
World navies today


United States of America 01 January 2017


SSBN Ohio 14 SSBN730 Henry M. Jackson 1984 16764/18750t, 170.7x12.8x11.1m, 1nr,2gst(1), 35000hp, /25kts, 163p, 300m; 24 Trident II D-5 SLBM, 4-533TT; BPS-15H radar, BQQ-5E(V)4/-6 sonar suite, BQS-13, BQS-15(with TB-23), BQR-19, BQQ-9 TASPE sonars, WLR-8(V)5, WLR-10 ECM, 8x CSA Mk1 dl, CCS Mk2 CCS
SSBN731 Alabama 1985
SSBN732 Alaska 1986
SSBN733 Nevada 1986
SSBN734 Tennessee 1988
SSBN735 Pennsylvania 1989
SSBN736 West Virginia 1990
SSBN737 Kentucky 1991
SSBN738 Maryland 1992
SSBN739 Nebraska 1993
SSBN740 Rhode Island 1994
SSBN741 Maine 1995
SSBN742 Wyoming 1996
SSBN743 Louisiana 1997
SSGN Ohio 4 SSGN726 Ohio 1981 16764/18750t, 170.7x12.8x11.1m, 1nr,2gst(1), 35000hp, /25kts, 140p, 300m; 1x22 Tomahawk CruM(VLS,154), 4-533TT; 2 ASDS or 2 DDS, 66troops; BPS-16(v)4 radar, BQQ-5E(V)4 sonar suite, BQS-13, BQS-15(with TB-23), BQR-19, BQQ-9 TASPE sonars, BLQ-10(v) ECM, 4x CSA Mk1 dl, CCS Mk2 Mod.3 CCS
SSGN727 Michigan 1982
SSGN728 Florida 1983
SSGN729 Georgia 1984
SSN Los Angeles 35 SSN698 Bremerton 1981 6080/6927(698,699)-6130/6977(700-714)-6165/7012(715-718)-6255/7102(719-725,750)-6255/7102(751-773)t, 109.7x10.1x9.8m, 1nr,2gst(2), 35000hp, /33kts, 141p, 450m; 1x12 Tomahawk CruM(VLS,12)(719-725,750-773); BPS-15(698-725,750), 4-533TT(inc Tomahawk CruM(8), Sub-Harpoon SSM(4)), BPS-16(751-773) radar, BQQ-5A(V)1/C (BQS-15, BQR-15/TB-16D/-23/29)(698-709,711-715), BQQ-5D(BQS-15, BQR-15/TB-16D/-23/-29)(710,716-725,750), BSY-1(751-773) sonar suite, BQG-5D(710), BQQ-10 ARCI(710,724), LCCA(773) sonar, BRD-7, WLR-8(V)2, WLR-10, WLR-9/12, WLR-1H ECM, Mk1 Mod.2 dl, Mk117, BSY-1(751-763,766,768-773), BYG-1(764,765,767) CCS
SSN699 Jacksonville 1981
SSN700 Dallas 1981
SSN715 Buffalo 1983
SSN717 Olympia 1984
SSN719 Providence 1985
SSN720 Pittsburgh 1985
SSN721 Chicago 1986
SSN722 Key West 1987
SSN723 Oklahoma City 1988
SSN724 Louisville 1986
SSN725 Helena 1987
SSN750 Newport News 1989
SSN751 San Juan 1988
SSN752 Pasadena 1989
SSN753 Albany 1990
SSN754 Topeka 1989
SSN756 Scranton 1991
SSN757 Alexandria 1991
SSN758 Asheville 1991
SSN759 Jefferson City 1992
SSN760 Annapolis 1992
SSN761 Springfield 1993
SSN762 Columbus 1993
SSN763 Santa Fe 1994
SSN764 Boise 1992
SSN765 Montpelier 1993
SSN766 Charlotte 1994
SSN767 Hampton 1993
SSN768 Hartford 1994
SSN769 Toledo 1995
SSN770 Tucson 1995
SSN771 Columbia 1995
SSN772 Greenville 1996
SSN773 Cheyenne 1996
Seawolf 2 SSN21 Seawolf 1997 9138t, 107.6x12.8x11.0m, 1nr,2gst(wj), 45500hp, /39kts, 133p, 600m; 8-673TT (inc 12 Tomahawk CruM); BPS-16(V)3 radar, BSY(V) sonar suite, WLQ-4(V)1 ECM, BLQ-10 dl, BSY-2(V) CCS
SSN22 Connecticut 1998
Jimmy Carter 1 SSN23 Jimmy Carter 2005 8060/12139t, 115.8x12.8x11.0m, 1nr,2gst(1), 45500hp, /30kts, 133p, 595p; 8-673TT(inc Tomahawk CruM(12), 3 BLQ-11 USV; BPS-16(v)4 radar, BQQ-5D sonar suite, WLQ-4(v)1 ECM, BLQ-10 dl, BSY-2(v) CCS
Virginia Block I 4 SSN774 Virginia 2004 6930/7800t, 114.9x10.4x9.3m, 1nr,2gst(1), 40000hp, 25/34kts, 134p, 490m; 1x12 Tomahawk CruM(VLS,12), 4-533TT(inc Tomahawk CruM(16)); BPS-16(v)5 radar, BQQ-10(v)4 sonar suite, WLQ-4, WLY-1 ECM, BLQ-10 td, BLQ-11 md, 2x CSA Mk2 Mod.2 dl, BYG-1 CCS
SSN775 Texas 2006
SSN776 Hawaii 2007
SSN777 North Carolina 2008
Virginia Block II 6 SSN778 New Hampshire 2008 6930/7800t, 114.9x10.4x9.3m, 1nr,2gst(1), 40000hp, 25/34kts, 134p, 490m; 2x6 Tomahawk CruM(VLS,12), 4-533TT(inc Tomahawk CruM(16)); BPS-16(v)5 radar, BQQ-10(v) sonar suite, WLQ-4, WLY-1 ECM, BLQ-10 td, BLQ-11 md, 2x CSA Mk2 Mod.2 dl, BYG-1 CCS
SSN779 New Mexico 2010
SSN780 Missouri 2010
SSN781 California 2011
SSN782 Mississippi 2012
SSN783 Minnesota 2013
Virginia Block III 3 SSN784 North Dakota 2014 6930/7800t, 114.9x10.4x9.3m, 1nr,2gst(1), 40000hp, 25/34kts, 134p, 490m; 1x12 Tomahawk CruM(VLS,12), 4-533TT(inc Tomahawk CruM(16)); BPS-16(v)5 radar, BQQ-10(v) sonar suite, WLQ-4, WLY-1 ECM, BLQ-10 td, BLQ-11 md, 2x CSA Mk2 Mod.2 dl, BYG-1 CCS
SSN785 John Warner 2015
SSN786 Illinois 2016


CVN Nimitz 3 CVN68 Nimitz 1975 101196(68)-101713(69)-101089(70)t, 331.7x78.5x11.2m, 2nr,4gst, 280000hp, 31.5kts, 5621p; 135belt, 151decks; 2x8 Sea Sparrow SAM, 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 2x6-20/76(70), 2x3-324TT(70), 90ac(55 F/A-18, 4 EA-18G, 4 E-2C/D, 4 MH-60, 2 HH-60); SPS-49A(v)1, SPS-48E, SPS-67(V)1, SPN-42A, SPN-43B, SPN-44A, SPS-73(v)12/17, 4x Mk95, 2x Mk90(70), SPQ-9B radars, SLQ-32(V)4, SSDS Mk2, SLQ-20B ECM, 8x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25A, SLX-1 td, NTDS, ICDS(68), JSIPS-N, ACDS(69) CCS
CVN69 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1977
CVN70 Carl Vinson 1982
Theodore Roosevelt 5 CVN71 Theodore Roosevelt 1986 103658(71)-104242(72)-104208(73)t, 332.9x78.3x11.9m, 2nr,4gst, 280000hp, 31.5kts, 6072p; 135belt, 151decks; 3x8 Sea Sparrow SAM(24)(72,75), 2x8 Sea Sparrow SAM(16)(71,73,74), 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 3x6-20/76(72,74,75), 2x6-20/76(71,73), 90ac(55 F/A-18, 4 EA-18G, 4 E-2C/D, 4 MH-60, 2 HH-60); SPS-49(V)5, SPS-48E, SPS-67(V)1, SPN-43B, SPN-44, 2x SPN-46, SPS-64(V)9, Furuno-900(71,73-75), Raster(72), 6x Mk95(72,75), 4x Mk95(71,73,74), 3x Mk90(72,74,75), 2x Mk90(71,73), Mk23 TAS(72,75), SPQ-9B radars, SLQ-32(V)4, SLQ-20B(71,73,74) ECM, 8x Mk137 (Mk36 SRBOC) dl, SLQ-25A, SLX-1(71,73,74) td, NTDS, ACDS, JTDS, POST, CVIC, JSIPS-N(71,73) CCS
CVN72 Abraham Lincoln 1989
CVN73 George Washington 1992
CVN74 John C. Stennis 1995
CVN75 Harry S. Truman 1998
Ronald Reagan 2 CVN76 Ronald Reagan 2003 98235t, 334.7(76)-332.9(77)x78.3x12.5m, 2nr,4gst, 280000hp, 31kts, 5600p; 135belt, 151decks; 2x8 Sea Sparrow SAM(24), 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 90ac(55 F/A-18, 4 EA-18G, 4 E-2C/D, 4 MH-60, 2 HH-60); SPS-49A(v)1, SPS-48E, SPS-67(v)1, SPN-43B, SPN-44, 2x SPN-46, SPS-73(v)12, Furuno-900, 4x Mk95, SPQ-9B radars, SLQ-32(v)4, SLQ-20B ECM, 8x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLX-1 td, ACDS, JDTS, POST, CVIC CCS
CVN77 George H. W. Bush 2009


