
World navies yesterday


UNITED KINGDOM 01 January 1940

IN SERVICE: 11 battleships, 3 battlecruisers, 3 monitors, 4 fleet aircraft carriers, 2 light aircraft carriers, 2 seaplane tenders, 13 heavy cruisers, 43 light cruisers, 1 cruiser-minelayer, 41 auxiliary cruisers, 18 destroyer leaders, 160 destroyers, 60 submarines, 34 sloops, 10 patrol ships (corvettes), 12 armed boarding vessels, 38 auxiliary patrol vessels, 7 auxiliary decoy vessels, 1 auxiliary seagoing AA vessel, 1 auxiliary coastal AA vessel, 67 armed yachts, 20 river gunboats, 24 motor torpedo boats, 21 motor anti-submarine boats, 17 small landing ships, 2 small landing barges, 10 landing crafts, 8 minelayers, 8 auxiliary minelayers, 2 netlayers, 45 minesweepers, 49 auxiliary minesweepers, 1 auxiliary mine destruction vessel, 79 minesweeping trawlers, 576 auxiliary armed trawlers, 6 minesweeping drifters, 58 auxiliary armed drifters, 6 armed whalers, 7 auxiliary armed whalers, 1 minesweeping boat


Queen Elizabeth 5 1 Queen Elizabeth 1915 35710(1, 5)-36450(2)-36785(3)-36513(4)t, 196.8x31.7x8.8(1, 3, 5)-10.0(4)-10.1(2)m, 24b(1, 3, 5), 6b(2), 8b(4), 4t(1, 3, 5), 4gt(2, 4), 56000(1, 3, 5)-80000(2, 4)hp, 23.5(1, 2, 4, 5)-23(3)kts, 951p; 330mm belt, 330mm turrets, 102mm(1) 127mm(2-5) deck, 280mm(1, 3), 76mm(2, 4), 127mm(5) CT; 4x2-381/42, 12x1-152/45(1, 3, 5), 8x1-152/45(2), 10x2-114/45(4), 4x2-102/45(2, 3, 5), 4x1-102/45(1), 2x8-40/39(1, 3, 5), 4x8-40/39(2, 4), 2x4-12.7/62(3), 4x4-12.7/62(2, 4, 5), 2-533TT(1), 2seaplanes(2, 4) (1 Swordfish(2); 2 Swordfish(4)), 1seaplane(3, 5) (1 Swordfish (3); 2 Swordfish(5)); radar: type279(4)
2 Warspite 1915
3 Barham 1915
4 Valiant 1916
5 Malaya 1916
Revenge 4 6 Revenge 1916 32526(6, 8)-32474(7)-33500(9)t, 190.3x30.9(6, 8)-31.0(7)-31.1(9)x8.3(6, 8)-8.7(7)-8.4(9)m, 18b, 4gt, 40000hp, 22(6-8)-21.5(9)kts, 997p; 330mm belt, 330mm turrets, 102mm deck, 280mm CT; 4x2-381/42, 12x1-152/45, 4x2-102/45, 2x8-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 2-533TT, 1seaplane(8) (1 Swordfish)
7 Royal Sovereign 1916
8 Resolution 1916
9 Ramillies 1917
Nelson 2 10 Nelson 1927 41250t, 216.4x32.3x10.2m, 8b, 2gt, 45000hp, 23kts, 1314p; 356mm belt, 406mm turrets, 159mm deck, 356mm CT; 3x3-406/45, 6x2-152/50, 6x1-120/40, 2x8-40/39(10), 3x8-40/39(11), 2x4-12.7/62, 2-622TT, 1seaplane(11) (1 Swordfish); radar: type79Y(11)
11 Rodney 1927
Renown 2 1 Renown 1916 36080(1)-38300(2)t, 242.2(1)-242.0(2)x31.2x9.3(1)-9.8(2)m, 8b(1), 42b(2), 4gt(1), 4t(2), 120000(1)-112000(2)hp, 30.7(1)-28.3(2)kts, 1250p; 229mm belt, 229mm turrets, 127(1)-146(2)mm deck, 76(1)-254(2)mm CT; 3x2-381/42, 10x2-114/45(1), (4x3+2x2+4x1)-102/45(2), 3x8-40/39(1), 2x8-40/39(2), 4x4-12.7/62(2), 4x2-533TT(1), 8-533TT(2), 2seaplanes (2 Swordfish)
2 Repulse 1916
Hood 1 3 Hood 1920 48000t, 262.1x31.7x8.7m, 24b, 4gt, 144000hp, 31kts, 1477p; 305mm belt, 381mm turrets, 76mm deck, 280mm CT; 4x2-381/42, 12x1-140/50, 4x2-102/45, 3x8-40/39, 4x4-12.7/62, 4-533TT
Marshal Ney 1 1 Marshal Soult 1915 6900t, 108.4x27.5x3.2m, 2diesels, 1500hp, 6kts, 187p; 102mm belt, 330mm turret, 102mm deck, 152mm CT; 1x2-381/42, 8x1-102/45, 2x1-76/50, 1x1-76/45, 1x1-47/50, 2x1-40/39
Erebus 2 2 Erebus 1916 8450t, 123.4x26.9x3.6m, 4b, 2vte, 6000hp, 12kts, 204p; 102mm belt, 330mm turret, 102mm deck; 1x2-381/42, 8x1-102/45, 2x1-76/45, 2x1-76/40, 2x1-40/39, 1 seaplane (3) (1 Walrus)
3 Terror 1916


CV Furious 1 1 Furious 1917 27165t, 239.7x27.9x8.6m, 18b, 4gt, 90000hp, 30kts, 1218p; 76mm belt, 76mm deck; 6x2-102/45, 3x8-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 36aircraft (9 Skua, 18 Swordfish)
Eagle 1 2 Eagle 1923 26800t, 203.5x32.0x8.1m, 32b, 4gt, 50000hp, 22.5kts, 950p; 114mm belt, 76mm shields, 38mm deck; 9x1-152/50, 4x1-102/45, 2x8-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 25aircraft (18 Swordfish)
Courageous 1
3 Glorious 1917 27400t, 239.8x27.9x8.5m, 18b, 4gt, 90000hp, 1216p; 76mm belt, 76mm deck; 16x1-120/40, 3x8-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 48 aircraft (9 Sea Gladiator, 36 Swordfish)
Ark Royal 1 4 Ark Royal 1938 27720t, 243.8x29.0x8.5m, 6b, 3gt, 102000hp, 31kts, 1580p; 114mm belt, 89mm deck; 8x2-114/45, 4x8-40/39, 8x4-12.7/62, 60aircraft (12 Skua, 6 Roc, 30 Swordfish)
CVL Argus 1 1 Argus 1918 15750t, 172.5x24.2x6.4m, 8b, 4gt, 20000hp, 20kts, 401p; 51mm magazines; 6x1-102/45, 20aircraft (4 Sea Gladiator, 4 Swordfish)
Hermes 1 2 Hermes 1924 13700t, 182.3x21.4x5.7m, 6b, 2gt, 40000hp, 25kts, 664p; 76mm belt, 25mm deck; 6x1-140/50, 2x1-102/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 20aircraft (12 Swordfish)
AV Ark Royal 1 1 Pegasus 1914 7400t, 111.6x15.5x5.5m, 2b, 1vte,, 3000hp, 11kts, 180p; 4x1-76/50, 7aircraft (really none)
Albatross 1 2 Albatross 1929 6350t, 135.3x23.7x5.3m, 4b, 2gt, 12000hp, 21kts, 450p; 4x1-120/40, 4x1-47/40, 4x1-40/39, 9seaplanes (9 Walrus)


