
modern navies of the world




SSBN pr. 092 1 406 Chang Zheng 6 1987 /6800-7000t, 120.0x10.0x8.0m, 1reactor, 1steam turbine-generator, 1electric motor, 16000-20000hp, /22kts, 140p, 300m; 12 JL-1 SLBM, 6-533mm TT (18 Yu-1, Yu-4); CDS, radar: Albatros-E, sonar: Trout Cheek, EW: type921A
pr. 094 2 408? Chang Zheng 8? 2008 9500/12000-14000t, 140.0x12.0xm, 2reactors, 2steam turbine-generators, 1electric motor (pump-jet), 40000hp, /25kts; 12 JL-2 SLBM, 4-533mm TT (SSM, Yu-3, Yu-4, Yu-6); CDS, radar, sonar, EW
409? Chang Zheng 9? 2009
SSN pr. 091 4 402 Chang Zheng 2 1980 4500/5550(402) or 5000/6000(403-405)t, 98.0(402)or 106.0(403-405)x10.0x7.4m; 1reactor, 1steam turbine-generator, 1electric motor, 16000-20000hp, 12/25kts, 75p, 400m; 6-533mm TT(20 YJ-8 SSM, Yu-1, Yu-4, mines); CDS, radar: Albatros-E, sonar: Trout Cheek, DUUX-5, EW: type 921A
403 Chang Zheng 3 1984
404 Chang Zheng 4 1988
405 Chang Zheng 5 1990
pr. 093 2 407? Chang Zheng 7? 2006 /6000-7000t, 107.0x11.0x7.5m, 2reactors, 2steam turbine-generators, 1electric motor (pump-jet), 40000hp, /30kts, 100p, ~400m; 6-533mm TT (24 YJ-8 SSM, SUT(K), Yu-3, Yu-4, Yu-6, mines); CDS, radar, sonar, EW
410? Chang Zheng 10? 2009
SSG pr. 033G 1 351 Xinhua 1966 1650/2100t, 76.6x6.7x5.2m, 2diesel-generators/2electric motors, 4000/2700hp, 15/13kts, 9000(10)/350(2)nm, 54p, 200m; 6x1 YJ-1 SSM(6), 6-533mm TT(10 Yu-1, Yu-4, mines); radar: Snoop Tray, sonar: MG-200E, EW: type921A
SSK pr. 033 8 239 ? 60/84 1475/1830t, 76.6x6.7x5.2m, 2diesel-geberators/2electric motors, 4000/2700hp, 15/13kts, 9000(10)/350(2)nm, 54p, 200m; 8-533mm TT(14 Yu-1, Yu-4, mines); radar: Snoop Plate, sonar: MG-200E, DUUX-5 (250), EW: type92A or DR-2000U (250)
250 ? 60/84
259 ? 60/84
260 ? 60/84
272 ? 60/84
275 ? 60/84
280 ? 60/84
355 ? 60/84
pr. 035 1 233 ? 1979 1584/2113t, 76.0x7.6x5.1m, 2diesel-generators/2electric motors, 5200/3500hp, 15/18kts, 8000(8)/330(4)nm, 57p, 300m; 8-533mm TT(14 Yu-1, Yu-4, mines); radar: Snoop Tray, sonar: Pike Jaw (233, 342, 352-354, 356-363) or H/SQ2-262C (305-310), DUUX-5 (305-310), EW: type921A
pr. 035G 12 342 ? 1987 1584/2113t, 76.0x7.6x5.1m, 2diesel-generators/2electric motors, 5200/3500hp, 15/18kts, 8000(8)/330(4)nm, 57p, 300m; 8-533mm TT(14 Yu-1, Yu-4, mines); radar: Snoop Tray, sonar: Pike Jaw (233, 342, 352-354, 356-363) or H/SQ2-262C (305-310), DUUX-5 (305-310), EW: type921A
352 ? 1988
353 ? 1989
354 ? 1990
356 ? 1991
357 ? 1992
358 ? 1993
359 ? 1994
360 ? 1995
361 ? 1995
362 ? 1996
363 ? 1996
pr. 035B 6 305 ? 1998 1584/2113t, 76.0x7.6x5.1m, 2diesel-generators/2electric motors, 5200/3500hp, 15/18kts, 8000(8)/330(4)nm, 57p, 300m; 8-533mm TT(14 Yu-3, Yu-4, mines); radar: Snoop Tray, sonar: Pike Jaw (233, 342, 352-354, 356-363) or H/SQ2-262C (305-310), DUUX-5 (305-310), EW: type921A
306 ? 1998
307 ? 1999
308 ? 1999
309 ? 2000
310 ? 2001
pr. 877EKM 2 364 ? 1995 2325/3076t, 72.6x9.9x6.6m, 2diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 5500hp, 10/17kts, 6000(8)/400(3)nm, 52p, 300m; 6-533mm TT (18 TEST-71E, 53-65KE, mines), CDS: MVU-110EM, radar: MRK-50E, sonar: MGK-400E Rubikon, EW: MRP-25E
365 ? 1995
pr. 636 10 366 ? 1997 2395/3150t, 73.8x9.9x6.6m, 2diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 5500hp, 10/19kts, 6000(8)/400(3)nm, 52p, 300m; 6-533mm TT (18 Club-S SSM, TEST-71E, TEST-96, 53-65KE, mines), CDS: MVU-110EM, radar: MRK-50E, sonar: MGK-400EM Rubikon-M, EW: MRP-25E
367 ? 1998
368 ? 2005
369 ? 2005
370 ? 2005
371 ? 2005
372 ? 2006
373 ? 2005
374 ? 2006
375 ? 2006
pr. 039 1 320 ? 1999 1700/2250t, 74.9x8.4x5.3m, 4diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 6000hp, 15/22kts, 60p, 300m; 6-533mm TT(18 YJ-82 SSM, Yu-3, Yu-4, Yu-6, mines); CDS, radar, sonar: H/SQG-4, EW: SRW209
pr. 039G 12 321 ? 2001 1700/2250t, 74.9x8.4x5.3m, 4diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 6000hp, 15/22kts, 60p, 300m; 6-533mm TT(18 YJ-82 SSM, Yu-3, Yu-4, Yu-6, mines); CDS, radar, sonar: H/SQG-4, EW: SRW209
322 ? 2001
323 ? 2003
324 ? 2003
325 ? 2004
314 ? 2004
315 ? 2004
316 ? 2005
326 ? 2005
327 ? 2006
328 ? 2005
329 ? 2006
pr. 041A 1 330 ? 2006 /2200t, 72.0x8.4xm, 2diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 6000hp, 15/22kts, 300m; 6-533mm TT (18 YJ-82 SSM, Yu-3, Yu-4, Yu-6, mines); CDS, radar, sonar, EW