CG Ticonderoga VLS 22 CG52 Bunker Hill 1986 10010t, 172.5x16.8x7.5m, 4gt(2), 86000hp, 31kts, 380p; 2x64 Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/ SM-6 SAM/ 4x ESSM SAM/ ASROC ASuR (VLS,128)(52-66.68,69,71), 2x64 Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/ SM-6 SAM/SM-3/ 4x ESSM SAM/ ASROC ASuR (VLS,128)(67,70,72,73), 2x4 Harpoon SSM(8), 2x1-127/62, 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 4x1-12.7, 2x3-324TT, 2hel(MH-60); SPS-64(V)9(52-71,73), Scout(72), SPS-55, SPS-49(V)6/7/8, SPY-1D(V), 4x SPG-62, SPQ-9A(70-73), SPQ-9B(52-69), 2x Mk90 radars, L-3 Mk 20 E/O, SQS-89(V)3 suite(52-58), SQS-89(V)4 suite(70-73), SQQ-89A(v)15(59-69) sonars, SLQ-32(V)3, SLQ-20B(52-69) ECM, (6x Mk36 SRBOC + 4x Mk53 Nulka) dl, SLQ-25A Nixie td, SLQ-49 fd, Mk50 ds(65-73), Aegis Mk7 Baseline 5(70,72,73), Aegis Mk7 Baseline 6(71), Aegis Mk7 Baseline 8(52-58), Aegis Mk7 Baseline 12(59-69) CCS
CG53 Mobile Bay 1987
CG54 Antietam 1987
CG55 Leyte Gulf 1987
CG56 San Jacinto 1988
CG57 Lake Champlain 1988
CG58 Philippine Sea 1989
CG59 Princeton 1989
CG60 Normandy 1989
CG61 Monterey 1990
CG62 Chancellorsville 1989
CG63 Cowpens 1991
CG64 Gettysburg 1991
CG65 Chosin 1991
CG66 Hué City 1991
CG67 Shiloh 1992
CG68 Anzio 1992
CG69 Vicksburg 1992
CG70 Lake Erie 1993
CG71 Cape St. George 1993
CG72 Vella Gulf 1993
CG73 Port Royal 1994
Zumwalt 1 DDG1000 Zumwalt 2016 15600t, 185.9x24.6x8.4m, 2gtg+2gtg,2em, 94660hp, 31kts, 150p; 4x20 Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/SM-2ER SAM/SM-6 SAM/4x ESSM SAM/ASROC ASuR(VLS,80), 2x1-155/62, 2x1-57/70, 2x3-324TT, 2hel(MH-60) or (1hel(MH-60)+3UAV(MQ-8)), WLD-1 UAV; 2 RIBs; 2x SPS-73(v)18, SPY-3 radars, FLIR E/O, SQQ-90 sonar suite, MFEM ECM, 4x Nulka dl, SLQ-25A td, SSDS Mk4 CCS
DD Arleigh Burke Flight I 21 DDG51 Arleigh Burke 1991 8850t, 153.8x20.3x6.3m, 4gt(2), 105000hp, 32kts, 337p; (1x61+1x29) Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/SM-6 SAM/4x ESSM SAM/ASROC ASuR (VLS,90)(51,52,55, 57,58,61, 66), (1x61+1x29) Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/SM-3 SAM/SM-6 SAM/4x ESSM SAM/ASROC ASuR (VLS,90)(53,54,56, 59,60,62-65, 67-71), 2x4 Harpoon SSM(8), 1x1-127/62, 2x1-30/80, 2x6-20/76, 4x1-12.7, 2x3-324TT, helodeck; SPS-64(V)9, SPS-67(V)3, SPY-1D, 3x SPG-62, 2x Mk90 radars, SEWIP, Mk46 E/O, SQQ-89(V)15 sonar suite, SLQ-32(V)5(51-67), SLQ-32(V)3(68-71) ECM, 4x Nulka dl, SLX-1 td, SLQ-39 ds, Aegis Mk7 Baseline 12, JMCIS CCS
DDG52 Barry 1992
DDG53 John Paul Jones 1993
DDG54 Curtis Wilbur 1994
DDG55 Stout 1994
DDG56 John S. McCain 1994
DDG57 Mitscher 1994
DDG58 Laboon 1995
DDG59 Russell 1995
DDG60 Paul Hamilton 1995
DDG61 Ramage 1995
DDG62 Fitzgerald 1995
DDG63 Stethem 1995
DDG64 Carney 1996
DDG65 Benfold 1996
DDG66 Gonzalez 1996
DDG67 Cole 1996
DDG68 The Sullivans 1997
DDG69 Milius 1996
DDG70 Hopper 1997
DDG71 Ross 1997
Arleigh Burke Flight II 7 DDG72 Mahan 1998 9033t, 153.8x20.3x6.6m, 4gt(2), 105000hp, 32kts, 337p; (1x61+1x29) Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/ SM-2ER SAM/ASROC ASuR (VLS,90), 2x4 Harpoon SSM(8), 1x1-127/54, 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 4x1-12.7, 2x3-324TT, helodeck; SPS-64(V)9, SPS-67(V)3, SPY-1D, 3x SPG-62, 2x Mk90 radars, SQQ-89(V)4 sonar suite, Mk46 E/O, SLQ-32(V)3 ECM, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25A td, SLQ-39 ds, Aegis Mk7 Baseline 5 CCS
DDG73 Decatur 1998
DDG74 McFaul 1998
DDG75 Donald Cook 1998
DDG76 Higgins 1999
DDG77 O'Kane 1999
DDG78 Porter 1999
Oscar Austin Flight IIA 5''/54 2 DDG79 Oscar Austin 2000 9515t, 155.3x20.3x6.4m, 4gt(2), 105000hp, 32kts, 380p; (1x64+1x32) Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/SM-2ER SAM/SM-6 SAM/4x ESSM SAM/ASROC ASuR(VLS,96), 1x1-127/54, 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 4x-12.7, 2x3-324TT, 2hel(MH-60); SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)3, SPY-1D, 3x SPG-62, 2x Mk90 radars, Mk46 E/O, SQQ-89(v)10 sonar, SLQ-32A(v)3 ECM, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td, SLQ-39 fd, Aegis Mk7 Baseline 6 CCS
DDG80 Roosevelt 2000
Arleigh Burke Flight IIA 5''/62 4 DDG81 Winston S. Churchill 2001 9515t, 155.3x20.3x6.4m, 4gt(2), 105000hp, 32kts, 380p; (1x64+1x32) Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/SM-2ER SAM/SM-6 SAM/4x ESSM SAM/ASROC ASuR(VLS,96), 1x1-127/62, 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 4x-12.7, 2x3-324TT, 2hel(MH-60); SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)3, SPY-1D, 3x SPG-62, 2x Mk90 radars, Mk46 E/O, SQQ-89(v)10 sonar, SLQ-32A(v)3 ECM, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td, SLQ-39 fd, Aegis Mk7 Baseline 6 CCS
DDG82 Lassen 2001
DDG83 Howard 2001
DDG84 Bulkeley 2001
Arleigh Burke Flight IIA 5''/62 with 1 CIWS 28 DDG85 McCampbell 2002 9515t, 155.3x20.3x6.4m, 4gt(2), 105000hp, 32kts, 380p; (1x64+1x32) Tomahawk CruM/SM-2MR SAM/SM-2ER SAM/ SM-3 SAM/SM-6 SAM/4x ESSM SAM/ASROC ASuR(VLS,96), 1x1-127/62, 2x1-25/75, 1x6-20/76, 4x-12.7, 2x3-324TT, 2hel(MH-60), 1 WLD-1 USV(91,96); SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)3(85,86), Bridgemaster E(87-112), SPY-1D(85-90), SPY-1D(v)(91-112), 3x SPG-62, Mk90 radars, Mk46 E/O, SQQ-89(v)14(85-90), SQQ-89(v)15(91-112) sonar, SLQ-32A(v)3 ECM, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td, SLQ-39 fd, Aegis Mk7 Baseline 6(85-90), Aegis Mk7 Baseline 7(91-112) CCS
DDG86 Shoup 2002
DDG87 Mason 2003
DDG88 Preble 2002
DDG89 Mustin 2003
DDG90 Chafee 2003
DDG91 Pinckney 2004
DDG92 Momsen 2004
DDG93 Chung-Hoon 2004
DDG94 Nitze 2005
DDG95 James E. Williams 2004
DDG96 Bainbridge 2005
DDG97 Halsey 2005
DDG98 Forrest Sherman 2006
DDG99 Farragut 2006
DDG100 Kidd 2007
DDG101 Gridley 2007
DDG102 Sampson 2007
DDG103 Truxtun 2009
DDG104 Sterett 2008
DDG105 Dewey 2010
DDG106 Stockdale 2009
DDG107 Gravely 2010
DDG108 Wayne E. Meyer 2009
DDG109 Jason Dunham 2010
DDG110 William P. Lawrence 2011
DDG111 Spruance 2011
DDG112 Michael Murphy 2012
FF Freedom 4 LCS1 Freedom 2008 2860t, 118.1x17.6x4.3m, 2d/2gt(4wj), 17400/98000hp, 45kts, 75p; 1x21 RAM SAM(21), 1x1-57/70, 4x1-12.7, 2hel(MH-60) or (1hel(MH-60)+3UAV(MQ-8)), (USSS minesweeping gear or Bluefin-1 USV) or (2x1-30/80, 2 USV(surface)) or (CAPTAS, TB-37 sonars, td); Bridgemaster, TRS-3D radars, Dorna E/O, WBR-2000, MFEW ECM, 2x Terma DLS Mk II dl, COMBATSS-21 CCS
LCS3 Fort Worth 2012
LCS5 Milwaukee 2015
LCS7 Detroit 2016
Independence 4 LCS2 Independence 2010 2785t, 127.6x31.6x4.4m, 2d+2gt(4wj), 84600hp, 45kts, 75p; 1x21 RAM SAM(21), 1x1-57/70, 4x1-12.7, 2hel(MH-60)+3UAV(MQ-8)), (USSS minesweeping gear or Bluefin-1 USV) or (2x1-30/80, 2 USV(surface)) or (CAPTAS, TB-37 sonars, td); Bridgemaster, SPS-27(v)1 radars, Sea FLIR E/O, ES3601 ECM, 2x Mk36 SRBOC, 2x Nulka dl, SSTD td, ICMS CCS
LCS4 Coronado 2014
LCS6 Jackson 2015
LCS8 Montgomery 2016


