
World navies yesterday


France 01 January 1940

IN SERVICE: 7 battleships, 1 fleet aircraft carrier, 1 seaplane tender, 7 heavy cruisers, 10 light cruisers, 1 training cruiser, 12 auxiliary cruisers, 58 destroyers, 13 torpedo boats, 77 submarines, 9 sloops, 15 auxiliary sloops, 32 fast anti-submarine ships (corvettes), 11 submarine chasers, 35 patrol trawlers and tugs, 28 auxiliary patrol vessels, 9 river gunboats, 1 armed survey vessel, 7 motor torpedo boats, 5 auxiliary patrol launches, 4 auxiliary minelayers, 1 netlayer, 9 minesweepers, 252 auxiliary minesweepers


BB Courbet 2 1 Courbet 1913 26000t, 168.0x27.9x9.0m, 26b,4gt(1)-4t(2), 28000hp, 20kts, 1108p; 270belt, (70+40)deck, 320turrets, 300CT; 6x2-305/45, 22x1-139/55, 6x1-75/50(1), 7x1-75/50(2), (6x2+2x1)-13.2
2 Paris 1914
Bretagne 3 3 Bretagne 1915 25000t, 166.0x26.9x9.8m, 6b,4gt, 43000hp, 21.4kts, 1133p; 250belt, (45+40)deck, 400-250turrets, 300CT; 5x2-340/45(3,4), 4x2-340/45(5), 14x1-139/55, 4x2-100/45(5), 8x1-75/50(3,4), 4x1-37/50, 2x4-13.2, 4seaplanes (Loire 130(5))
4 Provence 1915
5 Lorraine 1916
Dunkerque 2 6 Dunkerque 1937 34884(6)-36380(7)t, 215.1(6)-215.5(7) x31.1x9.6(6)-9.8(7)m, 6b,4gt, 110960(6)-112000(7)hp, 29.5kts, 1431p; 225(6)-283(7)belt, (130+40)deck, 330(6)-360(7)turrets, 270CT; 2x4-330/52, (3x4+2x2)-130/45, 5x2-37/50(6), 4x2-37/50(7), 8x4-13.2(6), 6x4-13.2(7), 3seaplanes (Loire 130)
7 Strasbourg 1939


CV Béarn 1 1 Béarn 1927 28400t, 182.6x31.0x9.3m, 6b,2t,2vte(4), 37500hp, 21.5kts, 865p; 80belt, (24+24+60)deck, 70casemates; 8x1-155/50, 6x1-75/50, 8x1-37/50, 4-550TT, 40aircraft (20 D.373, 5 V.156F)
AV Commandant Teste 1 1 Commandant Teste 1932 11500t, 167.0x27.0x6.9m, 4b,2gt, 21000hp, 20.5kts, 644p; 50belt, 36deck, 80CT; 12x1-100/45, 8x1-37/50, 6x2-13.2, 26seaplanes (14 Loire 130, 12 Laté 298)


CA Duquesne 2 1 Duquesne 1927 12200t, 191.0x19.0x6.3m, 9b,4gt, 120000hp, 33.7kts, 605p; 30magazines, 24deck, 30turrets, 30CT; 4x2-203/50, 8x1-75/50, 8x1-37/50, 6x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 1seaplane (CAMS.37)
2 Tourville 1928
Suffren 4 3 Suffren 1930 12928(3)-13103(4)-13429(5)-13407(6)t, 196.0(3)-194.2(4,5)-194.0(6) x20.0(3)-19.4(4)-19.3(5,6) x7.3(3,4)-7.5(5)-7.2(6)m, 8b(3,4)-6b(5,6),3gt, 90000hp, 32kts, 605p; 50belt(3,4)-54(5)-60(6)torpedo bulkhead, (25+18)(3)-(22+18)(4)-(22+30)(5,6)deck, 30turrets, 30CT; 4x2-203/50, 8x1-90/50(4,5), 4x2-90/50(6), 8x1-75/50(3), 8x1-37/50(3), 6x1-37/50(4-6), 3x4-13.2(3-5), 4x4-13.2(6), 2x3-550TT, 2seaplanes (GL.810(3)), 3seaplanes (GL.810(4-6))
4 Colbert 1931
5 Foch 1931
6 Dupleix 1932
Algérie 1 7 Algérie 1934 13461t, 186.2x20.0x6.2m, 6b,4gt, 84000hp, 31kts, 616p; 110belt, 80deck, 100turrets, 100CT; 4x2-203/55, 6x2-100/45, 4x1-37/50, 4x4-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 3seaplanes (GL.812)
CL Duguay Trouin 3 1 Duguay Trouin 1926 9350t, 181.6x17.2x5.2m, 8b,4gt, 100000hp, 33kts, 578p; 20magazines, 20deck, 25turrets, 25CT; 4x2-155/50, 4x1-75/50, 2x1-25/60(3), 6x2-13.2(1,2), 4x4-13.2(3), 4x3-550TT, 2seaplanes (GL.810)
2 Lamotte-Picquet 1926
3 Primaguet 1926
Émile Bertin 1 4 Émile Bertin 1935 8480t, 177.0x16.0x6.6m, 6b,4gt, 102000hp, 34kts, 567p; 30magazines, 20deck, 25CT; 3x3-152/55, (1x2+2x1)-90/50, 4x2-37/50, 4x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 2seaplanes (GL.832), 200m
La Galissonière 6 5 La Galissonière 1936 9100t, 179.5x17.5x5.4m, 4b,2gt, 84000hp, 31kts, 540p; 105belt, 38deck, 100turrets, 95CT; 3x3-152/55, 4x2-90/50, 4x2-13.2, 2x2-550TT, 4seaplanes (GL.832(5)), 3seaplanes (Loire 130(6-10))