pr. 041B 1 331 ? 2009 /2200t, 72.0x8.4xm, 2diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 6000hp, 15/22kts, 300m; 6-533mm TT (18 YJ-82 SSM, Yu-3, Yu-4, Yu-6, mines); CDS, radar, sonar, EW
SS pr. 031 1 200 ? 1966 2850/3553t, 97.5x8.6x6.6m, 3diesel-generators/3electric motors, 6000/5400hp, 15.5/12.5kts, 16000(7)/400(2)nm, 86p, 250m; 1 JL-2 SLBM, 10-533mm TT (16 Yu-4), CDS, radar: Albatros-E, sonar: MG-200E


DDG pr. 051 mod.1 4 107 Yinchuan 1974 3670t, 132.0x13.7x4.6m, 4boilers, 2steam turbines, 72000hp, 32kts, 5000(14)nm, 275p; 2x3 HY-1 SSM(6), 2x2-130mm type4, 4x2-37mm type76, 4x2-25mm type61, 2x12-213mm FQF-2500 ASRL, 4 DCT, mines; radar: type354, type515, Decca 707, Decca 1290, type343G, sonar: SJD-II, SJD-IV, EW: RW-23-1
131 Nanjing 1979
161 Changsha 1981
162 Nanning 1981
pr. 051 mod.1A 1 105 Jinan 1971 3670t, 132.0x13.7x4.6m, 4boilers, 2steam turbines, 72000hp, 32kts, 5000(14)nm, 275p; 2x3 HY-1 SSM(6), 1x2-130mm type4, 3x2-37mm type76, 4x2-25mm type61, 2x12-213mm FQF-2500 ASRL, 2 Z-9C helicopters; radar: type354, type515, Decca 707, Decca 1290, type343G, sonar: SJD-II, SJD-IV, EW: RW-23-1
pr. 051 mod. 2 5 108 Xining 1974 3670t, 132.0x13.7x4.6m, 4boilers, 2steam turbines, 72000hp, 32kts, 5000(14)nm, 275p; 2x3 HY-1 SSM(6), 2x2-130mm type4, 4x2-37mm type76, 4x2-25mm type61, 2x12-213mm FQF-2500 ASRL, 4 DCT, mines; radar: type354, type517, Decca 707, Decca 1290, type343G, sonar: SJD-II, SJD-IV, EW: RW-23-1
133 Chongqing 1980
134 Zunyi 1983
163 Nanchang 1982
164 Guilin 1983
pr. 051 mod.2A 1 132 Hefei 1979 3670t, 132.0x13.7x4.6m, 4boilers, 2steam turbines, 72000hp, 32kts, 5000(14)nm, 275p; 2x3 HY-1 SSM(6), 2x2-130mm type4, 4x2-37mm type76, 4x2-25mm type61, 2x12-213mm FQF-2500 ASRL, 4 DCT, mines; CDS: ZJK-4, radar: type354, type517, Decca 707, Decca 1290, type343G, sonar: SJD-II, SJD-IV, EW: RW-23-1
pr. 051 mod.4 4 109 Kaifeng 1975 3670t, 132.0x13.7x4.6m, 4boilers, 2steam turbines, 72000hp, 32kts, 5000(14)nm, 275p; 4x4 YJ-83 SSM(16), 1x8 HQ-7 SAM(16), 2x2-100mm PJ-33A, 3x2-37mm type76A, 2x2-25mm type61 (109), 2x3-324mm TT (6 Yu-7), 2x12-213mm FQF-2500 ASRL, mines; radar: type354, type517 (109, 110) or type362 (165, 166), Decca 707, Decca 1290, type343G(109, 110) or type344 (165, 166), type347G, type345, sonar: SJD-II, SJD-IV, DUBV-43 (166), EW: RW-23-1 (109, 110, 165) or type825 (166), 2x type946
110 Dalian 1974
165 Zhanjiang 1992
166 Zhuhai 1993
pr. 051B 1 167 Shenzhen 1998 6000t, 154.0x17.0x6.0m, 2gas turbines/2diesels, 48600/8840hp, 29kts, 4500(14)nm, 250p; 4x4 YJ-83 SSM(16), 1x8 HQ-7 SAM(16), 1x2-100mm type79A, 4x2-37mm type76A, 2x3-324mm TT (6 Yu-7), 2 Z-9C helicopters; CDS: ZJK-4-3A, radar: type360S, type381, type517H-1, type345, type344, 2x type347G, 2x Decca 1290, sonar: DUBV-23, EW: SRW-210A, type826, 2x type946
pr. 051C 2 115 Shenyang 2006 7000t, 155.0x17.0x6.0m, 2gas turbines/2diesels, 30kts; 2x4 YJ-83 SSM(8), (1x4+1x2) Rif-M SAM VLS(48), 1x1-100mm T100Cmod, 2x7-30mm type730, 2x3-324mm TT (6 Yu-7), helicopter platform; CDS: ZJK-5, radar: Fregat-MAE-5, type346, Mineral-ME, 2x type347G, sonar: DUBV-23, EW: SRW-210A, 2x type946, 2x type947
116 Shijiazhuang 2007
pr. 052 2 112 Harbin 1994 4600t, 144.0x16.0x5.1m, 2gas turbines/2diesels, 48600/8840hp, 31kts, 5000(15)nm, 266p; 4x4 YJ-83 SSM(16), 1x8 HQ-7 SAM(16), 1x2-100mm type79A, 4x2-37mm type76A, 2x3-324mm TT (6 Yu-7), 2x12-213mm FQF-2500 ASRL, 2 Z-9C helicopters; CDS: ZJK-4, radar: type360S, type518, type345, type344, 2x type347G, 2x Decca 1290, sonar: DUBV-23, DUBV-43, EW: type826C, 2x type946
113 Qingdao 1996
pr. 052B 2 168 Guangzhou 2004 7000t, 154.0x17.0x6.0m, 2gas turbines/2diesels, 48600/8840hp, 29kts, 4500(15)nm, 280p; 4x4 YJ-83 SSM(16), 2x1 Shtil SAM(48), 1x1-100mm T100Cmod, 2x7-30mm type730, 2x3-324mm TT (6 Yu-7), 2x6-240mm type87 ASRL, 1 Ka-28 or Z-9C helicopter; CDS: ZJK-5, radar: Fregat-MAE-5, type346, 4x 3R-91E, type344, Mineral-ME, 2x type347G, 2x Decca 1290, sonar: DUBV-23, EW: SRW-210A, 4x type726-4
169 Wuhan 2004
pr. 052C 2 170 Lanzhou 2004 7000t, 155.0x17.0x6.0m, 2gas turbines/2diesels, 48600/8840hp, 29kts, 4500(15)nm, 280p; 2x4 YJ-62 SSM(8), (1x32+1x16) HQ-9 SAM VLS(48), 1x1-100mm T100Cmod, 2x7-30mm type730, 2x3-324mm TT (6 Yu-7), 1 Ka-28 or Z-9 helicopter; CDS: new mod, radar: new phased array antenna, type517H-1, type382, KRS-27E, type364, type344, 2x type327G, sonar: DUBV-23?, EW: SRW-210A, 4x type726-4
