1944
SS341 Chivo 1945
SS403 Atule 1944
SS406 Sea Poacher 1944
SS407 Sea Robin 1944
Balao GUPPY IIA 11 SS340 Entemedor 1945 1848/2440t, 93.6x8.2x5.2m, 3dg/4em(2), 3430/5400hp, 17/15kts, 82p, 120m; 10-533TT(24); BPS-1, BPS-4, SS radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, SQR-3 sonars
SS365 Hardhead 1944
SS368 Jallao 1944
SS377 Menhaden 1945
SS382 Picuda 1943
SS385 Bang 1943
SS391 Pomfret 1944
SS394 Razorback 1944
SS396 Ronquil 1944
SS402 Sea Fox 1944
SS410 Threadfin 1944
Balao GUPPY III 1 SS416 Tiru 1948 1975/2450t, 99.5x8.2x5.2m, 4dg/4em(2), 4610/5400hp, 17.2/14.5kts, 86p, 120m; 10-533TT(24); BPS-1, BPS-4, BPS-5 radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, SQR-3, BQG-4 sonars
Tench 5 SS422 Toro 1944 1845/2415t, 95.0x8.3x4.7m, 4dg/4em(2), 5400/2740hp, 20.2/8.7kts, 60p, 120m(SS417-437)-135m(SS475-529); 1x1-127/25(SS417-437), 2x1-127/25(SS475-529), 1x1-40/60, 1x1-20/70, 10-533TT(24)(SS417-437), 10-533TT(28)(SS475-529); SS, ST, SV radars, sonars
SS435 Corsair 1946
SS477 Conger 1945
SS479 Diablo 1945
SS488 Sarda 1946
Tench GUPPY II 13 SS425 Trumpetfish 1946 1870/2440t, 93.6x8.2x5.2m, 4dg/4em(2), 4610/5400hp, 18/16kts, 82p, 135m; 10-533TT(24); SS, ST, SV radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, JT or SQR-3 sonars
SS426 Tusk 1946
SS478 Cutlass 1945
SS483 Sea Leopard 1945
SS484 Odax 1945
SS485 Sirago 1945
SS486 Pomodon 1945
SS487 Remora 1946
SS490 Volador 1948
SS522 Amberjack 1946
SS523 Grampus 1947
SS524 Pickerel 1949
SS525 Grenadier 1951
Tench Fleet Snorkel 5 SS423 Torsk 1944 1830/2440t, 95.0x8.3x5.2m, 4dg/4em(2), 4610/2700hp, 20/10kts, 82p, 135m; 10-533TT(24); SS, ST, SV radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, SQR-3 sonars
SS475 Argonaut 1945
SS476 Runner 1945
SS480 Medregal 1945
SS482 Irex 1945
Tench GUPPY IA 1 SS417 Tench 1944 1830/2440t, 93.6x8.2x5.2m, 4dg/4em(2), 4610/5400hp, 18/15kts, 82p, 120m; 10-533TT(24); SS, SV, BPS-1 radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, SQR-3 sonars
Tench GUPPY IIA 4 SS418 Thornback 1944 1848/2440t, 93.6x8.2x5.2m, 3dg/4em(2), 3430/5400hp, 17/15kts, 82p, 120m; 10-533TT(24); BPS-1, BPS-4, SS radars, BQR-2, BQS-2, SQR-3 sonars
SS420 Tirante 1944
SS421 Trutta 1944
SS424 Quillback 1944
Tench Migraine II 2 SS481 Requin 1945 1570/2410t, 95.1x8.3x4.7m, 4dg/2em(2), 4610/1750hp, 17/8kts, 60p, 135m; 4-533TT(12); SS, SV, SV-2 radars, sonars
SS489 Spinax 1946
Barracuda 3 SST3 Barracuda 1951 765/1160t, 59.8x7.5x4.4m, 2dg,2em, 1125/1050hp, 13/8.5kts, 37p, 120m; 4-533TT(8); BPS-12 radar; BQR-3, BQR-4 sonars
SS551 Bass 1951
SS552 Bonita 1952
Tang 6 SS563 Tang 1951 1821/2500t, 84.8x8.3x5.2m, 3dg,2em, 4500/5600hp, 15.5/16kts, 83p, 210m; 8-533TT(26); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-2 sonars
SS564 Trigger 1952
SS565 Wahoo 1952
SS566 Trout 1952
SS567 Gudgeon 1952
SS568 Harder 1952
Mackerel 2 SST1 Mackerel 1953 303/347t, 40.0x4.1x3.7m, 2dg,1em, 250/380hp, 10/10.5kts, 14p, 65m; 1-533TT; JP, JT sonars
SST2 Marlin 1953
Darter 1 SS576 Darter 1956 1872/2372t, 86.7x8.3x5.1m, 3dg,2em, 3100/4700hp, 15.5/16kts, 83p, 210m; 8-533TT(26); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-2 sonars
Barbel 3 SS580 Barbel 1959 2146/2639t, 66.8x8.8x6.3m, 3dg,1em, 3150/4700hp, 14/18.5kts, 77p, 210m; 6-533TT(22); BPS-12 radar, BQS-4, BQR-2 sonars
SS581 Blueback 1959
SS582 Bonefish 1959
SSRN Triton 1 SSRN586 Triton 1959 5963/7773t, 136.4x11.3x7.2m, 2nr,2gst, 34000hp, 27/20kts, 180p, 210m; 6-533TT(15); BPS-2, SPS-26, BPS-12 radars, BQS-4, BQR-2 sonars
SSR Gato Migraine III 4 SSR267 Pompon 1943 1700/2600t, 104.1x8.3xm, 4dg,2em(2), 4610/1750hp, 17/8kts, 108p, 90m; 6-533TT(18); BPS-2, BPS-3, BPS-4 radars, sonars
SSR269 Rasher 1943
SSR270 Raton 1943
SSR271 Ray 1943
Balao Migraine I 1 SSR312 Burrfish 1943 1525/2410t, 95.1x8.3x4.7m, 4dg/2em(2), 4610/1750hp, 17/8kts, 120p, 120m; 1x1-40/60, 4-533TT(12); SS, SV-1, SV-2, BPS-2 radars, sonar
Tench Migraine I 1 SSR419 Tigrone 1944 1525/2410t, 95.1x8.3x4.7m, 4dg/2em(2), 4610/1750hp, 17/8kts, 60p, 120m; 1x1-40/60, 4-533TT(12); SS, SV-1, SV-2, BPS-2 radars, sonars
Sailfish 2 SSR572 Sailfish 1956 2625/3168t, 106.9x8.9x5.0m, 4dg,2em, 6000/8200hp, 19.5/10kts, 95p; 6-533TT(18); BPS-2, BPS-3 radars; BQS-2, BQR-2B sonars
SSR573 Salmon 1956
SSL Balao 2 APSS313 Perch 1944 1845/2415t, 95.0x8.3x4.7m, 2dg/4em(2), 2700/2740hp, 20.2/8.7kts, 60p, 120m; 6-533TT(18), helicopter deck(SSP315); marines and vehicles; SS, ST, SV radars, sonar
APSS315 Sealion 1944
SSX X1 1 X1   1955 31/36t, 15.0x2.1x1.9m, 1d/em, 30/30hp, 15/12kts, 4p; 4swimmers


CVA Essex SCB-125 8 CVA9 Essex 1942 44000t, 277.6x47.9x9.6m, 8b,4gst, 150000hp, 30.3kts, 3050p; 37belt, 102decks; 4x1-127/38, 2catapults, 80aircraft(FJ, F2H, F9F, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F9F-P, OE, A3D-P, F8U-P recon, S2F ASW, AD-Q, AM-Q, F3D-Q, A3D-Q ECM, AD-W, WF EW, TF cargo, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S helicopters); SPS-8, SPS-12, SR radars
CVA11 Intrepid 1943
CVA14 Ticonderoga 1944
CVA16 Lexington 1943
CVA19 Hancock 1944
CVA31 Bon Homme Richard 1944
CVA34 Oriskany 1950
CVA38 Shangri La 1944
Midway SCB-110 2 CVA41 Midway 1945 62614t, 297.9x64.0x10.5m, 12b,4gst, 212000hp, 30.6kts, 4060p; 37belt, 191decks; 10x1-127/54, 9x2-76/50, 2catapults, 80aircraft (FJ, F2H, F9F, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F9F-P, OE, A3D-P, F8U-P recon, S2F ASW, AD-Q, AM-Q, F3D-Q, A3D-Q ECM, AD-W, WF EW, TF cargo, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S helicopters); SPS-8, SPS-12 radars
CVA42 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1945
Midway 1 CVA43 Coral Sea 1947 59901t, 295.0x41.5x10.5m, 12b,4gst, 212000hp, 33kts, 4104p; 193/178belt, 191deck; 14x1-127/54, 10x2-76/50, 2catapults, 137aircraft (FJ, F2H, F9F, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F9F-P, OE, A3D-P, F8U-P recon, S2F ASW, AD-Q, AM-Q, F3D-Q, A3D-Q ECM, AD-W, WF EW, TF cargo, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S helicopters); SR-2, SR-3, SX, 2x SG, 4x Mk 25 radars
Forrestal 4 CVA59 Forrestal 1955 78509t, 316.7x76.2x10.3m, 8b,4gst, 260000(CVA59)-280000(CVA60-62)hp, 32(CVA59)-33(CVA60-62)kts, 4676p; 150belt, 144decks; 8x1-127/54, 4catapults, 90aircraft (FJ, F2H, F9F, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F9F-P, OE, A3D-P, F8U-P recon, S2F ASW, AD-Q, AM-Q, F3D-Q, A3D-Q ECM, AD-W, WF EW, TF cargo, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S helicopters); SPS-8A, SPS-10, SPS-12, SPN-6, SPN-8, 3x Mk56 radars
CVA60 Saratoga 1956
CVA61 Ranger 1957
CVA62 Independence 1959
CVS Essex CVS 3 CVS17 Bunker Hill 1943 34881t, 265.8(CV17)-270.7(CV40,45)x45.0x8.4m, 8b,4gst, 150000hp, 32.7kts, 2682p; 102belt, 102decks; (4x2+4x1)-127/38, 17x4-40/60(CV17)18x4-40/60(CV40, 45), 35x2-20/70(CV17), (16x2+23x1)-20/70(CV40, 45), 2catapults, 91aircraft (FJ, F2H, F9F, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F9F-P, OE, A3D-P, F8U-P recon, S2F ASW, AD-Q, AM-Q, F3D-Q, A3D-Q ECM, AD-W, WF EW, TF cargo, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S helicopters); SG, SK-2, SR, SP, 2x Mk 12/22 radars
CVS40 Tarawa 1945
CVS45 Valley Forge 1946
Essex CVS SCB-27A 1 CVS39 Lake Champlain 1945 40600t, 273.8x46.3x9.1m, 8b,4gst, 150000hp, 30kts, 2905p; 37belt, 102decks; 8x1-127/38, 14x2-76/50, 2catapults, 80aircraft (FJ, F2H, F9F, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F9F-P, OE, A3D-P, F8U-P recon, S2F ASW, AD-Q, AM-Q, F3D-Q, A3D-Q ECM, AD-W, WF EW, TF cargo, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S helicopters); SPS-6, SR, SPS-8, Mk35 radars
Essex CVS SCB-125 7 CVS10 Yorktown 1943 44000t, 277.6x47.9x9.6m, 8b,4gst, 150000hp, 30.3kts, 3050p; 37belt, 102decks; 4x1-127/38, 2catapults, 80aircraft (FJ, F2H, F9F, F3H, F4D, F11F, F8U fighters, AD, AJ, A3D, A4D attackers, F9F-P, OE, A3D-P, F8U-P recon, S2F ASW, AD-Q, AM-Q, F3D-Q, A3D-Q ECM, AD-W, WF EW, TF cargo, HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S helicopters); SPS-8, SPS-12, SR radars
CVS12 Hornet 1943
CVS15 Randolph 1944
CVS18 Wasp 1943
CVS20 Bennington 1944
CVS33 Kearsarge 1946
CVS36 Antietam 1945
AV Curtiss 2 AV4 Curtiss 1940 14900t, 160.7x21.1x6.5m, 4b,2gst, 12000hp, 18kts, 1195p; 4x1-127/38, 4x4-40/60, 12x1-20/70, helicopters(HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S), radars
