
World navies yesterday


France 01 January 1945

IN SERVICE: 2 battleships, 1 fleet aircraft carrier, 3 heavy cruisers, 5 light cruisers, 1 training cruiser, 1 auxiliary cruiser, 15 destroyers, 5 torpedo boats, 21 submarines, 7 escort destroyers, 6 frigates, 5 sloops, 1 auxiliary sloop, 51 corvettes, 62 submarine chasers, 7 patrol trawlers and tugs, 7 auxiliary patrol vessels, 6 river gunboats, 1 armed survey vessel, 8 motor torpedo boats, 33 patrol launches, 45 minesweepers, 16 auxiliary minesweepers


BB Bretagne 1 1 Lorraine 1916 25000t, 166.0x26.9x9.8m, 24b,4t, 29000hp, 20kts, 1133p; 250belt, (45+40)deck, 400-250turrets, 300CT; 4x2-340/45, 14x1-139/55, 8x1-75/50, 14x1-40/56, 4x1-37/50, 25x1-20/70
Richelieu 1 2 Richelieu 1940 47548t, 247.9x33.0x9.6m, 6b,4gt, 150000hp, 30kts, 1550p; 330belt, (170+40)deck, 430turrets, 340CT; 2x4-381/45, 3x3-152/55, 6x2-100/45, 4x1-90/50, 14x4-40/56, 50x1-20/70; radar: SA-2, SF, type284, 281B, 285, SG-1


CV Béarn 1 1 Béarn 1927 28400t, 182.6x31.0x9.3m, 6b,2t,2vte(4), 37500hp, 21.5kts, 865p; 80belt, (24+24+60)deck, 70casemates; 8x1-155/50, 6x1-75/50, 8x1-37/50, 4-550TT, 40aircraft (really none)


CA Duquesne 2 1 Duquesne 1927 12200t, 191.0x19.0x6.3m, 9b,4gt, 120000hp, 33.7kts, 605p; 30magazines, 24deck, 30turrets, 30CT; 4x2-203/50, 8x1-75/50, 8x1-37/50, 6x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 1seaplane (CAMS.37)
2 Tourville 1928
Suffren 1 3 Suffren 1930 12928t, 196.0x20.0x7.3m, 8b,3gt, 90000hp, 32kts, 605p; 50belt, (25+18)deck, 30turrets, 30CT; 4x2-203/50, 8x1-75/50, 8x1-37/50, 3x4-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 2seaplanes (GL.810)
CL Duguay Trouin 1 1 Duguay Trouin 1926 9350t, 181.6x17.2x5.2m, 8b,4gt, 100000hp, 33kts, 578p; 20magazines, 20deck, 25turrets, 25CT; 4x2-155/50, 4x1-75/50, 6x1-40/56, 20x1-20/70, 4x1-13.2; radar: SF-1
Émile Bertin 1 2 Émile Bertin 1935 8480t, 177.0x16.0x6.6m, 6b,4gt, 102000hp, 34kts, 567p; 30magazines, 20deck, 25CT; 3x3-152/55, (3x2+2x1)-90/50, 4x4-40/56, 20x1-20/70, 200m; radar: SA, SF
La Galissonière 3 3 Gloire 1937 10850t, 179.5x17.5x5.4m, 4b,2gt, 84000hp, 31kts, 540p; 105belt, 38deck, 100turrets, 95CT; 3x3-152/55, 4x2-90/50, 6x4-40/56, 16x1-20/70, 2x2-550TT; radar: SA, SF
4 Montcalm 1937
5 Georges Leygues 1937
CT Jeanne d`Arc 1 1 Jeanne d`Arc 1931 8950t, 170.0x17.7x6.4m, 4b,2gt, 32500hp, 25kts, 506p+176; 20magazines, 25turrets, 25CT; 4x2-155/50, 4x1-75/50, 10x1-40/56, 18x1-20/702seaplanes (CAMS.37); radar: SF
AMC - 1 1 Cap des Palmes 1935   3081brt, 100.6x13.4x5.2m, 1d, 4500hp, 17.5kts; 2x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45, 8x1-20/70, 2x3-533TT, 4DCT