171 Haikou 2005
pr. 956 2 136 Hangzhou 1999 8440t, 156.5x17.2x8.2m, 4boilers, 2steam turbines, 100000hp, 32kts, 5000(18)nm, 343p; 2x4 Moskit-E SSM(8), 2x1 Shtil SAM(48), 2x2-130mm AK-130, 4x6-30mm AK-630M, 2x2-533mm TT (4 SET-65KE, 53-65KE), 2x6-300mm RBU-1000 ASRL, 1 Z-9A or Ka-28 helicopter, 22mines; CDS: Planshet-956E, radar: Fregat-M2EM, Mineral-E, 3x Vaygach-U, 6x 3R-90, Lev-E, 2x Vympel-A, sonar: Platina-MSE, EW: Start-E, Start-2E, 4x PK-10, 2x PK-2M
137 Fuzhou 2000
pr. 956EM 2 138 Taizhou 2005 8440t, 156.5x17.2x8.2m, 4boilers, 2steam turbines, 100000hp, 32kts, 5000(18)nm, 343p; 2x4 Moskit-MVE SSM(8), 2x1 Shtil SAM(48), 2x(8 SAM+2x6-30mm) Kortik SAGM(64 missiles), 1x2-130mm AK-130, 2x2-533mm TT (4 SET-65KE, 53-65KE), 2x6-300mm RBU-1000 ASRL, 1 Z-9A or Ka-28 helicopter, 22mines; CDS: Planshet-956E, radar: Fregat-M2EM, Mineral-E, 3x Vaygach-U, 6x 3R-90, Lev, 2x Vympel-A, sonar: Platina-MSE, EW: Start-E, Start-2E, 4x PK-10, 2x PK-2M
139 Ningbo 2006
FFG pr. 053H 10 511 Nantong 1974 1702t, 103.2x10.8x3.1m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 26kts, 4000(15)nm, 200p; 2x2 HY-2 SSM(4), 2x1-100mm B-34USMA, 6x2-37mm type74, 2x5-252mm type62 ASRL, 4 DCT, 60mines; radar: type752 or Decca 1226, type354, type352C, type341, sonar: SJD-5A, SJC-1B, EW: 2x SRBOC (some)
512 Wuxi 1976
513 Huaiyin 1977
514 Zhenjiang 1978
515 Xiamen 1978
517 Nanping 1980
518 Ji`an 1981
519 Changzhi 1982
551 Maoming 1987
552 Yibin 1987
pr. 053Hmod 1 516 Jiuliang 1979 1702t, 103.2x10.8x3.1m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 26kts, 4000(15)nm, 200p; 2x1-100mm B-34USMA, 6x2-37mm type74, 5x50-122mm RL; radar: type752 or Decca 1226, type354, type352C, type341, EW: RWD-8
pr. 053H1 4 545 Linfen 1986 1702t, 103.2x10.8x3.1m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 26kts, 4000(15)nm, 200p; 2x2 HY-2 SSM(4), 2x2-100mm type79, 4x2-37mm type76, 2x5-252mm type81 ASRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, 60mines; radar: type752 or Decca 1226 or Decca 1290, type354, type352C, type517, type341, type343, sonar: SJD-5A, SJC-1B, EW: RWD-8, 2x SRBOC
553 Shaoguan 1987
554 Anshun 1988
557 Jishou 1993
pr. 053H1mod 1 555 Zhaotong 1990 1702t, 103.2x10.8x3.1m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 26kts, 4000(15)nm, 200p; 2x2 HY-2 SSM(4), 2x2-100mm type79, 4x(2 PL-9 SAM+2-37mm type76) type715-II SAGM (? missiles), 2x6-240mm type87 ASRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR, 60mines; radar: JD-5B, type347S, type352C, type517, type341, 2x type347G, sonar: SJD-5A, SJC-1B, EW: type923-I, 2x SRBOC
pr. 053H2 3 535 Huangshi 1986 1924t, 103.2x10.8x3.4m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 26kts, 4000(15)nm, 200p; 4x2 YJ-8 SSM(8, 536) or 4x2 YJ-8A SSM(8, 535, 537), 2x2-100mm type79A, 4x2-37mm type76, 2x5-252mm type81 ASRL, 4 DCR, 2 DCR; CDS: ZKJ-3, radar: type354, type352, type341, type343, 2x type753 or Decca 1226, sonar: SJD-5, SJC-1B, EW: RWD-8, 2x SRBOC
536 Wuhu 1988
537 Changzhou 1993
pr. 053HT-H 1 544 Siping 1986 1865t, 103.2x10.8x3.3m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 26kts, 4000(15)nm, 185p; 1x2 HY-2 SSM(2), 1x1-100mm T100Cmod, 2x2-37mm type76, 2x3-324mm TT (24 Yu-7), 2x5-252mm type62 ASRL, 1 Z-9C helicopter; radar: type752 or Decca 1226 or Decca 1290, type354, type348S, type341, type343, sonar: SJD-5A, SJC-1B, EW: RWD-8, 2x SRBOC
pr. 053H1G 6 558 Zigong 1993 1702t, 103.2x10.8x3.1m, 2diesels, 16000hp, 26kts, 4000(15)nm, 200p; 2x2 HY-2 SSM(4) or 2x4 YJ-83 SSM(8), 2x2-100mm type79A or PJ-33A, 4x2-37mm type76A, 2x6-240mm type87 ASRL, 4 DCT, 2 DCR; CDS: ZJK-3A, radar: Decca 1290, type360S, type517A, type341, type343G, sonar: SJD-5, SJC-1B, EW: RWD-8, type981-3, 2x SRBOC
559 Beihai 1994
560 Dongguan 1994
561 Shantou 1995
562 Jiangmen 1995
563 Foshan 1996
pr. 053H2G 4 539 Anqing 1992 2250t, 111.7x12.1x4.8m, 2diesels, 24000hp, 27kts, 4000(18)nm, 170p; 2x3 YJ-8A SSM(6), 1x6 HQ-61B SAM(6), 1x2-100mm type79, 4x2-37mm type76A, 2x6-240mm type87, 2 Z-9C helicopters; CDS: ZJK-3C, radar: type360, type517H-2, type341, type342, type343G, 2x Decca 1290, sonar: SJD-5, SJC-1B, EW: RWD-8, type981-3, SR-210, 2x SRBOC
540 Huainan 1992
541 Huaibei 1993
542 Tongling 1994