Kent 7 1 Cumberland 1928 13400-13540t, 192.0-192.9x20.8x6.3m, 8b, 4gt, 80000hp, 31.5kts, 710p; 114mm belt, 111mm magazines, 38mm deck, 25mm turrets; 4x2-203/50, 4x2-102/45(1-3, 5), 3x2-102/45(4), 2x4-40/39(1, 4), 2x8-40/39(2, 3, 5), 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT(5), 2seaplanes(1-4) (1 Walrus(1, 3); 2 Walrus(2, 4)), 1seaplane(5) (1 Walrus)
2 Berwick 1928
3 Cornwall 1928
4 Suffolk 1928
5 Kent 1928
London 4 6 London 1929 13315t, 192.0-192.9x20.1x6.3m, 8b, 4gt, 80000hp, 32.3kts, 700p; 25mm belt, 102mm magazines, 25mm turrets, 38mm deck; 4x2-203/50, 8x1-102/45, 2x4-12.7/62(7-9), 2x4-533TT, 1seaplane (1 Walrus (7-9))
7 Devonshire 1929
8 Sussex 1929
9 Shropshire 1929
Norfolk 2 10 Dorsetshire 1930 13425t, 192.9-193.7x20.1x6.4m, 8b, 4gt, 80000hp, 32.3kts, 710p; 25mm belt, 102mm magazines, 38mm deck, 25mm turrets; 4x2-203/50, 4x2-102/45, 2x8-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 1seaplane (1 Walrus)
11 Norfolk 1930
York 1 12 York 1930 10350t, 175.3x17.4x6.2m, 8b, 4gt, 80000hp, 32.3kts, 623p; 76mm belt, 102mm magazines, 38mm deck, 25mm turrets; 3x2-203/50, 4x1-102/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x3-533TT, 1seaplane (1 Walrus)
Exeter 1 13 Exeter 1931 10490t, 175.3x17.7x6.2m, 8b, 4gt, 80000hp, 32kts, 630p; 76mm belt, 127mm magazines, 38mm deck, 25mm turrets; 3x2-203/50, 4x1-102/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x3-533TT, 2seaplanes (2 Walrus)
Caledon 3 1 Caledon 1917 4950t, 137.2x13.0x5.0m, 6b, 2gt, 40000hp, 29kts, 400p; 76mm belt, 25mm shields, 25mm deck; 5x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45, 4x1-47/40, 2x1-40/39, 4x2-533TT
2 Calypso 1917
3 Caradoc 1917
Ceres 5 4 Cardiff 1917 5020(4, 5, 8)-5355(6)-5468(7)t, 137.2x13.3x4.5m, 6b, 2gt, 40000hp, 29kts, 460p; 76mm belt, 25(4, 5, 8)mm shields, 25mm deck; 5x1-152/45(4, 5, 8), 10x1-102/45(6, 7), 2x1-76/45(4, 5, 6), 1x8-40/39(6, 7), 2x1-40/39(4, 5, 8), 2x4-12.7/62(6, 7), 4x2-533TT(4, 5, 8)
5 Ceres 1917
6 Curlew 1917
7 Coventry 1918
8 Curacoa 1918
Carlisle 5 9 Carlisle 1918 5250(9, 12, 13)-5215(10, 11)t, 137.6x13.3x4.7m, 6b, 2gt, 40000hp, 29kts, 432p; 76mm belt, 25(9, 12, 13)mm shields, 25mm deck; 5x1-152/45(9, 12, 13), 4x2-102/45(10, 11), 2x1-76/45(9, 12, 13), 2x1-40/39(9, 12, 13), 1x4-40/39(10, 11), 2x4-12.7/62(10, 11), 4x2-533TT(9, 12, 13)
10 Cairo 1919
11 Calcutta 1919
12 Colombo 1919
13 Capetown 1922
Danae 3 14 Danae 1918 5870t, 143.6x13.9x5.0m, 6b, 2gt, 40000hp, 29kts, 450p; 76mm belt, 25mm shields, 25mm deck, 76mm CT; 6x1-152/45, 3x1-102/45, 4x1-40/39(14), 2x1-40/39(15, 16), 4x3-533TT
15 Dauntless 1918
16 Dragon 1918
Delhi 5 17 Delhi 1919 5870t, 143.6x13.9x5.0m, 6b, 2gt, 40000hp, 29kts, 450p; 76mm belt, 25mm shields, 25mm deck, 76mm CT; 6x1-152/45, 3x1-102/45, 2x1-40/39(17, 19, 21), 2x4-12.7/62(18, 20), 4x3-533TT
18 Dunedin 1919
19 Durban 1921
20 Despatch 1922
21 Diomede 1922
Hawkins 1 22 Effingham 1925 12300t, 184.4x19.8x5.9m, 8b, 4gt, 58000hp, 29.5kts, 712p; 76mm belt, 51mm gunhouses, 38mm deck, 76mm CT; 9x1-152/45, 4x1-102/45, 2x1-40/39, 3x4-12.7/62, 8-533TT
Emerald 2 23 Emerald 1926 9450t, 173.7x16.6x5.6m, 8b, 4gt, 80000hp, 33kts, 450p; 76mm belt, 25mm turret/shields, 25mm deck, 76mm CT; 7x1-152/45(23), (1x2+5x1)-152/45(24), 3x1-102/45, 2x1-40/39, 4x4-12.7/62(23), 4x4-533TT, 1seaplane (1 Seafox)
24 Enterprise 1926
Leander 5 25 Leander 1933 9000-9280t, 169.0x16.8(25)-17.0(26-29)x5.8-6.0m, 6b, 4gt, 72000hp, 32.5kts, 570p; 76mm belt, 89mm magazines, 25mm turrets, 51mm deck; 4x2-152/50, 4x2-102/45(25, 27-29), 4x1-102/45(26), 3x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 2seaplanes (1 Walrus(25, 26); 2 Seafox(27-29))
26 Achilles 1933
27 Neptune 1934
28 Orion 1934
29 Ajax 1935
Arethusa 4 30 Arethusa 1935 6665-6715t, 154.2x15.5x5.0m, 4b, 4gt, 64000hp, 32.3kts, 500p; 57mm belt, 76mm magazines, 25mm turrets, 25mm deck; 3x2-152/50, 4x1-102/45(30), 4x2-102/45(31-33), 2x4-12.7/62, 2x3-533TT, 1seaplane(30-32) (2 Seafox(30, 31), 1 Seafox(32))
31 Galatea 1935
32 Penelope 1936
33 Aurora 1937
Southampton 5 34 Birmingham 1937 11350t, 180.3x18.8x6.2m, 4b, 4gt, 75000hp, 32kts, 748p; 114mm belt, 25mm turrets, 38mm deck; 4x3-152/50, 4x2-102/45, 2x4-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x3-533TT, 3seaplanes(1 Walrus(34), 2 Walrus(35-38)); radar: type79Y(37)
35 Glasgow 1937
36 Newcastle 1937
37 Sheffield 1937
38 Southampton 1937
Gloucester 3 39 Liverpool 1938 11650t, 180.3x19.0x6.3m, 4b, 4gt, 82500hp, 32.3kts, 748p; 114mm belt, 102mm turrets, 51mm deck; 4x3-152/50, 4x2-102/45, 2x4-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x3-533TT, 3seaplanes (2 Walrus)
40 Manchester 1938
41 Gloucester 1939
Edinburgh 2 42 Belfast 1939 13175t, 187.0x19.3x6.5m, 4b, 4gt, 80000hp, 32.5kts, 850p; 114mm belt, 102mm turrets, 76mm deck; 4x3-152/50, 6x2-102/45, 2x8-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x3-533TT, 3seaplanes (2 Walrus)
43 Edinburgh 1939
CM Adventure 1 1 Adventure 1927 8370t, 164.3x18.0x5.2m, 6b, 2gt/4dg, 4em(2), 40000/8000hp, 28kts, 395p; 25mm belt, 25mm deck; 4x1-120/40, 1x8-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 280mines
AMC - 41 1 Alaunia 1925   14030brt, 158.4x19.9xm, 2gt, 15kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
2 Alcantara 1926   22209brt, 192.2x23.9xm, 2d, 19kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
3 Andania 1921   13950brt, 158.6x19.9xm, 2gt, 15kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
4 Arawa 1921   14462brt, 161.8x20.8xm, 2gt, 15kts; 7x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
5 Ascania 1923   14013brt, 158.5x19.9xm, 2gt, 15kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
6 Asturias 1925   22048brt, 192.2x23.9xm, 2d, 19kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
7 Aurania 1924   13984brt, 158.4x19.9xm, 2gt, 15kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
8 Ausonia 1921   13912brt, 158.5x19.9xm, 2gt, 15kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
9 California 1923   16792brt, 168.5x21.5xm, 2gt, 16kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
10 Canton 1938   15700brt, 165.1x22.3xm, 2gt, 19kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
11 Carinthia 1925   20277brt, 183.1x22.5xm, 2gt, 16kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
12 Carnarvon Castle 1926   20063brt, 192.2x22.4xm, 2d, 18kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
13 Carthage 1931   14182brt, 159.2x21.8xm, 2gt, 18kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
14 Cathay 1924   15225brt, 159.6x21.4xm, 2vqe, 16kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
15 Cheshire 1927   10520brt, 147.4x18.4xm, 2d, 15kts; 6x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
16 Chitral 1925   15346brt, 160.1x21.4xm, 2vqe, 16kts; 7x1-152/45, 3x1-102/45
17 Cilicia 1937   11137brt, 154.2x20.2xm, 2d, 16.5kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
18 Circassia 1937   11137brt, 154.2x20.2xm, 2d, 16.5kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
19 Corfu 1931   14170brt, 159.2x21.8xm, 2gt, 17kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/40
20 Derbyshire 1935   11650brt, 147.1x20.2xm, 2d, 16kts; 6x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
21 Dunnottar Castle 1936   15007brt, 164.6x21.9xm, 2d, 16kts; 7x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
22 Dunvegan Castle 1936   15007brt, 164.6x21.9xm, 2d, 16kts; 7x1-152/45, 2x1-76/40
23 Esperance Bay 1921   14204brt, 161.7x20.8xm, 2gt, 15kts; 7x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
24 Forfar 1920   16402brt, 167.2x21.4xm, 2gt, 16kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
25 Jervis Bay 1922 14164brt, 161.7x20.8xm, 2gt, 15kts; 7x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
26 Kanimbla 1935   10985brt, 142.9x20.2x7.4m, 2d, 16.5kts; 7x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
27 Laurentic 1927   18724brt, 176.2x23.0xm, 3gt, 16.5kts; 7x1-140/50, 3x1-102/45
28 Letitia 1924   13475brt, 160.2x20.2xm, 2gt, 15kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
29 Maloja 1923   20914brt, 183.1x22.4xm, 2vqe, 16kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
30 Montclare 1921   16314brt, 167.5x21.4xm, 2gt, 17kts; 7x1-140/50, 3x1-102/45
31 Mooltan 1923   20952brt, 183.1x22.4xm, 2vqe, 17kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
32 Moreton Bay 1921   14193brt, 161.7x20.8xm, 2gt, 15kts; 7x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
33 Pretoria Castle 1938   17160brt, 173.9x23.3xm, 2d, 19.5kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/40
34 Queen of Bermuda 1932   22575brt, 168.7x23.3xm, tg, 4em, 20kts; 7x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
35 Rajputana 1925   16644brt, 166.9x21.7xm, 2vqe, 17kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
36 Ranchi 1925   16738brt, 168.2x21.7xm, 2vqe, 18kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
37 Ranpura 1924   16688brt, 168.2x21.7xm, 2vqe, 17kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
38 Salopian 1926   10515brt, 147.4x18.4xm, 2d, 15kts; 6x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
39 Scotstoun 1925   17046brt, 168.5x21.5xm, 2gt, 16kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
40 Transylvania 1925   16923brt, 168.4x21.4xm, 2gt, 16kts; 8x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45
41 Worcestershire 1930   11402brt, 147.2x19.6xm, 2d, 15kts; 6x1-152/45, 2x1-76/45