AV5 Albermarle 1940
Tangier 2 AV8 Tangier 1940 13500t, 150.0x21.2x7.2m, 2b,1gst, 8500hp, 16.5kts, 1075p; 4x1-127/38, 4x1-76/50, 4x2-40/60, 15x1-20/70, helicopters(HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S), radars
AV9 Pocomoke 1941
Chandeleur 1 AV10 Chandeleur 1942 13700t, 150.0x21.2x7.2m, 2b,1gst, 9350hp, 17kts, 1077p; 1x1-127/38, 4x1-76/50 4x2-40/60, 15x1-20/70, helicopters(HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S), radars
Currituck 3 AV7 Currituck 1944 15092t, 164.7x21.1x6.8m, 4b,2gst, 12000hp, 19.2kts, 1247p; 4x1-127/38, 4x4-40/60, helicopters(HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S), SK radar
AV12 Pine Island 1945
AV13 Salisbury Island 1945
Kenneth Whiting 4 AV14 Kenneth Whiting 1944 12610t, 150.0x21.2x7.2m, 2b,1gst, 8500hp, 16.5kts, 1077p; 2x1-127/38, (2x4+2x2)-40/60, 16x1-20/70, helicopters(HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S), SK radar
AV15 Hamlin 1944
AV16 St. George 1944
AV17 Cumberland Sound 1944
Barnegat 10 AVP37 Corson 1944 2620t, 94.7x12.5x3.8m, 4dg,2em, 6080hp, 20kts, 367p; 1x1-127/38, 1x4-40/60(AVP10,48-55), (1x4+2x2)-40/60(AVP37-41), 4x2-20/70(AVP10,48-55), 6x1-20/70(AVP37-41), 2DCT, 2DCR, helicopters(HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S); SA, SU radars, sonar
AVP38 Duxbury Bay 1944
AVP40 Floyds Bay 1945
AVP41 Greenwich Bay 1945
AVP48 Onslow 1943
AVP49 Orca 1944
AVP52 Shelikof 1944
AVP53 Suisun 1944
AVP54 Timbalier 1946
AVP55 Valcour 1946



BB Noth Carolina 2 BB55 North Carolina 1941 46700-46796t, 222.1x33.0x10.0m, 8b,4gst, 121000hp, 28kts, 1880p; 305belt, 193deck, 406turrets, 406CT; 3x3-406/45, 10x2-127/38, 24x4-40/60(BB55), 15x4-40/60(BB56), (8x2+20x1)-20/70(BB55), (1x4+8x2+63x1)-20/70(BB56); 2x SG, SK-2(BB55), SK(BB56), SR, SCR-720, Mk3, Mk4, 2x Mk8, 3x Mk12/22, Mk27 radars
BB56 Washington 1941
South Dakota 4 BB57 South Dakota 1942 44519t, 207.3x33.0x10.7m, 8b,4gst, 130000hp, 27.5kts, 1793p; 310belt, 203decks, 457turrets, 406CT; 3x3-406/45, 8x2-127/38(BB57), 10x2-127/38(BB58-60), 17x4-40/60(BB57), 12x4-40/60(BB58,60), 18x4-40/60(BB59), 77x1-20/70(BB57), (4x2+44x1)-20/70(BB58), (1x4+1x2+31x1)-20/70(BB59), 56x1-20/70(BB60); 2x SG, SK-2, SU, 2x Mk13, 4x Mk12/22, Mk27 radars
BB58 Indiana 1942
BB59 Massachusetts 1942
BB60 Alabama 1942
Iowa 4 BB61 Iowa 1943 57540t, 270.4x33.0x11.0m, 8b,4gst, 212000hp, 32.5kts, 1921p; 307belt, 229decks, 495turrets, 440CT; 3x3-406/50, 10x2-127/38, 14x4-40/60,  3helicopters (HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HO5S, HSL); 2x SG, SK(BB61,64), SK-2(BB62,63), SP(BB62), SR(BB61,64), SU(BB61,62), SPS-6, Mk3(BB61,62), 2x Mk8(BB63), 2x Mk13(BB61,62,64), 4x Mk12/22, Mk27(BB63,64) radars
BB62 New Jersey 1943
BB63 Missouri 1944
BB64 Wisconsin 1944
CB Alaska 2 CB1 Alaska 1944 34253t, 246.4x27.8x9.7m, 4b,4gst, 150000hp, 33kts, 1517p; 229belt, 154decks, 325turrets, 269CT; 3x3-305/50, 6x2-127/38, 14x4-40/60, 34x1-20/70; SK, 2x SG-1, 2x Mk8, 2x Mk12/22 radars
CB2 Guam 1944
CG Boston 2 CAG1 Boston 1943 17947t, 205.3x21.3x7.6m, 4b,4gst, 120000hp, 33kts, 1544p; 152belt, 64deck, 203turrets; 2x2TerrierSAM(144RIM-2), 2x3-203/55, 5x2-127/38, 4x2-76/50; SPS-6, SPS-8, SPS-12, CXRX, 2x Mk25(CAG1), 2x SPQ-5(CAG2) radars
CAG2 Canberra 1943
Albany 3 CG10 Albany 1946 18777t, 205.8x21.3x7.9m, 4b,4gst, 120000hp, 32kts, 1266p; 152belt, 64deck; 2x2TalosSAM(104RIM-8), 2x2TartarSAM(84RIM-24), 1x8ASROCASR(8RUR-5), 2x1-127/38, 2x3-324TT; SPS-29, 2xSPS-30, SPS-39, 4xSPG-49/SPW-2, 4xSPG-51 radars, SQS-23 sonar
CG11 Chicago 1945
CG12 Columbus 1945
Galveston 6 CLG3 Galveston 1958 15152t, 186.0x20.2x7.8m, 4b,4gst, 100000hp, 32kts1382p; 127belt, 51deck, 165turrets; 1x2TalosSAM(46RIM-8)(CLG3-5), 1x2TerrierSAM(120RIM-2)(CLG6-8), 2x3-152/47(CLG3,6), 1x3-152/47(CLG4,5,7,8), 3x2-127/38(CLG3,6), 1x2-127/38(CLG4,5,7,8), helopad(CLG4,5,7,8); SPS-2(CLG4), SPS-8B(CLG3,5-8), SPS-9(CLG3,5-8), SPS-17(CLG4), SPS-39, 2xSPG-49/SPW-2(CLG3-5), 2xSPQ-5(CLG6-8) radars
CLG4 Little Rock 1945
CLG5 Oklahoma City 1944
CLG6 Providence 1945
CLG7 Springfield 1944
CLG8 Topeka 1944
CA Baltimore 10 CA68 Baltimore 1943 17031t, 205.3x21.6x7.3m, 4b,4gst, 120000hp, 33kts, 2039p; 152belt, 64deck, 203turrets, 152CT(CA74-136); 3x1RegulusISSM(3RGM-6)(CA75,132,133,135), 3x3-203/55, 6x2-127/38, 10x2-76/50(CA68,71-73,130,131), 9x2-76/50(CA75), 7x2-76/50(CA132,133,135); SG-3, SK-2, SP, Mk13, 2x Mk12/22 radars
CA71 Quincy 1943
CA72 Pittsburgh 1944
CA73 St. Paul 1945
CA75 Helena 1945
CA130 Bremerton 1945
CA131 Fall River 1945
CA132 Macon 1945
CA133 Toledo 1946
CA135 Los Angeles 1945
Oregon City 2 CA122 Oregon City 1946 17031t, 205.3x21.6x7.3m, 4b,4gst, 120000hp, 33kts, 2039p; 152belt, 64deck, 203turrets, 152CT; 3x3-203/55, 6x2-127/38, (11x4+2x2)-40/60, 10x2-20/70; SG-3, SK-2, SP, Mk13, 2x Mk12/22 radars
CA124 Rochester 1946
Des Moines 3 CA134 Des Moines 1948 20934t, 218.4x23.0x7.9m, 4b,4gst, 120000hp, 33kts, 1799p; 152belt, 120decks, 203turrets, 165bridge; 3x3-203/55, 6x2-127/38, 11x2-76/50; SG-6, SK-3, SP, SPS-6, 2x Mk13, 4x Mk25, 3x Mk27 radars
CA139 Salem 1949
CA148 Newport News 1949
CL Cleveland 14 CL58 Denver 1942 14144t, 186.0x20.2x7.5m, 4b,4gst, 100000hp, 32.5kts, 1285p; 127belt, 51deck, 165turrets, 127CT(CL58-63); 4x3-152/47, 6x2-127/38, (4x4+4x2)-40/60(CL58,64,65,80), (4x4+6x2)-40/60(CL83,86,87,89,90,101-105), 17x1-20/70(CL58), 21x1-20/70(CL64,65,80), 10x1-20/70(CL83,86,87,89,90,101-105); SC(CL58,65), SG(CL58,64,65,80,83,86,87,89,90,101-105), SK(CL89), SK-2(CL64,80,83,86,87,90,101-105), Mk8 (CL58,65), Mk13(CL64,80,83,86,87,89,90,101-105), 2x Mk12/22(CL58,65,89), 2x Mk25(CL64,80,83,86,87,90,101-105) radars
CL64 Vincennes 1944
CL65 Pasadena 1944
CL80 Biloxi 1943
CL83 Manchester 1946
CL86 Vicksburg 1944
CL87 Duluth 1944
CL89 Miami 1943
CL90 Astoria 1944
CL101 Amsterdam 1945
CL102 Portsmouth 1945
CL103 Wilkes-Barre 1944
CL104 Atlanta 1944
CL105 Dayton 1945
Fargo 2 CL106 Fargo 1945 14464t, 186.0x20.2x7.5m, 4b,4gst, 100000hp, 32.5kts, 1285p; 127belt, 51deck, 165turrets; 4x3-152/47, 6x2-127/38, (6x4+2x2)-40/60, 14x2-20/70; SG, SK-2, Mk13, 2x Mk25 radars
CL107 Huntington 1946
Worcester 2 CL144 Worcester 1948 17997t, 207.1x21.5x7.5m, 4b,4gst, 120000hp, 33kts, 1401p; 127belt, 124deck, 165turrets, 127CT; 6x2-152/47, (11x2+2x1)-76/50; SR-2, SR-6, SPS-8, 2x Mk13, 4x Mk28, 4x Mk35 radars
CL145 Roanoke 1949
Norfolk 1 DL1 Norfolk 1953 8315t, 164.6x16.3x5.8m, 4b,2gst, 80000hp, 33kts, 546p; 4x2-76/70, 8-533TT, 4x1-324WeaponAlfa; SPS-6, SPS-26 radars, SQS-4 sonar
CLAA Atlanta 2 CLAA97 Flint 1944 8100t, 165.1x16.2x6.2m, 4b,2gst, 75000hp, 32.5kts, 623p; 95belt, 32deck, 32turrets; 6x2-127/38, 8x2-40/60, 16x1-20/70, 2x4-533TT(CLAA97); SC, SG, 2x Mk12/22 radars
CLAA98 Tucson 1945
Juneau 2 CLAA120 Spokane 1946 8450t, 165.1x16.2x6.2m, 4b,2gst, 75000hp, 32.5kts, 623p; 95belt, 32deck, 32turrets, 63CT; 6x2-127/38, (6x4+4x2)-40/60, 8x2-20/70; SC, SG, 2x Mk12/22 radars
CLAA121 Fresno 1946
DDG Gyatt 1 DDG1 Gyatt 1945 3460t, 119.0x12.5x4.4m, 4b,2gst, 60000hp, 36.8kts, 336p; 1x2TerrierSAM(24RIM-8), 2x2-127/38, 2x2-76/50, 4x1-2./7/90; SPS-6, SPS-10 radars, QHB sonar
Farragut 1 DLG14 Dewey 1959 5648t, 156.3x15.9x5.3m, 4b,2gst, 85000hp, 32kts, 360p; 1x2TerrierSAM(40RIM-2), 1x8ASROCASR(8RUR-5), 1x1-127/54, 2x2-76/50, 2x3-324TT; SPS-29, SPS-37, 2xSPQ-5 radars, SQS-23 sonar
DD Benson 3 DD422 Mayo 1940 2572t, 106.2x11.0x4.0m, 4b,2gst, 50000hp, 35kts, 208p; 4x1-127/38, 2x2-40/60, 4x1-20/70, 2x5-533TT, 6DCT, 2DCR, radars, sonar
DD425 Madison 1940
DD428 Charles F. Hughes 1940
Gleaves 9 DD423 Gleaves 1940 2591t, 106.2x11.0x4.0m, 4b,2gst, 50000hp, 35kts, 208p; 4x1-127/38, (2x4+2x2)-40/60(DD423,424,432,435,437,439,440,443), 2x2-40/60(DD441), 2x2-20/70(DD423,424,432,435,437,439,440,443), 4x1-20/70(DD441), 2x5-533TT(DD441), 6DCT, 2DCR, radars, sonar
DD424 Niblack 1940
DD432 Kearny 1940
DD435 Grayson 1941
DD437 Woolsey 1941
DD439 Edison 1941
DD440 Ericsson 1941
DD441 Wilkes 1941
DD443 Swanson 1941
Bristol DMS 16 DD455 Hambleton 1941 2600t, 106.2x11.0(DD455,462,489,490,493-496,618,621,627,632,633,637)-11.3(DD634,635)x4.9m, 4b,2gst, 50000hp, 35kts, 208p; 3x1-127/38, 2x2-40/60(DD455,462,621,637), (2x4+2x2)-40/60(DD489,490,493-496,618,627,632-635), 7x1-20/70(DD455,462,621,637), (2x2+2x1)-20/70(DD489,490,493-496,618,627,632-635), 2DCT, 2DCR, sweeping gear; radars, sonar