pr. 053H3 10 564 Yichang 1998 2250t, 111.7x12.1x4.8m, 2diesels, 24000hp, 27kts, 4000(18)nm, 170p; 2x4 YJ-83 SSM(8), 1x8 HQ-7 SAM(8), 1x2-100mm type79A, 4x2-37mm type76A, 2x6-240mm type87, 2 Z-9C helicopters; CDS: ZJK-3C, radar: type360, type517H-2, type341 or type347G, type343GA or type344, type345, 2x Decca 1290, sonar: SJD-5, SJC-1B, EW: RWD-8, type981-3, SR-210, HZ-100, 2x type945-I or 2x type946 or 2x PJ-46
521 Jiaxing 1999
522 Lianyungang 1999
523 Putian 1999
524 Sanming 1999
565 Yulin 2000
566 Yuxi 2002
567 Xiangfan 2002
527 Luoyang 2005
528 Mianyang 2005
pr. 054 2 525 Ma`anshan 2005 3900t, 132.0x15.0x5.0m, 2diesels, 25320hp, 27kts, 3800(18)nm, 190p; 2x4 YJ-83 SSM(8), 1x8 HQ-7 SAM(16), 1x1-100mm T100Cmod, 4x6-30mm AK-630, 2x6-240mm type87 ASRL, 1 Z-9C helicopter; CDS: ZJK-4B/6, radar: type360S, type347G, type344, type345, MR-36A, sonar: MGK-335, EW: RWD-8, type981-3, SR-210, HZ-100, 2x PJ-46
526 Wenzhou 2006
pr. 054A 6 529 Zhoushan 2008 4053t, 134.0x16.0x5.0m, 2diesels, 25320hp, 27kts, 3800(18)nm, 190p; 2x4 YJ-83 SSM(8), 1x32 HQ-16 SAM VLS(32), 1x1-76mm AK-176, 2x7-30mm type730, 2x6-240mm type87 ASRL, 1 Z-9C helicopter; CDS: ZJK-4B/6, radar: Fregat-MAE-5, 4x 3R-91E, Mineral-ME, 3x type347G, type346, MR-36A, sonar: MGK-335, EW: RWD-8, type981-3, SR-210, type922-1, HZ-100, 2x PJ-46
530 Xuzhou 2008
568 Chaohu 2008
569 Yulin 2009
570 Huangshan 2008
571 Yuncheng 2009


PFM pr. 037-IG 16 751 - 91/99 478t, 62.8x7.2x2.4m, 4diesels, 13200hp, 32kts, 2000(14)nm, 60p; 2x3 YJ-8 SSM(6), 2x2-37mm type76A, 2x2-14.5mm MG; radar: type352E, type347G, type723, EW: type928
752 - 91/99
753 - 91/99
754 - 91/99
755 - 91/99
756 - 91/99
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764 - 91/99
765 - 91/99
766 - 91/99
767 - 91/99
768 - 91/99
769 - 91/99
pr. 037-II 5 770 Yagjiang 1991 542t, 65.4x8.4x2.4m, 3diesels, 15840hp, 32kts, 1800(18)nm, 47p; 2x3 YJ-8 SSM(6), 1x2-37mm type76A, 2x2-30mm type69; radar: type352, type347G, Decca 1290, EW: type928, 2x type945G
771 Shunde 1995
772 Nanhai 1995
773 Fanyu 1995
775 Xinhui 1999
pr. 022 60 2208 - 2004 220t, 42.6x12.2x1.5m, 2diesels, 6900hp, 36kts, 12p; 2x4 YJ-83 SSM(8), 1x12 QW-3 SAM(12), 1x6-30mm AK-630mod; radar: type362
2209 - 04/07
2210 - 04/07
2211 - 04/07
2212 - 04/07
2213 - 04/07
2214 - 04/07
2215 - 04/07
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2240 - 04/07
2241 - 04/07
2242 - 04/07
2243 - 04/07
2244 - 04/07
2245 - 04/07
2246 - 04/07
2247 - 04/07
2248 - 08/09
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2250 - 08/09
2251 - 08/09
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2264 - 08/09
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2266 - 08/09
2267 - 08/09
PFC pr. 037 93 275 - 64/82 400t, 58.8x7.2x2.2m, 4diesels, 8000hp, 30kts, 1300(15)nm, 78p; 2x2-57mm type66, 2x2-25mm type61, 4x5-252mm type62 ASRL, 2 DCT, 12mines; radar: type351, sonar: SJD-3
276 - 64/82
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680 - 64/82
681 - 64/82
683 - 64/82
684 - 64/82
685 - 64/82
686 - 64/82
687 - 64/82
689 - 64/82
690 - 64/82
691 - 64/82
692 - 64/82
695 - 64/82
696 - 64/82
697 - 64/82
698 - 64/82
699 - 64/82
701 - 64/82
707 - 64/82
723 - 64/82
724 - 64/82
725 - 64/82
726 - 64/82
727 - 64/82
728 - 64/82
729 - 64/82
730 - 64/82
731 - 64/82
732 - 64/82
733 - 64/82
740 - 64/82
741 - 64/82
742 - 64/82
pr. 037-I 2 688 - 1984 490t, 64.0x7.2x2.2m, 4diesels, 8800hp, 30kts, 750(18)nm, 70p;  1x2-57mm type66 (688) or 2x2-57mm type66 (697), 2x2-30mm AK-230, 4x6-240mm type87 ASRL, 2 DCT, 2DCR, 12mines; radar: type351, Rys`, sonar: SJD-3, SS12 (688)
697 - 1988
pr. 037-IS 25 613 - 82/92 478t, 62.8x7.2x2.2m, 4diesels, 8800hp, 28kts, 1300(15)nm, 78p; 2x2-37mm type76 or type76F, 2x2-14.5mm MG, 2x6-240mm type87 ASRL, 2 DCT, 2DCR, 12mines; radar: type723, sonar: SS12
614 - 82/92
632 - 82/92
634 - 82/92
651 - 82/92
710 - 82/92
711 - 82/92
712 - 82/92
713 - 82/92
714 - 82/92
715 - 82/92
716 - 82/92
717 - 82/92
743 - 82/92
744 - 82/92
761 - 82/92
762 - 82/92
763 - 82/92
786 - 82/92
787 - 82/92
788 - 82/92
789 - 82/92
790 - 82/92
791 - 82/92
792 - 82/92
PCI pr. 062 35 3000 - 62/88 135t, 38.8x5.4x1.5m, 4diesels, 4220hp, 28.5kts, 700(16.5)nm, 36p; 2x2-37mm type61, 2x2-25mm type61, 2x5-252mm type81 ASRL; radar: type351 or type756, sonar: SS11 (on some)
3001 - 62/88
3002 - 62/88
3003 - 62/88
3004 - 62/88
3005 - 62/88
3006 - 62/88
3007 - 62/88
3008 - 62/88
3009 - 62/88
3010 - 62/88
3011 - 62/88
3012 - 62/88
3013 - 62/88