V 2
1 Valentine 1917 1400t, 95.1x9.0x3.2m, 3b, 2gt, 27000hp, 34kts, 115p; 4x1-102/45(1), 2x2-102/45(2), 2x1-40/39(1), 2x4-12.7/62(2), 2x3-533TT(1), 2DCT(2), 1DCR
2 Valorous 1917
Shakespeare 3
3 Wallace 1919 2000t, 100.3x9.6x3.8m, 4b, 2gt, 40000hp, 36kts, 183p; 5x1-120/45(4, 5), 2x2-102/45(3), 1x1-76/45(4, 5), 1x4-40/39(3), 2x4-12.7/62(3), 2x3-533TT(4, 5), 2DCT, 1DCR
4 Keppel 1924
5 Broke 1925
Scott 5
6 Douglas 1918 2050t, 101.3x9.7x3.8m, 4b, 2gt, 40000hp, 36kts, 164p; 5x1-120/45, 1x1-76/45, 2x3-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
7 Campbell 1918
8 Montrose 1918
9 Malcolm 1919
10 Mackay 1919
A-leader 1 11 Codrington 1930 2012t, 104.5x10.3x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 39000hp, 35kts, 185p; 5x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39, 2x4-533TT, 3DCR
B-leader 1 12 Keith 1931 1821t, 98.5x9.8x3.7m, 3b, 2gt, 34000hp, 35.2kts, 138p; 4x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
D-leader 1 13 Duncan 1933 1942t, 100.3x10.1x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 36000hp, 36kts, 175p; 4x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
E-leader 1 14 Exmouth 1934 2009-2049t, 104.5x10.3x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 38000hp, 36.7kts, 175p; 5x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
F-leader 1 15 Faulknor 1935 2009-2049t, 104.5x10.3x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 38000hp, 36.7kts, 175p; 5x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
E-leader 1 16 Grenville 1936 2033t, 100.6x10.5x3.9m, 3b, 2gt, 38000hp, 36.5kts, 178p; 5x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
F-leader 1 17 Hardy 1936 2053t, 102.7x10.4x3.9m, 3b, 2gt, 38000hp, 36.5kts, 178p; 5x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
G-leader 1 18 Inglefield 1937 2081t, 102.7x10.4x3.9m, 3b, 2gt, 38000hp, 36.5kts, 178p; 5x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x5-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
R-Admiralty 1 1 Skate 1917 1244t, 84.1x8.1x2.7m, 3b, 2gt, 27000hp, 36kts, 82p; 2x1-102/40, 1x1-40/39, 1x2-533TT, 40mines
V-Admiralty 16 2 Vanquisher 1917 1480-1523t, 95.1x9.0x3.2m, 3b, 2gt, 27000hp, 34kts, 134p; 4x1-102/45(2, 3, 5-15, 17) (can be 3x1-102/45 on 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 17), 2x2-102/45(4, 16), 1x1-40/39(2, 3, 5-15, 17), 2x4-12.7/62(4, 16), 2x3-533TT(5, 6, 10-11, 14, 15), (1x3+1x2)-533TT(2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 17) (can be 1x2-533TT on 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 17), 2DCT (or can be not on 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 17), 1DCR, MS(2, 3, 5-15, 17), (can be 60mines on 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 17)
3 Vanoc 1917
4 Vega 1917
5 Venetia 1917
6 Verdun 1917
7 Vimiera 1917
8 Vivacious 1917
9 Vimy 1918
10 Vanessa 1918
11 Vanity 1918
12 Velox 1918
13 Versatile 1918
14 Vesper 1918
15 Vidette 1918
16 Vivien 1918
17 Vortigern 1918
V-Thornycroft 2 18 Viceroy 1918 1512t, 95.1x9.4x2.9m, 3b, 2gt, 27000hp, 34kts, 134p; 4x1-102/45, 1x1-40/39, 2x3-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
19 Viscount 1918
W-Admiralty 16 20 Wakeful 1917 1490t, 95.1x9.0x3.2m, 3b, 2gt, 27000hp, 34kts, 134p; 4x1-102/45(20-22, 24-35) (can be 3x1-102/45 on 21, 24, 27, 29), 2x2-102/45(23), 1x1-40/39(20-22, 24-35), 2x4-12.7/62(23), 2x3-533TT(20-22, 24-35) (can be 1x3-533TT on 21, 24, 27, 29), 2DCT, 1DCR, MS(20-22, 24-35), (can be 60mines on 21, 24, 27, 29)
21 Watchman 1918
22 Walpole 1918
23 Whitley 1918
24 Walker 1918
25 Westcott 1918
26 Wolfhound 1918
27 Warwick 1918
28 Wessex 1918
29 Whirlwind 1918
30 Wrestler 1918
31 Winchelsea 1918
32 Winchester 1918
33 Westminster 1918
34 Windsor 1918
35 Wryneck 1918
W-Thornycroft 2 36 Woolsey 1918 1512t, 95.1x9.4x2.9m, 3b, 2gt, 27000hp, 34kts, 134p; 2x2-102/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2DCT, 1DCR
37 Woolston 1918
S-Admiralty 11
38 Scimitar 1918 1225t, 84.1x8.1x2.7m, 3b, 2gt, 27000hp, 36kts, 90p; 3x1-102/40(38-42, 45, 46, 48), 2x1-102/40(43, 44, 47), 1x1-40/39, 2x2-533TT(38-42, 45, 46, 48), 2DCT, 1DCR, 40mines(43, 44, 47), MgS(38)
39 Scout 1918
40 Sabre 1918
41 Saladin 1919
42 Sardonyx 1919
43 Stronghold 1919
44 Sturdy 1919
45 Tenedos 1919
46 Thanet 1919
47 Thracian 1922
48 Shikari 1924
Modified W-Admiralty 14 49 Vansittart 1919 1508t, 95.1x9.0x3.2m, 3b, 2gt, 27000hp, 34kts, 127p; 4x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39, 2x3-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
50 Volunteer 1919
51 Venomous 1919
52 Verity 1919
53 Wanderer 1919
54 Veteran 1919
55 Whitshed 1919
56 Wild Swan 1919
57 Witherington 1919
58 Wivern 1919
59 Wolverine 1920
60 Worcester 1922
61 Wren 1923
62 Whitehall 1924
Modified W-Thornycroft 2 63 Wishart 1920 1530t, 95.1x9.4x2.9m, 3b, 2gt, 30000hp, 35kts, 127p; 4x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39, 2x3-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
64 Witch 1924
Amazon 1 65 Amazon 1926 1862t, 98.5x9.6x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 39500hp, 37kts, 138p; 4x1-120/45, 1x1-76/45, 2x1-40/39, 1x3-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
Ambuscade 1 66 Ambuscade 1927 1585t, 98.1x9.5x3.5m, 3b, 2gt, 33000hp, 37kts, 138p; 4x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39, 2x3-533TT
A 8 67 Acasta 1930 1747-1815t, 98.5x9.8x3.7m, 3b, 2gt, 34000hp, 35.2kts, 138p; 4x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39, 2x4-533TT, 3DCR, MS
68 Achates 1930
69 Active 1930
70 Antelope 1930
71 Anthony 1930
72 Ardent 1930
73 Arrow 1930
74 Acheron 1931
B 7 75 Basilisk 1931 1747-1815t, 98.5x9.8x3.7m, 3b, 2gt, 34000hp, 35.2kts, 138p; 4x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
76 Beagle 1931
77 Boadicea 1931
78 Boreas 1931
79 Brazen 1931
80 Brilliant 1931
81 Bulldog 1931
D 7 82 Daring 1932 1865-1942t, 100.3x10.1x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 36000hp, 36kts, 145p; 4x1-120/45, 2x1-40/39(82-95), 2x4-12.7/62(86-88), 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
83 Defender 1932
84 Diamond 1932
85 Diana 1932
86 Dainty 1933
87 Decoy 1933
88 Delight 1933
E 8 89 Echo 1934 1886-1940t, 100.3x10.1x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 36000hp, 36kts, 145p; 4x1-120/45(89-94), 2x1-120/45(95, 96), 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT(89-94), 1DCR(89-94), MS(89-94), 72mines(95, 96)
90 Eclipse 1934
91 Electra 1934
92 Encounter 1934
93 Escapade 1934
94 Escort 1934
95 Esk 1934
96 Express 1934
F 8 97 Fearless 1934 1886-1940t, 100.3x10.1x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 36000hp, 36kts, 145p; 4x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
98 Fame 1935
99 Firedrake 1935
100 Forester 1935
101 Foresight 1935
102 Fortune 1935
103 Foxhound 1935
104 Fury 1935
G 7 105 Gallant 1936 1854-1890t, 98.5x10.1x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 34000hp, 36kts, 145p; 4x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT(105, 106, 108-111), 2x5-533TT(107), 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
106 Garland 1936
107 Glowworm 1936
108 Grafton 1936
109 Grenade 1936
110 Greyhound 1936
111 Griffin 1936
H 8 112 Hasty 1936 1854-1890t, 98.5x10.1x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 34000hp, 36kts, 145p; 4x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
113 Hereward 1936
114 Hero 1936
115 Hostile 1936
116 Hotspur 1936
117 Hunter 1936
118 Hyperion 1936
119 Havock 1937
I 8 120 Icarus 1937 1854-1890t, 98.5x10.1x3.8m, 3b, 2gt, 34000hp, 36kts, 145p; 4x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x5-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
121 Ilex 1937
122 Imogen 1937
123 Imperial 1937
124 Intrepid 1937
125 Isis 1937
126 Ivanhoe 1937
127 Impulsive 1938
Tribal 16 128 Afridi 1938 2519t, 114.9x11.1x4.0m, 3b, 2gt, 44000hp, 36.2-36.5kts, 190p; 4x2-120/45, 1x4-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 1x4-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR
129 Ashanti 1938
130 Cossack 1938
131 Eskimo 1938
132 Gurkha 1938
133 Mohawk 1938
134 Nubian 1938
135 Sikh 1938
136 Somali 1938
137 Zulu 1938
138 Bedouin 1939
139 Maori 1939
140 Mashona 1939
141 Matabele 1939
142 Punjabi 1939
143 Tartar 1939
H-Brazilian 1 144 Havant 1939 1930t, 98.5x10.1x3.9m, 3b, 2gt, 34000hp, 35kts, 145p; 3x1-120/45, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x4-533TT, 4DCT, 2DCR
J 8 145 Jackal 1939 2330-2384t, 108.7x10.9x4.2m, 2b, 2gt, 40000hp, 36kts, 183-218p; 3x2-120/45, 1x4-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x5-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
146 Jaguar 1939
147 Janus 1939
148 Javelin 1939
149 Jersey 1939
150 Jervis 1939
151 Juno 1939
152 Jupiter 1939
K 8 153 Kandahar 1939 2330-2384t, 108.7x10.9x4.2m, 2b, 2gt, 40000hp, 36kts, 183-218p; 3x2-120/45, 1x4-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 2x5-533TT, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
154 Kashmir 1939
155 Kelly 1939
156 Kelvin 1939
157 Khartoum 1939
158 Kimberley 1939
159 Kingston 1939
160 Kipling 1939


H-II 9
1 H28 1918 423/510t, 52.4x4.8x4.0m, 2d/em, 480/620hp, 11.5/10.5kts, 22p, 30m; 4-533TT
2 H31 1919
3 H32 1919
4 H33 1919
5 H34 1919
6 H43 1919
7 H49 1919
8 H44 1920
9 H50 1920
L-II 3
10 L23 1924 890/1080t, 72.7x7.2x4.0m, 2d/em, 2400/1600hp, 17/10.5kts, 38p, 50m; 1x1-102/40, 4-533TT, 2-450TT
11 L26 1926
12 L27 1926
Oberon 1 13 Oberon 1927 1598/1831t, 82.2x8.5x4.7m, 2d/em, 2950/1350hp, 13.7/7.5kts, 54p, 60m; 1x1-102/40, 8-533TT
Oxley 1 14 Otway 1927 1636/1872t, 83.8x8.4x4.8m, 2d/em, 3100/1350hp, 15/8.5kts, 55p, 60m; 1x1-102/40, 8-533TT
Odin 6 15 Odin 1929 1781/2038t, 86.4x9.1x4.9m, 2d/em, 4520/1390hp, 17.5/8kts, 53p, 95m; 1x1-102/40, 8-533TT
16 Osiris 1929
17 Oswald 1929
18 Otus 1929
19 Olympus 1930
20 Orpheus 1930
Parthian 5 21 Pandora 1930 1760/2040t, 88.1x9.1x4.9m, 2d/em, 4340/1635hp, 17/8.6kts, 53p, 95m; 1x1-102/40, 2x1-12.7/62, 8-533TT
22 Perseus 1930
23 Proteus 1930
24 Parthian 1931
25 Phoenix 1931
Rainbow 4 26 Regent 1930 1763/2030t, 87.5x9.1x4.9m, 2d/em, 4100/1670hp, 17/8.8kts, 53p, 95m; 1x1-102/40, 8-533TT
27 Regulus 1930
28 Rover 1931
29 Rainbow 1932
Thames 3 30 Thames 1932 2165/2680(30)-2206/2723(31, 32), 105.2x8.6x4.8(30)-4.9(31, 32)m, 2d/em, 10000/2500hp, 22.5/10(30)-22/10(31, 32)kts, 61p, 60m; 1x1-102/40, 2x1-12.7/62, 6-533TT
31 Severn 1935
32 Clyde 1935
Swordfish 4 33 Swordfish 1932 730/927t, 61.7x7.3x3.6m, 2d/em, 1550/1440hp, 13.7/10kts, 38p, 60m; 1x1-76/45, 1x1-12.7/62, 6-533TT
34 Sturgeon 1933
35 Seahorse 1933
36 Starfish 1933
Porpoise 1 37 Porpoise 1933 1768/2053t, 88.1x9.1x4.8m, 2d/em, 3300/1630hp, 15.5/8.7kts, 59p, 60m; 1x1-102/40, 6-533TT, 50mines
Shark 8 38 Sealion 1934 768/960t, 63.6x7.3x3.6m, 2d/em, 1550/1440(38-43, 45)-1900/1440(44)hp, 14/10(38-43, 45)-15/10(44)kts, 39p, 60m; 1x1-76/45, 1x1-12.7/62, 6-533TT
39 Shark 1934
40 Salmon 1935
41 Snapper 1935
42 Seawolf 1936
43 Spearfish 1936
44 Sunfish 1937
45 Sterlet 1938
Grampus 5 46 Narwhal 1936 1810/2157t, 89.3x7.8x5.1m, 2d/em, 3300/1630hp, 15.7/8.7kts, 59p, 60m; 1x1-102/40, 6-533TT, 50mines
47 Grampus 1937
48 Rorqual 1937
49 Cachalot 1938
50 Seal 1939
Triton 7 51 Triton 1938 1331/1585(51)-1326/1575(52-57)t, 84.4(51)-83.8(52-57)x8.1x4.5m, 2d/em, 2500/1450hp, 15.3/9kts, 59p, 95m; 1x1-102/40, 3x1-12.7/62, 10-533TT
52 Tribune 1939
53 Trident 1939
54 Triumph 1939
55 Thistle 1939
56 Triad 1939
57 Truant 1939
Undine 3 58 Undine 1938 630/730t, 58.2x4.9x4.6m, 2dg, 2em, 615/825hp, 11.2/10kts, 27p, 60m; 1x1-76/45(60), 3x1-12.7/62, 6-533TT
59 Unity 1938
60 Ursula 1938