DD Chacal 1 1 Tigre 1925 3050t, 126.8x11.3x4.1m, 4b,2gt, 40000hp, 28.5kts, 195p; 4x1-130/40, 2x1-40/56, 10x1-20/70, 1x3-550TT, 8DCT, 2DCR
Bourasque 5 2 Simoun 1926 1900t, 105.8x9.6x4.3m, 3b,2gt, 33000hp, 33kts, 142p; 3x1-130/40(2,3), 4x1-130/40(6), 4x1-120/45(4,5), 1x1-76/40(4,5), 1x1-40/56(2,3), 2x1-37/50(6), 6x1-20/70(2), 8x1-20/70(3), 3x1-20/70(4,5), 2x2-13.2(6), 1x3-550TT(3-5), 2x3-550TT(6), 2DCT, 2DCR
3 Tempête 1926
4 Ouragan 1927
5 Mistral 1927
6 Trombe 1927
L`Adroit 4 7 Le Fortune 1928 2000t, 107.2x9.8x4.3m, 3b,2gt, 34000hp, 33kts, 142p; 3x1-130/40, 1x1-40/56, 2x1-37/50, 6x1-20/70, 2x2-13.2, 1x3-550TT, 2DCT, 2DCR
8 L`Alcyon 1929
9 Forbin 1930
10 Basque 1931
Aigle 1 11 Albatros 1932 3410t, 128.5x11.8x5.0m, 4b,2gt, 64000hp, 36kts, 230p; 5x1-139/40, (1x2+4x1)-37/50, (2x2+2x1)-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 4DCT, 2DCR
Le Fantasque 4 12 Le Terrible 1935 3380t, 132.4x12.5x5.0m, 4b,2gt, 74000hp, 37kts, 210p; 5x1-139/50(12-14), 4x1-139/50(15), 1x1-102/45(15), (1x4+2x1)-40/56(12-14), 2x1-40/39(15), 2x2-37/50(15), 8x1-20/70(12,14), 10x1-20/70(13), 7x1-20/70(15), 2x2-13.2(15), (1x4+2x2+2x1)-12.7(15), 2x3-550TT(12-14), 3x3-500TT(15), 2DCR, 50m
13 Le Malin 1936
14 Le Fantasque 1936
15 Le Triomphant 1936
TB La Melpomène 5 1 La Melpomène 1936 895t, 80.7x8.0x3.1m, 2b,2gt, 22000hp, 34.5kts, 105p; 1x1-100/45, 3x1-40/39, 2x1-20/70, 2x2-13.2, 1x2-550TT, 1DCT, 1 Ginocchio TAST
2 La Flore 1936
3 La Cordelière 1937
4 L`Incomprise 1938
5 Bouclier 1938