3014 - 62/88
3015 - 62/88
3016 - 62/88
3017 - 62/88
3018 - 62/88
3019 - 62/88
3020 - 62/88
3021 - 62/88
3022 - 62/88
3023 - 62/88
3024 - 62/88
3025 - 62/88
3026 - 62/88
3027 - 62/88
3028 - 62/88
3029 - 62/88
3030 - 62/88
3031 - 62/88
3032 - 62/88
3033 - 62/88
3034 - 62/88
3035 - 62/88
pr. 062-I 15 1239 - 92/96 170t, 41.0x5.3x1.8m, 4diesels, 4800hp, 29kts, 750(16)nm, 28p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-25mm type61, 3x5-252mm type81 ASRL, 2 DCT, 10mines; radar: type726 or Decca 2090, sonar: SS12
1240 - 92/96
2327 - 92/96
2328 - 92/96
2329 - 92/96
4339 - 92/96
4340 - 92/96
4341 - 92/96
4342 - 92/96
4343 - 92/96
4344 - 92/96
4345 - 92/96
4346 - 92/96
4347 - 92/96
4348 - 92/96


MCMV pr. 081 2 805 Zhangjiagang 2007 600t, 65.0x9.3x2.6m, 2diesels; 1x2-37mm type76F, USV?, acoustic and magnetic minesweeping gears; radar: type753 or type756, sonar
810 Jigjiang 2007
pr. 082-II 1 804 Huoqiu 2005 575t, 55.0x9.3x2.6m, 2diesels; 1x2-25mm type61, USV?, acoustic and magnetic minesweeping gears; radar: type753 or type756, sonar
MSO pr. 6610 16 807 Daishan 75/85 590t, 60.0x8.8x2.3m, 2diesels, 2200hp, 14kts, 3500(10)nm, 70p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-25mm type61, 2x2-14.5mm MG, 2 DCT, 10mines, 2x MKT-1 mechanical, BGAK acoustic and TEM-52M magnetic minesweeping gears; radar: type753 or type756, sonar: Tamir-11
808   75/85
809 Changning 75/85
811   75/85
812   75/85
813   75/85
830 Suzhou 75/85
831 Shenzhou 75/85
832 Changzhou 75/85
833 Dangtu 75/85
834   75/85
835   75/85
836   75/85
837   75/85
838   75/85
850   75/85
MSC pr. 082 5 800   86/97 320t, 44.8x6.2x2.3m, 2diesels, 2000hp, 15.5kts, 500(8)nm, 28p; 2x2-25mm type61, type316 mechanical, type317 magnetic and type318 acoustic minesweeping gears; radar: type753 or type756, sonar
801 Xiangshan 86/97
802   86/97
803   86/97
806   86/97
ML pr. 918 1 814 Liaoyang 1988 2418t, 94.9x14.0x3.9m, 2diesels, 4320hp, 18.5kts, 3000(16)nm, 180p; 4x2-37mm type76, 200mines; radar


LPD pr. 071 1 998 Kunlunshan 2007 17600t, 210.0x27.0x7.0m, 4diesels(2), 28800hp, 22kts, 6000(18)nm, 120p; 1x1-76mm AK-176, 4x6-30mm AK-630, 2 Z-8 helicopters; well deck(60.0x15.0m): 4 ACV, 2LCP on davits, 20MBT, 800troops or 3500t cargo instead of all; radar: type360, type364, type344
LST pr. 072 7 927 Yuntaishan 1978 4170t, 120.0x15.3x2.9m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 18kts, 3000(14)nm, 104p; 4x2-57mm type66, 4x2-25mm type61; 10MBT, 200troops or 500t cargo instead of all, 2 LCVP on davits, 1x 25t crane; radar: 2x type753 or type756
928 Wufengshan 1980
929 Zijinshan 1982
930 Lingyanshan 82/95
931 Dongtingshan 82/95
932 Helanshan 82/95
933 Liupanshan 82/95
pr. 072-II 10 991 Emeishan 1992 4800t, 120.0x16.0x3.2m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 17kts, 3000(14)nm, 120p; (1x2-57mm type66, 2x2-37mm type76)(934-937, 991) or 3x2-37mm type76F (908-910, 939, 940), 2x40-122mm type81H RL (some), helicopter platform; 10MBT, 250troops or 500t cargo instead of all, 2 LCVP on davits, 1x 25t crane; radar: 2x type756, JPT-4G (908-910, 939, 940)
934 Danxiashan 1995
935 Xuefengshan 1995
936 Haiyangshan 1996
937 Qingchengshan 1996
908 Yandangshang 1997
909 Jiuhuashan 2000
910 Huanggangshan 2001
939 Putuoshan 2001
940 Tiantaishan 2002
pr. 072-III 9 911 Tianzhushan 2003 4800t, 120.0x16.0x3.2m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 17kts, 3000(14)nm, 120p; 1x2-37mm type76F, helicopter platform; 10MBT, 250troops or 500t cargo instead of all, 2 LCVP on davits, 1x 25t crane; radar: 2x type756, JPT-4G
912 Daqingshan 2003
913 Baxianshan 2003
992 Huadingshan 2004
993 Luoxiaoshan 2004
994 Daiyunshan 2004
995 Wanyangshan 2004
996 Laotieshan 2005
997 Yunwushan 2005
LSM pr. 073-III 11 990 Wudangshan 1994 2000t, 87.0x12.6x2.3m, 2diesels, 4800hp, 17kts, 1500(14)nm, 74p; 1x2-37mm type76F, 2x40-122mm type81H RL(some); 6MBT, 179troops or 250t cargo instead of all or 80mines; radar: type753 or type756
941 Shengshan 2004
942 Lushan 2004
943   2004
944 Yushan 2004
945 Huashan 2004
946 Songshan 2004
947 Lushan 2004
948 Xueshan 2004
949 Hengshan 2004
950 Taishan 2004
pr. 074 10 3111 - 95/00 800t, 58.4x10.4x2.7m, 2diesels, 4900hp, 14kts, 1000(12)nm, 56p; 1x2-25mm type61; 2MBT, 250troops or 150t cargo instead of all; radar: type753 or type756
3113 - 95/00
3115 - 95/00
3116 - 95/00