SL Acacia 2
1 Foxglove 1915 1275t, 80.0x10.1x3.4m, 2b, 1vte, 1800hp, 16.5kts, 90p; 2x1-102/40, 2x1-40/39, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
2 Laburnum 1915
Arabis 3 3 Rosemary 1915 1350t, 81.7x10.2x3.4m, 2b, 1vte, 2000hp, 16kts, 104p; 2x1-102/40, 2x1-40/39, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
4 Cornflower 1916
5 Lupin 1916
Bridgewater 2 6 Bridgewater 1929 1600t, 81.2x10.4x3.7m, 2b, 2gt, 2000hp, 16.5kts, 100p; 2x1-102/45, 1x4-12.7/62, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
7 Sandwich 1929
Hastings 4 8 Folkestone 1930 1640t, 81.2x10.4x3.8m, 2b, 2gt, 2000hp, 16.5kts, 100p; 1x1-102/45(8, 10), 2x1-102/45(9, 11), 1x4-12.7/62, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
9 Hastings 1930
10 Scarborough 1930
11 Penzance 1931
Shoreham 4 12 Fowey 1931 1590t, 85.8x10.7x3.4m, 2b, 2gt, 2000hp, 16.5kts, 100p; 2x1-102/45, 2x1-47/40, 1x4-12.7/62, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
13 Shoreham 1931
14 Bideford 1932
15 Rochester 1932
Repeat Shoreham 4 16 Falmouth 1932 1515t, 85.8x10.7x3.4m, 2b, 2gt, 2000hp, 16.5kts, 100p; 2x1-102/45, 2x1-47/40, 1x4-12.7/62, 2DCT, 1DCR, MS
17 Milford 1932
18 Dundee 1933
19 Weston 1933
Grimsby 8 20 Grimsby 1934 1480t, 81.2x11.0x3.0m, 2b, 2gt, 2000hp, 16.5kts, 100p; 2x1-120/45(21, 23, 25), 3x1-102/45(26), 2x2-102/45(20, 22, 24, 27), 1x1-76/45(21, 23, 25), 4x1-47/40(20-25, 27), 1x4-12.7/62, 2DCT, 1DCR, 40mines(20, 22)
21 Leith 1934
22 Lowestoft 1934
23 Deptford 1935
24 Londonderry 1935
25 Wellington 1935
26 Aberdeen 1936
27 Fleetwood 1936
Bittern 3 28 Enchantress 1935 1650(28)-1790(29, 30)t, 86.0x11.3x3.3(28)-3.5(29, 30)m, 2b, 2gt, 3300hp, 18.7kts, 156p; 2x1-120/45(28), 3x2-102/45(29, 30), 1x4-12.7/62, 2DCT, 1DCR
29 Stork 1936
30 Bittern 1938
Egret 3 31 Auckland 1938 1790t, 89.2x11.4x3.4m, 2b, 2gt, 3600hp, 19.2kts, 188p; 4x2-102/45, 1x4-12.7/62, 2DCT, 1DCR
32 Egret 1938
33 Pelican 1939
Flamingo 1 34 Flamingo 1939 1770t, 91.3x11.4x3.3-3.6m, 2b, 2gt, 4300hp, 19.7kts, 180p; 3x2-102/45, 1x4-40/39, 2x4-12.7/62, 4DCT, 2DCR
FS PC-boat 1
1 PC74 1918 780t, 75.3x8.2x2.4m, 2b, 2t, 3500hp, 20kts, 55p; 1x1-102/40, 2x1-76/40, 2x1-356TT, 2DCR
Kingfisher 6 2 Kingfisher 1935 745t, 74.1x8.1x2.4m, 2b, 2gt, 3600hp, 20kts, 60p; 1x1-102/45, 4DCT, 2DCR
3 Mallard 1936
4 Puffin 1936
5 Kittiwake 1937
6 Sheldrake 1937
7 Widgeon 1938
Shearwater 3 8 Guillemot 1939 745t, 71.1x7.8x2.7m, 2b, 2gt, 3600hp, 20kts, 60p; 1x1-102/45, 4DCT, 2DCR
9 Pintail 1939
10 Shearwater 1939
ABV - 12 1 Chakdina 1914   3033brt, 100.8x14.1xm, 1vte, 12kts; 1x1-102/40
2 Chakla 1914   3081brt, 100.7x14.1xm, 1vte, 12kts; 2x1-102/40
3 Chantala 1920   3129brt, 100.6x14.0xm, 1vte, 14kts; 2x1-102/40
4 Discovery II 1929   1036brt, 67.4x11.0xm, 1vte, 9kts; 1x1-76/40
5 Fiona 1927   2190brt, 85.3x13.3xm, 2vte, 13kts; 1x1-102/40, 1x1-76/40
6 Goodwin 1917   1570brt, 82.4x11.3xm, 1vte, 12.5kts; 1x1-76/40
7 King Orry 1913   1877brt, 91.4x13.1xm, 2t, 21.5kts; 1x1-102/40
8 Laird`s Isle 1911   1783brt, 96.3x12.5xm, 3t, 22.5kts; 1x1-102/40
9 Mona`s Isle 1905   1688brt, 94.9x12.2xm, 3t, 22kts; 2x1-102/40, 1x1-76/40
10 Rosaura 1905   1552brt, 83.4x10.6xm, 3t, 22kts; 1x1-102/40
11 St. Tudno 1926   2326brt, 97.0x13.5xm, 2gt, 19kts; 2x1-102/40
12 Van Dyck 1920   2194brt, 87.0x12.7xm, 1vte, 9kts; 2x1-102/40
APC - 38
1 Giang Bee 1908   1646brt, 82.4x12.3xm, 1vte, 9kts
2 Holdfast 1921   1500brt, 76.3x10.8xm, 1vte, 12kts
3 Kedah 1927   2499brt, 96.6x15.4xm, 2gt, 19kts
4 Lormont 1927   1561brt, 73.6x12.3xm, 1vte, 14kts; 2x1-76/40
5 Mata Hari 1915   1020brt, 67.1x10.7xm, 1vte, 9kts
6 Pangkor 1929   1208brt, 70.7x13.0xm, 2vte, 9kts
7 St.Magnus 1924   1311brt, 73.3x11.0xm, 1vte, 13kts
8 St. Sunniva 1931   1368brt, 77.1x10.7xm, 1vte
9 Consul 1896   257brt
10 Danube III 1924   234brt
11 Danube V 1935   241brt
12 Danube VI 1935   241brt
13 Empress 1879   173brt
14 Exwey 1888   315brt
15 Flying Breeze 1913   387brt
16 Foremost 1924   211brrt
17 Kampar 1915   971brt
18 Kenia 1927   200brt
19 Keverne 1908   119brt
20 Kuala 1911   954brt
21 Lipis 1927   914brt
22 Loch Aline 1904   192brt
23 Robina 1914   306brt
24 Roger Beck 1924   114brt
25 Rona 1938   180brt
26 Sir Bevois 1916   338brt
27 Sir E. P. Wills 1937   162brt
28 Sir Francis Drake 1908   478brt
29 Sir Richard Grenville 1931   896brt
30 Sir Walter Raleigh 1908   478brt
31 Smeaton 1883   369brt
32 Sun III 1909   197brt
33 Sun V 1915   200brt
34 Sun VIII 1919   196brt
35 Tien Kwang 1925   781brt
36 Victor 1898   153brt
37 Victoria 1884   229brt
38 William Ryan 1928   102brt
SSV - 7 1 Beauly 1924   1061brt, 73.8x10.4xm, 1vte, 11kts; 4x1-102/40, 2-533TT
2 Botlea 1917   5119brt, 122.1x16.3xm, 1vte, 14kts; 7x1-102/40, 4-533TT
3 Cape Howe 1930   4443brt, 114.3x16.2xm, 1vte, 13.5kts; 7x1-102/40, 4-533TT
4 Cape Sable 1936   4398brt, 114.3x16.2xm, 1vte, 13.5kts; 7x1-102/40, 4-533TT
5 City of Durban 1920   5945brt, 115.7x15.9xm, 1gt, 15kts; 9x1-102/40, 4-533TT
6 Orchy 1930   1090brt, 75.1x11.0xm, 1vte, 11kts; 4x1-102/40, 2-533TT
7 Willamette Valley 1928   4702brt, 122.3x16.5xm, 1d, 15kts; 9x1-102/40, 4-533TT
SAAAV - 1 1 Springbank 1926 5155brt, 128.1x16.4xm, 2d, 12kts; 4x2-102/45
CAAAV - 1 1 Conqueror 1911   900brt; 1x1-76/40
AY - 67 1 St. Modwen 1911   1023t, 72.8x9.5xm, 2vte; 2x1-76/40
2 Sea Belle II 1927   1057t; 71.0x10.2xm, 2vte; 2x1-76/40
3 Surprise 1896   1322t; 3x1-76/40
4 Aarla 1903   471t
5 Adventuress 1898   322t
6 Alice 1930   527t
7 Alisdair 1937   120t
8 Altair 1905   505t
9 Anglia 1913   362t
10 Anna Marie 1930   344t
11 Aronia 1929   193t
12 Attendant 1913   357t
13 Azur 1929   136t
14 Breda 1912   143t
15 Calanthe 1898   430t
16 Campeador V 1938   213t
17 Charles McIver 1936   428t
18 Coila 1922   355t
19 Cutty Sark 1920   828t
20 Cynara 1913   560t
21 Evadne 1931   581t; 1x1-76/40
22 Gelert 1881   122t
23 Glen Strathallan 1928   356t; 1x1-76/40
24 Grey Mist 1920   197t
25 Gulzar 1934   201t
26 Hiniesta 1902   361t
27 Kiloran 1930   277t
28 Lady Blanche 1907   405t
29 Lady Shahrazad 1904   439t
30 Lady Vagrant 1903   484t
31 Leprechaun 1939   100t
32 Lexa 1936   133t
33 Lorna 1904   484t; 1x1-76/40
34 Maid Marion 1938   506t
35 Mollusc 1906   627t; 1x1-76/40
36 Minona 1906   249t
37 Ombra 1902   275t
38 Oracle 1929   625t
39 Princess 1924   730t
40 Radiant 1927   550t
41 Rhodora 1929   709t
42 Rion 1928   324t
43 Rosabelle 1901   614t; 1x1-76/40
44 Sagitta 1908   756t; 2x1-76/40
45 St. Adrian 1927   387t
46 St. Dominica 1895   338t
47 Sappho 1935   327t
48 Sargasso 1926   216t
49 Sayonara 1911   762t
50 Schievan 1897   439t
51 Seaflower 1882   447t
52 Shalimar 1903   114t
53 Shemara 1938   834t
54 Shiona 1938   112t
55 Sona 1922   555t
56 Spitfire III 1938   142t
57 Surf 1902   560t; 2x1-76/40
58 Sylvana 1907   487t
59 Taransay 1930   175t
60 Tiercel 1913   489t
61 Titan 1935   103t
62 Valena 1908   882t
63 Virginia 1930   712t
64 Viva II 1929   502t
65 Wilna 1939   461t; 1x1-102/40
66 Yarta 1898   357t
67 Zaza 1905   455t; 1x1-76/40


