
Changes in structure of world navies in 1922 - 1946


Changing in fleet lists 1946 (ships with full displacement more than 500t or capacity more than 500BRT)




United Kingdom

BB Vanguard (1946/51420)

CVL Theseus (1946/18300), Triumph (1946/18300)

AV Blackburn (1946/1000), Seafox (1946/1000)

CL Danae (1918/5870), Achilles (1933/9280), Gambia (1942/10450)

DD Garland (1936/1890), Noble (1940/2384), Cadiz (1946/3300), Gabbard (1946/3300), Gravelines (1946/3300), St. James (1946/3300), St. Kitts (1946/3300), Saintes (1946/3300), Sluys (1946/3300), Vigo (1946/3300), Chieftain (1946/2535), Chivalrous (1946/2535), Comus (1946/2535), Concord (1946/2535), Consort (1946/2535), Creole (1946/2535), Crispin (1946/2535), Dunkirk (1946/3420)

SS Teredo (1946/1571), Tabard (1946/1571), P52 (1942/732), P67 (1943/732), Vineyard (1944/740), Vortex (1944/740), Aeneas (1946/1620), Affray (1946/1620), Alaric (1946/1620), Alcide (1946/1620), Alderney (1946/1620), Auriga (1946/1620)

DE Bedale (1942/1625), Silverton (1941/1625)

SL Actaeon (1946/1950), Nereide (1946/1950), Snipe (1946/1950), Sparrow (1946/1950)

FF Aire (1943/2180), Swale (1942/2180), Teviot (1943/2180), Loch Veyatie (1946/2260), Enard Bay (1946/2420), Largo Bay (1946/2420), Mounts Bay (1946/2420), Padstow Bay (1946/2420), Porlock Bay (1946/2420), Wigtown Bay (1946/2420)

DV Alert (1946/2420)

FS Betony (1943/1370), Burnet (1943/1370)

LST LST3044 (1946/4980)

LCT LCT4061 (1946/810), LCT4062 (1946/810), LCT4063 (1946/810), LCT4064 (1946/810), LCT4073 (1946/810), LCT4074 (1946/810), LCT4085 (1946/810), LCT4086 (1946/810), LCT4097 (1946/810), LCT4098 (1946/810), LCT4099 (1946/810), LCT4128 (1946/810), LCT4148 (1946/810)

TL Inchmarnock (1941/770), Kerrera (1941/770), Mincarlo (1944/770), Shiant (1941/770)

BB Warspite (1915/31500)

MON Erebus (1916/8450)

CVL Colossus (1944/18040)

CVE Activity (1942/14250), Attacker (1942/14170), Battler (1942/14170), Chaser (1943/14170), Fencer (1943/14170), Pursuer (1943/14170), Ravager (1943/14170), Striker (1943/14170), Pretoria Castle (1939/23450), Nairana (1943,/17210), Ameer (1943/15390), Arbiter (1943/15390), Atheling (1943/15390), Begum (1943/15390), Emperor (1943/15390), Empress (1943/15390), Khedive (1943/15390), Patroller (1943/15390), Premier (1943/15390), Puncher (1944/15390), Queen (1943/15390), Rajah (1944/15390), Ranee (1943/15390), Reaper (1944/15390), Ruler (1943/15390), Slinger (1943/15390), Smiter (1944/15390), Speaker (1943/15390), Trouncer (1944/15390), Trumpeter (1943/15390)

AVC Athene (1941/10890)

CL Caradoc (1917/4950), Cardiff (1917/5020), Ceres (1917/5020), Capetown (1922/5250), Dauntless (1918/5870), Diomede (1922/5870), Enterprise (1926/9450), Black Prince (1943/7410)

DL Faulknor (1935/2049)

DD Verdun (1917/1523), Walker (1918/1490), Westcott (1918/1490), Winchester (1918/1490), Scout (1918/1225), Vansittart (1919/1508), Wanderer (1919/1508), Witch (1924/1530), Wolverine (1920/1508), Antelope (1930/1815), Beagle (1931/1815), Bulldog (1931/1815), Icarus (1937/1890), Ilex (1937/1890), Impulsive (1938/1890), Havelock (1940/1930), Hesperus (1940/1930), Highlander (1940/1930), Oribi (1941/2270), Inconstant (1942/1890), Saumarez (1943/2545), Scourge (1943/2545)

SS L23 (1924/1080), L26 (1926/1080), Osiris (1929/2038), Otus (1929/2038), Proteus (1930/2040), Rover (1931/2030), Severn (1935/2723), Clyde (1935/2723), Rorqual (1937/2157), Sturgeon (1933/927), Trident (1939/1575), Taku (1940/1575), Uproar (ex-P31, 1941/732), Umbra (ex-P35, 1941/732), United (ex-P44, 1942/732), Unrivalled (ex-P45, 1942/732), Unruffled (ex-P46, 1942/732), Unruly (ex-P49, 1942/732), Ultor (ex-P53, 1942/732), Unshaken (ex-P54, 1942/732), Unsparing (ex-P55, 1942/732), Universal (1943/732), Vitality (ex-Untamed, 1943/732), P614 (1942/856), P711 (ex-X2, 1934/1239), P556 (1924/1062), Safari (ex-P211, 1942/990), Strongbow (1943/990), Stubborn (1943/990), Venturer (1943/740), Viking (1943/740), Virtue (1944/740), Vox (1943/740), Virulent (1944/740), Volatile (1944/740), Voracious (1944/740), Votary (1944/740), U2518 (1944/1819)

DE Lewes (1918/1340), Bradford (1919/1590), Buxton (1919/1590), Lauderdale (1941/1625), Catterick (1942/1490), Tanatside (1942/1490)