PC Cyclone 13 PC2 Tempest 1993 334t(5,6,9,10)-387(2-4,7,8,11-14), 51.6(5,6,9,10)-54.4(2-4,7,8,11-14)x7.6x2.4m, 4d, 13400hp, 35kts, 28p; 1x4 Griffin SSM(4) (10 units), 1x1 Stinger SAM(6), 1x(1-25/75+1-40/17gl), 1x1-25/75, (4x2+1x1)-12.7, 2x1-40/17gl; RIB, 9commandos; Rascar 3400C radar, Wesmar sonar, FLIR, Viper(2-4,7,8,11-14) E/O, APR-39(V)1 ECM, 2x Mk52(5,6,9,10), 2x Ultrabarricade(2-4,7,8,11-14) dl
PC3 Hurricane 1993
PC4 Monsoon 1994
PC5 Typhoon 1994
PC6 Sirocco 1994
PC7 Squall 1994
PC8 Zephyr 1994
PC9 Chinook 1995
PC10 Firebolt 1995
PC11 Whirlwind 1995
PC12 Thunderbolt 1995
PC13 Shamal 1996
PC14 Tornado 2000
PB LCW Mk V 22 25PN9401, 25MPB0001, 9501, 25PB0201-0212, 0301-0332, 0401-0403, 0501   1995-1999 68t, 24.7x5.3x1.3m, 2d(wj), 4570hp, 45kts, 5p; 4x2-12.7,1x1-40/17gl; 16commandos; Furuno radar
SeaArk 134 401-534   2002-2011 No picture 11t, 10.4x3.7x1.0m, 2d, 370hp, 36kts, 5p; 3x1-12.7; radar
CCPB Mk VI 12 1-12   2014-16 65t, 25.9x6.3x1.4m, 2d(wj), 5200hp, 41kts, 13p; 1x1-25/75, 4x1-12.7; radar


LCC Blue Ridge 2 LCC19 Blue Ridge 1970 19648(19)-19760(20)t, 194.0x32.9x8.2m, 2b,1gst, 22000hp, 21.5kts, 720p; 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 4x1-12.7, helodeck; 3 LCP, 2 LCVP, 700HQpersonnel; SPS-40C(19), SPS-67, SPS-73(20), LN-66, 2x Mk90 radars, SLQ-32(19) ECM, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td, NTDS, ACIS, NIPS, TBMCS CCS
LCC20 Mount Whitney 1971


LHA Wasp 8 LHD1 Wasp 1989 41133t, 257.3x42.7x8.5m, 2b,2gst(1-7)-4gt(2)(8), 77000(1-7)-72000(8)hp, 24kts, 1070p; 2x8 Sea Sparrow SAM(16), 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 3x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 4x1-12.7, 46ac(5 AV-8, 42 CH-46, 6 SH-60); 3 LCAC, 4 LCPL, 1893troops; SPS-67(V)3, SPS-49A(v)1, SPS-48E, Mk23 TAS, 2x Mk90, SPS-64(V)9, SPN-35A, SPN-43B, SPN-47(1-7) radars, WSC-1(1-7) sonar, SLQ-32(V)3 ECM, 6x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25A td, SYS-2(V)3(1), SYS-2(V)5(2-7), USQ-119(V)11, JSIPS-N CCS
LHD2 Essex 1992
LHD3 Kearsarge 1993
LHD4 Boxer 1995
LHD5 Bataan 1997
LHD6 Bonhomme Richard 1998
LHD7 Iwo Jima 2001
LHD8 Makin Island 2009
LPH America 1 LHA6 America 2014 45700t, 257.4x45.7x8.0m, 2gt/6dg,2em, 70000/10000hp, 22kts, 1060p; 2x8 ESSM SAM(16), 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 3x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 8x1-12.7, 24ac(6 F-35B, 12 MV-22B, 4 CH-53E, 7 AH-1Z/UH-1Y, 2 MH-60); 1687troops, vehicles, cargo; SPS-48E, SPS-49(v)5, SPS-73, SPQ-9B, 4x Mk95, 2x Mk90, SPN-35, SPN-43 radars, SLQ-32(v)3 ECM, 4x SRBOC, 2x Nulka dl, SLQ-25 td, ACDS, ICDS, SSDS Mk4 CCS
LPD San Antonio 10 LPD17 San Antonio 2006 25300t, 208.5x31.9x7.0m, 4d(2), 41600hp, 22kts, 364p; 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 2x1-30/80, 4x1-12.7, 2hel/tr(2 MV-22 or 2 CH-53 or 4 CH-46); 2 LCAC, 2 LCPL, 1 LCVP, 700troops, vehicles; 2x SPS-73, SPS-48E, SPQ-9B radars, IRST, Mk46 E/O, SLQ-32(v)2 ECM, 2x SRBOC, 2x Nulka, SLQ-49 dl, SLQ-25, SLX-1 td, ICDS CCS
LPD18 New Orleans 2007
LPD19 Mesa Verde 2007
LPD20 Green Bay 2009
LPD21 New York 2009
LPD22 San Diego 2012
LPD23 Anchorage 2013
LPD24 Arlington 2013
LPD25 Somerset 2014
LPD26 John P. Murtha 2016
LSD Whidbey Island 8 LSD41 Whidbey Island 1985 16568t, 185.8x25.6x6.3m, 4d(2), 41600hp, 22kts, 320p; 2x21 RAM SAM, 2x1-25/75, 2x1-20/80, 2x6-20/76, 6x1-12.7, helodeck; 4 LCAC, 2 LCPL, 1 LCVP, 402troops; SPS-67(V), SPS-49A(V)1(41-44), SPS-49(V)5(45-48), SPS-64(V)9, 2x Mk90 radars, SLQ-32(V)1 ECM, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td
LSD42 Germantown 1986
LSD43 Fort McHenry 1987
LSD44 Gunston Hall 1989
LSD45 Comstock 1990
LSD46 Tortuga 1990
LSD47 Rushmore 1991
LSD48 Ashland 1992
Harpers Ferry 4 LSD49 Harpers Ferry 1995 16601t, 185.8x25.6x6.0m, 4d(2), 41600hp, 22kts, 334p; 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 8x1-12.7, helodeck; 2 LCAC, 2 LCPL, 402troops, cargo, vehicles; SPS-67(V)1, SPS-49(V)5, SPS-64(V)9, 2x Mk90 radars, SLQ-32(V)1 ECM, 6x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td
LSD50 Carter Hall 1995
LSD51 Oak Hill 1996
LSD52 Pearl Harbor 1998
LPR Westpac Express 1 HSV4676 Westpac Express 2001 2050t, 101.0x26.7x4.2m, 4d(4wj), 38600hp, 40kts; 960pers, 100veh; 2x radars
Guam 2 HST1 Guam 2012 No picture 2400t, 113.8x23.8x3.7m, 4d(wj), 44600hp, 35kts, 18p; 866passengers, 288vehicles; 2x radars
HST2 Puerto Rico 2012
Spearhead 7 T-EPF1 Spearhead 2012 2400t, 103.0x28.5x3.8m, 4d(wj), 49500hp, 35kts, 22p; helodeck; 416passengers, 635t cargo; 2x radars
T-EPF2 Choctaw County 2013
T-EPF3 Millinocket 2014
T-EPF4 Fall River 2014
T-EPF5 Trenton 2015
T-EPF6 Brunswick 2016
T-EPF7 Carson City 2016
LSS LCU1610 3 LCU1616   1959 353t, 41.3x8.9x1.8m, 2d, 1000hp, 11kts, 10p; 2x1-12.7; 4tanks; LN-66 radar
LCU1617   1959
LCU1619   1959
LCU1627 11 LCU1627   1967 353t, 41.3x8.9x1.8m, 2d, 1000hp, 11kts, 10p; 2x1-20/70; 4tanks
LCU1629   1968
LCU1630   1968
LCU1631   1968
LCU1632   1968
LCU1633   1968
LCU1634   1968
LCU1635   1968
LCU1643   1969
LCU1644   1969
LCU1645   1969
LCU1646 20 LCU1646   1971 437t, 41.1x9.1x2.1m, 4d(2), 1200hp, 11kts, 10p; 2x1-12.7; 4tanks; Furuno radar
LCU1647   1971
LCU1648   1971
LCU1649   1971
LCU1650   1971
LCU1651   1971
LCU1653   1971
LCU1654   1971
LCU1655   1971
LCU1656   1971
LCU1657   1971
LCU1658   1971
LCU1659   1971
LCU1660   1971
LCU1661   1971
LCU1662   1971
LCU1663   1971
LCU1664   1971
LCU1665   1971
LCU1666   1971
LCU1680 2 LCU1680   1987 404t, 41.1x9.1x2.1m, 4d(2), 1700hp, 11kts, 14p; 2x1-12.7; 4tanks; Furuno radar
LCU1681   1987
LC LCM(8) 14 74CM855, 856, 901-909, 9010-9012?   1984-1991 107-121t, 22.4-22.7x6.4x1.3-1.4m, 2d, 1080hp, 9-12kts, 4-5p; 2x1-12.7; 150-200troops or 1-2tanks
LCPL 18 36PL903-908, 921-929, 9210-9212?   1990-1994 13t, 11.0x4.0x1.1m, 1d, 450hp, 19kts, 3p; 17troops
LCA 72 LCAC7   1987 167t, 26.8x14.3x0m, 4gt(2prop+2lift), 7910+7910 or 9490+9490hp, 40kts, 5p; 180troops; CMR-91/Decca Bridge radar
LCAC8   1987
LCAC9   1987
LCAC10   1987
LCAC14   1988
LCAC20   1990
LCAC21   1990
LCAC24   1990
LCAC26   1990
LCAC27   1990
LCAC28   1990
LCAC29   1990
LCAC30   1990
LCAC31   1991
LCAC32   1991
LCAC33   1991
LCAC34   1992
LCAC35   1992
LCAC36   1992
LCAC37   1991
LCAC38   1991
LCAC39   1991
LCAC40   1991
LCAC41   1991
LCAC42   1991
LCAC43   1992
LCAC45   1992
LCAC46   1992
LCAC47   1992
LCAC48   1992
LCAC49   1992
LCAC50   1993
LCAC51   1993
LCAC52   1992
LCAC53   1992
LCAC54   1992
LCAC55   1992
LCAC56   1993
LCAC57   1993
LCAC58   1993
LCAC59   1993
LCAC60   1993
LCAC62   1993
LCAC63   1993
LCAC64   1993
LCAC65   1993
LCAC67   1994
LCAC68   1994
LCAC69   1994
LCAC70   1994
LCAC71   1994
LCAC72   1994
LCAC73   1994
LCAC74   1994
LCAC75   1995
LCAC76   1995
LCAC77   1995
LCAC78   1995
LCAC79   1995
LCAC80   1995
LCAC81   1995
LCAC82   1995
LCAC83   1996
LCAC84   1996
LCAC85   1996
LCAC86   1996
LCAC87   1996
LCAC88   1997
LCAC89   1997
LCAC90   1997
LCAC91   2001
SURC 100 1-100   2003-2005 No picture 10t, 12.0x3.9x0.6m, 2d(wj), 880hp, 35kts, 2p; 2x1-12.7; 16troops; Raymarine SL72 radar
LCVP MPF UB-40 33 1-33   2006-2011 No picture 18t, 13.4x4.4x0.8m, 2d(wj), 660hp, 41kts, 3p; 30troops; Furuno radar
Repeated Mini-ATC 5 1-5   2006-2007 No picture 14t, 11.0x4.0x0.5m, 1d(wj), 30kts, 4p; 4x1-12.7; 10troops; radar
CB-90 7 1-7   2007-2008 No picture 18t, 15.1x3.9x0.8m, 2d(wj), 1700hp, 43kts, 4p; 3x1-12.7; 21troops; radar, Sea FLIR III E/O
RPB 24 1-24   2007-2010 No picture 10t, 12.0x3.0x0.6m, 2d(wj), 880hp, 38kts, 5p; 3x1-12.7; 13troops; radar