SS Requin 1 1 Marsouin 1927 1150/1441t, 78.3x6.8x5.1m, 2d/em, 2900/1800hp, 15/9kts, 51p, 80m; 1x1-100/45, 1x1-20/70, (6+2x2)-550TT
Saphir 1 2 Rubis 1933 761/925t, 65.9x7.2x4.3m, 2d/em, 1300/1000hp, 12/9kts, 42p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-20/70, 2-550TT, 1x(1-550+2-400)TT, 32m
Redoutable 2 3 Archimède 1932 1570/2084t, 92.3x8.2x4.7m, 2d/em, 6000/2000hp, 17/10kts, 61p, 80m; 1x1-100/45, 2x1-20/70, (4+2x3)-550TT
4 Argo 1933
L`Espoire 2 5 Le Glorieux 1934 1570/2084t, 92.3x8.2x4.7m, 2d/em, 7200/2000hp, 19/10kts, 61p, 80m; 1x1-100/45, 2x1-20/70, (4+2x3)-550TT
6 Le Centaure 1935
Agosta 1 7 Casabianca 1937 1570/2084t, 92.3x8.2x4.7m, 2d/em, 8000/2000hp, 20/10kts, 61p, 80m; 1x1-100/45, 2x1-20/70, (4+2x3)-550TT
Argonaute 4 8 Aréthuse 1933 630/798t, 63.4x6.4x4.2m, 2d/em, 1300/1000hp, 14/9kts, 41p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-20/70, (4+1x2)-550TT, 1x2-400TT
9 Atalante 1934
10 La Vestale 1934
11 La Sultane 1935
Diane 3 12 Antiope 1932 651/807t, 64.4x6.2x4.3m, 2d/em, 1400/1000hp, 14/9kts, 41p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-20/70, (4+1x2)-550TT, 1x2-400TT
13 Amazone 1933
14 Orphée 1933
Minerve 3 15 Iris 1936 662/856t, 68.1x5.6x4.0m, 2d/em, 1800/1230hp, 14.5/9kts, 42p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-20/70, 6-550TT, 1x3-400TT
16 Minerve 1936
17 Junon 1937
Curie 1 18 Curie 1943 646/732t, 60.0x4.9x4.7m, 2dg,2em, 615/825hp, 11.2/10kts, 33p, 60m; 1x1-76/45, 4-533TT; radar: type291W
Narval 1 19 Narval 1942 697/850t, 60.2x6.4x4.8m, 2d/em, 1400/800hp, 14.7/7.7kts, 45p, 80m; 1x1-100/47, 2x1-13.2, 4-533TT
Doris 2 20 Doris 1944 662/740t, 62.3x4.9x4.7m, 2dg,2em, 615/825hp, 11.2/10kts, 33p, 90m; 1x1-76/45, 2x1-20/70, 4-533TT; radar: type267QW
21 Morse 1944