6 Jean de Vienne 1937
7 Marseillaise 1937
8 Gloire 1937
9 Montcalm 1937
10 Georges Leygues 1937
CT Jeanne d`Arc 1 1 Jeanne d`Arc 1931 8950t, 170.0x17.7x6.4m, 4b,2gt, 32500hp, 25kts, 506p+176; 20magazines, 25turrets, 25CT; 4x2-155/50, 4x1-75/50, 2x1-37/50, 4x2-13.2, 2x1-550TT, 2seaplanes (CAMS.37)
AMC - 12 1 Aramis 1932   17537brt, 165.4x21.2x8.7m, 2d, 14700hp, 17kts; 8x1-139/45, 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/50
2 Koutoubia 1931   8790brt, 135.2x17.8x7.3m, 2t, 8800hp, 16.5kts; 8x1-139/45, 1x1-37/50, 2x1-25/60
3 Ville d`Oran 1936   10172brt, 140.8x19.3x6.6m, 2gt, 18000hp, 21kts; 5x1-139/45
4 El Mansour 1933   5818brt, 121.7x16.4x5.5m, 2gt, 12000hp, 21.5kts; 7x1-139/45, 2x1-75/35
5 Victor Schoelcher 1939   4504brt, 114.5x15.8x5.9m, 2d, 5200hp, 17kts; 7x1-139/45, 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/50
6 Colombie 1931   13390brt, 155.2x20.4x8.0m, 2t, 7400hp, 16kts; 7x1-149/45, 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
7 Charles Plumier 1939   4504brt, 114.5x15.8x5.9m, 2d, 5200hp, 17kts; 7x1-149/45, 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/50
8 El Djezair 1934   5818brt, 121.5x16.4x5.5m, 2gt, 12000hp, 21.5kts; 7x1-139/45, 2x1-75/35
9 El Kantara 1932   5079brt, 116.3x16.4x5.7m, 2gt, 8000hp, 20.5kts; 7x1-139/45, 2x1-75/35
10 Barfleur 1938   3259brt, 102.6x13.9x5.8m, 1d, 3850hp, 16kts; 7x1-149/45, 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/50
11 Quercy 1937   3100brt, 98.5x13.9x5.7m, 1d, 3750hp, 15.5kts; 7x1-139/45, 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/50
12 Estérel 1938   3100brt, 98.5x13.9x5.7m, 1d, 3750hp, 15.5kts; 7x1-139/45, 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/50


DD Chacal 6 1 Tigre 1925 3050t, 126.8x11.3x4.1m, 5b,2gt, 50000hp, 35.5kts, 195p; 4x1-130/40, 4x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 4DCT, 2DCR
2 Jaguar 1926
3 Chacal 1926
4 Panthère 1926
5 Lynx 1927
6 Léopard 1927
Bourasque 12 7 Simoun 1926 1900t, 105.8x9.6x4.3m, 3b,2gt, 33000hp, 33kts, 142p; 4x1-130/40, 2x1-37/50, 2x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 2DCT, 2DCR
8 Orage 1926
9 Tempête 1926
10 Bourrasque 1926
11 Tramontane 1927
12 Ouragan 1927
13 Mistral 1927
14 Siroco 1927
15 Trombe 1927
16 Typhon 1928
17 Cyclone 1928
18 Tornade 1928
L`Adroit 14 19 La Palme 1928 2000t, 107.2x9.8x4.3m, 3b,2gt, 34000hp, 33kts, 142p; 4x1-130/40, 2x1-37/50, 2x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 2DCT, 2DCR
20 Le Mars 1928
21 La Railleuse 1928
22 Le Fortune 1928
23 Brestois 1928
24 Boulonnais 1928
25 L`Alcyon 1929
26 L`Adroit 1929
27 Le Bordelais 1930
28 Forbin 1930
29 Fougueux 1930
30 Le Foudroyant 1930
31 Basque 1931
32 Frondeur 1931
Guépard 2 33 Guépard 1929 3200t, 130.2x11.8x4.7m, 4b,2gt, 64000hp, 35.5kts, 230p; 5x1-139/40, 4x1-37/50, 2x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 2DCR
34 Bison 1930
Valmy 4 35 Valmy 1930 3200t, 130.2x11.8x4.7m, 4b,2gt, 64000hp, 35.5kts, 230p; 5x1-139/40, 4x1-37/50, 2x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 2DCR
36 Verdun 1930
37 Lion 1931
38 Vauban 1931
Aigle 4 39 Aigle 1932 3410t, 128.5x11.8x5.0m, 4b,2gt, 64000hp, 36kts, 230p; 5x1-139/40, 4x1-37/50, 2x2-13.2, 2x3-550TT, 4DCT, 2DCR
40 Gerfaut 1932
41 Albatros 1932
42 Vautour 1932
Épervier 2 43 Épervier 1934 3410t, 129.3x11.8x5.0m, 4b,2gt, 68000hp, 36kts, 230p; 5x1-139/40, 4x1-37/50, 2x2-13.2, (1x3+2x2)-500TT, 4DCT, 2DCR, 20m