Insect 10 1 Aphis 1915 750t, 72.4x11.0x1.2m, 2b, 2vte, 2000hp, 14kts, 54-65p; 2x1-152/40, 1x1-76/40
2 Gnat 1915
3 Mantis 1915
4 Scarab 1915
5 Cicala 1916
6 Cockchafer 1916
7 Cricket 1916
8 Ladybird 1916
9 Moth 1916
10 Tarantula 1916
Peterel 2 11 Peterel 1927 No picture 400t, 56.4x8.8x1.3m, 2b, 2gt, 2250hp, 16kts, 55p; 2x1-76/45
12 Gannet 1928
Tern 2 13 Seamew 1928 No picture 330t, 51.2x8.2x1.3m, 2b, 2gt, 1370hp, 14kts, 55p; 2x1-76/45
14 Tern 1928
Falcon 1 15 Falcon 1931 470t, 45.7x8.8x1.8m, 2b, 2gt, 2250hp, 15kts, 55p; 1x1-87/13, 2x1-57/40
Sandpiper 1 16 Sandpiper 1933 215t, 51.0x9.4x0.6m, 1b, 2vte, 600hp, 35p; 1x1-87/13, 1x1-57/40
Robin 1 17 Robin 1934 275t, 47.6x8/1x1/1m, 1b, 2vte, 800hp, 12.7kts, 35p; 1x1-87/13, 1x1-57/40
Scorpion 1 18 Scorpion 1938 800t, 63.6x10.6x1.8m, 2b, 2gt, 4500hp, 17kts, 93p; 2x1-102/45, 1x1-87/13, 2x1-47/40
Dragonfly 2 19 Dragonfly 1939 715t, 59.9x10.3x1.9m, 2b, 2gt, 3800hp, 17kts, 74p; 2x1-102/45, 1x1-87/13
20 Grasshopper 1939


PT CMB-70 2 1, 2 CMB103MT, 104MT 1922 24t, 22.1x4.3x1.1m, 2pe, 1400hp, 36.6kts, 5p; 1DCR, 7mines
MTB1 18 3 - 20 MTB1 - 12, 14 - 19 1936 - 1939 20t, 18.4x4.2x0.9m, 3pe, 1650hp, 36kts, 8p; 2-450TT, 6DC
MTB20 1 21 MTB22 1939 37t, 21.9x5.0x1.0m, 3pe, 3450hp, 42kts, 10p; 2-533TT, 8DC
MTB24 1 22 MTB24 1939 43t, 22.6x5.1x1.0m, 3pe, 3450hp, 42kts, 12p; 1x2-12.7, 2-533TT, 2DC
MTB26 2 23, 24 MTB26, 27 1938 No picture 17t, 16.8x3.35x1.1m, 2pe, 750hp, 38kts, 5p; 2-450TT, 2DC
PS MA/SB1 5 1 - 5 MA/SB1 - 5 1939 19t, 18.3x4.2x0.9m, 2pe, 1100hp, 25kts, 9p; 2DCR
MA/SB6 16 6 - 21 MA/SB6 - 21 1939 32t, 21.3x5.1x1.0m, 2pe, 1650hp, 23kts, 9p; 1x1-40/39, 2x2-12.7, 2DCR


LCU X1 11 1 X21 1915 160t, 32.2x6.4x1.1m, 1sd, 60hp, 8kts, ?p; 500troops
2 X31 1915
3 X36 1915
4 X45 1915
5 X64 1915
6 X95 1915
7 X103 1915
8 X131 1915
9 X134 1915
10 X140 1915
11 X149 1915
X201 6 12 X201 1916 137t, 29.6x6.1x1.1m, 1sd, 60hp, 8kts, ?p; 500troops
13 X206 1916
14 X209 1916
15 X213 1916
16 X217 1916
17 X225 1916
LCU(x) DX1 2 1 DX1 1916 137t, 29.6x6.1x1.1m, ?p; 500troops
2 DX2 1916  
LC MLC1 1 1 MLC1 1926 No picture 26t, 12.2x3.5x0.4m, 2pe, 68hp, 4.7kts, 3p; 100troops
MLC10 9 2 - 10 MLC10 - 12, 14 - 19 1929 - 1937 No picture 32t, 13.0x3.6x0.5m, 2pe, 68hp, 5kts, 3p; 1 12t tank or 100troops