DE La Combattante 1 1 La Combattante 1942 1490t, 85.3x9.6x3.7m, 2b,2gt, 19000hp, 27kts, 168p; 2x2-102/45, (1x4+1x1)-40/39, 3x1-20/70, 1x2-533TT, 4DCT, 2DCR; radar: type272, 285, 291, sonar: type123A, 127
Algérien 6 2 Algérien 1944 1602t, 93.3x11.2x3.2m, 4dg,2em, 6000hp, 21kts, 186p; 3x1-76/50, 3x1-40/56, 10x1-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; radar: SA, SF
3 Sénégalais 1943
4 Somali 1944
5 Hova 1944
6 Marocain 1944
7 Tunisien 1944
FF Croix de Lorraine 6 1 L`Aventure 1944 2130t, 91.8x11.2x3.8m, 2b,2vte, 5500hp, 20kts, 140p; 2x1-102/40, (2x2+7x1)-20/70, 1x24-178Hedgehog, 8DCT, 2DCR; radar: type272, 291
2 L`Escarmouche 1944
3 Tonkinois 1943
4 Croix de Lorraine 1943
5 La Surprise 1944
6 La Découverte 1943
SL Andromédé 1 1 Ville d`Ys 1917 1250t, 83.5x12.0x5.0m, 2b,1vte, 2675hp, 17kts, 103p; 1x1-100/45, 3x1-75/35, 2x1-47/40
Bougainville 4 2 Dumont d`Urville 1932 2600t, 103.7x12.7x4.5m, 2d, 3200hp, 15.5kts, 183p; 3x1-139/40, 1x4-40/56(2,5), (2x2+4x1)-37/50(3), 4x1-37/50(4), 3x1-25/60(3), 11x1-20/70(2,5), 2x1-20/70(3), 2x2-13.2(3), 4DCT(2,3,5), 2DCR(2,3,5), 50m, 1seaplane (GL.832(4))
3 Savorgnan de Brazza 1932
4 Amiral Charner 1933
5 La Grandière 1940
ASL - 1 1 Léoville 1922   1049brt, 65.4x9.3x4.5m, 1vte, 850hp, 11.5kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
FS Marne 1 1 Marne 1917 601t, 78.0x8.9x3.4m, 2b,2gt, 5000hp, 21kts, 113p; 4x1-100/45, 1DCR
Amiens 1 2 Calais 1920 850t, 74.9x8.7x3.2m, 2b,2gt, 5000hp, 20kts, 103p; 2x1-139/55, 1x1-75/35, 2DCT
Élan 7 3 Élan 1939 895t, 78.3x8.7x3.3m, 2d, 4000hp, 20kts, 106p; 1x2-102/45(6-8), 1x1-100/45 or 1x2-90/50(3-5,9), 1x1-76/40(7), 1x1-40/39(6-8), 1x1-25/60(6), 2x1-20/70(6), (1x4+2x2)-13.2(3-5,9), 4x2-13.2(6), 3x2-13.2(7), 2x2-13.2(8), (4x2+2x1)-12.7(8), 2DCT, 1DCR
4 Commandant Bory 1939
5 Commandant Delage 1939
6 Commandant Duboc 1939
7 La Moquese 1940
8 Commandant Dominié 1940
8 La Boudeuse 1940
9 La Gracieuse 1940
Chamois 3 10 Chevreuil 1939 900t, 78.3x8.7x3.3m, 2d, 4000hp, 20kts, 106p; 1x1-100/45 or 1x2-90/50, (1x4+2x2)-13.2, 2DCT, 1DCR
11 Gazelle 1939
12 Annamite 1940
Aconit 7 13 Aconit 1941 1170t, 62.5x10.1x4.1m, 2b,1vte, 2750hp, 16.5kts, 109p; 1x1-102/45, 2x1-57/40(13,14,16-19), 1x1-40/39, 2x1-20/70(13,14,16-19), 4x1-20/70(15), 4DCT, 2DCR; radar: type286, 290
14 Commandant Détroyat 1941
15 Lobélia 1941
16 Renoncule 1941
17 Roselys 1941
18 Commandant Drogou 1942
19 Commandant d`Estienne d`Orves 1942
L`Eveillé 32 20 L`Eveillé 1941 430t, 52.9x7.1x2.4m, 2d, 2880hp, 20kts, 65p; 1x1-76/50, 1x1-40/56, 5x1-20/70, 2x4-178Mousetrap, 2DCT, 2DCR; radar: SO
21 Le Résolu 1941
22 Le Rusé 1941
23 L`Ardent 1941
24 L`Indiscret 1942
25 L`Effronté 1942
26 L`Emorté 1942