44 Milan 1934
Vauquelin 6 45 Cassard 1933 3140t, 129.3x11.8x5.0m, 4b,2gt, 64000hp, 36kts, 230p; 5x1-139/40, 4x1-37/50, 2x2-13.2, (1x3+2x2)-500TT, 4DCT, 2DCR, 50m
46 Tartu 1933
47 Vauquelin 1934
48 Maillé Brézé 1934
49 Kersaint 1934
50 Chevalier Paul 1934
Le Fantasque 6 51 Le Terrible 1935 3380t, 132.4x12.5x5.0m, 4b,2gt, 74000hp, 37kts, 210p; 5x1-139/50, 2x2-37/50, 2x2-13.2, 3x3-500TT, 2DCR, 50m
52 L`Audacieux 1935
53 Le Malin 1936
54 L`Indomptable 1936
55 Le Fantasque 1936
56 Le Triomphant 1936
Mogador 2 57 Mogador 1938 4018t, 137.5x12.7x4.6m, 4b,2gt, 92000hp, 39kts, 264p; 4x2-139/50, 2x2-37/50, 2x2-13.2, (2x3+2x2)-500TT, 2DCT, 40m
58 Volta 1939
TB No295 1 1 No369 1908 101t, 38.0x4.4x1.9m, 2b,1vte, 2000hp, 26kts, 23p; 1x1-75/35, 2x5-37/20, 1-450TT
La Melpomène 12 2 La Melpomène 1936 895t, 80.7x8.0x3.1m, 2b,2gt, 22000hp, 34.5kts, 105p; 2x1-100/45, 2x2-13.2, 1x2-550TT, 1DCT, 1 Ginocchio TAST
3 La Pomone 1936
4 La Flore 1936
5 L`Iphigénie 1936
6 Bombarde 1937
7 La Poursuivante 1937
8 La Cordelière 1937
9 La Bayonnaise 1938
10 L`Incomprise 1938
11 Baliste 1938
12 Branlebas 1938
13 Bouclier 1938


SS Requin 9 1 Requin 1926 1150/1441t, 78.3x6.8x5.1m, 2d/em, 2900/1800hp, 15/9kts, 51p, 80m; 1x1-100/45, (6+2x2)-550TT
2 Souffleur 1926
3 Narval 1926
4 Marsouin 1927
5 Dauphin 1927
6 Espadon 1927
7 Caïman 1927
8 Morse 1928
9 Phoque 1928
Sirène 3 10 Sirène 1927 609/757t, 64.0x5.2x4.3m, 2d/em, 1300/1000hp, 14/7.5kts, 41p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, (5+1x2)-550TT
11 Naïade 1927
12 Galathée 1927
Ariane 3 13 Ariane 1929 626/787t, 66.0x6.2x4.1m, 2d/em, 1250/1000hp, 14/7.5kts, 41p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, (5+1x2)-550TT
14 Eurydice 1929
15 Danaé 1929
Circé 4 16 Circé 1929 615/776t, 62.5x6.2x4.0m, 2d/em, 1250/1000hp, 14/7.5kts, 41p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, (5+1x2)-550TT
17 Calypso 1929
18 Thétis 1929
19 Doris 1930
Saphir 6 20 Saphir 1930 761/925t, 65.9x7.2x4.3m, 2d/em, 1300/1000hp, 12/9kts, 42p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, 1x2-13.2, 2-550TT, 1x(1-550+2-400)TT, 32m
21 Turquoise 1930
22 Rubis 1933
23 Diamant 1934
24 Nautilus 1937
25 Perle 1937
Redoutable 17 26 Redoutable 1931 1570/2084t, 92.3x8.2x4.7m, 2d/em, 6000/2000hp, 17/10kts, 61p, 80m; 1x1-100/45, 1x2-13.2, (4+1x3)-550TT, 1x(2-550+2-400)TT
27 Vengeur 1931
28 Fresnel 1931
29 Henri Poincaré 1931
30 Pascal 1931
31 Actéon 1931
32 Archimède 1932
33 Monge 1932
34 Pasteur 1932
35 Poncelet 1932
36 Achéron 1932
37 Protée 1932
38 Pégase 1932
39 Achille 1933
40 Argo 1933
41 Ajax 1934
42 Persée 1934
L`Espoire 6 43 L`Espoire 1934 1570/2084t, 92.3x8.2x4.7m, 2d/em, 7200/2000hp, 19/10kts, 61p, 80m; 1x1-100/45, 1x2-13.2, (4+1x3)-550TT, 1x(2-550+2-400)TT
44 Le Glorieux 1934
45 Le Centaure 1935
46 Le Héros 1936
47 Le Conquérant 1936
48 Le Tonnant 1937
Agosta 6 49 Sfax 1936 1570/2084t, 92.3x8.2x4.7m, 2d/em, 8000/2000hp, 20/10kts, 61p, 80m; 1x1-100/45, 1x2-13.2, (4+1x3)-550TT, 1x(2-550+2-400)TT
50 Agosta 1937
51 Casabianca 1937
52 Bévéziers 1937
53 Ouessant 1939
54 Sidi Ferruch 1939
Argonaute 5 55 Argonaute 1932 630/798t, 63.4x6.4x4.2m, 2d/em, 1300/1000hp, 14/9kts, 41p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, (4+1x2)-550TT, 1x2-400TT
56 Aréthuse 1933
57 Atalante 1934
58 La Vestale 1934
59 La Sultane 1935
Diane 9 60 Diane 1932 651/807t, 64.4x6.2x4.3m, 2d/em, 1400/1000hp, 14/9kts, 41p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, (4+1x2)-550TT, 1x2-400TT