MSO Avenger 11 MCM3 Sentry 1989 1312t, 68.4x11.9x3.4m, 4d, 2600(1,2)-2280(3-14)hp, 13.5kts, 83p; 1x1-25/75(11), 2x1-12.7, 2 Seafox/Archerfish MNS UUV, mechanical, acoustic, magnetic minesweeping gear, 2 RIB for divers; SPS-66(V)9, SPS-55 radars, SQQ-32(v)4, Klein, WQN-1 sonars, SYQ-15 CCS
MCM4 Champion 1991
MCM6 Devastator 1990
MCM7 Patriot 1991
MCM8 Scout 1990
MCM9 Pioneer 1992
MCM10 Warrior 1993
MCM11 Gladiator 1993
MCM12 Ardent 1994
MCM13 Dextrous 1994
MCM14 Chief 1994


AS L. Y. Spear 2 AS39 Emory S. Land 1979 22650t, 196.3x25.9x8.8m, 2b,1gst, 20000hp, 20kts, 363p; 4x1-25/75, 4x1-12.7, helodeck; SPS-55, SPS-67(v)1 radars
AS40 Frank Cable 1980
IX Sea Fighter 1 FSF1 Sea Fighter 2005 1400t, 79.9x21.1x3.6m, CODOG,2gt/2d(4wj), 68000/11700hp, 50kts, 17p; 1x6-20/76, 4x1-12.7, helodeck; 11m RIB; FR-2125, FR-2135 radars
Prevail 1 TSV1 Prevail 1986 2285t, 68.3x13.1x4.6m, 4dg,2em, 2200hp, 11kts, 19p; 2x Raytheon radars
Ranger 2 192UB8701 Ranger 1981 No picture 1800t, 58.5x12.2x4.3m, 2d, 3000hp, 12kts, 8p; 2x radars
192UB8702 NAWC38 1981
Chouest 1 - Dolores Chouest 1978 No picture 1600t, 73.2x12.2x3.6m, 2d, 2250hp, 13kts, 8+32p; 2x radars
C. Champion 2 - C. Champion 1997 No picture 3773t, 67.1x17.1x4.9m, 2d, 3420hp, 12kts, 9p; 2x radars
- C. Commando 1997
Strong Brio 1 111NS8801 Acoustic Explorer 1981 No picture 38.1x9.1x1.4m, 2d
Asheville 2 165NS761 Athena I 1969 250t, 50.1x7.3x2.9m, CODOG,1gt/2d(2), 12500/1400hp, 40kts, 22p; radar
165NS762 Athena II 1970
Sea Jet 1 - Sea Jet 2005 No picture 126t, 40.5xxm, 1em(wj), 2040hp, 16kts
Sea Hunter 1 - Sea Hunter 2016 No picture 150t, 39.6x14.3x1.5m, 2d, 27kts; radar
YT Keokuk 10 YTB771 Keokuk 1964 No picture 356t, 33.1x9.3x4.1m, 1d, 2000hp, 12.5kts, 12p; LN-66/CRP-1900 radar
YTB798 Opelika 1969
YTB820 Wanamassa 1973
YTB832 Canonchet 1973
YTB824 Santaquin 1973
YTB831 Dekanawida 1974
YTB835 Skenandoa 1975
YTB836 Pokagon 1975
YT800 Manhattan 1965
YT801 Washtucna 1973
Valiant 6 YT802 Valiant 2010 No picture 580t, 27.4x11.7x4.9m, 2d,2s, 3670hp, 12kts, 6p; Furuno radar
YT803 Reliant 2010
YT804 Defiant 2010
YT805 Seminole 2011
YT806 Puyallup 2012
YT807 Menominee 2012
TWR Pelham 2 180NS8201 Hugo 1981 No picture 1500t, 55.0x12.2x5.0m, 2d, 2250hp, 12kts
180NS8202 Hunter 1982
TWR821 5 TWR821 Swamp Fox 1985 No picture 213t, 36.6x7.6x3.7m, 2d, 2350hp, 16kts, 15p; LN-66 radar
TWR823 Porpoise 1985
TWR825 Gray Fox 1986
TWR833   1986
TWR841   1986
TWR7 4 TWR7   2012 No picture 260t, 29.6x8.5x2.1m, 2d, 2900hp, 17kts, 8+4p; Furuno radar
TWR8   2014
TWR9   2014
TWR10   2015
Battle Point 2 YIT10 Battle Point 1991 No picture 1168t, 56.9x12.2x3.2m, 1d, 1280hp, 11kts, 31+9p; 2x1-533TT, 1x3-324TT; radar
YIT11 Discovery Bay 1994
AX RTSC110 3 RTSC110   2010 No picture 34.8xxm, 2d, 3600hp; radar
RTSC111   2011
RTSC112   2012
YP676 16 YP676   1984 173t, 32.9x7.4x1.8m, 2d, 874hp, 13.2kts, 30p; SPS-64(V)9 radar
YP681   1985
YP683   1986
YP684   1986
YP686   1986
YP687   1987
YP688   1987
YP689   1987
YP690   1987
YP691   1987
YP692   1987
YP694   1987
YP695   1987
YP698   1988
YP700   1988
YP701   1988
YP703 6 YP703   2010 230t, 36.2x8.5x2.4m, 2d, 715hp, 12kts, 8+30p; Furuno radar
YP704   2011
YP705   2012
YP706   2012
YP707   2013
YP708   2014
Cape 1 851 Venture 1953 106t, 29.0x6.1x1.6m, 4d(2), 18kts, 8p; SPS-64(v)1 radar
APL LST 2 APL39 Mercer 1945 No picture 3640t, 100.0x15.2x3.4m, 2d, 1600hp, 10kts; 1334passengers
APL40 Nueces 1945
YDT Neptune 2 YDT17 Neptune 1999 No picture 275t, 41.5x8.2x1.8m, 2d, 2600hp, 20kts, 8+7p; radar
YDT18 Poseidon 1999
YFB R. W. Huntington 2 YFB92 R. W. Huntington 1995 No picture  
YFB93 William H. Allen 1995


CV Kitty Hawk 1 CV63 Kitty Hawk 1961 80945t, 319.4x76.7x11.4m, 8b,4gst, 280000hp, 33.6kts, 4685p; 150belt, 141decks; 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 3x6-20/76, 90ac(55 F/A-18, 4 EA-6B/EA-18G, 4 E-2C/D, 4 SH-60F, 2 HH-60H); SPS-10, SPS-43A, SPS-48, SPS-49, SPN-41, SPN-43, SPN-46, 3x Mk90, Mk23 TAS radars, SLQ-32 ECM, 8x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25A td, upd. NTDS CCS
LHA Tarawa 3 LHA1 Tarawa 1976 40891t, 254.2x40.2x8.2m, 2b,2gst, 77000hp, 24kts, 1073p; 2x21 RAM SAM(42), 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 8x1-12.7, 46ac(6 AV-8, 12 CH-46, 9 CH-53); 4 LCU, 1903troops, tanks; SPS-64(V)9, SPS-67(V)3, SPS-48E, SPS-40E, SPN-35A, SPN-43B, Mk23 TAS, 2x Mk90 radars, SLQ-32(V)3 ECM, 4x Mk137 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25A td, ITAWDS CCS
LHA4 Nassau 1979
LHA5 Peleliu 1980
LPD Austin 6 LPD7 Cleveland 1967 16900t, 173.8x25.6x7.0m, 2b,2gst, 24000hp, 20kts, 501p; 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 8x1-12.7, 6 hel(6 CH-46), 1 LCU, 4 LCM(8), 2 LCM(6), 840troops; SPS-10F, SPS-40B, SPS-64, 2x Mk90 radars, SLQ-32 ECM, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td
LPD8 Dubuque 1967
LPD9 Denver 1968
LPD10 Juneau 1969
LPD11 Coronado 1970
LPD13 Nashville 1970