M29 3 1 Medusa 1915 580t, 54.0x9.4x1.8m, 2b, 2vte, 400hp, 9kts, 72p; 50mines
2 Melpomene 1915
3 Minerva 1915
Plover 1 4 Plover 1937 1020t, 59.5x11.4x3.1m, 2b, 2vte, 1400hp, 14.7kts, 69p; 1x1-76/45, 80mines
Linnet 3 5 Linnet 1938 No picture 600t, 49.9x8.3x2.4m, 1vte, 400hp, 10.5kts, 24p; 12mines
6 Redstart 1938
7 Ringdove 1938
M1 1 8 M1 1939 No picture 346t, 33.6x8.1x2.4m, 2diesels, 360hp, 10kts, 32p; 10mines
AML - 8 1 Hampton 1934   2839brt, 105.8x18.5xm, 2gt, 16.5kts; 1x1-102/40, 270mines
2 Menestheus 1929   13735t, 140.2x18.1xm, 2d, 15.5kts; 2x1-102/45, 2x1-40/39, 410mines
3 Port Quebec 1939   8490t, 142.6x18.1xm, 1d, 16kts; 2x1-102/45, 2x1-40/39, 548mines
4 Princess Victoria 1939   2197brt, 93.0x14.6xm, 2d, 19kts; 2x1-76/40, 244mines
5 Shepperton 1934   2839brt, 105.8x18.5xm, 2gt, 16.5kts; 1x1-102/45, 270mines
6 Teviotbank 1937   5087brt, 130.8x17.8xm, 1vte, 15kts; 1x1-102/40, 1x1-76/40, 280mines
7 Atreus 1911   645brt; 1x1-76/40, 192mines
8 Manyeung 1933   371t
NL Guardian 1 1 Guardian 1933 3665t, 103.0x16.2x4.2m, 2b, 2gt, 6500hp, 18kts, 181p; 2x1-102/45, nets
Protector 1 2 Protector 1936 3610t, 103.0x16.2x4.2m, 2b, 2gt, 9000hp, 20kts, 190p; 1x1-102/45, nets
MS Hunt-II 24 1 Aberdare 1918 930t, 70.4x8.7x2.3m, 2b, 2vte, 2200hp, 16kts, 74p; 1x1-102/40, 1x1-76/40, MS
2 Abingdon 1918
3 Derby 1918
4 Fareham 1918
5 Harrow 1918
6 Pangbourne 1918
7 Saltash 1918
8 Stoke 1918
9 Sutton 1918
10 Widnes 1918
11 Albury 1919
12 Alresford 1919
13 Bagshot 1919
14 Dundalk 1919
15 Dunoon 1919
16 Elgin 1919
17 Fermoy 1919
18 Huntley 1919
19 Lydd 1919
20 Fitzroy 1919
21 Kellett 1919
22 Ross 1919
23 Saltburn 1919
24 Selkirk 1919
Halcyon 21 25 Halcyon 1934 1088(25-31)-1190(32-45)t, 74.8x10.2x3.1m, 2b, 2vc(25-29)-2vte(30, 31)-2gt(32-45), 1770(25-29)-2000(30, 31)-1750(32-45)hp, 16.5(25-29)-17(30-45)kts, 80p; 2x1-102/45, 1x4-12.7/62(32-45), MS
26 Harrier 1934
27 Skipjack 1934
28 Hussar 1935
29 Speedwell 1935
30 Niger 1936
31 Salamander 1936
32 Hazard 1937
33 Hebe 1937
34 Sharpshooter 1937
35 Franklin 1938
36 Gleaner 1938
37 Gossamer 1938
38 Jason 1938
39 Leda 1938
40 Seagull 1938
41 Bramble 1939
42 Britomart 1939
43 Scott 1939
44 Speedy 1939
45 Sphinx 1939
AMS - 49
46 Raub 1926   1161brt, 70.7x13.0xm, 2vte
47 Circe 1912   778t; 1x1-102/40
48 Hua Tong 1927   280t
49 Malacca 1927   211t
50 Nguvu 1925   179t
51 Salvo 1918   161t
52 Scythe 1915   100t
53 Shako 1913   121t
54 Sin Aik Lee 1928   198t
55 Slogan 1926   110t
56 Souvenir 1914   120t
57 Tapah 1926   208t
58 William Scoresby 1926   326t
59 Zerang 1938   261t
60 Ambassador 1911   387t; 1x1-76/40
61 Brighton Belle 1900   396t
62 Brighton Queen 1905   807t
63 City of Rochester 1904   235t
64 Devonia 1905   520t; 1x1-76/40
65 Duchess of Fife 1903   336t
66 Duches of Rothesay 1894   385t
67 Emperor of India 1906   534t; 1x1-76/40
68 Essex Queen 1897   389t
69 Glen Avon 1912   509t; 1x1-76/40
70 Glen Gower 1922   553t; 1x1-76/40
71 Glen Usk 1914   524t; 1x1-76/40
72 Goatfell 1934   624t; 1x1-76/40
73 Gracie Fields 1936   393t
74 Helvellyn 1937   642t
75 Jeannie Deans 1931   635t
76 Kylemore 1897   319t
77 Laguna Belle 1896   617t; 1x1-76/40
78 Lorna Doone 1891   410t
79 Marmion 1906   409t; 1x1-76/40
80 Medway Queen 1924   318t
81 Mercury 1934   621t
82 Oriole 1910   441t
83 Plinlimmon 1895   436t; 1x1-76/40
84 Princess Elizabeth 1927   388t
85 Queen Empress 1912   411t
86 Queen of Kent 1916   798t; 1x1-76/40
87 Queen of Thanet 1916   792t
88 Sandown 1934   684t; 1x1-76/40
89 Scawfell 1937   642t; 1x1-76/40
90 Skiddaw 1896   483t; 1x1-76/40
91 Snaefell 1907   466t; 1x1-76/40
92 Thames Queen 1898   517t; 1x1-76/40
93 Waverley 1899   537t
94 Westward Ho! 1894   438t; 1x1-76/40
MDV - 1 1 Borde 1920   2014brt; 82.4x11.6xm, 1vte, 9kts; 2x1-76/40, 2x1-40/39
TL Mersey 11 1 Moy 1917 665t, 45.1x7.2x2.8m, 1b, 1vte, 600hp, 11kts, ?p; 1x1-76/40, MS
2 Ouse 1917
3 Doon 1917
4 Excellent 1918
5 Stour 1918
6 Colne 1918
7 Cherwell 1918
8 Foyle 1918
9 Eden 1918
10 Blackwater 1918
11 Boyne 1918
Castle 23 12 Alexander Scott 1917 547t, 40.8x7.2x2.8m, 1b, 1vte, 480hp, 10.5kts, ?p; 1x1-76/40, MS
13 Davied Ogilvie 1917
14 Neil Smith 1917
15 William Bunce 1917
16 William Cale 1917
17 Arthur Cavanagh 1918
18 Charles Boyes 1918
19 James Lay 1918
20 John Baptish 1918
21 John Cattling 1918
22 Joseph Button 1918
23 Phineas Beard 1918
24 Richard Crofts 1918
25 Robert Bowen 1918
26 Thomas Bartlett 1918
27 Daniel Clowden 1919
28 George Cousins 1919
29 Michael Griffiths 1919
30 Peter Carey 1919
31 Thomas Leeds 1919
32 Madras 1919
33 Sealdah 1919
34 Thomas Altoft 1920
Strath 2 35 Benjamin Coleman 1917 No picture 429t, 37.5x6.8x2.8m, 1b, 1vte, 430hp, 10kts, ?p; 1x1-76/40, 1DCT, MS
36 William Hanbury 1918
Axe 4 37 Dee 1916 520t, 42.3x7.2x3.7m, 1b, 1vte, 490hp, 10.5kts, 20p; 1x1-75/50, MS
38 Garry 1916
39 Kennet 1916
40 Liffey 1916
Cedar 21 41 Alder 1929   500t; 1x1-76/40, MS
42 Beech 1929   540t; 1x1-76/40, MS
43 Berberis 1928   540t; 1x1-102/40, MS
44 Cedar 1933   649t; 1x1-76/40, MS
45 Cypress 1930   570t; 1x1-76/40, MS
46 Guava 1933   394t; 1x1-76/40, MS
47 Hawthorn 1930   593t; 1x1-102/40, MS
48 Holly 1930   590t; 1x1-76/40, MS
49 Hornbeam 1930   530t; 1x1-76/40, MS
50 Larch 1928   359t; 1x1-76/40, MS
51 Laurel 1930   590t; 1x1-102/40, MS
52 Lilac 1930   593t; 1x1-102/40, MS
53 Magnolia 1930   557t; 1x1-102/40, MS
54 Maple 1929   550t; 1x1-102/40, MS
55 Myrtle 1928   550t; 1x1-76/40, MS
56 Oak 1928   545t; 1x1-102/40, MS
57 Redwood 1928   555t; 1x1-102/40, MS
58 Sycamore 1930   573t; 1x1-102/40, MS
59 Syringa 1930   574t; 1x1-76/40, MS
60 Tamarisk 1929   540t; 1x1-76/40, MS
61 Willow 1930   574t; 1x1-76/40, MS
Agate 15 62 Agate 1934   627t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
63 Amber 1933   700t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
64 Amethyst 1934   627t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
65 Beryl 1933   615t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
66 Coral 1935   705t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
67 Cornelian 1933   568t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
68 Jade 1933   613t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
69 Jasper 1931   581t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
70 Moonstone 1934   615t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
71 Pearl 1933   649t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
72 Ruby 1933   568t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
73 Sapphire 1934   608t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
74 Topaze 1934   608t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
75 Tourmaline 1935   641t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
76 Turquoise 1935   641t; 1x1-102/40, DCR
Basset 1 77 Basset 1935 725-775t, 48.9-50.0x8.3-8.4x3.2-3.4m, 1b, 1vte, 850-950hp, 12.5-13kts, 33p; 1x1-102/40, 2DCT, 2DCR, MS
Tree 2 78 Rowan 1939 770t, 50.0x8.4x3.4m, 1b, 1vte, 850hp, 12.2kts, 35p; 1x1-76/40, 1x2-12.7/62, 2DCT, 2DCR, MS
79 Walnut 1939
- 576 80 Abronia 1906   242t
81 Acroite 1934   334t; 1x1-76/40
82 Admiral Sir John Lawford 1930   338t; 1x1-76/40
83 Agnes Wickfield 1909   219t
84 Akita 1939   314t; 1x1-76/40
85 Akranes 1929   358t
86 Alafoss 1929   357t; 1x1-76/40
87 Alcmaria 1916   148t
88 Alexandrite 1933   313t
89 Alex Hastie 1914   206t
90 Alfredian 1913   293t; 1x1-76/40
91 Almandine 1932   295t
92 Aloutte 1939   520t; 1x1-102/40
93 Andradite 1934   313t; 1x1-76/40
94 Angle 1936   531t
95 Annabelle 1917   202t
96 Anson 1905   211t
97 Aquamarine 1927   357t
98 Arab 1936   531t
99 Arctic Explorer 1937   501t; 1x1-102/40
100 Arctic Hunter 1929   356t; 1x1-76/40
101 Arctic Pioneer 1937   501t
102 Arctic Ranger 1937   493t
103 Argyllshire 1938   540t
104 Arkwright 1930   370t; 1x1-76/40
105 Arley 1914   304t; 1x1-76/40
106 Arnold Bennett 1930   374t; 1x1-76/40
107 Arsenal 1933   389t
108 Asama 1929   303t
109 Aston Villa 1937   546t; 1x1-102/40
110 Athelstan 1911   202t
111 Athenian 1919   218t
112 Avanturine 1934   412t
113 Avola 1913   255t
114 Avon Stream 1915   249t
115 Ayrshire 1938   540t; 1x1-102/40
116 Balmoral 1916   222t
117 Bandolero 1935   440t
118 Barbados 1905   211t
119 Beathwood 1912   209t
120 Bedfordshire 1935   443t; 1x1-102/40
121 Belldock 1917   236t
122 Bellona 1907   184t
123 Ben Ardna 1917   226t
124 Ben Bheulah 1917   275t
125 Ben Dearg 1920   280t
126 Ben Glas 1917   234t
127 Ben Gulvain 1914   197t
128 Ben Heilem 1919   224t
129 Ben Indris 1931   232t
130 Ben Torc 1915   199t
131 Bengal 1905   211t
132 Bengali 1937   455t
133 Benvolio 1930   352t
134 Berenga 1917   227t
135 Berkshire 1936   466t
136 Bernard Shaw 1929   335t
137 Beru 1911   195t
138 Bervi Braes 1917   203t
139 Betty Inglis 1895   104t
140 Blackburn Rovers 1934   422t
141 Blackfly 1937   482t
142 Bombay 1907   229t
143 Boreas 1907   184t
144 Botanic 1928   348t
145 Brabant 1918   280t
146 Braconhill 1919   203t
147 Braconlynn 1913   206t
148 Braconmoor 1917   194t
149 Bradman 1937   452t
150 Braes O`Mar 1915   227t
151 Brecon Castle 1916   274t
152 Brimnes 1933   413t; 1x1-102/40
153 British 1930   406t
154 British Guiana 1936   146t
155 British Honduras 1930   147t
156 Brock 1914   304t
157 Brontes 1934   428t
158 Bucentaur 1907   184t