61 Méduse 1932
62 Antiope 1932
63 Amphitrite 1933
64 Amazone 1933
65 Orphée 1933
66 Oréade 1933
67 La Psyché 1933
68 La Sybille 1934
Orion 2 69 Orion 1932 656/822t, 66.8x6.2x4.4m, 2d/em, 1400/1000hp, 14/9kts, 41p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, (4+1x2)-550TT, 1x2-400TT
70 Ondine 1932
Surcouf 1 71 Surcouf 1934 3250/4304t, 110.0x9.0x7.3m, 2d/em, 7600/3400hp, 18.5/10kts, 118p, 80m; 1x2-203/50, 2x1-37/50, 2x2-13.2, (4+1x4)-550TT, 1x4-400TT, 1seaplane (MB.411)
Minerve 6 72 Iris 1936 662/856t, 68.1x5.6x4.0m, 2d/em, 1800/1230hp, 14.5/9kts, 42p, 80m; 1x1-75/35, 2x1-13.2, 6-550TT, 1x3-400TT
73 Minerve 1936
74 Vénus 1936
75 Junon 1937
76 Pallas 1939
77 Cérès 1939


SL Aldébaran 1 1 Altair 1916 1470t, 81.5x10.5x4.2m, 2b,1vte, 2800hp, 17.5kts, 103p; 2x1-139/45, 2x1-75/35, 2DCT, 1DCR
Andromédé 1 2 Ville d`Ys 1917 1250t, 83.5x12.0x5.0m, 2b,1vte, 2675hp, 17kts, 103p; 1x1-100/45, 3x1-75/35, 2x1-47/40
Bougainville 7 3 Dumont d`Urville 1932 2600t, 103.7x12.7x4.5m, 2d, 3200hp, 15.5kts, 183p; 3x1-139/40, 4x1-37/50, 50m, 1seaplane (GL.832)
4 Bougainville 1932
5 Savorgnan de Brazza 1932
6 D`Entrecasteaux 1933
7 Rigault de Genouilly 1933
8 Amiral Charner 1933
9 D`Iberville 1935
ASL - 15 1 Marigot 1932   4048brt, 104.6x16.0x6.0m, 1d, 4000hp, 15kts; 4x1-100/45
2 Cyrnos 1929   2548brt, 94.4x12.6x5.2m, 2d, 3900hp, 14kts; 5x1-100/45
3 Sidi Okba 1930   2824brt, 100.8x13.2x5.6m, 1vte, 1900hp, 15kts; 5x1-100/45
4 Ville d`Ajaccio 1929   2444brt, 85.2x12.6x5.8m, 1vte, 3100hp, 16kts; 5x1-100/45
5 Caraibe 1932   4048brt, 104.6x16.0x6.0m, 1d, 4000hp, 15kts; 4x1-100/45
6 Pascal Paoli 1932   3280brt, 96.0x14.6x5.2m, 2t, 5800hp, 18kts; 5x1-100/45
7 Sampiero Corso 1936   3823brt, 105.5x14.6x5.4m, 2t, 5100hp, 16kts; 5x1-100/45
8 Léoville 1922   1049brt, 65.4x9.3x4.5m, 1vte, 850hp, 11.5kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
9 Barsac 1922   1049brt, 65.4x9.3x4.5m, 1vte, 850hp, 10kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
10 Cérons 1923   1049brt, 65.4x9.4x4.5m, 1vte, 850hp, 10.5kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
11 Sauternes 1922   1049brt, 65.4x9.3x4.5m, 1vte, 850hp, 10kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
12 Médoc 1930   1166brt, 72.3x10.4x4.9m, 1vte, 900hp, 10kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
13 Pomerol 1930   1167brt, 72.3x10.4x4.9m, 1vte, 900hp, 11kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
14 Pessac 1907   878brt; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
15 Listrac 1907   878brt; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
FS Ardent 4 1 Audacieuse 1917 400(3)-410(1,2,4)t, 60.2x7.2x2.9m, 2b,1vte(3)-2vte(1,2,4), 1200-2200hp, 14-17kts, 55-60p; 2x1-145/45(3), 2x1-100/45(1,2,4), 2DCT, MS
2 Dédaigneuse 1917
3 Étourdi 1917
4 Tapageuse 1917
Friponne 2 5 Diligente 1918 315t, 66.4x7.0x2.8m, 2d, 900hp, 14.5kts, 54p; 2x1-100/45, 2DCT
6 Engageante 1918
Marne 3 7 Marne 1917 601(7)-566(8,9)t, 78.0x8.9x3.4m, 2b,2gt, 5000(7)-4000(8,9)hp, 21(7)-20(8,9)kts, 113p; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-65/50(9), 1DCR
8 Somme 1917
9 Yser 1917
Luronne 1 10 Luronne 1917 400t, 60.2x7.2x2.9m, 2d, 630hp, 13.7kts, 54p; 2x1-100/45, 2DCT
Conquérante 1 11 Conquérante 1917 457t, 66.4x7.9x2.8m, 2d, 1800hp, 17kts, 54p; 2x1-100/45, 2DCT
Amiens 8 12 Arras 1918 850t, 74.9x8.7x3.2m, 2b,2gt, 5000hp, 20kts, 103p; 2x1-145/45(17), 2x1-139/55(12-15,16-19), 1x1-75/35, 2DCT, 1seaplane (GL.832(14))