MCS Austin 1 AFSB15 Ponce 1971 17595t, 173.4x30.5x7.2m, 2b,2gst, 24000hp, 21kts, 206p; 2x1-25/75, 2x6-20/76, 8x1-12.7, 1 SLQ-3 laser gun, 4hel(MH-53E); 12 RIBs; 2x nav., SPS-40E radars, SLQ-32(v)1 ECM, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td
AKE Lewis & Clark 14 T-AKE1 Lewis & Clark 2006 41000t, 210.0x32.3x9.1m, 4dg,2em(1), 30630hp, 20kts, 135p; 2hel (MH-60); 6675t dry cargo, 3242t cargo oil, 200t fresh water, 1710t refrigerated cargo, 3x2 underway replenishment stations, 2 derricks; Decca radars, SLQ-25 td
T-AKE2 Sacagawea 2007
T-AKE3 Alan Shepard 2007
T-AKE4 Richard E. Byrd 2008
T-AKE5 Robert E. Peary 2008
T-AKE6 Amelia Earhart 2008
T-AKE7 Carl Brashear 2009
T-AKE8 Wally Schirra 2009
T-AKE9 Matthew C. Perry 2010
T-AKE10 Charles Drew 2010
T-AKE11 Washington Chambers 2011
T-AKE12 William McLean 2011
T-AKE13 Medgar Evers 2012
T-AKE14 Cesar Chavez 2012
AOE Supply 3 T-AOE6 Supply 1994 49700t, 229.7x32.6x11.9m, 4gt(2), 100000hp, 26kts, 225p; 3 hel(MH-60); 19840t ship and aviation fuel, 1800t ammunition, 400t refrigerated cargo, 250t general cargo, 76t fresh water, 6x2 underway replenishment stations (dry+liquid cargoes), 4 10t derricks; SPS-67, SPS-64(v)9 radars, 4x Mk36 SRBOC dl, SLQ-25 td
T-AOE7 Rainier 1995
T-AOE8 Arctic 1995
AO Henry J. Kaiser 15 T-AO187 Henry J. Kaiser 1986 40700(187-200)-42000(201-204)t, 206.5x29.7x11.5m, 2d, 32540hp, 20kts, 116p; helodeck; 28620 (187-200) or 25360(201-204)m3 fuel oil, 6 underway replenishment stations (5 liquids, 1 dry cargo); 2x Raytheon radars, SLQ-25 td
T-AO188 Joshua Humphreys 1987
T-AO189 John Lenthall 1987
T-AO193 Walter S. Diehl 1988
T-AO194 John Ericsson 1991
T-AO195 Leroy Grumman 1989
T-AO196 Kanawha 1991
T-AO197 Pecos 1990
T-AO198 Big Horn 1992
T-AO199 Tippecanoe 1993
T-AO200 Guadalupe 1992
T-AO201 Patuxent 1995
T-AO202 Yukon 1993
T-AO203 Laramie 1996
T-AO204 Rappahannock  
MLP Montford Point 3 T-ESD1 Montford Point 2013 80000t, 225.3x50.0x9.0m, 4dg,2em(65280), 15kts, 34p; 3 LCAC, cargo, vehicles, 445passengers; 2x radars
T-ESD2 John Glenn 2014
T-ESB3 Lewis B. Puller 2015
AKR Bob Hope 7 T-AKR300 Bob Hope 1998 64400t, 289.6x32.3x11.3m, 4d(2), 67000hp, 24kts, 90p; helodeck; 36130m2 deck area for vehicles, 13250t cargo, 2 55t cranes, ramp; radar
T-AKR301 Fisher 1999
T-AKR302 Seay 2000
T-AKR303 Mendonca 2001
T-AKR304 Pililaau 2001
T-AKR305 Brittin 2002
T-AKR306 Benavidez 2003
Watson 8 T-AKR310 Watson 1998 62700t, 289.6x32.2x11.3m, 2gt, 64000hp, 24kts, 95p; helodeck; 35900m2 deck area for vehicles, 13000t cargo, 2 55t cranes, ramp; radar
T-AKR311 Sisler 1998
T-AKR312 Dahl 1999
T-AKR313 Red Cloud 2000
T-AKR314 Charlton 2000
T-AKR315 Watkins 2001
T-AKR316 Pomeroy 2001
T-AKR317 Soderman 2002
Gordon 2 T-AKR296 Gordon 1996 no picture 59000hp, 291.4x32.3x11.9m, 3d, 78600hp, 24kts, 95p; 30350m2 deck area for vehicles, 2 50t cranes, ramp; 2x Sperry radars
T-AKR298 Gilliland 1997
Shughart 2 T-AKR295 Shughart 1996 54300t, 276.4x32.2x10.5m, 1d, 47300hp, 24kts, 95p; helodeck; 27400m2 deck area for vehicles, 2 50t cranes, 2 35t cranes, ramp; 2x Sperry radars
T-AKR297 Yano 1997
AH Mercy 2 T-AH19 Mercy 1986 69360t, 272.5x32.2x10.0m, 2b,1gst, 24500hp, 17kts, 1262p; helodeck; 1000berth hospital, 12 surgical rooms; SPS-67(v)2, nav. radars
T-AH20 Comfort 1987
AG VAdm. K. R. Wheeler 1 T-AG5001 VAdm K. R. Wheeler 2007 10670t, 106.5x21.4x6.9m, 2d, 16320hp, 15kts, 34p; 2 LARC; off-shore petroleum distribution system; 2x radars
HOS 250EDF 5 T-AGSE1 Black Powder 2009 no picture 2850t, 76.2x16.5x4.5m, 2d, 4000hp, 14kts, 11p; 1x1-25/75(1); 1200t deck cargo, 37passengers; 2x radars
T-AGSE2 Westwind 2009
T-AGSE3 Eagle View 2009
T-AGS4 Arrowhead 2009
- HOS Dominator 2010
AGM Howard O. Lorenzen 1 T-AGM25 Howard O. Lorenzen 2014 12575t, 162.9x27.2x6.7m, 4dg,2em, 20115hp, 20kts, 76p; 2x Cobra Judy replacement, 2x nav. radars
Invincible 1 T-AGM24 Invincible 1987 2285t, 68.3x13.1x4.6m, 4dg,2em, 2200hp, 11kts, 30p; 6x1-12.7; Cluster Gemini, 2x nav. radars
AGOS Impeccable 1 T-AGOS23 Impeccable 2001 5340t, 85.8x29.7x7.9m, 4dg,2em, 5000hp, 12kts, 45p; Raytheon radar, ATASS, SURTASS UQQ-2, TL-29A sonars
Victorious 4 T-AGOS19 Victorious 1991 3400t, 71.5x28.5x7.5m, 4dg,2em, 3200hp, 16kts, 33p; 2x Raytheon radars, UQQ-2 SURTASS, TL-29A sonars
T-AGOS20 Able 1992
T-AGOS21 Effective 1993
T-AGOS24 Loyal 1993
AGS Waters 1 T-AGS45 Waters 1993 12200t, 138.7x21.0x6.4m, 5dg,2m, 6800hp, 12kts, 89p; 1 midget submarine; 2x Raytheon radars
Pathfinder 6 T-AGS60 Pathfinder 1994 4760t, 100.1x17.7x5.8m, 4dg,2em, 8000hp, 16kts, 82p; 2x1-12.7; Sperry radar
T-AGS62 Bowditch 1995
T-AGS63 Henson 1998
T-AGS64 Bruce C. Heezen 2000
T-AGS65 Mary Sears 2001
T-AGS66 Maury 2016
AGOR Thomas G. Thompson 3 AGOR23 Thomas G. Thompson 1991 3250t, 83.5x16.0x5.6m, 7dg,2em, 6000hp, 15kts, 55p; radars
AGOR24 Roger Revelle 1996
AGOR25 Atlantis 1997
Kilo Moana 1 AGOR26 Kilo Moana 2002 2500t, 56.4x26.8x7.5m, 4dg,2em, 4025hp, 15kts, 48p; 2x Raytheon radars
Neil Armstrong 2 AGOR27 Neil Armstrong 2015 no picture 3000t, 80.0x15.3x4.6m, 4dg,2em, 13kts, 44p; radars
AGOR28 Sally Ride 2016
ARC Zeus 1 T-ARC7 Zeus 1984 14250t, 153.2x22.3x7.3m, dg,2em, 12500hp, 15.8kts, 128p; cable; 2x radars
ARS Safeguard 4 T-ARS50 Safeguard 1985 3200t, 77.7x15.2x4.7m, 4d(2), 4200hp, 14kts, 30p; 2x1-25/75; 65t bollard pull, 1 30t crane, 1 10t crane, recompression chamber, can carry DSRV1: SPS-64(v)9, SPS-69 radars
T-ARS51 Grasp 1985
T-ARS52 Saylor 1986
T-ARS53 Grapple 1986
ATF Powhatan 4 T-ATF168 Catawba 1980 2260t, 73.2x12.8x4.6m, 2d, 4500hp, 15kts, 24p; 54t bollard pull, 1x 10t crane; Raytheon 1660-12S radar
T-ATF169 Navajo 1980
T-ATF171 Sioux 1981
T-ATF172 Apache 1981
AK John P. Bobo 5 T-AK3008 2nd Lt John P. Bobo 1985 44330t, 205.2x32.2x9.00m, 2d(1), 26400hp, 18.5kts, 70p; 530 20`containers, 13500m2 deck area for vehicles, 3400t aviation fuel, 3000t vehicles fuel, 386t fresh water, 2x2 39t cranes, ramp; 2x radars
T-AK3009 PFC Dewayne T. Williams 1985
T-AK3010 1st Lt Baldomero Lopez 1985
T-AK3011 1st Lt Jack Lummus 1986
T-AK3012 Sgt William R. Button 1986
Kocak 3 T-AK3005 Sgt Matej Kocak 1984 48750t, 250.2x32.1x10.1m, 2b,2gst, 32000hp, 20kts, 69p;  helicopter platform; 532 20`containers, 13500m2 deck area for vehicles, 3400t aviation fuel, 2900t vehicles fuel, 350t fresh water, 3x2 50t cranes, ramp 1 LCVP; 2x radars
T-AK3006 PFC Eugene A. Obregon 1985
T-AK3007 Maj Stephen W. Pless 1985
Stockham 1 T-AK3017 GySgt. Fred W. Stockham 1981 54300t, 276.4x32.2x10.5m, 1d, 47300hp, 24kts, 45p; 850 containers, 10000m2 deck area for vehicles, 100passengers; 2x Sperry radars
Martin 1 T-AK3015 1st Lt Harry L. Martin 1979 51530t, 229.9x32.3x11.0m, 1d, 25700hp, 21.5kts, 36p; 767 containers, 11000m2 deck area for vehicles; 2x radars
Wheat 1 T-AK3016 L Cpl Roy M. Wheat 1987 50570t, 263.3x30.0x10.6m, 2gt, 47000hp, 22kts, 42p; 960 containers, 11000m2 deck area for vehicles; 2x radars
Page 2 T-AK4496 Lt C John U. D. Page 1985 no picture 81284t, 289.5x32.3x11.6m, 1d, 27930hp, 18kts, 20p; 2500 20' containers; 2x radars
T-AK4544 S Sgt Edward A. Carter 1985
Fisher 1 T-AK4396 Maj Bernard F. Fisher 1985 no picture 44000t, 198.9x32.3x11.0m, 1d, 23030hp, 20.5kts, 25p; containers; 2x radars
Lyon 1 T-AK5362 Capt David Lyon 1996 no picture 184.1x25.3x9.9m, 1d, 18120hp, 20kts; cargo; 2x radars
AOT Gianella 1 T-AOT1125 Lawrence H. Gianella 1986 no picture 39625t, 187.5x27.4x10.8m, 1d, 18400hp, 16kts, 24p; cargo fuel oil; 2x radars
AK chartered Transatlantic 1 - Transatlantic   no picture 9300t, 100x16.0xm; dry cargo; 2x radars
AO chartered Maersk Peary 1 T-AOT5246 Maersk Peary   no picture 47880t, 181.0x32.0x12.0m, 13kts, 21p; cargo fuel oil; 2x radars
Empire State 1 T-AOT5193 Empire State   58750t, 183.1x32.0x12.0m, 15kts, 21p; cargo fuel oil; 2x radars
Pax 1 T-AOT5356 Pax   no picture 10000t, 101.0x19.0xm, cargo fuel oil; 2x radars
ATF chartered Sea Eagle 1 - Sea Eagle   no picture 440t; 44.0xxm; 2x radars