3117 - 95/00
3229 - 95/00
3244 - 95/00
7593 - 95/00
7594 - 95/00
7595 - 95/00
pr. 074A 6 3128 - 05/07 800t, 58.4x10.4x2.7m, 2diesels, 4900hp, 14kts, 1000(12)nm, 56p; 2x2-14.5mm MG; 2MBT, 250troops or 150t cargo instead of all; radar: type753 or type756
3129 - 05/07
3232 - 05/07
3233 - 05/07
3234 - 05/07
3235 - 05/07
pr. 079 31 958 - 72/83 833t, 60.3x10.0x2.4m, 4diesels(2), 2160hp, 14kts, 1000(12)nm, 60p; 2x2-25mm type61, 2x40-122mm type81H RL(some); 5MBT or 200t cargo; radar: type 753 or type756
959 - 72/83
960 - 72/83
961 - 72/83
962 - 72/83
963 - 72/83
964 - 72/83
965 - 72/83
966 - 72/83
967 - 72/83
968 - 72/83
969 - 72/83
970 - 72/83
971 - 72/83
972 - 72/83
973 - 72/83
974 - 72/83
975 - 72/83
976 - 72/83
977 - 72/83
978 - 72/83
979 - 72/83
980 - 72/83
981 - 72/83
982 - 72/83
983 - 72/83
984 - 72/83
985 - 72/83
986 - 72/83
987 - 72/83
988 - 72/83
LCU Yubei 10 3128 - 2004 1000t, 65.0x11.0x2.7m, 2diesels; 10MBT, 150troops; radar
3129 - 2004
3232 - 2004
3233 - 2004
3234 - 2005
3235 - 2005
3315 - 2004
3316 - 2004
3317 - 2004
3318 - 2004
pr. 067 120 3313 - 68/72 135t, 28.6x5.4x1.4m, 2diesels, 600hp, 12kts, 500(10)nm, 10p; 2x2-25mm type61 or 2x2-14.5mm MG; 1MBT or 46t cargo; radar
3321 - 68/72
3344 - 68/72
5526 - 68/72
7566 - 68/72
7568 - 68/72
vii - 68/72
viii - 68/72
ix - 68/72
x - 68/72
xi - 68/72
xii - 68/72
xiii - 68/72
xiv - 68/72
xv - 68/72
xvi - 68/72
xvii - 68/72
xviii - 68/72
xix - 68/72
xx - 68/72
xxi - 68/72
xxii - 68/72
xxiii - 68/72
xxiv - 68/72
xxv - 68/72
xxvi - 68/72
xxvii - 68/72
xxviii - 68/72
xxix - 68/72
xxx - 68/72
xxxi - 68/72
xxxii - 68/72
xxxiii - 68/72
xxxiv - 68/72
xxxv - 68/72
xxxvi - 68/72
xxxvii - 68/72
xxxviii - 68/72
xxxix - 68/72
xl - 68/72
xli - 68/72
xlii - 68/72
xliii - 68/72
xliv - 68/72
xlv - 68/72
xlvi - 68/72
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l - 68/72
li - 68/72
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c - 68/72
ci - 68/72
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cv - 68/72
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cix - 68/72
cx - 68/72
cxi - 68/72
cxii - 68/72
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cxiv - 68/72
cxv - 68/72
cxvi - 68/72
cxvii - 68/72
cxviii - 68/72
cxix - 68/72
cxx - 68/72


AORH Fuqing 2 881 Hongzhu 1979 21750t, 168.2x21.8x9.4m, 1diesel, 15000hp, 18kts, 18000(14)nm, 130p; 4x2-37mm type76 (882), helicopter platform; 10550t fuel oil, 1000t diesel oil, 400t fresh water, 2x2 (liquid cargo) and 1x2 (dry cargo) underway replenishment stations; radar: Decca 1290
882 Febgcang 1982
Qinghaihu 1 885 Qinghaihu 1996 37000t, 178.9x25.3x11.0m, 1diesel, 11600hp, 14kts, 125p; 1 Z-8 helicopter; 9630t fuel oil, 19120t other cargoes, 1x2 (liquid cargo) and 1x2 (dry cargo) underway replenishment stations; radar: Decca 1290
Qiandaohu 2 886 Qiandaohu 2004 23000t, 178.5x24.8x8.7m, 2diesels, 24000hp, 19kts, 10000(14)nm, 130p; 4x2-37mm type76A, 2 Z-8 or Ka-28 helicopters; 10500t fuel oil, 250t fresh water, 680t dry cargo, 2x2 (liquid cargo) and 1x2 (dry cargo) underway replenishment stations; radar
887 Weishanhu 2004
Fuxianhu 1 888 Fuxianhu 2007 23000t, 178.5x24.8x8.7m, 2diesels, 24000hp, 19kts, 10000(14)nm, 130p; 1x2-37mm type76F, helicopter platform; 10500t fuel oil, 250t fresh water, 680t dry cargo, 2x2 (liquid cargo) and 1x2 (dry cargo) underway replenishment stations, 4-6 LCVP, 2 utility boats; radar
AOT Danlin 7 794 Haiyun 794 60/62 1290t, 60.5x9.0x4.0m, 1diesel, 750hp, 14kts; 1x2-37mm type74, 2x2-14.5mm MG; 750t fuel oil; radar: type753
827   60/62
834   60/62
835   60/62
v   60/62
vi   60/62
vii   60/62
Fulin 20 560 Dongyun 560 72/87 2200t, 66.0x10.0x4.0m, 1diesel, 600hp, 10kts, 1500(8)nm, 30p; 2x2-25mm type61; 1000t fuel oil; type753 radar
563 Dongyun 563 72/87
582 Dongyun 582 72/87
583 Dongyun 583 72/87
589 Dongyun 589 72/87
606 Dongyun 606 72/87
607 Dongyun 607 72/87
609 Dongyun 609 72/87
620 Dongyun 620 72/87
623 Dongyun 623 72/87
628 Dongyun 628 72/87
629 Dongyun 629 72/87
630 Dongyun 630 72/87
632 Dongyun 632 72/87
633 Dongyun 633 72/87
922 Nanyun 922 72/87
923 Nanyun 923 72/87
924 Nanyun 924 72/87
940 Nanyun 940 72/87
941 Nanyun 941 72/87
Shengli 3 620 Dongyun 620 81/88 4940t, 101.0x13.8x5.5m, 1diesel, 2600hp, 14kts, 2400(14)nm; 1x2-37mm type74, 2x2-25mm type61; 3000t fuel oil; radar: 2x type756
621 Dongyun 621 81/88