13 Amiens 1920
14 Belfort 1920
15 Calais 1920
16 Coucy 1920
17 Épinal 1920
18 Lassigny 1920
19 Tahure 1920
Ailette 1 20 Ailette 1918 492t, 70.0x8.3x3.1m, 2b,2gt, 4000hp, 20kts, 107p; 4x1-100/45, 1x1-75/35
Scarpe 2 21 Ancre 1918 604t, 76.2x8.7x3.3m, 2b,2gt, 5000hp, 20kts, 107p; 4x1-100/45, 1x1-75/35, 2DCT
22 Suippe 1918
Flamant 1 23 Quentin Roosevelt 1918 585t, 50.0x8.4x5.8m, 2b,1vte, 1200hp, 14.5kts, 53p; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-47/50
Dubordieu 1 24 Dubordieu 1918 453t, 64.9x8.2x3.1m, 2b,2gt, 2000hp, 16.5kts, 74p; 1x1-139/45, 1x1-100/45, 2DCT
Élan 5 25 Élan 1939 895t, 78.3x8.7x3.3m, 2d, 4000hp, 20kts, 106p; 1x1-100/45 or 1x2-90/50, (1x4+2x2)-13.2, 2DCT, 1DCR
26 Commandant Bory 1939
27 Commandant Delage 1939
28 Commandant Duboc 1939
29 Commandant Rivière 1939
Chamois 3 30 Chamois 1939 900t, 78.3x8.7x3.3m, 2d, 4000hp, 20kts, 106p; 1x1-100/45 or 1x2-90/50, (1x4+2x2)-13.2, 2DCT, 1DCR
31 Chevreuil 1939
32 Gazelle 1939
SC C1 5 1 - 5 C25, 26, 31, 81, 98 1917 - 1918 85t, 33.5x4.7x2.3m, 3pe, 660hp, 16.5kts, 27p; 1x1-75/35, 1DCT
C101 2 6 Ch106 1919 150t, 43.4x5.2x2.4m, 2b,2vte, 1300hp, 16.5kts, 31p; 1x1-75/35, 1DCT
7 Ch107 1919
Ch1 4 8 Ch1 1934 180t, 48.1x5.5x1.9m, 2d, 2400hp, 20kts, 41p; 1x1-75/35, 4DCT, 1DCR, MS
9 Ch2 1934
10 Ch3 1934
11 Ch4 1934
PC Loup 3 1 Loup 1917 No picture 285t, 1b,1vte, 600hp, 10kts; 1x1-75/35
2 Marcassin 1917
3 Sanglier 1917
Hippopotame 4 4 Mammouth 1917 No picture 970t, 2b,1vte, 1800hp, 12kts; 2x1-75/35
5 Hippopotame 1918
6 Rhinocéros 1918
7 Mastodonte 1919
Aurochs 4 8 Zébu 1917 No picture 290t, 1b,1vte, 650hp, 10kts; 1x1-90/24, 1x1-47/40
9 Aurochs 1918
10 Renne 1918
11 Élan II 1919
Clameur 3 12 Clameur 1918 No picture 370t, 2b,1vte, 720hp, 12kts; 1x1-90/24
13 Tumulte 1918
14 Vacarme 1918
Athlete 2 15 Athlete 1917 No picture 585t, 1b,2vte, 500hp, 12kts; 2x1-120/40
16 Lutteur 1919
Navarin 1 17 Malakoff 1918 No picture 640t, 1vte, 500hp, 11kts, 31p; 1x1-100/45
Mauviette 1 18 Passereau II 1918 460t, 43.5x7.3x4.2m, 1b,1vte, 10kts; 1x1-90/24, 1x1-47/40, MS
Pluvier 8 19 Faisan 1918 No picture (680-780)t, 1vte, 750hp, 11kts
20 Gelinotte 1918
21 Heron II 1918
22 Paon 1918
23 Pingouin II 1918
24 Pintade 1918
25 Ramier 1918
26 Tourterelle 1918
Crabe 9 27 Cèdre 1918 No picture (360-370)t, 1b,1vte, 400hp, (9-10)kts; 1x1-90/24
28 Chène 1918
29 Crabe 1918
30 Erable 1918
31 Orme 1918
32 Frêne 1919
33 Hètre 1919
34 Peuplier 1919
35 Calmar 1920
APC - 28 1 Cap Nord 1926   1033brt, 64.3x10.4x6.0m, 1vte, 950hp, 10.5kts; 3x1-100/45
2 Cap Fagnet 1926   1017brt, 64.3x10.4x6.0m, 1vte, 950hp, 10.5kts; 3x1-100/45
3 Heureux 1930   1116brt, 64.2x10.4x6.1m, 1vte, 800hp, 10kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50
4 Groënland 1930   1178brt, 65.7x10.6x5.5m, 1vte, 325hp, 10kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50
5 Jutland 1934   1160brt, 66.3x10.9x6.0m, 1d, 1000hp, 11kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 2DCR
6 Mercéditta 1934   1160brt, 66.6x10.5x5.9m, 1d, 1000hp, 12kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50
7 Président Houduce 1930   1178brt, 65.7x10.6x5.5m, 1d, 925hp, 10kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50
8 Vikings 1935   1150brt, 63.7x10.5x5.5m, 1vte, 1250hp, 11kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50
9 Minerva 1937   1148brt, 66.6x10.5x5.9m, 1d, 1000hp, 12kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50