DD462 Fitch 1942
DD489 Mervine 1942
DD490 Quick 1942
DD493 Carmick 1942
DD494 Doyle 1943
DD495 Endicott 1943
DD496 McCook 1943
DD618 Davison 1942
DD621 Jeffers 1942
DD627 Thompson 1943
DD632 Cowie 1942
DD633 Knight 1942
DD634 Doran 1942
DD635 Earle 1942
DD637 Gherardi 1942
Bristol 11 DD497 Frankford 1943 2600t, 106.2x11.0x4.9m, 4b,2gst, 50000hp, 35kts, 208p; 4x1-127/38, (2x4+2x2)-40/60(DD497,623,624,628), 2x2-40/60(DD619,626,638,641,645-647), (2x2+2x1)-20/70(DD497,623,624,628), 7x1-20/70(DD619,626,638,641,645-647), 1x5-533TT(DD619,626,638,641,645-647), 6DCT, 2DCR; radars, sonar
DD619 Edwards 1942
DD623 Nelson 1942
DD624 Baldwin 1943
DD626 Satterlee 1943
DD628 Welles 1943
DD638 Herndon 1942
DD641 Tillman 1942
DD645 Stevenson 1942
DD646 Stockton 1943
DD647 Thorn 1943
Laffey 21 DD491 Farenholt 1942 2600t, 106.2x11.0x4.9m, 4b,2gst, 50000hp, 35kts, 208p; 4x1-127/38, 2x2-40/60(DD491,492,598,602,605-607, 609,611), (2x4+2x2)-40/60(DD600,601,603,604,608,610, 612-614,616,617), 4x2-40/60(DD615), 7x1-20/70(DD491,492,598,602,605-607,609,611), (2x2+2x1)-20/70(DD600,601, 603,604,608,610,612-617), 1x5-533TT(DD491,492,598,602,605-607, 609,611), 6DCT, 2DCR; radars, sonar
DD492 Bailey 1942
DD598 Bancroft 1942
DD600 Boyle 1942
DD601 Champlin 1942
DD602 Meade 1942
DD603 Murphy 1942
DD604 Parker 1942
DD605 Caldwell 1942
DD606 Coghlan 1942
DD607 Frazier 1942
DD608 Gansevoort 1942
DD609 Gillespie 1942
DD610 Hobby 1942
DD611 Kalk 1942
DD612 Kendrick 1942
DD613 Laub 1942
DD614 Mackenzie 1942
DD615 McLanahan 1942
DD616 Nields 1943
DD617 Ordronaux 1943
Fletcher 118 DD448 La Vallette 1942 3005t, 114.7x12.1x4.2m, 4b,2gst, 60000hp, 38kts, 273p; 5x1-127/38(DD448,474,475,478-480,501,502,511,513, 521,531,534,536, 539-541,545,546,553,554, 558,562, 563,565,567,568,570,572-575,578,580,583, 585, 587-590,592-597,631,643,649, 653,654,656-658, 660-662,665,667,668,671-673, 675,676,680,682-684 ,686,688,690, 691,797,798,800,802), 4x1-127/38(DD519,520,527,528, 530,532, 535,537,538,544,547,556,561, 564,566,629,630,642, 644,650-652,655,659,666,669, 670, 674,677-679,681,685,687,689,793-796,799,804), 3x2-76/50(DD519,520,527,528,530,532, 535,537,538,544,547, 556,561,564,566, 629,630,642,644,650-652,655,659,666,669,670,674,677-679,681,685,687,689,793-796,799,804), (2x4+3x2)-40/60(DD448, 478, 521, 531, 534,536,539,540, 554, 563, 578, 580, 589, 592, 643, 657, 661, 665, 668, 671-673,675, 676, 682, 686, 800, 802), 5x2-40/60(DD474, 475, 479, 480, 501, 511, 513, 541, 545,546, 553, 558, 562, 565, 567, 568,570,572-575, 583, 585, 587, 588, 590, 593-597, 631, 649,653,654, 656, 658,660, 662, 667, 680, 683, 684, 688,690,691, 797,798), (4x2+3x1)-20/70(DD448, 478, 521, 531, 534, 536,539,540, 554, 563, 578, 580, 589, 592, 643, 657, 661, 665, 668, 671-673,675,676, 682, 686, 800, 802), 7x1-20/70(DD474, 475, 479, 480, 501, 511, 513, 541, 545,546, 553, 558, 562, 565,567,568,570, 572-575, 583, 585, 587, 588, 590, 593-597, 631, 649,653,654,656, 658, 660, 662, 667, 680, 683, 684, 688, 690,691, 797,798), 1x5-533TT(DD448, 478, 519-521,527, 528, 530-532, 534-540,544,547, 554, 556,561, 563,564,566, 578, 580, 589, 592,629,630,642-644,650-652,655, 657,659, 661, 665, 666, 668-679, 681, 682, 685-687, 689,793-796,799, 800, 802, 804), 2x5-533TT(DD474, 475, 479, 480, 501, 511, 513, 519, 541, 545,546, 553, 558, 562, 565,567,568,570,572-575, 583, 585, 587, 588, 590, 593-597, 631, 649,653,654,656, 658,660, 662, 667, 680, 683, 684, 688, 690,691, 797,799), 6DCT, 2DCR; SC, SG, Mk12/22 radars, QGA sonar
DD474 Fullam 1943
DD475 Hudson 1943
DD478 Stanly 1942
DD479 Stevens 1943
DD480 Halford 1943
DD501 Schroeder 1943
DD502 Sigsbee 1943
DD511 Foote 1942
DD513 Terry 1943
DD519 Daly 1943
DD520 Isherwood 1943
DD521 Kimberly 1943
DD527 Ammen 1943
DD528 Mullany 1943
DD530 Trathen 1943
DD531 Hazelwood 1943
DD532 Heermann 1943
DD534 McCord 1943
DD535 Miller 1943
DD536 Owen 1943
DD537 The Sullivans 1943
DD538 Stephen Potter 1943
DD539 Tingey 1943
DD540 Twining 1943
DD541 Yarnall 1943
DD544 Boyd 1943
DD545 Bradford 1943
DD546 Brown 1943
DD547 Cowell 1943
DD553 John D. Henley 1943
DD554 Franks 1943
DD556 Hailey 1943
DD558 Laws 1943
DD561 Prichett 1944
DD562 Robinson 1944
DD563 Ross 1944
DD564 Rowe 1944
DD565 Smalley 1944
DD566 Stoddard 1944
DD567 Watts 1944
DD568 Wren 1944
DD570 Charles Ausburne 1942
DD572 Dyson 1942
DD573 Harrison 1943
DD574 John Rodgers 1943
DD575 McKee 1943
DD578 Wickes 1943
DD580 Young 1943
DD583 Hall 1943
DD585 Haraden 1943
DD587 Bell 1943
DD588 Burns 1943
DD589 Izard 1943
DD590 Paul Hamilton 1943
DD592 Howorth 1944
DD593 Killen 1944
DD594 Hart 1944
DD595 Metcalfe 1944
DD596 Shields 1945
DD597 Wiley 1945
DD629 Abbot 1943
DD630 Braine 1943
DD631 Erben 1943
DD642 Hale 1943
DD643 Sigourney 1943
DD644 Stembel 1943
DD649 Albert W. Grant 1943
DD650 Caperton 1943
DD651 Cogswell 1943
DD652 Ingersoll 1943
DD653 Knapp 1943
DD654 Bearss 1944
DD655 John Hood 1944
DD656 Van Valkenburgh 1944
DD657 Charles J. Badger 1943
DD658 Colahan 1943
DD659 Dashiell 1943
DD660 Bullard 1943
DD661 Kidd 1943
DD662 Bennion 1943
DD665 Bryant 1943
DD666 Black 1943
DD667 Chauncey 1943
DD668 Clarence K. Bronson 1943
DD669 Cotten 1943
DD670 Dortch 1943
DD671 Gatling 1943
DD672 Healy 1943
DD673 Hickox 1943
DD674 Hunt 1943
DD675 Lewis Hancock 1943
DD676 Marshall 1943
DD677 McDermut 1943
DD678 McGowan 1943
DD679 McNair 1944
DD680 Melvin 1943
DD681 Hopewell 1943
DD682 Porterfield 1943
DD683 Stockham 1944
DD684 Wedderburn 1944
DD685 Picking 1943
DD686 Halsey Powell 1943
DD687 Uhlmann 1943
DD688 Remey 1943
DD689 Wadleigh 1943
DD690 Norman Scott 1943
DD691 Mertz 1943
DD793 Cassin 1943
DD794 Irwin 1944
DD795 Preston 1944
DD796 Benham 1943
DD797 Cushing 1944
DD798 Monssen 1944
DD799 Jarvis 1944
DD800 Porter 1944
DD802 Gregory 1944
DD804 Rooks 1944
Allen M. Sumner 53 DD692 Allen M. Sumner 1944 3218t, 114.8x12.5x4.3m, 4b,2gst, 60000hp, 36.5kts, 336p; 3x2-127/38, (3x4+2x2)-40/60, 10x2-20/70, 1x5-533TT, 6DCT, 2DCR; SG, SR, Mk12/22 radars, QGA sonar
DD693 Moale 1944
DD694 Ingraham 1944
DD696 English 1944
DD697 Charles S. Sperry 1944
DD698 Ault 1944
DD699 Waldron 1944
DD700 Haynsworth 1944
DD701 John W. Weeks 1944
DD702 Hank 1944
DD703 Wallace L. Lind 1944
DD704 Borie 1944
DD705 Compton 1944
DD706 Gainard 1944
DD707 Soley 1944
DD708 Harlan R. Dickson 1945
DD709 Hugh Purvis 1945
DD722 Barton 1943
DD723 Walke 1944
DD724 Laffey 1944
DD725 O'Brien 1944
DD727 De Haven 1944
DD728 Mansfield 1944
DD729 Lyman K. Swenson 1944
DD730 Collett 1944
DD731 Maddox 1944
DD732 Hyman 1944
DD734 Purdy 1944
DD744 Blue 1944
DD745 Brush 1944
DD746 Taussig 1944
DD747 Samuel N. Moore 1944
DD748 Harry E. Hubbard 1944
DD752 Alfred A. Cunningham 1944
DD753 John R. Pierce 1944
DD754 Frank E. Evans 1945
DD755 John A. Bole 1945
DD756 Beatty 1945
DD757 Putnam 1944
DD758 Strong 1945
DD759 Lofberg 1945
DD760 John W. Thomason 1945
DD761 Buck 1946
DD762 Henley 1946
DD770 Lowry 1944
DD775 Willard Keith 1944
DD776 James C. Owens 1945
DD777 Zellars 1944
DD778 Massey 1944
DD779 Douglas H. Fox 1944
DD780 Stormes 1945
DD781 Robert K. Huntington 1945
DD857 Bristol 1945
Gearing 47 DD710 Gearing 1945 3460t, 119.0x12.5x4.4m, 4b,2gst, 60000hp, 36.8kts, 336p; 3x2-127/38(DD710,716-718,763,782-1790,808,821-823,826,836,839-841,843-846,849-853,862,864-869,872,874-877,890), 2x2-127/38(DD838,847), (3x4+2x2)-40/60, 11x1-20/70, 1x5-533TT, 6DCT, 2DCR; SPS-6, SPS-10, Mk12/22 radars, SQS-4 sonar
DD716 Wiltsie 1946
DD717 Theodore E. Chandler 1946
DD718 Hamner 1946
DD763 William C. Lawe 1946
DD782 Rowan 1945
DD783 Gurke 1945
DD784 McKean 1945
DD785 Henderson 1945
DD786 Richard B. Anderson 1945
DD787 James E. Kyes 1946
DD788 Hollister 1946
DD789 Eversole 1946
DD790 Shelton 1946
DD808 Dennis J. Buckley 1945
DD821 Johnston 1946
DD822 Robert H. McCard 1946
DD823 Samuel B. Roberts 1946
DD826 Agerholm 1946
DD836 George K. Mackenzie 1945
DD837 Sarsfield 1945
DD839 Power 1945
DD840 Glennon 1945
DD841 Noa 1945
DD843 Warrington 1945
DD844 Perry 1946
DD845 Baussell 1946
DD846 Ozbourn 1946
DD848 Witek 1946
DD849 Richard E. Kraus 1946
DD850 Joseph P. Kennnedy, Jr. 1945
DD851 Rupertus 1946
DD852 Leonard F. Mason 1946
DD853 Charles H. Roan 1946
DD862 Vogelgesang 1945
DD864 Harold J. Ellison 1945