632 Dongyun 632 81/88
Jinyou 3 622 Dongyun 622 89/90 4800t, 99.0x13.8x5.7m, 1diesel, 3000hp, 15kts, 4000(9)nm, 40p; 3400t fuel oil; radar: 2x type756
625 Dongyun 625 89/90
675 Dongyun 675 89/90
Fuzhou 18 582 Dongyun 582 64/70 1200t, 60.0x9.0x3.5m, 1diesel, 600hp, 11kts, 30p; 2x2-25mm type61, 2x2-14.5mm MG; 600t fuel oil; radar: type753
606 Dongyun 606 64/70
629 Dongyun 629 64/70
903 Nanyun 903 64/70
904 Nanyun 904 64/70
906 Nanyun 906 64/70
907 Nanyun 907 64/70
909 Nanyun 909 64/70
910 Nanyun 910 64/70
912 Nanyun 912 64/70
920 Nanyun 920 64/70
926 Nanyun 926 64/70
927 Nanyun 927 64/70
930 Nanyun 930 64/70
935 Nanyun 935 64/70
938 Nanyun 938 64/70
940 Nanyun 940 64/70
945 Nanyun 945 64/70
AOL Guangzhou 5 412   70/80 530t, 49.0x7.5x3.0m, 1diesel, 10kts, 19p; 2x2-14.5mm MG; 200t fuel oil; radar
555   70/80
558   70/80
645   70/80
v   70/80
AS Dazhi 1 920 Dazhi 1965 5800t, 106.7x15.3x6.1m, 2diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 3500hp, 14kts, 6000(14)nm, 290p; 2x2-37mm type74, 4x2-25mm type61; 500t diesel oil, spare torpedoes, spare parts, 2x 20t cranes, 2x 5t cranes; radar: type756
pr. 648 Dalang-II 4 122 Beijiu 122 1987 4200t, 115.0x14.6x4.3m, 2diesels, 4000hp, 16kts, 8000(14)nm, 200p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-25mm type61; diesel oil, torpedoes, spare parts, 2x cranes; radar: type756
138 Beijiu 138 1987
332 Dongjiu 332 1986
510 Nanjiu 510 1986
pr. 946 Dazhou 2 502 Nanjiu 502 1976 1100t, 79.0x9.5x2.6m, 2diesels, 18kts, 120p; 1x2-37mm type74, 2x2-14.5mm MG; diesel oil, torpedoes etc; radar: type753
504 Nanjiu 504 1977
ASR pr. 925 Dajiang 1 863 Yongxingdao 1985 11975t, 156.2x20.6x6.8m, 2diesels, 9000hp, 20kts, 18000(18)nm, 308p; 2 Z-8 helicopters; 2 ICA manned submersibles, 1x 40t crane; radar: type354, 2x type756
ARS pr. 946A Dadong 1 304   1982 1500t, 82.0x11.0x2.7m, 2diesels, 7400hp, 18kts, 150p; 4x2-25mm type61; 2x 20t cranes; radar: type756
Dadao 1 305   2000 1500t, 82.0x11.0x2.7m, 2diesels, 7400hp, 18kts, 150p; 4x2-25mm type61; 2x 20t cranes; radar: type756
AP Qiongsha 4 830 Nanyun 830 1980 2150t, 86.0x13.4x4.0m, 3diesels, 3960hp, 16kts, 3000(14)nm, 59p; 4x2-14.5mm MG; 400troops or 350t cargo; radar: type756
831 Nanyun 831 80/88
834 Nanyun 834 80/88
835 Nanyun 835 80/88
AH Qiongsha 2 832 Nanyun 832 80/88 2150t, 86.0x13.4x4.0m, 3diesels, 3960hp, 16kts, 3000(14)nm, 59p; 400troops; radar: type756
833 Nanyun 833 80/88
Daishadao 1 866 Daishadao 2008 20000t, 2diesels; 2 Z-8 or Ka-28 helicopters; 600beds;
AK Yantai 2 800   1992 3330t, 115.0x15.6x3.0m, 2diesels, 9600hp, 18kts, 3000(14)nm, 100p; 1x2-37mm type74; 650t cargo; radar: type756
801   1992
pr. 904 Dayun 2 883   1992 10975t, 156.2x20.6x6.8m, 2diesels, 9000hp, 20kts, 240p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-25mm type61, 2 Z-8 helicopters; 3500+t cargo, 4 LCVP, 2x 25t cranes; radar: 2x type756
884 Jingpohu 1992
Danlin 6 531 Haileng 531 60/62 1290t, 60.5x9.0x4.0m, 1diesel, 750hp, 14kts, 35p; 1x2-37mm type74, 2x2-14.5mm MG; 800t cargo; radar: type753 or type756
591 Haileng 591 60/62
592 Haileng 592 60/62
594 Haileng 594 60/62
972 Haiyun 972 60/62
975 Haiyun 975 60/62
Dandao 7 201   70s 1600t, 65.7x12.5x4.0m, 1diesel, 12kts, 40p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-14.5mm MG; 900t cargo; radar: type756
485   70s
599   70s
629   70s
791   70s
802   70s
803   70s
Hongqi 6 443   70s 1950t, 62.0x12.0x4.5m, 1diesel, 1200hp, 14kts, 2500(11)nm, 30p; 2x2-25mm type61; 900t cargo; radar: type756
528   70s
755   70s
756   70s
771   70s
836   70s
AWT Leizhou 10 i   60s 900t, 53.0x9.8x3.0m, 1diesel, 600hp, 11kts, 30p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x1-14.5mm MG; 450t fresh water
ii   60s
iii   60s
iv   60s
v   60s
vi   60s
vii   60s
viii   60s
ix   60s
x   60s
Fuzhou 8 570 Dongyun 570 64/70 1200t, 60.0x9.0x3.5m, 1diesel, 600hp, 11kts, 30p; 2x2-25mm type61, 2x2-14.5mm MG; 600t fresh water; radar: type753
573 Dongyun 573 64/70
580 Dongyun 580 64/70
581 Dongyun 581 64/70
1101   64/70
1104   64/70
vii   64/70
viii   64/70
AGOR Dahua 1 892 Dahua 1997 6000t, 132.0x17.7x7.0m, 2diesels, 20kts, 80p; 1 Z-9C helicopter; radar: type354
Kan 2 101   1965 1100t, 68.6x6.9x2.7m, 2diesels, 18kts, 150p; radar: type753 or type756
102   1985
Bin Hai 1 521 Hai 521 1975 550t, 50.0x10.0x3.5m, 2diesels, 1600hp, 14kts, 5000(11)nm, 15p+25; radar: M31