10 Sergent Gouarne 1928   1146brt, 66.3x10.1x5.7m, 1vte, 850hp, 10.5kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 1DCT, 2DCR
11 Aspirant Brun 1928   1131brt, 66.3x10.1x5.7m, 1vte, 850hp, 10.5kts; 3x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 1DCT, 2DCR
12 Casoar 1935   580t
13 Capricorne 1921   741t; 3x1-100/45
14 Victoria 1928   849t; 3x1-100/45
15 Vaillant 1921   916t; 3x1-100/45
16 Clairvoyant 1922   943t; 3x1-100/45
17 Hardi II 1921   916t; 3x1-100/45
18 Terre Neuve 1921   780t; 3x1-100/45
19 Capitaine Armand 1920   584t; 3x1-100/45
20 Téméraire II 1926   965t; 3x1-100/45
21 Atlantique 1920   659t; 3x1-100/45
22 Asie 1914   551t; 3x1-100/45
23 Patrie 1920   753t; 3x1-100/45
24 Reine des Flots 1923   849t; 3x1-100/45
25 Aiglon 1907   305t; 2x1-100/45
26 Notre Dame d`Espérance 1919   310t; 2x1-100/45
27 Ambroise Paré 1906   326t; 2x1-100/45
28 Mouette 1906   302t; 2x1-100/45


PR Doudart de la Grée 1 1 Doudart de la Grée 1909 183t, 54.4x6.7x1.0m, 2b,2vte, 900hp, 14kts, 66p; 1x1-75/35, 2x1-37/23
Balny 1 2 Balny 1920 226t, 54.4x6.7x1.0m, 2b,2vte, 900hp, 14kts, 59p; 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/23
Vigilante 2 3 Vigilante 1923 218t, 51.8x7.7x1.2m, 2b,2vte, 600hp, 12kts, 42p; 2x1-75/35, 2x1-37/23
4 Argus 1923
Ch101 2 5 Commandant Bourdais 1920 150t, 43.4x5.2x2.4m, 2b,2vte, 1300hp, 16.5kts, 31p; 1x1-75/35
6 Avalanche 1920
Francis Garnier 1 7 Francis Garnier 1931 639t, 62.5x10.3x2.2m, 2b,2vte, 3200hp, 15kts, 103p; 2x1-100/45, 1x1-75/50, 2x1-37/50
Mytho 2 8, 9 Mytho, Tourane 1933 - 1936 No picture 95t, 35.0x5.4x0.9m, 2d, 250hp, 10kts; 1x1-75/35, 1x1-47/40, 1x1-81/8mortar
AGS Amiral Mouchez 1 1 Amiral Mouchez 1937 970t, 62.0x10.3x3.4m, 1d, 800hp, 12kts, 81p; 2x1-100/45


PT VTB1 3 1 - 3 VTB1 - 3 1928 11t, 18.3x3.4x0.9m, 2pe, 900hp, 40kts, 5p; 2-400TT
VTB8 1 4 VTB9 1935 No picture 28t, 18.9x4.9x1.2m, 2pe, 2200hp, 46kts; 2-400TT, 1DCR
VTB10 1 5 VTB10 1936 No picture 28t, 20.0x4.0x1.2m, 2pe, 2600hp, 45kts; 2-400TT, 1DCR
VTB11 2 6, 7 VTB11, 12 1939 No picture 28t, 20.0x4.0x1.2m, 2pe, 2200hp, 45kts; 2-400TT, 1DCR
AYP - 5 1 Alcyon 1919   236t
2 Notre Dame de Lourdes 1918   236t
3 Odet 1908   212t
4 Jean d`Agréve     112t
5 Loup de Mer 1922   228t


AML - 4 1 Castor 1916   4576t, 75.2x17.3x6.4m, 6b,3vte, 6400hp, 14kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 268m
2 Pollux 1917 2463t, 64.2x15.5x6.0m, 6b,3vte, 4000hp, 14kts; 4x1-100/45, 2x1-37/50, 236m
3 Indéfatigable 1899   1142brt
4 Samson 1907   660t
NL Le Gladiateur 1 1 Le Gladiateur 1935 2293t, 113.0x12.7x3.5m, 2b,2gt, 6000hp, 18kts, 132p; 4x1-90/50, nets
MS Clameur 1 1 Fracas 1917 No picture 370t, 2b,1vte, 720hp, 12kts; 1x1-90/24, MS
Pluvier 4 2 Canard 1918 No picture (680-780)t, 1vte, 750hp, 11kts; MS
3 Coq 1918
4 Pigeon 1918
Crabe 2 5 Tourteau 1918 No picture (360-370)t, 1b,1vte, 400hp, (9-10)kts; 1x1-90/24, MS
6 Homard 1920
Granit 1 7 Granit 1918 360t, 57.6x7.9x2.3m, 1b,1vte, 600hp, 12.5kts, 63p; 2x1-65/50, MS
Albâtre 1 8 Meulière 1919 380t, 57.6x7.9x2.3m, 1b,1vte, 500hp, 10.5kts, 63p; 1x1-65/50, MS
M27 1 9 Nymphe II 1916 507t, 58.4x7.3x2.3m, 2b,2vte, 1800hp, 16.5kts, 40p; 2x1-105/45, 30m, MS
AMS - 252 1 Robuste 1914   235t
2 Sioux 1918   336t
3 Djebel Sannin 1931   350t
4 Estérel 1930   333t
5 Gabès 1931   333t
6 Kairouan 1931   333t
7 Lamentin 1931   350t
8 Sousse 1930   333t
9 Jeanne Schiaffino 1922   1220brt, 66.8x9.9m, 1vte, 10kts