159 Buckingham 1930   253t
160 Burke 1930   363t
161 Caerphilly Castle 1919   275t
162 Caldy 1908   222t
163 Calverton 1913   214t
164 Calvi 1930   363t
165 Cambridgeshire 1935   443t; 1x1-102/40
166 Campina 1913   290t
167 Cape Argona 1936   494t; 1x1-102/40
168 Cape Barracouta 1930   390t; 1x1-76/40
169 Cape Chelyuskin 1936   494t; 1x1-102/40
170 Cape Comorin 1936   504t; 1x1-102/40
171 Cape Melville 1929   342t; 1x1-76/40
172 Cape Nyemetski 1934   422t; 1x1-102/40
173 Cape Palliser 1936   497t; 1x1-102/40
174 Cape Passaro 1939   590t; 1x1-102/40
175 Cape Portland 1936   497t; 1x1-102/40
176 Cape Siretoko 1939   590t
177 Cape Spartel 1929   346t; 1x1-76/40
178 Cape Warwick 1936   515t; 1x1-102/40
179 Capricornus 1917   220t
180 Cardiff Castle 1919   276t
181 Carisbrooke 1928   230t; 1x1-76/40
182 Castleton 1904   211t
183 Cayton Wyke 1932   373t; 1x1-76/40
184 Cedric 1905   230t
185 Celtia 1907   239t
186 Cerisio 1915   338t
187 Chalcedony 1928   357t; 1x1-76/40
188 Chandos 1919   200t
189 Chassiron 1913   258t
190 Christania T. Purdy 1917   213t
191 City of Aberdeen 1898   194t
192 Claire 1907   219t
193 Cleopatra II 1907   240t
194 Clevela 1930   387t; 1x1-76/40
195 Clifton 1915   194t
196 Clyne Castle 1929   307t; 1x1-76/40
197 Clythness 1920   276t
198 Comet 1924   301t
199 Comitatus 1919   290t
200 Commander Evans 1924   344t; 1x1-76/40
201 Commiles 1918   224t
202 Commodator 1918   281t
203 Computator 1919   286t
204 Concertator 1917   275t
205 Coniston 1904   217t
206 Conquistador 1915   224t
207 Conway 1904   228t
208 Conway Castle 1916   274t
209 Cordela 1930   355t; 1x1-76/40
210 Corena 1924   352t; 1x1-76/40
211 Cortina 1913   213t
212 Courtier 1929   225t; 1x1-76/40
213 Coventry City 1937   546t
214 Craik 1915   219t
215 Cranefly 1917   312t
216 Crestflower 1930   367t; 1x1-76/40
217 Crevette 1918   203t
218 Curtana 1929   354t; 1x1-76/40
219 Dalmatia 1928   357t; 1x1-76/40
220 Damito 1917   275t
221 Daneman 1937   516t; 1x1-102/40
222 Darnett Ness 1920   277t
223 Darogah 1914   221t
224 Darthema 1929   373t; 1x1-76/40
225 Darwen 1916   227t
226 Dav 1936   450t
227 Delphinus 1906   257t
228 Derby County 1938   299t; 1x1-102/40
229 Desiree 1912   212t
230 Donna Nook 1916   307t; 1x1-76/40
231 Dorinda 1917   270t; 1x1-76/40
232 Doris 1897   174t
233 Drangey 1935   434t
234 Drummer Boy 1916   209t
235 Dulcibelle 1918   203t
236 Earl Essex 1914   225t
237 Earl Kitchener 1915   348t; 1x1-76/40
238 Eastcoates 1919   277t
239 Ebor Wyke 1929   348t; 1x1-76/40
240 Edwardian 1931   348t; 1x1-76/40
241 Edward Walmsley 1919   276t; 1x1-76/40
242 Egeria 1907   184t
243 Elbury 1925   394t
244 Elizabeth Angela 1928   253t; 1x1-76/40
245 Elk 1902   181t
246 Else Rykens 1935   266t
247 Emilion 1914   201t
248 Emphyrean 1914   215t
249 Epine 1929   358t
250 Equerry 1929   369t
251 Erillus 1914   201t
252 Erimo 1930   265t; 1x1-76/40
253 Etruscan 1913   202t
254 Evelina 1919   202t
255 Evelyn Rose 1918   327t; 1x1-76/40
256 Everton 1915   240t
257 Evesham 1915   239t
258 Exyahne 1914   226t; 1x1-76/40
259 Fane 1930   310t
260 Faraday 1916   322t
261 Fentonian 1912   221t
262 Fezenta 1914   228t
263 Fifeshire 1938   540t
264 Filey Bay 1931   370t; 1x1-76/40
265 Firefly 1930   394t
266 Flanders 1920   289t
267 Fleming 1929   356t; 1x1-76/40
268 Florio 1916   314t; 1x1-76/40
269 Flying Wing 1915   226t
270 Fort Robert 1918   203t
271 Fort Royal 1931   351t; 1x1-76/40
272 Friarage 1930   210t
273 Fyldea 1930   377t
274 Gadfly 1919   290t
275 Gadra 1909   219t
276 Gallinule 1907   238t
277 Garola 1912   249t
278 Gaul 1936   531t; 1x1-102/40
279 Gava 1920   256t; 1x1-76/40
280 General Birdwood 1919   324t; 1x1-76/40
281 George Robb 1930   217t; 1x1-76/40
282 Georgette 1918   203t
283 Gillian 1919   206t
284 Glatian 1913   220t
285 Glen Kidston 1930   360t; 1x1-76/40
286 Goosander 1908   238t
287 Goth 1925   394t; 1x1-76/40
288 Guava 1935   134t
289 Gulfoss 1929   358t; 1x1-76/40
290 Gunner 1927   350t; 1x1-76/40
291 Gwenllian 1911   220t
292 Hammond 1936   452t; 1x1-102/40
293 Hampshire 1934   425t; 1x1-102/40
294 Harry Melling 1919   275t
295 Hatano 1925   297t; 1x1-76/40
296 Hatsuse 1927   295t, 1x1-76/40
297 Henriette 1918   204t
298 Hertfordshire 1936   458t; 1x1-102/40
299 Hildina 1918   276t
300 Holyrood 1914   210t; 1x1-76/40
301 Honjo 1928   308t; 1x1-76/40
302 Hoverfly 1917   242t
303 Huddersfield Town 1933   399t
304 Hugh Walpole 1937   498t; 1x1-102/40
305 Hyaena 1903   183t
306 Ijuin 1920   282t
307 Imperia 1912   213t
308 Imperialist 1939   520t; 1x1-102/40
309 Inchgower 1919   202t
310 Indian Star 1936   463t; 1x1-102/40
311 Inverforth 1914   248t
312 Iranian 1912   202t
313 Istria 1935   409t; 1x1-102/40
314 Jardine 1936   452t; 1x1-102/40
315 Kelt 1937   455t; 1x1-102/40
316 Kennymore 1914   255t
317 Manly 1902   190t; 1x1-76/40
318 Kingscourt 1917   203t
319 Kings Grey 1915   338t; 1x1-76/40
320 King Sol 1937   486t
321 Kingston Agate 1937   464t; 1x1-102/40
322 Kingston Alalite 1933   412t
323 Kingston Amber 1937   467t; 1x1-102/40
324 Kingston Andalusite 1934   415t
325 Kingston Beryl 1928   356t
326 Kingston Cairngorm 1935   448t; 1x1-102/40
327 Kingston Ceylonite 1935   448t; 1x1-102/40
328 Kingston Chrysoberyl 1935   448t; 1x1-102/40
329 Kingston Chrysolite 1935   448t
330 Kingston Coral 1936   433t; 1x1-102/40
331 Kingston Cornelian 1934   449t
332 Kingston Crystal 1936   433t
333 Kingston Cyanite 1936   433t
334 Kingston Galena 1934   415t; 1x1-102/40
335 Kingston Jasinth 1929   356t
336 Kingston Olivine 1930   378t; 1x1-102/40
337 Kingston Onyx 1928   357t
338 Kingston Peridot 1929   356t
339 Kingston Sapphire 1929   356t
340 Kingston Topaz 1927   357t
341 Kingston Turquoise 1929   356t
342 Kingsway 1905   211t
343 Kirkella 1936   436t; 1x1-102/40
344 Kunishi 1927   303t; 1x1-76/47
345 Kurd 1930   352t; 1x1-76/40
346 Lacennia 1931   348t; 1x1-76/40
347 Lady Beryl 1935   417t; 1x1-102/40
348 Lady Elsa 1937   518t
349 Lady Enid 1929   354t
350 Lady Hogarth 1937   472t; 1x1-76/40
351 Lady Philomena 1936   417t; 1x1-102/40
352 Lapwing 1904   217t
353 Larwood 1936   452t; 1x1-102/40
354 Leeds United 1933   405t
355 Leicester City 1934   422t
356 Leo 1904   181t
357 Leonora 1904   217t
358 Lephreto 1917   275t; 1x1-76/40
359 Le Tiger 1937   516t; 1x1-102/40
360 Leyland 1936   452t; 1x1-102/40
361 Libra 1912   211t
362 Libyan 1913   202t
363 Liddoch 1919   202t
364 Lincoln City 1933   398t
365 Lincolnshire 1936   432t; 1x1-102/40
366 Loch Alsh 1926   358t; 1x1-76/40
367 Loch Buie 1919   277t
368 Loch Eribol 1929   352t
369 Loch Esk 1912   209t
370 Loch Hope 1915   274t
371 Loch Inver 1930   356t; 1x1-76/40
372 Loch Leven 1928   357t
373 Loch Melfort 1934   440t
374 Loch Monteith 1936   531t; 1x1-102/40
375 Loch Naver 1919   278t
376 Loch Oskaig 1936   534t; 1x1-102/40
377 Loch Tulla 1934   423t
378 Longscar 1930   215t
379 Lord Ashfield 1929   346t; 1x1-76/40
380 Lord Austin 1937   473t
381 Lord Beaconsfield 1915   302t; 1x1-76/40
382 Lord Cecil 1916   228t
383 Lord Essenden 1936   464t
384 Lord Inchcape 1924   338t
385 Lord Irwin 1928   346t
386 Lord Lloyd 1933   396t
387 Lord Melchett 1928   347t; 1x1-76/40
388 Lord Middleton 1936   464t; 1x1-102/40
389 Lord Northcliffe 1916   228t
390 Lord Nuffield 1937   466t
391 Lord Plender 1933   396t
392 Lord Snowden 1934   444t
393 Lord Stamp 1935   448t
394 Lord Stanhope 1935   448t
395 Lord Stonehaven 1934   444t
396 Lord Wakefield 1933   418t
397 Lorinda 1928   348t
398 Ludalady 1914   234t
399 Luda Lord 1913   224t
400 Lune 1930   310t
401 Lydiard 1935   440t
402 Malacolite 1917   248t
403 Manor 1913   314t
404 Man O`War 1936   517t; 1x1-102/40
405 Manx Prince 1910   221t
406 Marano 1916   245t
407 Maretta 1929   350t
408 Marlborough 1907   213t
409 Marsona 1918   276t
410 Marie A. Hastie 1930   244t; 1x1-76/40
411 Median 1919   217t
412 Melbourne 1936   466t
413 Mikasa 1915   274t
414 Milford Countess 1919   275t
415 Milford Duchess 1919   275t
416 Milford Duke 1918   277t
417 Milford Earl 1919   290t
418 Milford King 1917   275t
419 Milford Prince 1920   278t
420 Milford Princess 1924   301t
421 Milford Queen 1917   280t
422 Mirabelle 1918   203t
423 Monimia 1929   374t; 1x1-76/40
424 Mount Keen 1936   358t
425 Murmansk 1929   348t; 1x1-76/40
426 Muroto 1931   340t
427 Nab Wyke 1930   348t; 1x1-76/40
428 Nairana II 1913   225t
429 Natal II 1903   208t
430 Negro 1932   402t; 1x1-76/40
431 Neil Mackay 1935   266t
432 New Comet 1915   244t
433 Nodzu 1929   303t
434 Nogi 1923   299t
435 Norse 1930   351t
436 Northcoates 1918   277t
437 Northern Chief 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
438 Northern Dawn 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
439 Northern Duke 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
440 Northern Foam 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
441 Northern Gem 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
442 Northern Gift 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
443 Northern Isles 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
444 Northern Pride 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
445 Northern Princess 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