27 L`Ehjoué 1942
28 Le Volontaire 1942
29 Le Vigilant 1942
30 L`Attentif 1942
31 Dragon 1942
32 Goumier 1942
33 Carabinier 1942
34 Fantassin 1942
35 Grenadier 1942
36 Tirailleur 1942
37 Voltigeur 1942
38 Franc Tireur 1942
39 Mameluk 1942
40 Lansquenet 1942
41 Cavalier 1942
42 Spahi 1942
43 Hussard 1943
44 Légionnaire 1943
45 Lancier 1943
46 Sabre 1944
47 Cimeterre 1944
48 Pique 1944
49 Dague 1944
50 Coutelas 1944
51 Javelot 1944
SC C1 1 1 Colonel Casse 1918 85t, 33.5x4.7x2.3m, 3pe, 660hp, 16.5kts, 27p; 1x1-75/35, 1DCT
Ch1 2 2 Ch2 1934 180t, 48.1x5.5x1.9m, 2d, 2400hp, 20kts, 41p; 1x1-75/35, 4DCT, 1DCR, MS
3 Ch3 1934
Ch5 6 4 Bayonne 1940 137t, 37.1x5.7x2.0m, 2d, 1130hp, 15.5kts, 23p; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-40/39, 1x2-12.7, 4DCT, 1DCR, MS
5 Boulogne 1940
6 Bénodet 1940
7 Calais 1940
8 Diélette 1940
9 Paimpol 1940
Ch41 3 10 Audierne 1940 160t, 37.4x5.5x2.4m, 2d, 1130hp, 15.5kts, 23p; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-40/39, 4DCT, 1DCR
11 Larmor 1940
12 Lavandou 1940
Ch5 (SC) 50 13 Ch5 1943 138t, 33.8x5.2x1.9m, 2d, 2400-1000hp, 21-16kts, 27p; 1x1-40/56, 3x1-20/70, 2x4-178Mousetrap, 2DCT, 2DCR; radar: SO or SCR-517A or SW-1C, sonar: QC
14 Ch6 1943
15 Ch51 1943
16 Ch52 1943
17 Ch61 1943
18 Ch62 1943
19 Ch71 1943
20 Ch72 1943
21 Ch81 1942
22 Ch82 1942
23 Ch83 1942
24 Ch84 1942
25 Ch85 1942
26 Ch91 1942
27 Ch92 1942
28 Ch93 1942
29 Ch94 1942
30 Ch95 1942
31 Ch96 1942
32 Ch101 1942
33 Ch102 1942
34 Ch103 1942
35 Ch104 1942
36 Ch105 1942
37 Ch106 1942
38 Ch107 1943
39 Ch111 1942
40 Ch112 1942
41 Ch113 1942
42 Ch114 1942
43 Ch115 1942
44 Ch116 1942
45 Ch121 1942
46 Ch122 1942
47 Ch123 1942
48 Ch124 1943
49 Ch125 1942
50 Ch126 1943
51 Ch131 1942
52 Ch132 1942
53 Ch133 1942
54 Ch134 1942
55 Ch135 1942
56 Ch136 1942
57 Ch141 1942
58 Ch142 1942
59 Ch143 1942
60 Ch144 1942
61 Ch145 1942
62 Ch146 1942
PC Hippopotame 1 1 Hippopotame 1918 No picture 970t, 2b,1vte, 1800hp, 12kts; 2x1-75/35
Navarin 1 2 Malakoff 1918 No picture 640t, 1vte, 500hp, 11kts, 31p; 1x1-100/45
Mauviette 1 3 Passereau II 1918 460t, 43.5x7.3x4.2m, 1b,1vte, 10kts; 1x1-90/24, 1x1-47/40, MS
Pluvier 1 4 Gelinotte 1918 No picture (680-780)t, 1vte, 750hp, 11kts
Crabe 3 5 Cèdre 1918 No picture (360-370)t, 1b,1vte, 400hp, (9-10)kts; 1x1-90/24
6 Erable 1918
7 Hètre 1919
APC - 7 1 Président Houduce 1930   1178brt, 65.7x10.6x5.5m, 1d, 925hp, 10kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50
2 Reine des Flots 1923   849t; 3x1-100/45
3 L`Algéroise 1919   409t; 1x1-100/45
4 La Sablaise 1919   409t; 1x1-100/45
5 Air France I 1930   480t; 1x1-100/45
6 Air France II 1930   480t; 1x1-100/45
7 Air France III 1930   480t; 1x1-100/45