DD865 Charles R. Ware 1945
DD866 Cone 1945
DD867 Stribling 1945
DD868 Brownson 1945
DD869 Arnold J. Isbell 1946
DD872 Forrest Royal 1946
DD884 Floyd B. Parks 1945
DD885 John R. Craig 1945
DD886 Orleck 1945
DD887 Brinkley Bass 1945
DD890 Meredith 1945
Mitscher 4 DL2 Mitscher 1953 4855t, 149.4x14.5x4.5m, 4b,2gst, 80000hp, 36.5kts, 350p; 2x1-127/54, 2x2-76/70, 4x2-20/70, 4-533TT, 1x1-324WeaponAlfa; SPS-6, SPS-8 radars, SQS-4 sonar
DL3 John S. McCain 1953
DL4 Willis A. Lee 1954
DL5 Wilkinson 1954
Forrest Sherman 18 DD931 Forrest Sherman 1955 4916t, 127.6x13.7x4.6m, 4b,2gst, 70000hp, 33kts, 324p; 3x1-127/54, 2x2-76/50, 4-533TT(DD931,932), 2x3-324TT, 2x24-178Hedgehog, 1DCR; SPS-6, SPS-10, SPG-53A radars, SQS-4 sonar
DD932 John Paul Jones 1956
DD933 Barry 1956
DD936 Decatur 1956
DD937 Davis 1957
DD938 Jonas Ingram 1957
DD940 Manley 1957
DD941 Du Pont 1957
DD942 Bigelow 1957
DD943 Blandy 1957
DD944 Mullinix 1958
DD945 Hull 1958
DD946 Edson 1959
DD947 Somers 1959
DD948 Morton 1959
DD949 Parsons 1959
DD950 Richard S. Edwards 1959
DD951 Turner Joy 1959
DDE Fletcher 18 DDE445 Fletcher 1942 2950t, 114.8x12.1x5.5m, 4b,2gst, 60000hp, 35kts; 2x1-127/38, 2x2-76/50, 4x2-20/70, 4-533TT, 1x1-324Weapon Alfa, 2x24-178Hedgehog; SPS-6 radar, QHB sonar
DDE446 Radford 1942
DDE447 Jenkins 1942
DDE449 Nicholas 1942
DDE450 O'Bannon 1942
DDE465 Saufley 1942
DDE466 Waller 1942
DDE468 Taylor 1942
DDE470 Bache 1942
DDE471 Beale 1942
DDE498 Philip 1942
DDE499 Renshaw 1942
DDE507 Conway 1942
DDE508 Cony 1942
DDE510 Eaton 1942
DDE517 Walker 1943
DDE576 Murray 1943
DDE577 Sproston 1943
Gearing 15 DDE719 Epperson 1949 3460t, 119.0x12.5x4.4m, 4b,2gst, 60000hp, 36.8kts, 336p; 2x2-127/38, 4x2-20/70, 1x5-533TT, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 6DCT, 2DCR; SPS-6, SPS-10 radars, SQS-4 sonar
DDE764 Lloyd Thomas 1947
DDE765 Keppler 1947
DDE818 New 1946
DDE819 Holder 1946
DDE820 Rich 1946
DDE824 Basilone 1949
DDE825 Carpenter 1949
DDE827 Robert A. Owens 1949
DDE847 Robert L. Wilson 1946
DDE858 Fred T. Berry 1945
DDE859 Norris 1945
DDE860 McCaffery 1945
DDE861 Harwood 1945
DDE871 Damato 1946
DDR Gearing 34 DDR711 Eugene A. Greene 1945 3460t, 119.0x12.5x4.4m, 4b,2gst, 60000hp, 36.8kts, 336p; 3x2-127/38, (3x4+2x2)-40/60, 11x1-20/70, 1x5-533TT, 6DCT, 2DCR; SPS-6, SPS-8, SPS-10, Mk12/22 radars, SQS-4 sonar
DDR713 Kenneth D. Bailey 1945
DDR714 William R. Rush 1945
DDR715 William M. Wood 1945
DDR742 Frank Knox 1944
DDR743 Southerland 1944
DDR805 Chevalier 1945
DDR806 Higbee 1945
DDR807 Benner 1945
DDR817 Corry 1946
DDR829 Myles C. Fox 1945
DDR830 Everett F. Larson 1945
DDR831 Goodrich 1945
DDR832 Hanson 1945
DDR833 Herbert J. Thomas 1945
DDR834 Turner 1945
DDR835 Charles P. Cecil 1945
DDR838 Ernest G. Small 1945
DDR842 Fiske 1945
DDR863 Steinaker 1945
DDR870 Fechteler 1946
DDR873 Hawkins 1945
DDR874 Duncan 1945
DDR875 Henry W. Tucker 1945
DDR876 Rogers 1945
DDR877 Perkins 1945
DDR878 Vesole 1945
DDR879 Leary 1945
DDR880 Dyess 1945
DDR881 Bordelon 1945
DDR882 Furse 1945
DDR883 Newman K. Perry 1945
DDR888 Stickell 1945
DDR889 O'Hare 1945
FF Buckley 53 DE51 Buckley 1943 1823t, 93.3x11.3x3.4m, 2b,2stg,2em, 12000hp, 23kts, 186p; 2x1-127/38(DE51,57,153,213,217-219,223,577,578, 678-680,696-698,700,701), 3x1-76/50(DE59,198-203,210,214,220-222,575,633,634, 638-644,665-667,681,683,695,699,702-705,790,791,795-800), 1x2-40/60(DE59,198-203,210,214,220-222,633,634,638-644,665-667,681,683,695,699,702-705,790,791,795-800), (1x4+3x2)-40/60(DE51,57,153,213,217-219,223,678-680, 696-698,700,701), 3x2-40/60(DE575,577,578), 8x1-20/70(DE59,198-203,210,214,220-222,633,634,638-644,665-667,681,683,695,699,702-705,790,791,795-800), 1x3-533TT(DE59,198-203,210,214,220-222,633,634,638-644,665-667,681,683,695,699,702-705,790,791,795-800), 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; SA, SU radars, sonar
DE57 Fogg 1943
DE59 Foss 1943
DE153 Reuben James 1943
DE198 Lovelace 1943
DE199 Manning 1943
DE200 Neundorf 1943
DE201 James E. Craig 1943
DE202 Eichenberger 1943
DE203 Thomason 1943
DE210 Otter 1944
DE213 William T. Powell 1944
DE214 Scott 1943
DE217 Coolbaugh 1943
DE218 Darby 1943
DE219 J. Douglas Blackwood 1943
DE220 Francis M. Robinson 1944
DE222 Fowler 1944
DE223 Spangenberg 1944
DE575 Ahrens 1944
DE577 Alexander J. Luke 1944
DE578 Robert I. Paine 1944
DE633 Foreman 1943
DE634 Whitehurst 1943
DE638 Willmarth 1944
DE639 Gendreau 1944
DE640 Fieberling 1944
DE641 William C. Cole 1944
DE642 Paul G. Baker 1944
DE643 Damon M. Cummings 1944
DE665 Jenks 1944
DE666 Durik 1944
DE667 Wiseman 1944
DE678 Harmon 1943
DE679 Greenwood 1943
DE680 Loeser 1943
DE681 Gillette 1943
DE683 Henry R. Kenyon 1943
DE696 Spangler 1943
DE697 George 1943
DE699 Marsh 1944
DE700 Currier 1944
DE701 Osmus 1944
DE702 Earl V. Johnson 1944
DE703 Holton 1944
DE790 Borum 1943
EDE791 Maloy 1943
DE795 Gunason 1944
DE796 Major 1944
DE797 Weeden 1944
DE798 Varian 1944
DE799 Scroggins 1944
DE800 Jack W. Wilke 1944
Cannon 22 DE162 Levy 1943 1602t, 93.3x11.2x3.2m, 4dg,2em, 6000hp, 21kts, 186p; 3x1-76/50, 1x2-40/60, 8x1-20/70(DE15,113,162-173,176,180-196,739,763,764), 10x1-20/70(DE740-750,765-769), 1x3-533TT, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT,2DCR, SA, SU radars, sonar
DE163 McConnell 1943
DE164 Osterhaus 1943
DE165 Parks 1943
DE167 Acree 1943
DE170 Booth 1943
DE171 Carroll 1943
DE172 Cooner 1943
DE176 Micka 1943
DE180 Trumpeter 1943
DE181 Straub 1943
DE191 Coffman 1943
DE742 Hilbert 1944
DE743 Lamons 1944
DE744 Kyne 1944
DE745 Snyder 1944
DE748 Tills 1944
DE749 Roberts 1944
DE750 McClelland 1944
DE765 Earl K. Olsen 1944
DE767 Oswald 1944
DE769 Neal A. Scott 1944
Edsall 65 DE129 Edsall 1943 1602t, 93.3x11.2x3.2m, 4d(2), 6000hp, 21kts, 186p; 3x1-76/50, 1x2-40/60, 8x1-20/70, 1x3-533TT, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; SA, SU radars, sonar
DE130 Jacob Jones 1943
DE131 Hammann 1943
DE132 Robert E. Peary 1943
DE134 Pope 1943
DE135 Flaherty 1943
DE137 Herbert C. Jones 1943
DE138 Douglas L. Howard 1943
DE139 Farquhar 1943
DE140 J. R. Y. Blakely 1943
DE141 Hill 1943
DE144 Frost 1943
DE145 Huse 1943
DE146 Inch 1943
DE148 Brough 1943
DE149 Chatelaine 1943
DE150 Neunzer 1943
DE151 Poole 1943
DE152 Peterson 1943
DE238 Stewart 1943
DE240 Moore 1943
DE241 Keith 1943
DE242 Tomich 1943
DE243 J. Richard Ward 1943
DE245 Sloat 1943
DE246 Snowden 1943
DE247 Stanton 1943
DE248 Swasey 1943
DE249 Marchand 1943
DE250 Hurst 1943
DE252 Howard D. Crow 1943
DE253 Pettit 1943
DE254 Picketts 1943
DE255 Sellstrom 1943
DE316 Harveston 1943
DE320 Menges 1943
DE321 Mosley 1943
DE323 Pride 1943
DE330 O'Reilly 1943
DE335 Daniel 1944
DE337 Dale W. Peterson 1944
DE338 Martin H. Ray 1944
DE385 Richey 1943
DE392 Merrill 1943
DE394 Swenning 1943
DE395 Willis 1943
DE396 Jahnssen 1943
DE398 Cockrill 1943
DE399 Stockdale 1943
Rudderow 20 DE224 Rudderow 1944 1811t, 93.3x11.3x3.4m, 2b,2stg,2em, 12000hp, 23kts, 156p; 2x1-127/38, 2x2-40/60, 10x1-20/70(DE224,225,231,579-589,706-708), 8x1-20/70(DE684-686), 1x3-533TT, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR
DE225 Day 1944
DE231 Hodges 1944
DE579 Riley 1944
DE580 Leslie L. B. Knox 1944
DE581 McNulty 1944
DE582 Metivier 1944
DE583 George A. Johnson 1944
DE584 Charles J. Kimmel 1944
DE585 Daniel A. Joy 1944
DE586 Lough 1944
DE587 Thomas F. Nickel 1944
DE588 Peiffer 1944
DE589 Tinsman 1944
DE684 DeLong 1943
DE685 Coates 1944
DE686 Eugene E. Elmore 1944
DE706 Holt 1944
DE707 Jobb 1944
DE708 Parle 1944
John C. Butler 64 DE339 John C. Butler 1944 1811t, 93.3x11.3x3.4m, 2b,2stg,2em, 12000hp, 23kts, 156p; 2x1-127/38, 2x2-40/60(DE339-343,345-372,402,403,405,406, 408-412,414-424,438-450,508-510,531-536), (1x4+3x2)-40/60(DE537,538), 10x1-20/70(DE339-343,345-372,402,403,405,406, 408-412,414-424,438-447,508, 509,531-538), (3x2+10x1)-20/70(DE448-450,510), 1x3-533TT(DE339-343,345-372,402,403,405, 406,408-412,414-424,438-447,508, 509,531-536), 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; SA, SU radars, sonar
DE340 O'Flaherty 1944
DE341 Raymond 1944
DE342 Richard W. Suesens 1944
DE343 Abercrombie 1944
DE344 Oberrender 1944
DE345 Robert Brazier 1944
DE346 Edwin A. Howard 1944
DE347 Jesse Rutherford 1944
DE348 Key 1944
DE349 Gentry 1944
DE350 Traw 1944
DE351 Maurice J. Manuel 1944
DE352 Naifeh 1944