446 Northern Reward 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
447 Northern Sky 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
448 Northern Spray 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
449 Northern Sun 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
450 Northern Wave 1936   655t; 1x1-102/40
451 North Ness 1917   275t; 1x1-76/40
452 Northward 1906   204t
453 Northward Ho! 1919   204t
454 Norwich City 1937   541t; 1x1-102/40
455 Notts County 1938   541t; 1x1-102/40
456 Ocean Victor 1918   202t
457 Ohm 1915   302t
458 Oku 1929   303t
459 Olden Times 1919   202t
460 Olvina 1934   425t
461 Olympia 1917   261t; 1x1-76/40
462 Onetos 1913   217t
463 Onward II 1905   209t
464 Ophir II 1906   213t
465 Ormonde 1906   250t
466 Osta 1915   230t
467 Othello 1907   201t
468 Our Bairns 1917   275t
469 Overdale Wyke 1924   338t; 1x1-76/40
470 Patti 1929   339t; 1x1-76/40
471 Paul Rykens 1935   466t; 1x1-102/40
472 Paynter 1937   472t
473 Pelton 1925   358t
474 Pentland Firth 1934   485t; 1x1-102/40
475 Peridot 1933   398t
476 Peter Hendricks 1935   266t
477 Pict 1936   462t; 1x1-102/40
478 Picton Castle 1928   307t; 1x1-76/40
479 Pointz Castle 1914   283t; 1x1-76/40
480 Polly Johnson 1919   290t
481 Preston North End 1934   419t; 1x1-76/40
482 Prince Leo 1913   218t
483 Pyrope 1932   295t; 1x1-76/40
484 Radnor Castle 1017   275t
485 Raetia 1912   295t; 1x1-76/40
486 Raglan Castle 1919   280t
487 Ralco 1912   228t; 1x1-76/40
488 Raymont 1916   226t
489 Rayon d`Or 1912   342t
490 Reboundo 1920   278t
491 Recono 1916   248t
492 Recordo 1910   230t
493 Red Gauntlet 1930   338t; 1x1-76/40
494 Refundo 1916   258t
495 Regal 1933   409t
496 Regardo 1915   248t
497 Reighton Wyke 1937   465t
498 Relonzo 1914   245t; 1x1-76/40
499 Remexo 1912   251t
500 Resolvo 1913   231t
501 Resparko 1916   248t
502 Restrivo 1914   245t
503 Retako 1914   245t
504 Returno 1914   244t
505 Revello 1910   230t
506 Rifsnes 1932   431t; 1x1-76/40
507 Righto 1920   278t
508 Rinovia 1931   429t
509 River Clyde 1919   276t
510 River Garry 1918   203t
511 River Leven 1918   202t
512 River Ness 1918   203t
513 River Hastie 1912   210t
514 Robert Stroud 1930   219t
515 Rodino 1913   230t; 1x1-76/40
516 Ronso 1915   248t
517 Rose of England 1908   222t
518 Roxano 1907   228t
519 Royallieu 1907   211t; 1x1-76/40
520 Royalo 1916   248t
521 Rudilais 1920   282t
522 Runswick Bay 1929   349t
523 Rutlandshire 1936   458t; 1x1-102/40
524 Sabreur 1916   188t
525 St. Achilleus 1934   484t; 1x1-102/40
526 St. Amandus 1933   400t
527 St. Andronicus 1933   398t
528 St. Arcadius 1934   399t
529 St. Attalus 1934   399t
530 St. Cathan 1936   565t; 1x1-102/40
531 St. Donats 1924   349t
532 St. Elstan 1937   564t; 1x1-102/40
533 St. Goran 1936   565t
534 St. Katharine 1927   337t
535 St. Kenan 1936   565t
536 St. Loman 1936   565t
537 St. Melante 1927   358t; 1x1-76/40
538 St. Minver 1919   325t; 1x1-76/40
539 St. Wistan 1937   567t; 1x1-76/40
540 Sandringham 1930   254t
541 Sangarius 1915   211t
542 Sanson 1907   231t
543 Sansonnet 1916   212t
544 Saon 1933   386t
545 Sarah Hide 1921   162t
546 Sargon 1913   297t
547 Sasebo 1928   308t; 1x1-76/40
548 Sata 1931   340t
549 Saturn 1916   230t
550 Sawfly 1928   307t
551 Saxonia 1900   197t
552 Scalby Wyke 1935   443t
553 Scottish 1937   558t; 1x1-102/40
554 Sea King 1916   321t
555 Sedgefly 1939   520t; 1x1-102/40
556 Sedock 1920   202t
557 Semnos 1914   216t
558 Serapion 1900   195t
559 Shamrock 1899   184t
560 Sicyon 1930   344t
561 Silicia 1913   250t
562 Sindonis 1934   440t; 1x1-102/40
563 Sir John Lister 1919   281t
564 Sisapon 1928   326t
565 Slebech 1908   222t
566 Solomon 1928   357t
567 Solon 1931   348t; 1x1-76/40
568 Spaniard 1937   455t; 1x1-102/40
569 Spurs 1933   399t
570 Stafnes 1936   456t
571 Star of Deveron 1915   220t
572 Star of Orkney 1936   273t
573 Stella Canopus 1936   418t
574 Stella Capella 1937   440t; 1x1-102/40
575 Stella Carina 1936   440t; 1x1-76/40
576 Stella Dorado 1935   416t
577 Stella Leonis 1928   345t
578 Stella Orion 1935   417t
579 Stella Pegasi 1935   441t; 1x1-76/40
580 Stella Rigel 1926   358t; 1x1-76/40
581 Stella Sirius 1934   404t
582 Stoke City 1935   422t; 1x1-102/40
583 Stonefly 1930   238t
584 Stormcock 1908   188t
585 Strathmaree 1914   210t
586 Sturdee 1919   202t
587 Sturton 1920   251t
588 Suma 1927   302t; 1x1-76/40
589 Sunlight 1918   203t
590 Suzette 1920   199t
591 Syrian 1918   324t
592 Taipo 1916   225t
593 Tamora 1920   275t
594 Tartan 1912   202t
595 Tehana 1929   333t; 1x1-76/40
596 Tekoura 1929   368t
597 Teroma 1919   276t
598 Tervani 1930   409t; 1x1-76/40
599 Tewera 1930   335t; 1x1-76/40
600 Their Merit 1919   275t
601 The Roman 1909   224t
602 The Tower 1919   201t
603 Thornwyck Bay 1936   437t
604 Thrifty 1916   139t
605 Thuringia 1933   396t
606 Tilburyness 1918   279t
607 Tokio II 1906   221t
608 Tranio 1918   275t
609 Transvaal 1916   250t
610 Trevo Terceiro 1912   296t
611 T. R. Ferrens 1918   279t
612 Tritelia 1916   210t
613 Triton 1907   230t
614 Tumby 1918   204t
615 Turcoman 1937   455t; 1x1-102/40
616 Ugie Bank 1913   205t
617 Valdora 1916   251t
618 Valesca 1916   188t
619 Valmont 1916   245t
620 Varanga 1929   361t
621 Varanis 1910   258t
622 Vascama 1935   447t; 1x1-102/40
623 Velia 1914   289t; 1x1-76/40
624 Venture 1905   193t
625 Victorian 1935   447t
626 Victrix 1937   472t; 1x1-102/40
627 Viola 1905   228t
628 Vireo 1912   192t
629 Visenda 1937   455t; 1x1-102/40
630 Viviana 1936   452t
631 Wallena 1914   225t
632 Wardour 1911   335t
633 War Duke 1917   246t
634 Warwick Deeping 1934   445t
635 Warwickshire 1936   466t
636 War Wing 1915   226t
637 Waterfly 1931   387t
638 Waveflower 1929   368t
639 Weazel 1903   196t
640 Wellard 1937   514t
641 Wellsbach 1930   369t
642 Westella 1934   413t
643 William Stephen 1917   235t
644 William Wesney 1930   364t; 1x1-76/40
645 Windward Ho! 1920   263t
646 Witham 1919   205t
647 Withernsea 1918   257t
648 Wolborough 1937   459t
649 Wolves 1934   422t
650 Woods 1918   203t
651 Wyoming 1915   302t; 1x1-76/40
652 Yashima 1929   303t
653 Yesso 1918   209t
654 Yezo 1924   301t; 1x1-76/40
655 York City 1933   398t
Admiralty steel 22 1 Cascade 1918 200t, 28.4x5.7x2.3m, 1b, 1vte, 270hp, 9kts, ?p; 1x1-57/40, MS
2 Cloud 1918
3 Coldsnap 1918
4 Crescent Moon 1918
5 Eddy 1918
6 Glow 1918
7 Halo 1918
8 Harmattan 1918
9 Horizon 1918
10 Indian Summer 1918
11 Landfall 1918
12 Leeward 1918
13 Lunar Bow 1918
14 Mist 1918
15 Noontide 1918
16 Overfall 1918
17 Sheen 1918
18 Shower 1918
19 Seabreeze 1919
20 Flow 1920
21 Lasher 1920
22 Whirlpool 1920
Admiralty wooden 6
23 Fumarole 1919 175t, 28.7x6.1x2.2m, 1b, 1vte, 270hp, 9kts, ?p; 1x1-57/40, MS
24 Red Sky 1918
25 Solstice 1918
26 Gloamin 1919
27 Refraction 1919
28 Rime 1919
- 58 29 Advisable 1930   115t
30 Amalia 1917   139t
31 Ascona 1930   138t
32 Banshee 1929   115t
33 Boy Alan 1914   109t
34 Boy Philip 1930   128t
35 Castle Bay 1918   108t
36 Chestnut 1914   107t
37 Cloverdale 1917   100t
38 Comrades 1928   114t
39 Daisy II 1908   100t
40 Dorienta 1914   101t
41 Eager 1912   102t
42 Eileen Emma 1914   102t
43 Faithful Star 1927   103t
44 Feaco 1924   123t
45 Feasible 1912   103t
46 Gervais Rentoul 1917   100t
47 Girl Gladys 1917   110t
48 Gleam On 1919   100t
49 Go Ahead! 1919   100t
50 Grampian 1930   409t; 1x1-76/40
51 Greenfly 1936   441t; 1x1-102/40
52 Green Howard 1927   349t; 1x1-76/40
53 Gregory 1930   355t; 1x1-76/40
54 Grimsby Town 1934   422t
55 Hilda Cooper 1928   127t
56 Hosanna 1930   132t
57 Industry 1907   100t
58 Jeannies 1907   100t
59 Kindred Star 1930   115t
60 Lanner 1912   103t
61 Lord Rodney 1928   104t
62 Lord St. Vincent 1929   115t
63 Lord Suffolk 1929   115t
64 Margaret Hyde 1920   161t
65 Merbreeze 1931   117t
66 M. H. Buchan 1917   101t
67 Monarda 1916   109t
68 Ocean Breeze 1927   112t
69 Ocean Lifebuoy 1929   131t
70 Ocean Lux 1930   125t
71 Ocean Sunlight 1929   131t
72 Ocean Vim 1930   125t
73 Olivae 1915   107t
74 One Accord 1927   102t
75 Plough Boy 1912   102t
76 Plumer 1919   113t
77 Quiet Waters 1931   117t
78 Renascent 1926   100t
79 Rose Bud 1907   100t
80 Rose Hilda 1930   116t
81 Rose Valley 1918   100t
82 Silver Seas 1931   117t
83 Strive 1912   102t
84 Tritonia 1930   115t
85 Welcome Home 1925   104t
86 Willing Boys 1930   138t
WL Lake 6 1 Buttermere 1939 No picture 700t, 48.9x8.5x4.7m, 1b, 1vte, 1400hp, 13.8kts, 35p; 1x1-76/40, 1x2-12.7/62, MS
2 Ellesmere 1939
3 Grassmere 1939
4 Thirlmere 1939
5 Ullswater 1939
6 Windermere 1939
- 7 7 AN.2 1926   221t
8 Gemas 1925   207t
9 Jeram 1927   210t
10 Rahman 1926   209t
11 Roydur 1911   174t
12 Sotra 1925   313t
13 Trang 1912   205t
MSB MMS51 1 1 MMS51 1938 No picture 22t, 18.3x4.0x0.9m, 2pe, 1500hp, 25kts, 9p; MS

NAVAL AVIATION (approximately, maximal number of delivered planes signed)

Deck planes F: 38 Sea Gladiator II intermediate, 60 Sea Gladiator II (delivery till 4/1940), 136 Roc I (delivery till early 1940); FB: 192 Skua II (delivery till 3/1940); TB: 992 Swordfish I (delivery till 1943)
Seaplanes TB: part of Swordfish I (delivery till 1940); R: 24 Seagull V (amphibious), 555 Walrus I (amphibious, delivery till 1/1944), 66 Seafox I




© Ivan Gogin, 2010