AVB Wright 2 T-AVB3 Wright 1986 27580t, 183.5x27.4x10.4m, 2b,2gst(1), 30000hp, 23kts, 33p; helicopter platform; (300 Mobile Maintenance Facility Modules + 52 Access Modules) or 332 40`containers, stern ramp, side doors, 1 70t derrick, 10 30t derricks, 300passengers; 2x radars
T-AVB4 Curtiss 1987
ACS Gopher State 3 T-ACS4 Gopher State 1969 no picture 25000t, 185.9x27.8x9.1m, 2b,2gst, 17500hp, 20kts, 52p; 1070 20`containers, 2x2 30t cranes, 3 LCM(8), 2 side-loading warping tugs; 2x radars
T-ACS5 Flickertail State 1970
T-ACS6 Cornhusker State 1969
Keystone State 3 T-ACS1 Keystone State 1966 no picture 31500t, 203.8x23.2x10.7m, 2b,2gst(1), 19250hp, 20kts, 64p; 10370t cargo, inc 190 20`containers, 3x2 30t cranes; 2x radars
T-ACS2 Gem State 1965
T-ACS3 Grand Canyon State 1966
AKR Algol 8 T-AKR287 Algol 1973 55355t, 288.4x32.2x11.3m, 2b,4gst(2), 120000hp, 33kts, 57p;  25500t cargo or 1086 35`containers, 1x2 50t crane, 1x2 35t crane, 2 side ramps; TM1650/6X, TM1660/12S radars
T-AKR288 Bellatrix 1973
T-AKR289 Denebola 1973
T-AKR290 Pollux 1973
T-AKR291 Altair 1973
T-AKR292 Regulus 1973
T-AKR293 Capella 1972
T-AKR294 Antares 1972
Cape Hudson 3 T-AKR5066 Cape Hudson 1979 no picture 51000t, 228.5x32.3x10.8m, 1d, 30150hp, 21kts, 27p; 26742t cargo or 1629 20`containers, stern ramp, 1 39t crane; 2x radars
T-AKR5067 Cape Henry 1979
T-AKR5068 Cape Horn 1979
Cape Ducato 5 T-AKR5051 Cape Ducato 1972 no picture 35173t, 207.4x29.6x9.6m, 3d(1), 28890hp, 22kts, 27p; 21650t cargo, ramp; 2x radars
T-AKR5052 Cape Douglas 1973
T-AKR5053 Cape Domingo 1973
T-AKR5054 Cape Decision 1973
T-AKR5055 Cape Diamond 1972
Cape Island 4 T-AKR10 Cape Island 1977 33765t, 208.7x31.1x9.8m, 2b,2gst, 37000hp, 23kts, 36p; 14876t dry cargo, 728t liquid crago, side doors, ramp, 1 30t crane; 2x radars
T-AKR11 Cape Intrepid 1976
T-AKR5062 Cape Isabel 1977
T-AKR5076 Cape Inscription 1976
Cape Texas 3 T-AKR112 Cape Texas 1977 no picture 26455t, 193.2x27.0x9.1m, 2d(1), 17330hp, 20kts, 49p; 11386t dry cargo, side doors, ramp, 340 20`containers; RM1229, TM1230 radars
T-AKR113 Cape Taylor 1977
T-AKR9711 Cape Trinity 1977
Cape Knox 2 T-AKR5082 Cape Knox 1978 no picture 36450t, 212.1x32.3x10.7m, 1d, 25400t, 19kts, 39p; 1550 20`containers, angle stern door, 2 ramps; 2x radars
T-AKR5083 Cape Kennedy 1979
Cape Edmont 1 T-AKR5069 Cape Edmont 1971 no picture 32500t, 199.0x28.7x9.4m, 3d(1), 25920hp, 19kts, 32p; 1212TEU, 317m3 liquid cargo, 2 18t cranes, stern ramp; 2x radars
Cape Victory 2 T-AKR9666 Cape Vincent 1984 no picture 30000hp, 192.6x26.6x8.5m, 1d, 11850hp, 16kts, 25p; 1306 20`containers, stern ramp; 2x radars
T-AKR9701 Cape Victory 1984
Cape Rise 3 T-AKR9678 Cape Rise 1977 no picture 35000t, 197.5x32.3x10.0m, 2d(1), 28000hp, 20kts, 28p; 1315 20`containers, side doors, stern ramps; 2x radars
T-AKR9679 Cape Ray 1977
T-AKR9960 Cape Race 1977
Cape Orlando 1 T-AKR2044 Cape Orlando 1981 no picture 32800t, 193.6x28.1x9.2m, 2d(1), 21600hp, 20kts, 20p; 18219t cargo, 2 stern ramps, 1 25t crane, 1 5t crane; 2x radars
Cape Washington 2 T-AKR9961 Cape Washington 1982 no picture 53000t, 212.6x32.3x11.6m, 1d, 17400hp, 16kts, 28p; 1203 20`containers, side doors, stern door/ramp, 2 5t cranes; 2x radars
T-AKR9962 Cape Wrath 1981
Callaghan 1 T-AKR1001 Admiral William M. Callaghan 1967 26573t, 211.6x28.0x8.9m, 2gt, 40000hp, 26kts, 28p; 9519t cargo, ramp, 4 side ports, 750 vehicles, 212 TEU containers, 2 120t derricks, 6 25t derricks, 10 15t derricks; 2x radars
Cape May 2 T-AKR5063 Cape May 1972 no picture 57290t, 266.4x32.3x11.9m, 2b,2gst, 36000hp, 20kts, 38p; 29780t cargo, 38 'Sea Bee' lighters, 2000t stern elevator; 2x radars
T-AKR5065 Cape Mohican 1973
AOT Petersburg 1 T-AOT9101 Petersburg 1963 no picture 65000t, 224.4x31.2x12.1m, 2b,1gst, 15000hp, 15kts; 61730m3 cargo oil, 1 53m3/h crane, OPDS utility boat; 2x radars
AGM Pacific Tracker 1 XTR1 Pacific Tracker 1965 no picture 23760t, 203.0x22.9x8.6m, 2b,2gst(1), 19000hp, 20kts, 65p; 2x radars
Pacific Collector 1 XTR2 Pacific Collector 1968 no picture 5200t, 119.8x16.5x5.6m, 1d, 13kts, 60p; 2x radars


LST Gen. Frank S. Besson, Jr. 6 LSV1 Gen. Frank S. Besson, Jr. 1988 4199t, 83.1x18.3x3.7m, 2d, 3900hp, 12kts, 30p; 1815t of vehicles; 2x BrdgeMaster-E radars
LSV2 CW3 Harold C. Clinger 1988
LSV3 Gen. Brehon B. Somervell 1988
LSV4 Lt. Gen. William B. Bunker 1988
LSV5 MGen. Charles P. Gross 1991
LSV6 Sp. 4 James A. Loux 1995
SSgt. Robert T. Kuroda 2 LSV7 SSgt. Robert T. Kuroda 2006 5400t, 97.2x18.3x4.0m, 2d, 4520hp, 15kts; 6x1-12.7; 12tanks; 2x Bridgemaster-E radars
LSV8 MGen. Robert Smalls 2007
LSM LCU2001 35 LCU2001 Runnymede 1990 1102t, 53.0x12.8x2.6m, 2d, 2500hp, 11.5kts, 13p; 5tanks; 2x SPS-64(V)2 radars
LCU2002 Kennesaw Mountain 1990
LCU2003 Macon 1990
LCU2004 Aldie 1990
LCU2005 Brandy Station 1990
LCU2006 Bristoe Station 1990
LCU2007 Broad Run 1990
LCU2008 Buena Vista 1990
LCU2009 Calaboza 1990
LCU2010 Cedar Run 1990
LCU2011 Chickahominy 1990
LCU2012 Chickasaw Bayou 1990
LCU2013 Churubusco 1990
LCU2014 Coamo 1991
LCU2015 Contreras 1991
LCU2016 Corinth 1991
LCU2017 El Caney 1991
LCU2018 Five Forks 1991
LCU2019 Fort Donelson 1991
LCU2020 Fort McHenry 1991
LCU2021 Great Bridge 1991
LCU2022 Harpers Ferry 1991
LCU2023 Hobkirk 1991
LCU2024 Hormigueros 1991
LCU2025 Malvern Hill 1992
LCU2026 Matamoros 1992
LCU2027 Mechanicsville 1992
LCU2028 Missionary Ridge 1992
LCU2029 Molino Del Rey 1992
LCU2030 Monterrey 1992
LCU2031 New Orleans 1992
LCU2032 Palo Alto 1992
LCU2033 Paulus Hook 1992
LCU2034 Perryville 1992
LCU2035 Port Hudson 1992
LC LCM(8) 71 LCM8549-8619?   1954-1972 107-121t, 22.4-22.7x6.4x1.3-1.4m, 2d, 1080hp, 9-12kts, 4-5p; 2x1-12.7; 150-200troops or 1-2tanks
YTL Gulf Condor 2 LT101 Gulf Condor 1981 no picture 36.9x10.4x4.2m, 2d, 4200hp
LT102 Mystic 1981
Nathanael Greene 6 LT801 MG Nathanael Greene 1993 no picture 924t, 39.0x11.0x4.7m, 2d, 5100hp, 12kts; 2x radars
LT802 MG Henry Knox 1993
LT803 MG Anthony Wayne 1993
LT804 BG Zebulon Pike 1993
LT805 MG Winfield Scott 1993
LT806 Col Seth Warner 1994
Sgt William W. Seay 5 LT1953 Salerno 1955 no picture 390t, 32.6x8.1x3.7m, 1d, 1200hp, 13kts, 16p; 2x radars
LT1974 Champagne-Marne 1955
LT2076 New Guinea 1955
LT2085 Anzio 1955
LT2096 Valley Forge 1955
Dorchester Heights 16 ST901 Dorchester Heights 1998 no picture 110t, 18.2x6.9x2.0m, 2d, 1280hp, 10.5kts, 4p; radar
ST902 Pelham Point 1999
ST903 Fort Stanwix 1999
ST904 Green Springs 1999
ST905 Scholarie 2000
ST906 Sag Harbor 2000
ST907 Appomatox 2000
ST908 Sacketts Harbor 2000
ST909 Bunker Hill 2001
ST910 Santiago 2001
ST911 Enduring Freedom 2002
ST912 Fort Moultrie 2002
ST913 Restore Hope 2003
ST914 Mulberry 2003
ST915 Cat Lai 2004
ST916 Desert Storm 2005


