
modern navies of the world




SSK T-209/1300 2 SS20 Thompson 1984 1285/1390t, 59.5x6.3x5.4m, 4diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 4600hp, 11/21.5kts, 8200(8)/400(4)nm, 32p, 250m; 8-533mm TT(14 SUT), CDS: M8 Mod24, radar: Calypso, sonar: CSU-90, DUUX-2C, EW: DR-2000U
SS21 Simpson 1984
Scorpene 2 SS28 O`Higgins 2005 /1668t, 66.4x6.2x5.8m, 4diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 3808hp, 12/20kts, 6500(8)/550(4)nm, 31p, 300m; 6-533mm TT(18 A-184, mines); CDS: SUBTICS, radar: Sagem, sonar: , EW: Argus AR-900
SS29 Carrera 2006


FFG type 23 3 FF05 Almirante Cochrane 1990 4200t, 133.0x16.1x5.5m, 2gas turbines+4diesel-generators, 2electric motors, 35100hp, 28kts, 7800(15)nm, 174p; 2x4 Harpoon SSM(8), 1x32 Seawolf SAM VLS(32), 1x1-114mm Mk8, 2x1-30mm DS30B, 2x2-324mm TT(4 Stingray), 1 NAS-332C Cougar helicopter; CDS: DNA-1, radar: type 996, 2x 1007 or 1008, 2x 911, sonar: type 2050, 2031Z, EW: UAT, type 675, 4x Sea Gnat, type 182
FF06 Almirante Condell 1991
FF07 Almirante Lynch 1997
type L 2 FFG11 Capitán Prat 1986 3750t, 130.5x14.6x4.3m, 2gas turbines/2gas turbines, 50880/9900hp, 30kts, 4700(16)nm, 197p; 2x4 Harpoon SSM(8), 1x1 Standard SM-1MR Block IV SAM(40), , 1x8 Sea Sparrow SAM(24), 1x7-30mm Goalkeeper, 2x1-20mm Oerlikon, 2x2-324mm TT(4 Mk46); CDS: SEWACO-VI, radar: LW-08, SMART, SCOUT, 2x STIR-240, STIR-180, sonar: SQS-509, EW: Ramses, 4x SRBOC
FFG14 Almirante Latorre 1986
type M 2 FF15 Almirante Blanco Encalada 1993 3320t, 122.3x14.4x4.3m, 2gas turbines/2diesels, 33800/9800hp, 30kts, 5000(18)nm, 156p; 2x4 Harpoon SSM(8), 1x16 Sea Sparrow SAM VLS(16), 1x1-76mm OTO Melara, 1x7-30mm Goalkeeper, 2x1-20mm Oerlikon, 2x2-324mm TT(4 Mk46), 1 NAS-332C Cougar helicopter; CDS: SEWACO-VIIB, radar: LW-08, SMART, SCOUT, Decca 1226, 2x STIR, sonar: PHS-36, DSBV-61, EW: Argo APECS-II, 4x SRBOC, SLQ-25 Nixie
FF18 Almirante Riveros 1992
type 22 batch 2 1 FF19 Almirante Williams 1988 4400t, 131.2x14.8x6.0m, 2gas turbines/2gas turbines, 50000/9900hp, 30kts, 4500(18)nm, 273p; 2x2 Exocet MM40 SSM(4), 2x6 Seawolf SAM(32), 1x1-114mm Mk8, 2x1-20mm Oerlikon, 2x3-324mm TT(6 Stingray), 1 NAS-332C Cougar helicopter; CDS: SP-21K, radar: type 967/968, 1008, 2x 911, sonar: type 2050, EW: UAT, type 670, 4x Sea Gnat