10 Ville de Bougie 1907   1132brt; 77.9x11.0m, 1vte, 13.5kts
11 Mascot 1922   1256brt; 72.6x11.0m, 1vte
12 Béarnais 1920   1162brt
13 Etoile du Nord 1917   317t
14 Louise et Marie 1916   265t
15 St-Benoit 1917   315t
16 Couronne 1935   224t
17 St-Jpachim 1914   192t
18 Vétéran 1920   253t
19 Frédéric Sauvage 1928   329t
20 Le Matelot 1934   260t
21 Caporal Peugot 1923   102t
22 Yma      
23 Notre Dame des Dunes 1931   481t
24 Madeleine Louise 1933   464t
25 Caid Fassi      
26 Madeleine 1912   151t
27 Le Duquesne 1936   189t
28 Henri Guégan 1935   251t
29 Trouville 1910   293t
30 Pierre Descelliers 1933   153t
31 Emile Deschamps 1922   348t
32 Port Melin 1911   240t
33 Marguerite Rose 1931   409t
34 Étienne Rimbert 1935   197t
35 Monique Camille 1934   277t
36 Mardyck      
37 Léopold Soublin 1918   215t
38 Lucien Gougy 1935   150t
39 André et Louis 1907   284t
40 Jacques Coeur 1907   285t
41 Tartarin 1931   288t
42 Ventôse 1936   185t
43 Dijonnais 1934   389t
44 Geneviève 1917   224t
45 Tarana 1932   346t
46 Adolphe Leprince 1926   343t
47 Lucienne Jeanne 1917   286t
48 Maris Stella 1907   285t
49 Charles Vaillant 1916   224t
50 Messidor 1908   243t
51 Gâtinais 1933   389t
52 Elisabeth Thérèse 1935   156t
53 Castelnau 1918   336t
54 Le Slack     276t
55 Denis Papin 1917   309t
56 Augustin Normand 1894   175t
57 Tatiana 1937   178t
58 Edmond René 1907   288t
59 Fructidor 1918   306t
60 Patrice II 1907   247t
61 Maria Élena 1932   146t
62 Louise Anais     170t
63 Le Bretonnière 1907   628t
64 Nadine 1919   274t
65 Pierre Gustave 1932   217t
66 Ailly 1907   203t
67 Nivôse II 1936   185t
68 Gaulois 1907   301t
69 Nivernais 1933   388t
70 Jean Parmentier 1931   127t
71 Bar 1907   254t
72 Jacques Jean 1905   244t
73 Pluviôse 1937   150t
74 Vierge de Massabielle 1925   201t
75 Cap d`Antifer 1912   294t
76 Rosemonde 1910   364t
77 Angèle Marie 1929   238t
78 St-Dominique 1921   330t
79 Les Frères Coquelin 1934   185t
80 High Tide 1919   106t
81 Vénus II 1906   264t
82 Cap Ferrat 1936   139t
83 Jean Ribault 1933   152t
84 Notre Dame de Lorette 1937   339t
85 Vierge de Lourdes 1917   154t
86 Emma 1924   255t
87 Bernadette 1914   302t
88 Christiane Cécile 1932   146t
89 Congre 1918   298t
90 Chasse Marée 1920   250t
91 Edouard Gougy 1936   155t
92 Otello 1931   113t
93 Gardien Cosmao      
94 Beaulne Verneuil 1919   268t
95 Kerpape 1919   253t
96 Courlis 1919   208t
97 Rien Sans Peine     142t
98 Président Briand 1932   227t
99 Monique Andrée 1920   221t
100 Keryado 1918   252t
101 Flamant 1917   236t
102 Elle 1904   199t
103 Roche Françoise 1919   208t
104 Roche Velen 1918   208t
105 Bisson 1908   259t
106 Laita 1908   215t
107 Duconédic 1908   259t
108 Donibane 1912   186t
109 Petit André Jean 1932   134t
110 Pen Men II 1917   253t
111 Tess II 1916   128t
112 Marélyn      
113 Tadorna 1936   227t
114 Keriarvor 1919   228t
115 Alma II 1936   276t
116 Kergroise 1918   261t
117 Keroman 1918   261t
118 Edith Germaine 1933   130t
119 Marie Paulette II      
120 Isole 1908   215t
121 Odet II 1908   212t
122 Président Paul Doumer 1916   250t
123 Guédel 1930   232t
124 Roche Grise 1919   208t
125 Ibis 1919   208t
126 Ker Ysa 1919   228t
127 Marie Mad 1918   284t
128 Marie Thérèse II 1919   288t
129 Henry Caméleyre 1908   218t
130 Banderole 1933   146t
131 Joseph Élise 1932   113t
132 Le Violent 1930   440t
133 Marie Yette 1918   286t
134 Marie Gilberte 1918   286t
135 Picorre 1914   287t
136 Cerbère 1906   382t