DE353 Doyle C. Barnes 1944
DE354 Kenneth M. Willett 1944
DE355 Jaccard 1944
DE356 Lloyd E. Acree 1944
DE357 George E. Davis 1944
DE358 Mack 1944
DE359 Woodson 1944
DE360 Johnie Hutchins 1944
DE361 Walton 1944
DE362 Rolf 1944
DE363 Pratt 1944
DE364 Rombach 1944
DE365 McGinty 1944
DE366 Alvin C. Cockrell 1944
DE367 French 1944
DE368 Cecil J. Doyle 1944
DE369 Thaddeus Parker 1944
DE370 John L. Williamson 1944
DE371 Presley 1944
DE372 Williams 1944
DE402 Richard S. Bull 1944
DE403 Richard M. Rowell 1944
DE405 Dennis 1944
DE406 Edmonds 1944
DE408 Straus 1944
DE409 La Prade 1944
DE410 Jack Miller 1944
DE411 Stafford 1944
DE412 Walter C. Wann 1944
DE414 Le Ray Wilson 1944
DE415 Lawrence C. Taylor 1944
DE416 Melvin R. Nawman 1944
DE417 Oliver Mitchell 1944
DE418 Tabberer 1944
DE419 Robert F. Keller 1944
DE420 Leland E. Thomas 1944
DE421 Chester T. O'Brien 1944
DE422 Douglas A. Munro 1944
DE423 Dufilho 1944
DE424 Haas 1944
DE438 Corbesier 1944
DE439 Conklin 1944
DE441 William Seiverling 1944
DE442 Ulvert M. Moore 1944
DE443 Kendall C. Campbell 1944
DE444 Goss 1944
DE445 Grady 1944
DE446 Charles E. Brannon 1944
DE447 Albert T. Harris 1944
DE448 Cross 1945
DE449 Hanna 1945
DE450 Joseph E. Connolly 1945
DE508 Gilligan 1944
DE510 Heyliger 1945
DE531 Edward H. Allen 1943
DE533 Howard F. Clark 1944
DE534 Silverstein 1944
DE536 Bivin 1944
DE537 Rizzi 1945
DE538 Osberg 1945
Dealey 13 DE1006 Dealey 1954 1877t, 96.0x11.2x3.6m, 2b,1gst, 20000hp, 27kts, 173p; 2x2-76/50, 2x3-305Squid(DE1006), 1x1-324WeaponAlfa(DE1014,1015,1021-1030); SPS-5, SPS-6C radars, SQS-4 sonar
DE1014 Cromwell 1954
DE1015 Hammerberg 1955
DE1021 Courtney 1956
DE1022 Lester 1957
DE1023 Evans 1957
DE1024 Bridget 1957
DE1025 Bauer 1957
DE1026 Hooper 1958
DE1027 John Willis 1957
DE1028 Van Voorhis 1957
DE1029 Hartley 1957
DE1030 Joseph K. Taussig 1957
Claud Jones 3 DE1033 Claud Jones 1959 1916t, 95.1x11.6x3.9m, 4d(1), 8700hp, 21.5kts, 171p; 2x1-76/50, 2x3-324TTT, 2x24-178Hedgehog, 1dcr; SPS-6C, SPS-10 radars, SQS-4 sonar
DE1034 John R. Perry 1959
DE1035 Charles Berry 1959
FFC Buckley DEC 4 DE644 Vammen 1944 1823t, 93.3x11.3x3.4m, 2b,2stg,2em, 12000hp, 23kts, 186p; 2x1-127/38, (1x4+3x2)-40/60, 6x1-20/70, 2x24-278Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; SA, SU, SPS-6 radars, sonar
DE698 Raby 1943
DE704 Cronin 1944
DE705 Frybarger 1944
John C. Butler 2 DEC532 Tweedy 1944 1811t, 93.3x11.3x3.4m, 2b,2stg,2em, 12000hp, 23kts, 156p; 2x1-127/38, (1x4+3x2)-40/60, 10x1-20/70, 2x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; SA, SU radars, sonar
DEC535 Lewis 1944
FFR Edsall 30 DER133 Pillsbury 1943 1602t, 93.3x11.2x3.2m, 4d(2), 6000hp, 21kts, 186p; 2x1-127/38, (1x4+3x2)-40/60, 6x1-20/70, 1x3-533TT, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; SPS-10, SPS-29 radars, sonar
DER142 Fessenden 1943
DER147 Blair 1943
DER239 Sturtevant 1943
DER244 Otterstetter 1943
DER251 Camp 1943
DER317 Joyce 1943
DER318 Kirkpatrick 1943
DER322 Newell 1943
DER324 Falgout 1943
DER325 Lowe 1943
DER326 Thomas J. Gary 1943
DER327 Brister 1943
DER328 Finch 1943
DER329 Kretchmer 1943
DER331 Koiner 1943
DER332 Price 1944
DER333 Strickland 1944
DER334 Forster 1944
DER336 Roy O. Hale 1944
DER382 Ramsden 1943
DER383 Mills 1943
DER384 Rhodes 1943
DER386 Savage 1943
DER387 Vance 1943
DER388 Lansing 1943
DER389 Durant 1943
DER390 Calcaterra 1943
DER391 Chambers 1943
DER393 Haverfield 1943
DER397 Wilhoite 1943
DER400 Hissem 1944
John C. Butler 2 DER539 Wagner 1955 1811t, 93.3x11.3x3.4m, 2b,2stg,2em, 12000hp, 23kts, 156p; 2x1-127/38, (1x4+3x2)-40/60, 6x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; SPS-10, SPS-29, Mk25 radars, sonar
DER540 Vandivier 1955


PC PC461 37 PC465 Paragould 1942 463t, 52.9x7.1x3.3m, 2d, 2880hp, 19kts, 65p; 1x1-76/50, 1x1-40/60, 4x1-20/70, 2x4-178Mousetrap, 2DCT, 2DCR; SU radar, sonar
PC466 Carmi 1942
PC470 Antigo 1942
PC483 Rolla 1942
PC484 Cooperstown 1942
PC487 Larchmont 1942
PC564 Chadron 1942
PC565 Gilmer 1942
PC566 Honesdale 1942
PC567 Riverhead 1942
PC568 Altus 1942
PC569 Petoskey 1942
PC572 Tooele 1942
PC579 Wapakoneta 1942
PC580 Malvern 1942
PC581 Manville 1942
PC582 Lenoir 1942
PC601 Arcata 1942
PC602 Alturas 1942
PC603 Solvay 1942
EPC618 Weatherford 1942
PC619 Dalhart 1942
PC776 Pikeville 1943
PC1079 Ludington 1943
PC1136 Galena 1943
PC1140 Glenwood 1944
PC1145 Winnemucca 1944
PC1170 Kelso 1944
PC1172 Olney 1943
PC1173 Andalusia 1943
PC1176 Minden 1943
PC1179 Morris 1944
PC1180 Woodstock 1944
PC1230 Grinnell 1943
PC1252 Tarrytown 1943
PC1546 Grosse Pointe 1944
PC1569 Anacortes 1945
PC(C)461 3 PC(C)1177 Guymon 1943 463t, 52.9x7.1x3.3m, 2d, 2880hp, 19kts, 65p; 1x1-76/50, 2x4-178Mousetrap, 2DCT, 2DCR; SU radar, sonar
PC(C)1244 Martinez 1943
PC(C)1251 Ukiah 1943
PCE842 14 PCE842 Marfa 1944 903t, 56.2x10.1x2.9m, 2d, 2000hp, 15.1kts, 96p; 1x1-76/50, 2x2-40/60, 5x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 4DCT, 2DCR; SU radar, sonar
PCE843 Skowhegan 1944
PCE845 Worland 1944
PCE846 Eunice 1944
PCE870 Dania 1943
PCE880 Ely 1944
PCE892 Somerset 1944
PCE894 Farmington 1944
PCE895 Crestview 1944
PCE899 Lamar 1945
PCE900 Groton 1945
PCE902 Portage 1945
PCE903 Batesburg 1945
PCE904 Gettysburg 1945
PCE(R) 8 PCE(R)849 Somersworth 1944 903t, 56.2x10.1x2.9m, 2d, 2000hp, 15.1kts, 96p; 1x1-76/50, 1x2-40/60, 4x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 4DCT, 2DCR; SU radar, sonar
PCE(R)850 Fairview 1944
EPCE(R)851 Rockville 1944
PCE(R)852 Brattleboro 1944
PCE(R)853 Amherst 1944
EPCE(R)855 Rexburg 1944
PCE(R)856 Whitehall 1944
EPCE(R)857 Marysville 1945
PCE(C) 2 PCE877 Harve 1944 903t, 56.2x10.1x2.9m, 2d, 2000hp, 15.1kts, 96p; 1x1-76/50, 1x2-40/60, 4x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 4DCT, 2DCR; SU radar, sonar
PCE886 Banning 1945
PCS 5 PCS1385 Hollidaysburg 1944 278t, 41.5x7.5x2.4m, 2d, 800hp, 14kts, 57p; 1x1-76/50, 1x1-40/60, 2x1-20/70, 2x4-178Mousetrap, 4DCT, 2DCR; SU radar, sonar
PCS1387 Beaufort 1944
PCS1401 McMinnville 1945
PCS1423 Prescott 1943
EPCS1431 Grafton 1944
YP YP654 10 YP654-663   1958 No picture 66t, 24.7x5.5x1.8m, 4d(2), 437hp, 12kts, 10p; radar


MCS Catskill 5 MCS1 Catskill 1944 9040t, 138.8(MCS1,2)-139.6(MCS3-5)x18.4x6.1m, 4b,2gst, 11000hp, 20.3kts, 564p; 4x1-127/38(MCS1,2), (1x2+2x1)-127/38(MCS3-5), 4x2-40/60, 20x1-20/70(MCS1,2), 6x2-20/70(MCS3-5); SU radar
MCS2 Ozark 1944
MCS3 Osage 1944
MCS4 Saugus 1945
MCS5 Monitor 1944
LST 1 MCS6 Orleans Parish 1945 4080t, 100.0x15.2x4.3m, 2d, 1800hp, 12.1kts, 125p; (2x2+4x1)-40/60, 12x1-20/70; SU radar
CM Terror 1 CM5 Terror 1942 8640t, 138.6x18.3x6.0m, 4b,2gst, 11000hp, 18kts, 481p; 4x1-127/38, 4x4-40/60, 14x1-20/70, 900mines; SC, SG, Mk4 radars
DM Robert H. Smith 10 DM23 Robert H. Smith 1944 3218t, 114.8x12.5x4.3m, 4b,2gst, 60000hp, 36.5kts, 336p; 3x2-127/38, (2x4+2x2)-40/60, 8x1-20/70, 4DCT, 2DCR, 120mines; SG, SR, Mk12/22 radars, QGA sonar
DM24 Thomas E. Fraser 1944
DM25 Shannon 1944
DM26 Harry F. Bauer 1944
DM27 Adams 1944
DM28 Tolman 1944
DM29 Henry A. Wiley 1944
DM30 Shea 1944
DM32 Lindsey 1944
DM33 Gwin 1944
MMC Auk 2 MMC3 Triumph 1944 1250t, 67.4x9.8x3.3m, 2d, 2880hp, 18kts, 105p; 1x1-76/50, 2x1-40/60, 8x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 4DCT, 2DCR, 80mines
MMC5 Seer 1942
MSO Raven 1 MSF55 Raven 1940 1040t, 67.1x9.8x2.8m, 2d, 2880hp, 18kts, 105p; 1x1-76/50, 2x1-40/60, 8x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 4DCT, 2DCR, 80mines, sweeps
Auk 53 MSF58 Broadbill 1942 1250t, 67.4x9.8x3.3m, 2d, 2880hp, 18kts, 105p; 1x1-76/50, 2x1-40/60, 8x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 4DCT, 2DCR, 80mines, sweeps
MSF59 Chickadee 1942
MSF60 Nuthatch 1942
MSF61 Pheasant 1942
MSF64 Starling 1942
MSF100 Heed 1943
MSF101 Herald 1943
MSF102 Motive 1943
MSF103 Oracle 1943
MSF104 Pilot 1943
MSF105 Pioneer 1943
MSF110 Revenge 1943
MSF111 Sage 1943
MSF114 Staff 1942
MSF116 Speed 1942
MSF118 Steady 1942
MSF120 Sway 1943
MSF122 Swift 1943
MSF123 Symbol 1942
MSF124 Threat 1943
MSF126 Token 1942
MSF127 Tumult 1943
MSF128 Velocity 1943
MSF131 Zeal 1943
MSF314 Champion 1943
MSF315 Chief 1943
MSF316 Competent 1943
MSF317 Defense 1944
MSF318 Devastator 1944
MSF319 Gladiator 1944
MSF320 Impeccable 1944
MSF322 Spear 1943
MSF324 Vigilance 1944
MSF340 Ardent 1944
MSF341 Dextrous 1943