PSO Hamilton 5 WHEC717 Mellon 1967 3050t, 115.2x13.0x6.1m, CODOG(2gt/2d)(2), 28000/7200hp, 29kts, 164p; 1x1-76/62, 2x1-25/75, 1x6-20/76, 2x1-20/70, 1hel(HH-65); 2x SPS-64, SPS-40B, Mk90 radars, 2x Mk36 SRBOC dl
WHEC720 Sherman 1968
WHEC722 Morgenthau 1969
WHEC724 Munro 1971
WHEC726 Midgett 1972
Alex Hailey 1 WMEC39 Alex Hailey 1971 2929t, 88.0x15.3x4.6m, 4d(2), 6800hp, 16kts, 99p; 2x1-25/75, 2x1-12.7, helodeck; SPS-73, SPS-40 radars
Bertholf 5 WHEC750 Bertholf 2008 4500t, 127.4x16.5x6.4m, 1gt+2d(2), 48810hp, 29kts, 116p; 1x1-57/70, 1x6-20/76, 4x1-12.7, 1-2hel(1 MH-60 or 2 MH-65 or 4 UAV); TRS-3D/15-ES, SPS-73, SPQ-9B, Furuno radars, EOSS Mk 20, FLIR Star Safire III E/O, SLQ-32(v)2 ECM, 2x SRBOC, 2x Nulka dl, SICS CCS
WHEC751 Waesche 2010
WHEC752 Stratton 2012
WHEC753 Hamilton 2014
WHEC754 James 2015
PS Reliance 14 WMEC615 Reliance 1964 1050t, 64.2x10.4x3.2m, 2d, 5000hp, 18kts, 86p; 1x1-25/75, 2x1-12.7, helodeck; 2x SPS-73 radars
WMEC616 Diligence 1964
WMEC617 Vigilant 1964
WMEC618 Active 1966
WMEC619 Confidence 1966
WMEC620 Resolute 1966
WMEC621 Valiant 1967
WMEC623 Steadfast 1968
WMEC624 Dauntless 1968
WMEC625 Venturous 1968
WMEC626 Dependable 1968
WMEC627 Vigorous 1969
WMEC629 Decisive 1968
WMEC630 Alert 1969
Famous 13 WMEC901 Bear 1983 1780t, 82.3x11.6x4.1m, 2d, 7200hp, 19.5kts, 116p; 1x1-76/62, 2x1-12.7, 1hel(HH-65); SPS-64(V)1, SPS-64(V)6, Mk92 radars, SLQ-32(V)2 ECM; 2x Mk137 (Mk36 SRBOC) dl
WMEC902 Tampa 1984
WMEC903 Harriet Lane 1984
WMEC904 Northland 1984
WMEC905 Spencer 1986
WMEC906 Seneca 1987
WMEC907 Escanaba 1987
WMEC908 Tahoma 1988
WMEC909 Campbell 1988
WMEC910 Thetis 1989
WMEC911 Forward 1990
WMEC912 Legare 1990
WMEC913 Mohawk 1990
PC Bernard C. Webber 19 WPC1101 Bernard C. Webber 2012 353t, 46.8x7.8x2.9m, 2d, 11700hp, 28kts, 22p; 1x1-25/75, 4x1-12.7; 2x radars
WPC1102 Richard Etheridge 2012
WPC1103 William R. Flores 2012
WPC1104 Robert Yered 2013
WPC1105 Margaret Norvell 2013
WPC1106 Paul Clark 2013
WPC1107 Charles David Jr. 2013
WPC1108 Charles W. Sexton 2014
WPC1109 Kathleen Moore 2014
WPC1110 Raymond Evans 2014
WPC1111 William Trump 2015
WPC1112 Isaac Mayo 2015
WPC1113 Richard Dixon 2015
WPC1114 Heriberto Hernandez 2015
WPC1115 Joseph Napier 2016
WPC1116 Winslow W. Greisser 2016
WPC1117 Donald Horsley 2016
WPC1118 Joseph Tezanos 2016
WPC1119 Rollin A. Fritch 2016
PB Island 27 WPB1301 Farallon 1986 165(1301-1317)-155(1318-1337)-153(1338-1349)t, 33.5x6.4x2.2m, 2d, 5820(1301-1337)-5460(1338-1349)hp, 29.7(1301-1337)-28(1338-1349)kts, 16p; 1x1-25/75, 2x1-12.7; SPS-73 radar
WPB1304 Maui 1986
WPB1307 Ocracoke 1986
WPB1309 Aquidneck 1986
WPB1310 Mustang 1986
WPB1311 Naushon 1986
WPB1312 Sanibel 1986
WPB1313 Edisto 1987
WPB1314 Sapelo 1987
WPB1316 Nantucket 1987
WPB1318 Baranof 1988
WPB1319 Chandeleur 1988
WPB1321 Cushing 1988
WPB1322 Cuttyhunk 1988
WPB1324 Key Largo 1988
WPB1326 Monomoy 1988
WPB1327 Orcas 1989
WPB1329 Sitkinak 1989
WPB1330 Tybee 1989
WPB1331 Washington 1989
WPB1332 Wrangell 1989
WPB1333 Adak 1989
WPB1334 Liberty 1989
WPB1335 Anacapa 1990
WPB1336 Kiska 1989
WPB1337 Assateague 1990
WPB1349 Galveston Island 1992
Protector 73 WPB87301 Barracuda 1998 91t, 26.5x5.9x1.7m, 2d, 2950hp, 27kts, 10p; 2x1-12.7; SPS-73 radar
WPB87302 Hammerhead 1998
WPB87303 Mako 1998
WPB87304 Marlin 1999
WPB87305 Stingray 1999
WPB87306 Dorado 1999
WPB87307 Osprey 1999
WPB87308 Chinook 1999
WPB87309 Albacore 1999
WPB87310 Tarpon 1999
WPB87311 Cobia 1999
WPB87312 Hawksbill 2000
WPB87313 Cormorant 1999
WPB87314 Finback 2000
WPB87315 Amberjack 2000
WPB87316 Kittiwake 2000
WPB87317 Blackfin 2000
WPB87318 Bluefin 2000
WPB87319 Yellowfin 2000
WPB87320 Manta 2000
WPB87321 Coho 2000
WPB87322 Kimgfisher 2000
WPB87323 Seahawk 2000
WPB87324 Steelhead 2000
WPB87325 Beluga 2000
WPB87326 Blacktip 2001
WPB87327 Pelican 2001
WPB87328 Ridley 2001
WPB87329 Cochito 2001
WPB87330 Manowar 2001
WPB87331 Moray 2001
WPB87332 Razorbill 2001
WPB87333 Adelie 2001
WPB87334 Gannet 2001
WPB87335 Narwhal 2001
WPB87336 Sturgeon 2001
WPB87337 Sockeye 2002
WPB87338 Ibis 2001
WPB87339 Pompano 2001
WPB87340 Halibut 2002
WPB87341 Bonito 2002
WPB87342 Shrike 2002
WPB87343 Tern 2002
WPB87344 Heron 2002
WPB87345 Wahoo 2002
WPB87346 Flyingfish 2002
WPB87347 Haddock 2002
WPB87348 Brant 2002
WPB87349 Shearwater 2002
WPB87350 Petrel 2003
WPB87352 Sea Lion 2004
WPB87353 Skipjack 2003
WPB87354 Dolphin 2004
WPB87355 Hawk 2004
WPB87356 Sailfish 2004
WPB87357 Sawfish 2004
WPB87358 Swordfish 2005
WPB87359 Tiger Shark 2005
WPB87360 Blue Shark 2005
WPB87361 Sea Horse 2005
WPB87362 Sea Otter 2005
WPB87363 Manatee 2005
WPB87364 Ahi 2005
WPB87365 Pike 2005
WPB87366 Terrapin 2005
WPB87367 Sea Dragon 2008
WPB87368 Sea Devil 2008
WPB87369 Crocodile 2008
WPB87370 Diamondback 2009
WPB87371 Reef Shark 2009
WPB87372 Alligator 2009
WPB87373 Sea Dog 2009
WPB87374 Sea Fox 2009
Guardian 1 WPB85201   2002 No picture 105t, 25.9x7.0x1.7m, 2d, 5470hp, 40kts, 6p; 2x1-12.7; FR-8251 radar
64ft 12 WPB64101-64112   2009-2011 No picture 60t, 22.0x6.5x1.0m, 2d(wj), 33kts; 1x1-12.7; 2x radars
AXS Eagle 1 WIX327 Eagle 1936 1816t, 89.9x11.9x5.2m, 2370m2 sails (3-mast barque), 1d, 330hp, 18(sails max) or 10.5kts, 245+180p; SPS-64(v)1 radar
AGB Healy 1 WAGB20 Healy 2000 16700t, 128.0x25.0x8.5m, 4dg,2em, 30000hp, 17kts, 75+49p; 2x1-12.7, 2hel (MH-65); 1 LCVP; SPS-73, SPS-64 radars
Polar Star 1 WAGB10 Polar Star 1976 13623t, 121.9x25.5x9.2m, CODLOG: 6dg,3em/3gt, 18000/75000hp, 18kts, 138+33p; 2x1-12.7, 2hel(MH-65); 2 LCVP; 2x SPS-64 radars
Mackinaw 1 WLBB30 Mackinaw 2006 3500t, 73.2x18.3x4.9m, 3dg,2em(ap), 9140hp, 15kts, 50p; 1 20t crane; 2x KDB-10 radars
AGL Juniper 16 WLB201 Juniper 1996 2032t, 68.6x14.0x4.0m, 2d(1), 6200hp, 15kts, 40p; 1x1-25/75, 2x1-12.7; 1 20t crane, 1 5t crane; SPS-73 radar
WLB202 Willow 1997
WLB203 Kukui 1998
WLB204 Elm 1998
WLB205 Walnut 1999
WLB206 Spar 2001
WLB207 Maple 2001
WLB208 Aspen 2002
WLB209 Sycamore 2002
WLB210 Cypress 2002
WLB211 Oak 2003
WLB212 Hickory 2003
WLB213 Fir 2003
WLB214 Hollyhock 2004
WLB215 Sequoia 2004
WLB216 Alder 2005
Keeper 14 WLM551 Ida Lewis 1997 no picture 916t, 53.3x11.0x2.4m, 2d, 2040hp, 12kts, 18p; 1 10t crane; SPS-64(v)1 radar
WLM552 Katherine Walker 1997
WLM553 Abbie Burgess 1998
WLM554 Marcus Hanna 1998
WLM555 James Rankin 1998
WLM556 Joshua Appleby 1999
WLM557 Frank Drew 2000
WLM558 Anthony Petit 2000
WLM559 Barbara Mabrity 2000
WLM560 William Tate 2000
WLM561 Harry Claiborne 2000
WLM562 Maria Bray 2000
WLM563 Henry Blake 2000
WLM564 George Cobb 2000
YGL Cosmos 2 WLI313 Bluebell 1945 no picture 178t, 30.5x7.3x1.5m, 2d, 600hp, 10.5kts, 15p; 1 5t derrick; radar
WLI315 Smilax 1944
Buckthorn 1 WLI642 Buckthorn 1964 no picture 195t, 30.5x7.3x1.2m, 2d, 600hp, 11.9kts, 14p; 1 5t derrick; radar
Kankakee 2 WLR75500 Kankakee 1990 no picture 175t, 22.9x7.3x1.5m, 2d, 1025hp, 11kts, 13p; 1 3t crane; radar
WLR75501 Greenbrier 1990
Ouachita 6 WLR65501 Ouachita 1960 no picture 145t, 20.1x6.4x1.5m, 2d, 600hp, 10kts, 10p; 1 3t crane; radar
WLR65502 Cimarron 1960
WLR65503 Obion 1962
WLR65504 Scioto 1962
WLR65505 Osage 1962
WLR65506 Sangamon 1962
Gasconade 9 WLR75401 Gasconade 1964 no picture 141t, 22.9x6.7x1.2m, 2d, 600hp, 8kts, 12p; 1 1t crane; radar
WLR75402 Muskingum 1965
WLR75403 Wyaconda 1965
WLR75404 Chippewa 1965
WLR75405 Cheyenne 1966
WLR75406 Kickapoo 1969
WLR75407 Kanawha 1969
WLR75408 Patoka 1970
WLR75409 Chena 1970
ATA Katmai Bay 9 WTGB101 Katmai Bay 1979 no picture 662t, 42.7x11.4x3.7m, 2dg,1em, 2500hp, 14.7kts, 17p; SPS-64(v)1 radar
WTGB102 Bristol Bay 1979
WTGB103 Mobile Bay 1979
WTGB104 Biscayne Bay 1979
WTGB105 Neah Bay 1980
WTGB106 Morro Bay 1981
WTGB107 Penobscot Bay 1985
WTGB108 Thunder Bay 1985
WTGB109 Sturgeon Bay 1988
YGL Pamlico 4 WLIC800 Pamlico 1976 no picture 459t, 48.8x9.1x1.2m, 2d, 1000hp, 11.5kts, 14p; 1 9t crane; SPS-69 radar
WLIC801 Hudson 1976
WLIC802 Kennebec 1977
WLIC803 Saginaw 1977
Anvil 8 WLIC75301 Anvil 1962 no picture 145t, 22.9x6.7x1.2m, 2d, 600hp, 10kts, 10p; radar
WLIC75302 Hammer 1962
WLIC75303 Sledge 1962
WLIC75304 Mallet 1963
WLIC75305 Vise 1963
WLIC75306 Clamp 1964
WLIC75307 Hatchet 1966
WLIC75308 Axe 1966