137 Pierre Loti II 1932   171t
138 Sherki      
139 Galopin 1917   198t
140 Grèbe 1907   204t
141 Héron I 1911   275t
142 Goéland X 1918   236t
143 La Coubre 1912   253t
144 Roche Bleue 1919   208t
145 Gaston Bouineau 1932   130t
146 Cap Noir 1923   224t
147 La Blanche II 1919   296t
148 Loup de Mer     237t
149 Men Gwen 1920   242t
150 St-Christophe 1913   245t
151 Madone de Pompei      
152 Flèche Blanche 1932   100t
153 Givenchy 1907   223t
154 Auguste Denise 1920   278t
155 Socoa 1928   123t
156 Notre Dame d`Afrique 1891   230t
157 Capitaine Teissier 1931   134t
158 Lézardrieux 1922   933t
159 Galéjade      
160 Poitou 1912   309t
161 Le Cid 1933   248t
162 Alcyon II 1919   236t
163 Jean d`Agrève     112t
164 St-Brieuc 1904   461t
165 Aigrette 1919   208t
166 Yves Ellyet 1928   105t
167 St-Charles 1917   366t
166 Bienvenu     118t
167 Pen men 1917   253t
168 Ville de Ténès 1919   390t
169 Fleur de Mai      
170 Tirrena      
171 Procida      
172 Gascogne 1914   309t
173 Enseigne 1931   135t
174 Les Issers 1920   726t
175 Angèle Caméleyre 1908   232t
176 Sidi Premier      
177 St-Joseph 1908   905t
178 St-Victorine 1932    
179 Ville de Tipaza 1917   331t
180 Penfret II 1918   299t
181 Lilias 1922   239t
182 Grouin du Cap 1918   297t
183 Raymond      
184 Gosse 1917   300t
185 Ravignan 1920   264t
186 Alfred Beaugé     109t
187 Grondin      
188 Cinq Frères      
189 Antioche II 1918   300t
190 Kérolay 1917   252t
191 St-Guénaël 1908   251t
192 Avocette 1912   247t
193 Jean Mic      
194 Comte Beniowsky      
195 Gouverneur Mouttet 1931   467t
196 Balata 1922   312t
197 Maud      
198 De Lanessan 1919   240t
199 Béryl 1920   670t
200 Gâcheur      
201 Capitaine Coulon      
202 Paul Bert      
203 Jean Dupuis     682t
204 Directeur Général Picanon      
205 Ivindo 1926   132t
206 Jupiter 1915   123t
207 Kaolack 1925   125t
208 Lion II 1912   278t
209 Kermaria     244t
210 Lavardin 1911   251t
211 Lebou      
212 Gustave Denis 1934   183t
213 Jacques Morgand 1936   155t
214 Mondara 1921   359t
215 Ros Braz 1932   118t
216 Petite Yvette 1932   118t
217 Armand Rousseau      
218 Nora 1934   131t
219 St-Robert      
220 Ombrine      
221 Trois Ilets 1920   338t
222 Roche Noire 1917   208t
223 Hàvre de Gràce 1936   281t
224 Pouyer Quertier      
225 Gustave Merlin      
226 St-Pierre      
227 Charles Léon      
228 Général Foch 1916   264t
229 Tamise 1917   264t
230 Prado 1905   997t
231 Fée des Eaux      
232 Avenir du Pays      
233 Corsaire II      
234 Cap Fréhel      
235 Cap Nègre      
236 Le Cabellou      
237 Cap Bear      
238 Cap Couronne      
239 Yannick Joseph      
240 Cap Griz Nes      
241 Barbue      
242 Cap de la Hague      
243 Chanchardon II 1909   315t
244 La Douve      
245 Eledone 1911   242t
246 Henriette 1907   287t
247 Imbrin 1919   347t
248 Océanie 1922   331t
249 Pierre Descelliers 1933   153t
250 Richelieu 1912   290t
251 Sénateur Louis Brindeau 1911   313t
252 Wagram 1906   335t

NAVAL AVIATION (approximately, maximal number of delivered planes signed)

Deck planes B: 24 LN.401 (delivery till 1940), 24 LN.411 (delivery till 1940), 39 V.156F; R: 30 PL.101
Seaplanes F: 20 LN.210; TB: 16 PL.15, 29 Laté 298A (delivery till 1940), 42 Laté 298B (delivery till 1940), 106 Laté 298D (delivery till 1943); R: 15 CAMS.37A, 24 GL.810Hy, 20 GL.811Hy, 29 GL.812Hy, 13 GL.813Hy, 22 GL.832Hy, 16 Potez 452, 126 Loire 130M/C (delivery till 1941)

© Ivan Gogin, 2011-14