MSF372 Murrelet 1945
EMSF373 Peregrine 1945
MSF374 Pigeon 1945
MSF375 Pochard 1944
MSF376 Ptarmigan 1945
MSF377 Quail 1945
MSF378 Redstart 1945
MSF379 Roselle 1945
MSF380 Ruddy 1945
MSF381 Scoter 1945
MSF382 Shoveller 1945
MSF384 Sprig 1945
MSF385 Tanager 1945
MSF386 Tercel 1945
MSF387 Toucan 1944
MSF388 Towhee 1945
MSF389 Waxwing 1945
MSF390 Wheatear 1945
Admirable 46 MSF159 Change 1944 945t, 56.2x10.1x3.0m, 2d, 2000hp, 15.1kts, 96p; 1x1-76/50, 2x1-40/60, 4x1-20/70, sweeps; SU radar, sonar
MSF165 Counsel 1944
MSF214 Crag 1944
MSF215 Cruise 1944
MSF220 Device 1944
MSF221 Diploma 1944
MSF223 Dour 1944
MSF224 Eager  
MSF232 Execute 1944
MSF233 Facility 1944
MSF238 Garland 1944
MSF239 Gayety 1944
MSF240 Hazard 1944
MSF241 Hilarity 1944
MSF242 Inaugural 1944
MSF252 Instill 1944
MSF253 Intrigue 1944
MSF254 Invade 1944
MSF255 Jubilant 1943
MSF256 Knave 1943
MSF269 Opponent 1944
MSF280 Prowess 1944
MSF283 Ransom 1944
MSF284 Rebel 1944
MSF285 Recruit 1944
MSF289 Report 1946
MSF296 Scout 1944
MSF297 Scrimmage 1944
MSF298 Scuffle 1944
MSF299 Sentry 1944
MSF300 Serene 1944
MSF301 Shelter 1944
MSF302 Signet 1944
MSF303 Skirmish 1944
MSF304 Scurry 1944
MSF306 Specter 1944
MSF307 Staunch 1944
MSF308 Strategy 1944
MSF309 Strength 1944
MSF310 Success 1944
MSF311 Superior 1944
MSF356 Creddock 1945
MSF357 Dipper 1945
MSF362 Gadwall 1945
MSF364 Graylag 1945
MSF365 Harlequin 1945
Agile 61 MSO421 Agile 1956 735t, 52.3x10.4x4.0m, 4d(2)(MSO421-427,432-449,455-474,488-496,508-511)-2d(MSO428-431), 3040(MSO421)-2280(MSO422-427,432-449,455-474,488-496,508-511)-1520(MSO428-431)hp, 14(MSO421-427,432-449,455-474,488-496,508-511)-13(MSO428-431)kts, 70p; 1x1-40/60, 2x1-2.7/90, sweeps; SPS-53 radar, UQS-1 sonar
MSO422 Aggressive 1953
MSO423 Avenge 1954
MSO424 Bold 1953
MSO425 Bulwark 1953
MSO426 Conflict 1954
MSO427 Constant 1954
MSO428 Dash 1953
MSO429 Detector 1953
MSO430 Direct 1954
MSO431 Dominant 1954
MSO432 Dynamic 1953
MSO433 Engage 1954
MSO434 Embattle 1954
MSO435 Endurance 1954
MSO436 Energy 1954
MSO437 Enhance 1955
MSO438 Esteem 1955
MSO439 Excel 1955
MSO440 Exploit 1954
MSO441 Exultant 1954
MSO442 Fearless 1954
MSO443 Fidelity 1955
MSO444 Firm 1954
MSO445 Force 1955
MSO446 Fortify 1954
MSO447 Guide 1955
MSO448 Illusive 1953
MSO449 Impervious 1954
MSO455 Implicit 1954
MSO456 Inflict 1954
MSO457 Loyalty 1954
MSO458 Lucid 1955
MSO459 Nimble 1955
MSO460 Notable 1955
MSO461 Observer 1955
MSO462 Pinnacle 1955
MSO463 Pivot 1954
MSO464 Pluck 1954
MSO466 Prime 1954
MSO467 Reaper 1954
MSO468 Rival 1954
MSO469 Sagacity 1955
MSO470 Salute 1955
MSO471 Skill 1955
MSO472 Valor 1954
MSO473 Vigor 1954
MSO474 Vital 1955
MSO488 Conquest 1955
MSO489 Gallant 1955
MSO490 Leader 1955
MSO491 Persistent 1956
MSO492 Pledge 1956
MSO493 Stalwart 1957
MSO494 Sturdy 1957
MSO495 Swerve 1957
MSO496 Venture 1958
MSO508 Acme 1957
MSO509 Adroit 1957
MSO510 Advance 1958
MSO511 Affray 1958
Ability 3 MSO519 Ability 1958 934t, 57.9x10.7x3.0m, 2d, 2700hp, 14.5kts, 83p; 1x1-40/60, 2x1-12.7/90, sweeps; SPS-53 radar, UQS-1 sonar
MSO520 Alacrity 1958
MSO521 Assurance 1958
MSC YMS 13 MSC(O)9 Flicker 1943 278t, 41.5x7.5x2.4m, 2d, 800hp, 14kts, 57p; 1x1-76/50, 1x1-40/60, 2x1-20/70, 2x4-178Mousetrap, 4DCT, 2DCR; SU radar, sonar
MSC(O)13 Grackle 1943
MSC(O)15 Grouse 1943
MSC(O)21 Jackdaw 1944
MSC(O)24 Linnet 1943
MSC(O)33 Plover 1944
MSC(O)47 Fulmar 1943
MSC(O)49 Lorikeet 1943
MSC(O)51 Reedbird 1943
MSC(O)53 Robin 1943
MSC(O)54 Ruff 1943
MSC(O)56 Turkey 1944
MSC(O)58 Siskin 1944
Bluebird 20 MSC121 Bluebird 1953 400t, 44.3x8.1x2.1m, 2d, 1200(MSC121,122,190-199)-880(MSC200-209)-1000(MSC289,290)hp, 13(MSC121,122,190-199)-12(MSC200-209)-12.5(MSC289,290)hp, 39p; 1x2-20/70, sweeps; SPS-53 radar, UQS-1 sonar
MSC122 Cormorant 1953
MSC190 Falcon 1954
MSC191 Frigate Bird 1955
MSC192 Hummingbird 1955
MSC193 Jacana 1955
MSC194 Kingbird 1955
MSC195 Limpkin 1955
MSC196 Meadowlark 1955
MSC197 Parrot 1955
MSC198 Peacock 1955
MSC199 Phoebe 1955
MSC201 Shrike 1955
MSC203 Thrasher 1955
MSC204 Thrush 1955
MSC205 Vireo 1955
MSC206 Warbler 1955
MSC207 Whippoorwill 1955
MSC208 Widgeon 1955
MSC209 Woodpecker 1956
MSI Cove 2 MSI1 Cove 1958 232t, 33.5x7.0x2.4m, 2d(1), 595hp, 12.5kts, 30p; 1x1-12.7/90, sweeps
MSI2 Cape 1959
MHC LCI(L) 22 MHC11 Blackbird 1943 385t, 48.9x7.2x1.6m, 8d(2), 2320hp, 15.5kts, 29p; 5x1-20/70, diving equipment; SO radar, sonar
MHC16 Avocet 1944
MHC17 Blue Jay 1944
MHC18 Chaffinch 1944
MHC19 Chewink 1944
MHC20 Chimango 1944
MHC21 Cockatoo 1944
MHC22 Cotinga 1944
MHC24 Goldcrest 1944
MHC25 Jacamar 1944
MHC26 Kestrel 1944
MHC28 Longspur 1944
MHC29 Magpie 1944
MHC30 Mallard 1944
MHC33 Oriole 1944
MHC34 Ortolan 1944
MHC37 Rail 1944
MHC38 Sandpiper 1944
MHC39 Sentinel 1944
MHC41 Skimmer 1944
MHC42 Sparrow 1944
Minah 3 MHC13 James M. Gillis 1943 278t, 41.5x7.5x2.4m, 2d, 800hp, 14kts, 57p; 1x1-76/50, 1x1-20/70, diving equipment; SU radar, sonar
MHC44 Bobolink 1943
MHC45 Bunting 1943
Bittern 1 MHC43 Bittern 1957 360t, 44.1x8.5x2.4m, 2d, 1200hp, 14kts, 40p; 1x1-40/60; SPS-53 radar, sonar
MSB MSB1 4 MSB1-4   1945 No picture 42t, 17.5x4.8x1.3m, 2d, 300hp, 12kts, 6p; sweeps
MSL1 4 MSL1-4   1946 No picture 10t, 11.0x3.5x1.1m, 1gt, 200hp, 10kts, 4p; sweep
MSL5 25 MSL5-29   1948 No picture 10t, 11.0x3.5x1.1m, 1gt, 200hp, 10kts, 4p; sweep
MSL30 1 MSL30   1948 No picture 10t, 11.0x3.5x1.1m, 1gt, 200hp, 10kts, 4p; sweep
MSB5 48 MSB5-22, 25-54   1951-1954 42t, 17.5x4.8x1.3m, 2d, 300hp, 12kts, 6p; sweep


CC Northampton 1 CLC1 Northampton 1953 17049t, 206.5x21.3x7.3m, 4b,4gst, 120000hp, 32.8kts, 1635p; 152belt, 64deck; 4x1-127/54, 4x2-76/70; SPS-2, SPS-3, SPS-6, SPS-8 radars
AGC Appalachian 2 AGC2 Blue Ridge 1943 13910t, 140.0x19.2x7.3m, 2b,1gst, 6600hp, 17kts, 875p; 2x1-127/38, 4x2-40/60, 14x1-20/70; 2LCVP, 4LCPL, 2LCPR, 2LCC, 165HQ persons; SR, SU, SK, SP radars
AGC3 Rocky Mount 1943
Mount McKinley 11 AGC7 Mount McKinley 1944 12560t, 139.9x19.2x7.6m, 2b,1gst, 6600hp, 17kts, 1063p; 2x1-127/38, 4x2-40/60, 14x1-20/70(AGC7-14), 12x1-20/70(AGC15-17); 2LCVP(AGC7-14), 4LCPL, 2LCC(AGC7-14), 1LCPR(AGC15-17), 336(AGC7-14)-317(AGC15-17)persons of HQ; SR, SU, SK, SP radars
AGC8 Mount Olympus 1944
AGC9 Wasatch 1944
AGC10 Auburn 1944
AGC11 Eldorado 1944
AGC12 Estes 1944
AGC13 Panamint 1944
AGC14 Teton 1944
AGC15 Adirondack 1945
AGC16 Pocono 1945
AGC17 Taconic 1946
Williamsburg 1 AGC369 Williamsburg 1930 No picture 1820t, 68.3x11.0x4.9m, 2d, 2200hp, 16kts; 2x1-76/50


LPH Essex 2 LPH4 Boxer 1945 34881t, 265.9x45.0x8.4m, 4b,4gst, 75000hp, 25kts; 102belt, 102decks; (2x2+2x1)-127/38, 40helicopters (HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S); SPS-10, SPS-12, SPS-30 radars
LPH5 Princeton 1945
Casablanca 1 LPH6 Thetis Bay 1944 10886t, 156.1x32.9x6.3m, 4b,2vqe, 9000hp, 19kts, 860p; 4x2-40/60, 20helicopters(HO4S, HRS, HUP, HUP-S, HSS, HUS, HOK, HUK, HUL, HR2S); 1004troops; SG, SK radars
LSD Ashland 8 LSD1 Ashland 1943 9375t, 139.5x22.0x4.8m, 2b,2quipe, 7400hp, 15.4kts, 254p; 1x1-127/38, (2x4+2x2)-40/60, 16x1-20/70; 3LCT(6), 332troops; SU radar
LSD2 Belle Grove 1943
LSD3 Carter Hall 1943
LSD4 Epping Forest 1943
LSD5(A) Gunston Hall 1943
LSD6 Lindenwald 1943
LSD7 Oak Hill 1944
LSD8 White Marsh 1944
Casa Grande 13 LSD13 Casa Grande 1944 9375t, 139.5x22.0x4.8m, 2b,2gst, 7000(LSD13-21,25-27)-9000(LSD22)hp, 15.4(LSD13-21,25-27)-15.6(LSD22)kts, 254p; 1x1-127/38, (2x4+2x2)-40/60, 16x1-20/70; 3LCT(6), 332troops; SU radar
LSD14 Rushmore 1944
LSD15 Shadwell 1944
LSD16 Cabildo 1945
LSD17 Catamount 1945
LSD18 Colonial 1945
LSD19 Comstock 1945
LSD20 Donner 1945
LSD21 Fort Mandan 1945
LSD22 Fort Marion 1946
LSD25 San Marcos 1945
LSD26 Tortuga 1945
LSD27 Wheatstone 1946
Thomaston 8 LSD28 Thomaston 1954 11270(LSD28-31,35)-12150(LSD32-34)t, 155.5x25.6x5.8m, 2b,2gst, 24000hp, 22.5kts, 404p; 8x2-76/50, helo deck; 3LCU, 6LCM, 341troops; SPS-6, SPS-10 radars
LSD29 Plymouth Rock 1954
LSD30 Fort Snelling 1955
LSD31 Point Defiance 1955
LSD32 Spiegel Grove 1956
LSD33 Alamo 1956
LSD34 Hermitage 1956
LSD35 Monticello 1957
LST LST1 114 T-LST47   1943 4080t, 100.0x15.2x4.3m, 2d, 1800hp, 12.1kts, 125p; (1x2+5x1)-40/60(LST1-541), (2x2+4x1)-40/60(LST542-1152), 12x1-20/70; 4LCVP, 20tanks, 163troops; SU radar
T-LST117   1943
T-LST176   1943
T-LST222   1943
T-LST230   1943
T-LST276   1943