PFM Sa`ar 4 3 LM30 Casma 1974 450t, 58.0x7.8x2.4m, 4diesels, 13000(LM30, 31) or 15000(LM34)hp, 32kts, 4000(17.5)nm, 45p; 4x1 Gabriel II SSM(4), 2x1-76mm OTO Melara, 2x1-20mm Oerlikon, 2x3-324mm TT(6 Mk46, LM34); radar: TH-D 1040, R.20X, RTN-10X, EW: MN-53, Rattler, 4x Rafael LRCR
LM31 Chipana 1973
LM34 Angamos 1973
type 148 4 LM36 Guardiamarina Riquelme 1974 265t, 47.0x7.0x2.7m, 4diesels,, 12000hp, 31kts, 1600(15)nm, 30p; 4x1 Exocet MM38 SSM(4), 1x1-76mm OTO Melara, 1x1-40mm Bofors, mines; CDS: PALIS, radar: Triton, SMA-3, RM.20, Castor, EW: Wolke
LM37 Teniente Orella 1974
LM38 Teniente Serrano 1972
LM39 Teniente Uribe 1973
PCO Taitao 4 PSG71 Contramaestre Micalvi 1993 518t, 42.5x8.5x2.9m, 2diesels, 2560hp, 15kts, 4200(12)nm, 23p+10; 1x1-40mm Bofors, 2x1-20mm Oerlikon, mines; radar: Decca, sonar: may be fitted /PDM74 used as hospital ship, PSH77 as research vessel/
PSG72 Contramaestre Ortiz 1993
PSG73 Aspirante Isaza 1994
PDM74 Cirujano Videla 1994
PSH77 Cometa Cabrales 1996
PSG78 Piloto Sibbald 1996


LST BATRAL 2 LST92 Rancagua 1983 1409t, 79.4x13.0x2.5m, 2diesels, 4000hp, 16kts, 3500(13)nm, 43p; 2xx1-40mm Bofors, 2x1-20mm 20F2, 1x1-81mm mortar, helicopter platform; 2LCVP on deck, 12 MBT, 180 troops or 350t cargo instead of all, 1 10t crane; radar: Decca 1229
LST95 Chacabuco 1986
Newport 1 LST93 Valdivia 1971 8550t, 159.2x21.2x5.3m, 6diesels(2), 16500hp, 20kts, 2500(14)nm, 253p; 1x6-20mm Phalanx Mk15(may be fitted), helicopter platform; 3 LCVP + 1LCPL on davits, 29 MBT or 32 APC + 500t cargo, 400 troops or 2100t cargo instead of all; radar: SPS-10F, SPS-67, LN66
LSM Elicura 2 LSM90 Elicura 1968 750t, 44.2x10.4x3.9m, 2diesels, 900hp, 10.5kts, 2900(9)nm, 20p; 3x1-20mm Oerlikon, 3-4 MBT or 350t cargo; radar: Raytheon 1500B
LSM94 Orompello 1964