Shuguang 1 203   60s 570t, 60.0x8.8x2.3m, 2diesels, 2200hp, 14kts, 3500(10)nm, 60p; radar: type753, sonar: Tamir-11
AGI pr. 814A Dadie 1 900 Beidao 1987 2550t, 94.0x11.3x4.0m, 2diesels, 17kts, 170p; 2x2-14.5mm MG; radar: type756
AGM Yuanwang 1 2 - Yuanwang 1 1979 21000t, 186.0x22.6x7.5m, 1diesel, 17400hp, 20kts, 18000(20)nm, 470p; helicopter platform; radar
- Yuanwang 2 1979
Yuanwang 3 1 - Yuanwang 3 1995 16800t, 180.0x22.2x8.0m, 1diesel, 17400hp, 20kts, 18000(20)nm, 470p; helicopter platform; radar
Yuanwang 4 1 - Yuanwang 4 1980 10975t, 156.2x20.6x6.8m, 2diesels, 20kts, 2 Z-8 helicopters; radar
Yuanwang 5 2 - Yuanwang 5 2007 25000t
  - Yuanwang 6 2008
Dongdiao 1 851 Dongdiao 1999 6000t, 130.0x16.4x6.5m, 2diesels, 14400hp, 17kts, 5000(15)nm, 1x2-37mm type76A, 2x2-25mm type61, helicopter platform; radar
AGS Yenlai 5 226 Nance 226 70s 1040t, 73.7x9.8x3.0m, 2diesels, 2000hp, 16kts, 4000(14)nm, 25p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-25mm type61; radar: type753
227 Nance 227 70s
420 Nance 425 70s
427 Nance 427 70s
943 Nance 943 70s
Ganzhu 1 420 Nance 420 1975 1000t, 65.0x9.0x3.0m, 4diesels(2), 4400hp, 20kts, 120p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-25mm type61, 2x2-14.5mm MG; radar: type753
AGB Yanha 3 721 Haibing 721 1969 3200t, 84.0x15.0x5.0m, 2diesel-generators, 2electric motors, 5200hp, 16kts; 4x2-37mm type74, 4x2-25mm type61; radar: 2x type753
722 Haibing 722 1972
519 Haibing 519 1989
Yanbing 1 723 Haidao 723 1982 4420t, 102.0x17.1x5.9m, 2diesel-generators, 2electric motors, 17kts, 95p; 4x2-37mm type74; radar: type753, type756
ABU Yannan 7 124 Dongce 124 70s 1550t, 71.4x10.5x3.6m, 2diesels, 2200hp, 14kts, 96p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-14.5mm MG; 2x cranes; radar: type753
263 Dongce 263 70s
463 Dongce 463 70s
982 Beibao 982 70s
983 Beibao 983 70s
B22   70s
B25   70s
ATF Tuzhong 4 154   70s 3600t, 84.9x14.0x5.5m, 2diesels, 8600hp, 18.5kts, 120p; radar: type753
710   70s
830   70s
890   70s
Hujiu 10 147   80s 1470t, 60.2x11.6x4.4m, 2diesels, 2460hp, 14kts, 7200(14)nm, 56p; radar: type756
155   80s
622   80s
711   80s
717   80s
837   80s
842   80s
843   80s
875   80s
  877   80s
Daozha 1     1994 4000t, 84.0x12.6x5.5m, 2diesels, 8600hp, 18kts, 125p; radar: type756
Gromovoy 17 149   60s 890t, 45.7x9.5x4.6m, 2diesels, 1200hp, 11kts, 7000(7)nm, 30p; 2x2-14.5mm MG; radar: type753 or type756 or Oki X-NE
156   60s
166   60s
167   60s
680   60s
683   60s
684   60s
716   60s
802   60s
809   60s
811   60s
813   60s
814   60s
817   60s
822   60s
824   60s
827   60s
Roslavl 19 153   60s 670t, 45.7x9.5x4.1m, 2diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 1200hp, 12kts, 6000(11)nm, 28p; 2x2-14.5mm MG; radar
159   60s
161   60s
162   60s
163   60s
164   60s
168   60s
518   60s
604   60s
613   60s
618   60s
646   60s
707   60s
852   60s
853   60s
854   60s
862   60s
863   60s
867   60s
AX Shichang 1 82 Shichang 1996 10000t, 120.8x18.0x7.0m, 2diesels, 17.5kts, 8000(17)nm, 170p+200; 2 Z-9C helicopters; radar: 2x Decca
pr. 795 1 81 Zhenghe 1987 5470t, 119.0x15.8x4.8m, 2diesels, 7800hp, 15kts, 5000(15)nm, 170p+230; 2x2-57mm type66, 2x2-30mm AK-230, 2x5-213mm type81 ASRL, helicopter platform; radar: type360S, type354, type756, Decca 1290, Rys`, sonar: EH-5
ADG Yen Pai 5 735   1976 746t, 65.0x9.0x2.6m, 2diesel-generators, 2electric motors, 2200hp, 16kts, 800(15)nm, 55p; 2x2-37mm type74, 2x2-25mm type61; radar: type756
736   1976
746   1976
863   1976
864   1976


HQ Beijing
Bases Qingdao, Lushun, Dongqian Lake, Fujian, Zhoushan, Guangzhou, Yulin, Zuanjiang


Ship-based 25 Z-9C, 15 SA-321 Super Frelon, 20 Z-8/A, 2 Z-8S, 3 Z-8JH, 13 Ka-28
Land-based combat capable 20 H-5/F-5/F-5B, 30 H-6D, 48 J-8I/F/B/D, 36 J-7, 84 JH-7, 30 Q-5, 24 Su-30MK2, 4 PS-5, 7 HZ-5, 6 Y-8J/B, 4 Y-8X, 14 JJ-6, 4 JJ-7


Land-based combat capable 100 Z-9WA, 26 Z-9W


Land-based combat capable 12 DF-31, 24 DF-31A, 10 DF-4, 20 GF-5A, 80 DF-21, 36 DF-21C, 2 DF-3A, 108 DF-11A, 96 DF-15, 54 CJ-10; 82 H-6/E/F/H, 48 J-7, 192 J-7B, 48 J-7H, 48 J-7C, 24 J-7D, 144 J-7E, 48 J-7G, 24 J-8, 60 J-8A, 108 J-8B, 36 J-8D, 12 J-8E, 24 F-8F, 48 J-8H, 120+ J-10, 116 J-11, 73 Su-30MKK, 18+ J-11B, 72 JH-7/A, 120 Q-5/D/E, 72 JZ-6, 24 JZ-8, 24 JZ-8F, 4 KJ-2000, 4 KJ-200, 10 Y-8D, 3 Y-8H1, 32 Su-27UBK




© Ivan Gogin, 2010