T-LST277   1943
T-LST287   1943
T-LST325   1943
LST344 Blanco County 1943
LST356 Bledsoe County 1942
LST391 Bowman County 1942
T-LST399   1943
T-LST456   1943
T-LST488   1943
T-LST491   1943
LST509 Bulloch County 1944
LST515 Caddo Parish 1944
LST519 Calhoun County 1944
LST525 Caroline County 1944
LST528 Catahoula County 1944
LST529 Cayuga County 1944
T-LST530   1944
T-LST532 Chase County 1944
LST533 Cheboygan County 1944
T-LST546   1944
T-LST548   1944
T-LST550   1944
LST551 Chesterfield County 1944
T-LST566   1944
T-LST572   1944
T-LST579   1944
T-LST581   1944
LST583 Churchill County 1944
T-LST587   1944
T-LST590   1944
T-LST600   1944
LST601 Clarke County 1944
LST602 Clearwater County 1944
LST603 Coconino County 1944
T-LST607   1944
T-LST613   1944
T-LST616   1944
T-LST623   1944
T-LST626   1944
T-LST629   1944
T-LST630   1944
T-LST643   1944
T-LST649   1944
T-LST652   1944
T-LST657   1944
T-LST664   1944
LST692 Daviess County 1944
LST715 De Kalb County 1944
LST722 Dodge County 1944
LST742 Dunn County 1944
LST758 Duval County 1944
LST762 Floyd County 1944
LST786 Garrett County 1944
LST799 Greer County 1944
LST802 Hamilton County 1944
LST819 Hampshire County 1944
LST821 Harnett County 1944
T-LST822 Harris County 1944
LST824 Henry County 1944
LST825 Hickman County 1944
LST836 Holmes County 1944
LST838 Hunterdon County 1944
LST839 Iredell County 1944
LST845 Jefferson County 1945
LST846 Jennings County 1945
LST848 Jerome County 1945
LST854 Kemper County 1944
LST883 La Moure County 1945
LST887 Lawrence County 1944
LST888 Lee County 1944
LST898 Lincoln County 1944
LST901 Litchfield County 1945
LST902 Luzerne County 1945
LST905 Madera County 1945
LST912 Mahnomen County 1944
LST914 Mahoning County 1944
LST938 Maricopa County 1944
T-LST975 Marion County 1945
LST980 Meeker County 1944
LST983 Middlesex County 1944
LST987 Millard County 1944
LST1032 Monmouth County 1944
LST1041 Montgomery County 1945
LST1066 New London County 1945
LST1067 Nye County 1945
T-LST1072   1945
LST1073 Outagamie County 1945
LST1076 Page County 1945
LST1077 Park County 1945
LST1082 Pitkin County 1945
LST1083 Plumas County 1945
LST1084 Polk County 1945
LST1086 Potter County 1945
LST1088 Pulaski County 1945
LST1089 Rice County 1945
LST1090 Russell County 1945
LST1096 St. Clair County 1945
LST1101 Saline County 1945
LST1122 San Joaquin County 1945
LST1123 Sedgwick County 1945
LST1126 Snohomish County 1945
LST1134 Stark County 1945
LST1138 Steuben County 1945
LST1141 Stone County 1945
LST1144 Sublette County 1945
LST1146 Summit County 1945
LST1148 Summer County 1945
LST1150 Sutter County 1945
Talbot County 2 LST1153 Talbot County 1947 6000t, 116.4x16.5x4.4m, 2b,2gst, 6000hp, 14kts, 181p; 2x1-127/38, 2x2-40/60, 2x1-20/70; 4LCVP, 20tanks, 175troops; SU radar
LST1154 Tallahatchie County 1949
Terrebonne Parish 15 LST1156 Terrebonne Parish 1952 5777t, 117.1x17.1x4.9m, 4d(2), 6000hp, 15.5kts, 205p; 3x2-76/50, helodeck; 3LCVP, 1LCPL, 2000tcargo or tanks, 391troops; radars
LST1157 Terrrell County 1953
LST1158 Tioga County 1953
LST1159 Tom Green County 1953
LST1160 Traverse County 1953
LST1161 Vernon County 1953
LST1162 Wahkiakum County 1953
LST1163 Waldo County 1953
LST1164 Walworth County 1953
LST1165 Washoe County 1953
LST1166 Washtenaw County 1953
LST1167 Westchester County 1954
LST1168 Wexford County 1954
LST1169 Whitfield County 1954
LST1170 Windham County 1954
De Soto County 7 LST1171 De Soto County 1958 7854t, 134.8x18.9x4.1m, 6d(2), 15000hp, 17.2kts, 185p; 3x2-76/50, helodeck; 4LCVP, 23tanks, 634troops; radar
LST1173 Suffolk County 1957
LST1174 Grant County 1957
LST1175 York County 1957
LST1176 Graham County 1958
LST1177 Lorain County 1958
LST1178 Wood County 1959
LSM LSM1 5 LSM161 Kodiak 1944 1095t, 62.0x10.5x2.1m, 2d, 2800hp, 13.2kts, 60p; 1x2-40/60, 4x1-20/70; 6LVT, 54troops; SU radar
LSM175 Oceanside 1944
LSM373 Lakeland 1945
T-LSM463   1945
LSM540 Raritan 1945
LPA Arthur Middleton 1 APA27 George Clymer 1942 18000t, 149.1x21.3x8.3m, 2b,1gst, 8500hp, 16.5kts, 578p; 1x1-127/38, 4x1-76/50, 2x2-40/60, 10x1-20/70; 4LCM(6), 18LCVP, 3LCPL, 2LCPR, 2700t cargo, 1240troops; SG radar
Crescent City 2 APA31 Monrovia 1942 14247t, 151.8x17.2x8.1m, 2b,1gst, 7800hp, 16kts, 534p; 1x1-127/38, 4x1-76/50, (1x2+1x1)-40/60, 11x2-20/70; 4LCM(6), 20LCVP, 3LCPL, 2LCPR, 2700t cargo, 1237troops; SG radar
APA32 Calvert 1942
Bayfield 6 APA33 Bayfield 1943 16100t, 150.0x21.2x8.1m, 2b,1gst, 8500hp, 18kts, 575p; 2x1-127/38, 4x2-40/60, 18x1-20/70; 4LCM(6), 19LCVP, 3LCPL, 2LCPR, 4700t cargo, 1875troops; SU radar
APA36 Cambria 1943
APA37 Cavalier 1943
APA38 Chilton 1943
APA44 Fremont 1943
APA45 Henrico 1943
Gilliam 1 APA67 Burleson 1944 7080t, 129.9x17.7x4.7m, 2b,2stg,2em, 6000hp, 18kts, 283p; 1x1-127/38, 4x2-40/60, 10x1-20/70; 13LCVP, 1LCPL, 1LCPR, 600t cargo, 986troops; SU radar
Haskell 25 APA136 Botetourt 1945 14880t, 138.7x18.9x7.3m, 2b,1gst, 8500hp, 16.5kts, 536p; 1x1-127/38, (1x4+4x2)-40/60, 10x1-20/70; 2LCM(6), 22LCVP, 1LCPL, 1LCPR, 1800t cargo, 1596troops; SU radar
APA152 Latimer 1944
APA156 Mellette 1944
APA188 Olmsted 1944
APA193 Sanborn 1944
APA194 Sandoval 1944
APA195 Lenawee 1944
APA196 Logan 1944
APA199 Magoffin 1944
APA201 Menard 1944
APA204 Sarasota 1944
APA208 Talladega 1944
APA210 Telfair 1944
APA212 Montrose 1944
APA213 Mountrail 1944
APA215 Navarro 1944
APA218 Noble 1944
APA220 Okanogan 1944
APA222 Pickaway 1944
APA224 Randall 1944
APA227 Renville 1944
APA228 Rockbridge 1944
APA235 Bottineau 1944
APA237 Bexar 1945
APA239 Glynn 1945
Paul Revere 1 APA248 Paul Revere 1953 16838t, 172.0x23.2x7.9m, 2b,1gst, 22000hp, 22kts, 307p; 4x2-76/50, helodeck; 7LCM(6), 12LCVP, 3LCP(L), 1900t of cargo, 1657troops; SPS-10 radar
LPR Charles Lawrence 89 APD37 Charles Lawrence 1943 2114t, 93.3x11.3x3.8m, 2b,2stg,2em, 12000hp, 23.6kts, 203p; 1x1-127/38, 3x2-40/60, 6x1-20/70, 2DCR; 4LCVP, 162troops; SA, SU radars, sonar
APD38 Daniel T. Griffin 1943
APD39 Barr 1944
APD40 Bowers 1944
APD42 Gantner 1943
APD43 George W. Ingram 1943
APD44 Ira Jeffery 1943
APD45 Lee Fox 1943
APD46 Amesbury 1943
APD48 Blessman 1943
APD49 Joseph E. Campbell 1943
APD50 Sims 1943
APD51 Hopping 1943
APD52 Reeves 1943
APD53 Joseph C. Hubbard 1944
APD55 Laning 1943
APD56 Loy 1943
APD57 Barber 1943
APD59 Newman 1943
APD60 Liddle 1943
APD61 Kephart 1944
APD62 Cofer 1944
APD63 Lloyd 1944
APD65 Burke 1943
APD66 Enright 1943
APD69 Yokes 1944
APD70 Pavlic 1944
APD71 Odum 1945
APD72 Jack C. Robinson 1945
APD73 Bassett 1945
APD74 John P. Gray 1945
APD75 Weber 1944
APD76 Schmitt 1943
APD77 Frament 1943
APD78 Bull 1943
APD79 Bunch 1943
APD80 Hayter 1944
APD81 Tatum 1943
APD84 Haines 1943
APD85 Runels 1944
APD86 Hollis 1944
APD87 Crosley 1944
APD88 Cread 1944
APD89 Ruchamkin 1944
APD90 Kirwin 1944
APD91 Kinzer 1944
APD92 Register 1945
APD93 Brock 1945
APD94 John Q. Roberts 1945
APD95 William M. Hobby 1945
APD96 Ray K. Edwards 1945
APD97 Arthur L. Bristol 1945
APD98 Truxton 1945
APD99 Upham 1945
APD100 Ringness 1944
APD101 Knudson 1944
APD102 Rednour 1944
APD103 Tollberg 1945
APD104 William J. Pattison 1945
APD105 Myers 1945
APD106 Walter B. Cobb 1945
APD107 Earle B. Hall 1945
APD108 Harry L. Corl 1945
APD109 Belet 1945
APD110 Julius A. Raven 1945
APD111 Walsh 1945
APD112 Hunter Marshall 1945
APD113 Earhart 1945
APD114 Walter S. Gorka 1945
APD115 Rogers Blood 1945
APD116 Francovich 1945
APD117 Joseph M. Auman 1945
APD118 Don O. Woods 1945
APD119 Beverly W. Reid 1945
APD120 Kline 1944
APD121 Raymond W. Herndon 1944
APD122 Scribner 1944
APD123 Diachenko 1944
APD124 Horace A. Bass 1944
APD126 Gosselin 1944
APD127 Begor 1945
APD129 Donald W. Wolf 1945
APD130 Cook 1945
APD131 Walter X. Young 1945
APD132 Balduck 1945
APD133 Burdo 1945
APD134 Kleinsmith 1945
APD135 Weiss 1945
APD139 Bray 1944
LKA Procyon 5 AKA3 Bellatrix 1942 13910t, 143.0x19.2x7.8m, 1d(AKA3,4)-2b,1gst(AKA12-14), 6000hp, 16.5kts, 412p; 1x1-127/38, 4x1-76/50(AKA3,4), 4x2-40/60(AKA12-14), 18x1-20/70; 6LCM(6), 2LCM(3)(AKA3,4), 3LCM(3)(AKA12-14), 10LCVP, 1LCPL, 4515(AKA3,4)-4605(AKA12-14)t cargo, 54(AKA3,4)-190(AKA12-14)troops; SU radar
AKA4 Electra 1942
AKA12 Libra 1942
T-AKA13 Titania 1942
T-AKA14 Oberon 1942
Andromeda 25 AKA15 Andromeda 1943 13910t, 139.9x19.2x7.9m, 2b,1gst, 6000hp, 16.5kts, 404p; 1x1-127/38, 4x2-40/60, 18x1-20/70; 6LCM(6), 2LCM(3), 13LCVP, 1LCPL, 4900t cargo, 78troops; SU radar