AOR Araucano 1 AO53 Araucano 1967 23000t, 151.7x22.8x8.8m, 1diesel, 10800hp, 17kts, 12000(15.5)nm, 130p; 4x1-40mm Bofors; 21126m3 liquid cargo, 1444m3 dry cargo, 1x2 underway replenishment station, 1 crane; radar
AS Merino 1 BMS42 Almirante José Toribio Merino Castro 1971 2660t, 92.4x14.7x4.0m, 2diesels, 4200hp, 16kts, 52p+205; 3x1-40mm Bofors, helicopter platform; 150t ammunition; radar: Raytheon, Therma Scanter 009, 9LV-200 Mk2
AKSL Marshall 1 BRS63 George Slight Marshall 1978 816t, 53.0x11.2x3.5m, 2diesels, 1360hp, 12kts, 20p; 2x1-20mm Oerlikon; 1 15t crane; radar
AGOR Washington 1 AGOR60 Vidal Gormaz 1965 1370t, 63.7x12.2x4.7m, 2diesel-generators, 1electric motor, 1000hp, 13.5kts, 12000(12)nm, 26p+15; 2x1-20mm Oerlikon; radar: Decca 1660
AGS type 1200 1 AP46 Contraalmirante Oscar Viel Toro 1960 6320t, 89.9x19.1x6.1m, 4diesel-generators, 2electric motors, 12000hp, 15kts, 12000(12)nm, 33p; 2x1-20mm Oerlikon, 1 Bo-105C helicopter; radar
ATF Veritas 2 ATF66 Galvarino 1974 2380t, 58.3x12.6x3.9m, 2diesels, 6400hp, 14kts, 11p+12; 1x1-40mm Bofors; 70t bollard pull, 300t cargo; radar: Terma Pilot 7T-48, Furuno 240
ATF67 Lautaro 1973
Smit Lloyd 1 ATF68 Leucoton 1972 1750t, 53.1x12.0x4.4m, 2diesels, 4000hp, 13kts, 12p; 2x1-40mm Bofors; 60t bollard pull; radar
AP Aquiles 1 AP41 Aquiles 1988 4550t, 103.0x17.0x5.5m, 1diesel, 7800hp, 18kts, 80p; helicopter platform; 250 troops, 1 crane, stern ramp; radar
AXS Esmeralda 1 BE43 Esmeralda 1954 3754t, 109.8x13.1x7.0m, 2500m2 sails (4-mast schooner), 1diesel, 1400hp, 11(under engine)kts, 8000(8)nm, 271p+80; 2x1-47mm Vickers; radar: 2x Decca


Ship-based 3 Bell 206AS, 5 NAS-332C Cougar, 7 HH-65 Dauphin, 5 Bo-105C, 4 Bell 206 JetRanger, 2 Bell 412
Land-based combat capable 3 P-3A Orion, 3 CN-295MPA Persuader, 8 O-2A Skymaster, 2 EMB-111 Bandeirante, 7 PC-7 Turbo Trainer


HQ Valparaiso
Bases Valparaiso (main), Talcahuano, Punta Arenas, Iquique, Puerto Williams, Puerto Montt



OPV OPV-80 2 PZM81 Piloto Pardo 2008 1850t, 80.6x13.0x3.8m, 2diesels, 11100hp, 22kts, 8600(12)nm, 30p+30; 1x1-40mm Bofors, 2x1-12.7mm MG, 1 AS-365 Dauphin II helicopter; radar: Bridgemaster E, ARIES
PZM82 Comandante Policarpo Toro 2009
PCC Protector 18 LSG1603 Alacalufe 1989 120t, 33.1x6.6x2.0m, 2diesels, 5200hp, 22kts, 800(16)nm, 10p; 1x1-12.7mm MG; radar
LSG1604 Hallef 1989
LSG1609 Aysén 1999
LSG1610 Corral 2000
LSG1611 Concepción 2000
LSG1612 Caldera 2000
LSG1613 San Antonio 2000
LSG1614 Antofagasta 2001
LSG1615 Arica 2001
LSG1616 Coquimbo 2001
LSG1617 Puerto Natales 2001
LSG1618 Valparaíso 2002
LSG1619 Punta Arenas 2002
LSG1620 Talcahuano 2002
LSG1621 Quintero 2003
LSG1622 Chiloe 2003
LSG1623 Puerto Montt 2004
LSG1624 Iquique 2004


Land-based combat capable 18 MD-530F Lifter


Land-based combat capable 13 F-5E Tigre III+, 3 F-5F Tigre III+, 6 F-16C Fighting Falcon, 4 F-16D Fighting Falcon, 11 F-16AM Fighting Falcon, 7 F-16BM Fighting Falcon, 13 A-37B Dragonfly, 9 A-36CC Halcon, 8 T-36BB, 1 King Air, 2 Learjet 35A, 3 DHC-6-300, 1 Boeing 707 Phalcon, 3 Beech 99 Petrel Alfa, 2 Beech 99 Petrel Beta




© Ivan Gogin, 2010