PR Vigilante 1 1 Vigilante 1923 218t, 51.8x7.7x1.2m, 2b,2vte, 600hp, 12kts, 42p; 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/23
Ch101 2 2 Commandant Bourdais 1920 150t, 43.4x5.2x2.4m, 2b,2vte, 1300hp, 16.5kts, 31p; 1x1-75/35
3 Avalanche 1920
Francis Garnier 1 4 Francis Garnier 1931 639t, 62.5x10.3x2.2m, 2b,2vte, 3200hp, 15kts, 103p; 2x1-100/45, 1x1-75/50, 2x1-37/50
Mytho 2 5, 6 Mytho, Tourane 1933 - 1936 No picture 95t, 35.0x5.4x0.9m, 2d, 250hp, 10kts; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-47/40, 1x1-81/8mortar
AGS Amiral Mouchez 1 1 Amiral Mouchez 1937 970t, 62.0x10.3x3.4m, 1d, 800hp, 12kts, 81p; 2x1-100/45, 4x1-20/70, 2x1-13.2, 4DCT, 2DCR


PT MTB90 8 1 - 8 MTB90 - 92, 94, 96, 98, 227, 239 1942 - 1943 47t, 22.1x5.8x1.3m, 3pe, 3750hp, 38kts, 13p; 1x2-12.7, 2-533TT, 1DCR; radar: type286
YP Ved.101 7 1 - 7 St-Ronan, St-Yves, St-Guénolé, St-Alain, Galantry, Langdale, Colombier 1941 - 1942 86t, 34.8x5.6x1.5m, 2pe, 1200hp, 18kts, 16p; 1x1-47/40, 1x1-20/70, 1DCR; radar: type286
VP1 21 8 - 28 VP1 - 16, 21 - 23, 31, 32 1941 - 1943 54t, 22.0x4.8x1.4m, 2d, 260-300hp, 11-11.8kts, 10p; 2x1-20/70, 2DCR; radar: type291
VP51 5 29 - 33 VP51, 52, 61 - 63 1943 No picture 48t, 15.9x4.4x1.6m, 2pe, 250hp, 12kts, 10p


MS Pluvier 1 1 Coq 1918 No picture (680-780)t, 1vte, 750hp, 11kts; MS
D201 30 2 D351 1942 320t, 41.5x7.5x2.4m, 2d, 800hp, 14kts, 60p; 1x1-76/50, 2x1-20/70, 2DCT, 2DCR, MS, MgS, AS; radar: SO
3 D352 1942
4 D353 1942
5 D354 1943
6 D355 1943
7 D356 1943
8 D301 1943
9 D311 1942
10 D312 1942
11 D313 1942
12 D314 1943
13 D315 1942
14 D316 1942
15 D317 1942
16 D318 1942
17 D321 1942
18 D322 1943
19 D323 1942
20 D324 1942
21 D325 1942
22 D326 1942
23 D327 1942
24 D331 1942
25 D332 1942
26 D333 1942
27 D334 1942
28 D335 1942
29 D336 1942
30 D337 1942
31 D338 1942
D241 8 32 D361 1941 295t, 36.4x7.1x2.7m, 1d, 375-500hp, 10-11kts, 20p; 2x1-20/70, MS, MgS, AS
33 D362 1942
34 D363 1941
35 D364 1941
36 D365 1941
37 D366 1942
38 D367 1942
39 D368 1942
D341 6 40 D341 1944 No picture 430t, 42.7x8.5x3.2m, 1d, 500hp, 10kts, 21p; 2x1-20/70, MS, MgS, AS
41 D342 1943
42 D343 1943
43 D344 1944
44 D345 1943
45 D346 1943
AMS - 16 1 Girundia II 1910   1200t, 70.4x9.5m, 2vte, 14kts; 1x1-75/35, 2x1-20/70, MS
2 Lamentin 1931   350t
3 Béarnais 1920   1162brt
4 Louise et Marie 1916   265t
5 Ventôse 1936   185t
6 Angèle Marie 1929   238t
7 Vierge de Lourdes 1917   154t
8 Edith Germaine 1933   130t
9 Goéland X 1918   236t
10 Antioche II 1918   300t
11 Esperanto 1906   209t
12 Capitaine Coulon      
13 Paul Bert      
14 Lavardin 1911   251t
15 Avenir du Pays      
16 Cap Couronne      

NAVAL AVIATION (approximately, maximal number of delivered planes signed)

Deck planes DB: 32 SBD-5 Dauntless
Seaplanes TB: 29 Laté 298A, 42 Laté 298B, 106 Laté 298D; R: 126 Loire 130M/C

© Ivan Gogin, 2011-14