AKA19 Thuban 1943
AKA20 Virgo 1943
T-AKA53 Achernar 1944
AKA54 Algol 1943
T-AKA55 Alshain 1944
AKA56 Arneb 1943
AKA57 Capricornus 1943
T-AKA58 Chara 1944
AKA59 Diphda 1944
T-AKA60 Leo 1944
AKA61 Muliphen 1944
AKA88 Uvalde 1944
AKA89 Warrick 1944
AKA90 Whiteside 1944
AKA91 Whitley 1944
AKA92 Wyandot 1944
AKA93 Yancey 1944
AKA94 Winston 1945
AKA95 Marquette 1945
AKA96 Mathews 1945
AKA97 Merrick 1945
AKA98 Montague 1945
AKA99 Rolette 1945
T-AKA100 Oglethorpe 1945
Rankin 6 AKA103 Rankin 1945 13910t, 139.9x19.2x7.9m, 2b,1gst, 6000hp, 16.5kts, 404p; 1x1-127/38, 4x2-40/60, 16x1-20/70; 6LCM(6), 2LCM(3), 13LCVP, 1LCPL, 5275t cargo, 62troops; SU radar
AKA104 Seminole 1945
AKA105 Skagit 1945
AKA106 Union 1945
AKA107 Vermilion 1945
AKA108 Washburn 1945
Tulare 1 AKA112 Tulare 1956 16800t, 172.0x23.2x7.9m, 2b,1gst, 22000hp, 22kts, 393p; 3x2-76/50, helodeck; 9LCM(6), 11LCVP, 4476t of cargo, 319troops; SPS-10 radar
LCI(L) LCI(L)1 2 LSIL883   1944 385t, 48.9x7.2x1.6m, 8d(2), 2320hp, 15.5kts, 29p; 5x1-20/70; 209troops; SO radar
LSIL966   1944
LCU LCT(6) 19 LCU509   1943 320t, 36.3x10.0x1.2m, 3d, 675hp, 8kts, 13p; 2x1-20/70; 4tanks; SO radar
LCU637   1944
LCU646   1944
LCU666   1944
LCU709   1944
LCU716   1944
LCU743   1944
LCU776   1943
LCU851   1943
LCU917   1943
LCU973   1944
LCU989   1944
LCU1126   1944
LCU1165   1944
LCU1203   1944
LCU1232   1944
LCU1273   1944
LCU1385   1944
LCU1388   1944
LCU1466 124 LCU1466   1953 347t, 35.1x10.4x1.6m, 3d, 675hp, 8kts, 14p; 2x1-20/70, 4tanks; radar
LCU1467   1953
LCU1468   1953
LCU1469   1953
LCU1470   1953
LCU1471   1953
LCU1472   1953
LCU1473   1953
LCU1474   1953
LCU1475   1953
LCU1476   1953
LCU1477   1953
LCU1481   1953
LCU1482   1953
LCU1483   1953
LCU1484   1953
LCU1485   1953
LCU1486   1953
LCU1487   1953
LCU1488   1953
LCU1489   1953
LCU1490   1953
LCU1491   1953
LCU1492   1953
LCU1493   1953
LCU1494   1953
LCU1495   1953
LCU1496   1953
LCU1497   1953
LCU1498   1953
LCU1499   1953
LCU1500   1953
LCU1503   1953
LCU1504 Hampton Roads 1954
LCU1505   1954
LCU1506   1954
LCU1507 Chippewa 1954
LCU1508 Attu 1954
LCU1509 Antietam 1954
LCU1510 Atlanta 1954
LCU1511 Cumberland 1954
LCU1512 Cerro Gordo 1954
LCU1513   1954
LCU1514 Delaware 1954
LCU1515   1954
LCU1516 Shenandoah 1954
LCU1517   1954
LCU1518   1954
LCU1519 El Paso 1954
LCU1520   1954
LCU1521 Eniwetok 1954
LCU1522 Lorraine 1954
LCU1523   1954
LCU1524 Chapultepec 1954
LCU1525 Hollandia 1954
LCU1526 Leyte 1954
LCU1527 Guadalcanal 1954
LCU1528 Lingayen Gulf 1954
LCU1529   1954
LCU1530   1954
LCU1531   1954
LCU1532   1954
LCU1533   1954
LCU1534 Saipan 1954
LCU1535   1954
LCU1536   1954
LCU1537   1954
LCU1538   1954
LCU1539   1954
LCU1540 Pusan 1954
LCU1541   1954
LCU1542 Malolos 1954
LCU1543 Carolina 1954
LCU1544   1954
LCU1545 Meuse-Argonne 1954
LCU1546   1954
LCU1547 Solomon Islands 1954
LCU1548   1954
LCU1549 Guam 1955
LCU1550 White Wing 1955
LCU1551   1955
LCU1552   1955
LCU1553   1955
LCU1554   1955
LCU1555   1955
LCU1556 Zapople River 1955
LCU1557   1955
LCU1558   1955
LCU1559   1955
LCU1560 Rhineland 1955
LCU1561 Manila 1955
LCU1562 Inchon 1955
LCU1563   1955
LCU1564   1955
LCU1565   1955
LCU1566 Cadgell 1955
LCU1567   1954
LCU1568   1954
LCU1569   1954
LCU1570   1954
LCU1571   1954
LCU1572   1954
LCU1573   1954
LCU1574 Cold Harbor 1954
LCU1575 Junction City 1954
LCU1576   1954
LCU1577   1954
LCU1578   1954
LCU1579 Bull Run 1954
LCU1580 Veracruz 1953
LCU1581   1954
LCU1582   1954
LCU1583 Chattanooga 1954
LCU1584   1954
LCU1585   1954
LCU1586 Tunisia 1954
LCU1587 Chickamauga 1954
LCU1588   1954
LCU1589   1954
LCU1591 Viper 1954
LCU1592 Fort Reno 1954
LCU1593   1954
LCU1608   1957
LCU1609   1957
LCU1610 13 LCU1610   1957 353t, 41.3x8.9x1.8m, 2d, 1000hp, 11kts, 10p; 2x1-20/70; 4tanks; radar
LCU1611   1957
LCU1612   1957
LCU1613   1959
LCU1614   1957
LCU1615   1957
LCU1616   1959
LCU1617   1959
LCU1618   1959
LCU1619   1959
LCU1620   1959
LCU1621   1959
LCU1622   1959
LFR LSM(R)401 24 LSM(R)401 Big Black River 1945 1175t, 62.0x10.5x2.1m, 2d, 2800hp, 13kts, 143p; 1x1-127/38, 2x2-40/60, 4x2-20/70, 4x1-107/10mortars, 5x2-127rockets; SU radar
LSM(R)404 Black Warrior River 1945
LSM(R)405 Broooadkill River 1945
LSM(R)406 Canadian River 1945
LSM(R)409 Clarion River 1945
LSM(R)410 Clark Fork River 1945
LSM(R)411 Cumberland River 1945
LSM(R)412 Desplaines River 1945
LSM(R)504 Gila River 1945
LSM(R)508 Gunnison River 1945
LSM(R)510 James River 1945
LSM(R)511 John Day River 1945
LSM(R)512 Lamoille River 1945
LSM(R)513 Laramie River 1945
LSM(R)514 Maurice River 1945
LSM(R)515 Owyhee River 1945
LSM(R)517 Pee Dee River 1945
LSM(R)520 Raccoon River 1945
LSM(R)522 Red River 1945
LSM(R)523 Republican River 1945
LSM(R)525 St. Francis River 1945
LSM(R)527 St. Joseph River 1945
LSM(R)531 Smoky Hill River 1945
LSM(R)536 White River 1945
Carrronade 1 IFS1 Carronade 1955 1500t, 74.7x11.9x3.1m, 2d, 3100hp, 15kts, 162p; 1x1-127/38, 2x2-40/60, 8x2-127rocket launchers; SPS-10 radar
LCM LCM(3) 200 ~200   1942-1945 52t, 15.3x4.3x1.4m, 2d, 330hp, 8kts, 4p; 2x1-12.7/90; 1tank
LCM(6) 700 ~700   1943-1953 56t, 17.1x4.3x1.2m, 2d, 450hp, 9kts, 5p; 2x1-12.7/90; 1tank
LCM(8) 700 700   1950-1955 121t, 22.4x6.4x1.5m, 2d, 1080hp, 9kts, 5p; 2x1-12.7/90, 150troops or 1 tank
LCVP LCVP 3300 ~3300   1942-1954 13t, 11.2x3.2x0.9m, 2d, 220hp, 8kts, 3p; 2x1-12.7/90; 36troops
LCPL LCPL 300 ~300   1941-1954 8t, 11.2x3.3x1.1m, 1d, 150hp, 8kts, 3p; 36troops
LCPR LCPR 200 ~200   1942-1945 8t, 11.2x3.3x1.1m, 1d, 250hp, 11kts, 3p; 36troops


PSO Treasury 6 WPG31 Bibb 1937 2660t, 99.7x12.5x3.8m, 2b,2gst, 5250hp, 19kts, 123p; 1x1-127/38, 1x2-40/60, 2x1-20/70(WPG31,36,37, 8x1-20/70(WPG32,33,35), 1x24-178Hedgehog, 2DCR(WPG37); radar, sonar
WPG32 Campbell 1936
WPG33 Duane 1936
WPG35 Ingham 1936
WPG36 Spencer 1937
WPG37 Taney 1936
Owasco 13 WPG39 Owasco 1945 2660t, 77.7x13.1x4.9m, 2b,1stg, 1em, 4000hp, 19kts, 276p; 2x2-127/38, 2x4-40/60, 4x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 6DCT, 2DCR; SU, Mk25 radars, sonar
WPG40 Winnebago 1945
WPG41 Chautauqua 1945
WPG42 Sebago 1945
WPG43 Iroquois 1946
WPG44 Wachusett 1946
WPG64 Escanaba 1946
WPG65 Winona 1946
WPG66 Klamath 1946
WPG67 Minnetonka 1946
WPG68 Androscoggin 1946
WPG69 Mendota 1945
WPG70 Pontchartrain 1945
Barnegat 18 WAVP370 Casco 1941 2620t, 94.7x12.5x3.8m, 4dg,2em, 6080hp, 20kts, 367p; 1x1-127/38, 1x4-40/60(WAVP374), 2x2-40/60(WAVP370-373,375-384), 1x24-178Hedgehog, 4DCT; SA, SU radars, sonar
WAVP371 Mackinac 1942
WAVP372 Humboldt 1941
WAVP373 Matagorda 1941
WAVP374 Absecon 1943
WAVP375 Chincoteague 1943
WAVP376 Coos Bay 1943
WAVP377 Rockaway 1943
WAVP378 Half Moon 1943
WAVP379 Unimak 1943
WAVP380 Yakutat 1944
WAVP381 Barataria 1944
WAVP382 Bering Strait 1944
WAVP383 Castle Rock 1944
WAVP384 Cook Inlet 1944
WAVP385 Dexter 1941
WAVP386 McCulloch 1944
WAVP387 Gresham 1944
PC Active 18 WSC125 Active 1927 289t, 38.1x7.1x2.1m, 2d, 600hp, 13.3kts, 38p; 1x1-40/60, 2x1-20/70, 2x4-178Mousetrap, 2DCR; radar
WSC126 Agassiz 1927
WSC127 Alert 1927
WSC130 Boutwell 1927
WSC131 Cahoone 1927
WSC132 Cartigan 1927
WSC135 Diligence 1927
WSC137 Ewing 1927
WSC139 Frederick Lee 1927
WSC140 General Greene 1927
WSC143 Kimball 1927
WSC144 Legare 1927
WSC145 Marion 1927
WSC146 McLane 1927
WSC147 Morris 1927
WSC153 Travis 1927
WSC156 Yeaton 1927
Argo 6 WPC101 Ariadne 1934 370t, 50.3x7.2x2.3m, 2d, 1340hp, 16kts, 50p; 2x1-76/50, 2x1-20/70, 2x4-178Mousetrap, 2DCT, 2DCR; radar
WPC103 Aurora 1931
WPC107 Dione 1934
WPC111 Nemesis 1934
WPC112 Nike 1934
WPC116 Triton 1934
PB 95ft 35 WPB95300   1953 105t, 29.0x5.8x1.8m, 4d(2), 2200hp, 20kts, 14p; 2x1-12.7/90; radar
WPB95301   1953
WPB95302   1953
WPB95303   1953
WPB95304   1953
WPB95305   1953
WPB95306   1953
WPB95307   1953
WPB95308   1953
WPB95309   1953
WPB95310   1953
WPB95311   1953
WPB95312   1955
WPB95313   1955
WPB95314   1955
WPB95316   1955
WPB95317   1955
WPB95318   1955
WPB95319   1955
WPB95320   1956
WPB95321   1958
WPB95322   1958
WPB95323   1958
WPB95324   1958
WPB95325   1958
WPB95326   1958
WPB95327   1958
WPB95328   1958
WPB95329   1959
WPB95330   1959
WPB95331   1959
WPB95332   1959
WPB95333   1959
WPB95334   1959
WPB95335   1959

© Ivan Gogin, 2015