AGOR Thomas G. Thompson 1 R104 Ronald R. Brown 1997 3250t, 83.5x16.0x5.6m, 7dg,2em, 6000hp, 15kts, 20+35p; radars
Oscar Dyson 5 R224 Oscar Dyson 2005 2480t, 63.6x14.9x5.9m, 4dg,2em, 6090hp, 14kts, 20+37p; radars
R225 Henry B. Bigelow 2006
R226 Pisces 2009
R227 Bell M. Shimada 2010
R228 Reuben Lasker 2014
AGOS Ka'imimoana 4 R334 Hi'ialakai 1984 2285t, 68.3x13.1x4.6m, 4dg,2em; 2200hp, 11kts, 19p; radars
R335 Oscar Elton Sette 1988
R336 Gordon Gunter 1990
R338 Okeanos Explorer 1989
YTT9 1 R352 Nancy Foster 1992 no picture 1168t, 56.9x12.2x3.2m, 1d, 1280hp, 11kts, 31+9p; radar
Oregon II 1 R332 Oregon II 1967 no picture 1090t, 51.8x10.4x4.3m, 2d(1), 1600hp, 12kts, 20+14p; radar
Mount Mitchell 2 S220 Fairweather 1968 no picture 1800t, 70.4x12.8x4.2m, 2d, 2400hp, 13kts, 69+4p; radar
S221 Rainier 1968
AGS51 1 S222 Thomas Jefferson 1993 no picture 2054t, 63.4x13.7x4.3m, 2d(1), 2850hp, 14kts, 19+11p; radar
Ferdinand R. Hassler 1 S520 Ferdinand R. Hassler 2012 no picture 37.8x18.6xm



Ship-based 19 F-35C Lightning, 10 F/A-18A/A+ Hornet, 9 F/A-18B Hornet, 170 F/A-18C Hornet, 41 F/A-18D Hornet, 290 F/A-18E Super Hornet, 271 F/A-18F Super Hornet, 117 EA-18G Growler, 51 E-2C Hawkeye, 25 E-2D Hawkeye, 35 C-2A Greyhound, 225 MH-60R Seahawk, 271 MH-60S Knight Hawk, 28 MH-53E Sea Dragon, 3 OH-58C Kiowa, 11 HH-60H Seahawk, 2 CH-53E Sea Stallion, 3 UH-60L Black Hawk, 5 UH-72A Lakota, 2 UH-1N Iroquois, 1 UH-1Y Venom, 20 MQ-8B Fire Scout, 16 MQ-8C Fire Scout
Land-based combat capable 65 P-3C Orion, 45 P-8A Poseidon, 9 EP-3E Aries II, 16 E-6B Mercury, 4 RQ-4A Global Hawk, 35 RQ-2B Pioneer, 15 RQ-21A Blackjack
Ship-based in reserve 29 F/A-18A+ Hornet, 5 EA-18G Growler, 7 MH-60R Seahawk, 7 MH-53E Sea Dragon, 16 HH-60H Seahawk
Land-based combat capable in reserve 12 P-3C Orion, 2 F-5F Tiger II, 30 F-5N Tiger II
Marine Corps ship-based 48 F-35B Lightning, 6 F-35C Lightning, 45 F/A-18A++ Hornet, 7 F/A-18B Hornet, 107 F/A-18C Hornet, 92 F/A-18D Hornet, 114 AV-8B Harrier II, 16 TAV-8B Harrier, 27 EA-6B Prowler, 268 MV-22B Osprey, 96 AH-1W Cobra, 52 AH-1Z Viper, 4 HH-1N Iroquois, 139 CH-53E Sea Stallion, 8 VH-60N Presidential Hawk, 11 VH-3D Sea King, 109 UH-1Y Venom
Marine Corps land-based combat capable 31 RQ-7B Shadow, some RQ-21A Blackjack
Marine Corps ship-based in reserve 11 F/A-18A++ Hornet, 12 MV-22B Osprey, 16 AH-1W Cobra, 6 CH-53E Super Stallion, 22 UH-1Y Venom
Marine Corps land-based combat capable in reserve 1 F-5F Tiger II, 11 F-5N Tiger II, 8 RQ-7B Shadow


Land-based combat capable 19 RC-12X Guardrail, 5 EO-5C, 2 EO-5B, 1 TO-5C, 450 AH-64D Apache, 146 AH-64E Apache, 60 OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, 44 OH-58A Kiowa, 117 MQ-1C Gray Eagle, 236 RQ-7B Shadow, 50 AH-6M/MH-6M Little Bird, 68 MH-47G Chinook, 62 MH-60K/L/M Black Hawk, 15 XPV-1 Tern, 14 XPV-2 Mako


Land-based combat capable 450 LGM-30G Minuteman III, 61 B-1B Lancer, 20 B-2A Spirit, 58 B-52H Stratofortress, 96 F-15C Eagle, 10 F-15D Eagle, 159 F-22A Raptor, 211 F-15E Strike Eagle, 456 F-16C Fighting Falcon, 114 F-15D Fighting Falcon, 102 F-35A Lightning, 143 A-10A Thunderbolt II, 14 EC-130H Compass Call, 2 E-9A, 4 E-11A, 2 OC-135B Open Skies, 27 U-2S, 4 TU-2S, 2 WC-135 Constant Phoenix, 8 RC-135V Rivet Joint, 9 RC-135W Rivet Joint, 3 RC-135S Cobra Ball, 2 RC-135U Combat Sent, 18 E-3B Sentry, 6 E-3C Sentry, 7 E-3G Sentry, 4 E-4B, 2 AC-130J Ghostrider, 13 AC-130U Spectre, 12 AC-130W Stinger II, 110 MQ-1B Predator, 228 MQ-9A Reaper, 3 EQ-4B Global Hawk, 31 RQ-4B Global Hawk, 10 RQ-170 Sentinel
Land-based combat capable in reserve 18 B-52H Stratofortress, 49 F-16C Fighting Falcon, 4 F-16D Fighting Falcon, 55 A-10C Thunderbolt II, 10 WC-130J Hercules
Land-based combat capable in National Guard 127 F-15C Eagle, 10 F-15D Eagle, 20 F-22A Raptor, 311 F-16C Fighting Falcon, 45 F-16D Fighting Falcon, 86 A-10C Thunderbolt II, 16 E-8C J-STARS, 11 RC-26B Metroliner, 3 EC-130J Commando Solo, 13 MC-12W Liberty, 35 MQ-1B Predator, 35 MQ-9A Reaper


Ship-based 52 MH-60T Jayhawk, 102 MH-65C/D Dauphin II
Land-based combat capable 18 HC-144A


equipment 447 M1A1 Abrams MBT, 502 LAV-25 Coyote, 66 LAV-CP, 127 LAV-log, 14 LAV-EW, 1311 AAV-7A1 APC, 1725 Cougar, 704 M-ATV AUV, 38 Buffalo, 42 M1 ABV AEV, 60 AAVRA1, 45 LAV-R, 80 M88A1/2 ARV, 6 Joint Aslt Bridge VLB, 106 LAV-AT SP ATMSL, FGM-148 Javelin, FGM-172B SRAW-MPV, TOW ATMSL, 331 M101A1 105mm towed howitzers, 501 M777A2 155mm towed howitzers, 40 M142 HIMARS 227mm MRL, 535 M252 81mm mortars, 50 LAV-M 81mm SP mortars, 49 EFSS 120mm mortars, FIM-92A Stinger SAM, 23 AN/TPQ-36 radars

© Ivan Gogin, 2017