SL Foxglove (1915/1275), Lupin (1916/1350), Sandwich (1929/1600), Hastings (1930/1640), Fowey (1931/1515), Shoreham (1931/1515), Leith (1934/1510), Londonderry (1935/1510), Lowestoft (1934/1510), Enchantress (1935/1650), Banff (1930/2075), Fishguard (1928/2075), Gorleston (1930/2075), Lulworth (1928/2075), Sennen (1929/2075), Totland (1932/2075)

FF Aire (1943/2180), Test (1942/2180), Trent (1943/2180), Aire (1943/2180), Barle (1943/2180), Evenlode (1943/2180), Findhorn (1943/2180), Inver (1943/2180), Lossie (1943/2180), Parret (1943/2180), Shiel (1943/2180), Berry (1943/1416), Burges (1943/1416), Cooke (1943/1416), Dacres (1943/1416), Domett (1943/1416), Gardiner (1943/1416), Gore (1943/1416), Inglis (1943/1416), Inman (1943/1416), Keats (1943/1416), Lawson (1943/1416), Pasley (1943/1416), Louis (1943/1416), Mounsey (1943/1416), Bentinck (1943/1823), Cosby (1943/1823), Cubitt (1943/1823), Curzon (1943/1823), Deane (1943/1823), Fitzroy (1943/1823), Hargood (1944/1823), Hotham (1944/1823), Narborough (1944/1823), Riou (1943/1823), Rupert (1943/1823), Seymour (1943/1823), Spragge (1944/1823), Stayner (1943/1823), Stockham (1943/1823), Torrington (1944/1823), Tyler (1944/1823), Anguilla (1943/2238), Antigua (1943/2238), Ascension (1943/2238), Bahamas (1943/2238), Barbados (1943/2238), Cayman (1944/2238), Dominica (1944/2238), Montserrat (1944/2238), Nyasaland (1944/2238), Papua (1944/2238), Perim (1944/2238), Pitcairn (1944/2238), St. Helena (1944/2238), Sarawak (1944/2238), Seychelles (1944/2238), Somaliland (1944/2238), Tobago (1944/2238), Tortola (1944/2238), Zanzibar (1944/2238)

FS Amaranthus (1941/1170), Anchusa (1941/1170), Snapdragon (ex-Arabis, 1940/1170), Aster (1941/1170), Aubrietia (1940/1170), Azalea (1941/1170), Begonia (1941/1170), Bellwort (1941/1170), Bergamot (1941/1170), Borage (1942/1170), Burdock (1941/1170), Calendula (1940/1170), Camellia (1940/1170), Columbine (1940/1170), Crocus (1940/1170), Freesia (1940/1170), Fritillary (1941/1170), Heartsease (1940/1170), Heliotrope (1940/1170), Jonquil (1940/1170), Kingcup (1940/1170), Larkspur (1941/1170), Lavender (1941/1170), Loosestrife (1941/1170), Mignonette (1941/1170), Myosotis (1941/1170), Narcissus (1941/1170), Nasturtium (1940/1170), Oxlip (1941/1170), Pentstemon (1941/1170), Petunia (1941/1170), Poppy (1942/1170), Potentilla (1942/1170), Primrose (1940/1170), Primula (1940/1170), Sweetbriar (1941/1170), Veronica (1941/1170), Wallflower (1941/1170), Charlock (1944/1370), Dittany (1943/1370), Honesty (1943/1370), Linaria (1943/1370), Rosebay (1943/1370), Smilax (1943/1370), Statice (1943/1370), Willowherb (1943/1370)

PC Kittiwake (1937/745), Sheldrake (1937/745), Kilbirnie (1943/903), Kilbride (1943/903), Kilchatten (1943/903), Kilchrenan (1943/903), Kildary (1943/903), Kildwick (1943/903), Kilham (1943/903), Kilkenzie (1943/903), Kilkhampton (1943/903), Kilmalcolm (1943/903), Kilmarnock (1943/903), Kilmartin (1943/903), Kilmelford (1943/903), Kilmington (1943/903), Kilmore (1943/903)

PR Tarantula (1916/750)

LCC Bulolo (1938/6267), Hilary (1931/7403), Lothian (1938/8036)

LSF Palomares (1937/1896), Ulster Queen (1929/3791), FDT13 (1943/4080)

LSS Princess Iris (ex-Iris, 1917/2683)

LSG Derwentdale (1941/16750), Dewdale (1941/16750), Ennerdale (1941/16798)

LSD Highway (1943/7930)

LST Bachaqero (1937/6455), LST2 (1943/4080), LST3 (1943/4080), LST4 (1943/4080), LST8 (1943/4080), LST9 (1943/4080), LST11 (1943/4080), LST12 (1943/4080), LST62 (1943/4080), LST65 (1943/4080), LST76 (1943/4080), LST77 (1943/4080), LSE1 (1943/4080), LSE2 (1943/4080), LST157 (1943/4080), LST159 (1943/4080), LST160 (1943/4080), LST161 (1943/4080), LST163 (1943/4080), LST164 (1943/4080), LST165 (1943/4080), LST173 (1943/4080), LST198 (1943/4080), LST199 (1943/4080), LST200 (1943/4080), LSE(LC)51 (ex-LST215, 1943/4080), LST237 (1943/4080), LST238 (1943/4080), LST239 (1943/4080), LST280 (1943/4080), LST289 (1943/4080), LST301 (1942/4080), LST302 (1942/4080), LST303 (1942/4080), LST304 (1942/4080), LST311 (1943/4080), LST315 (1943/4080), LST320 (1942/4080), LST321 (1942/4080), LST322 (1943/4080), LST323 (1943/4080), LST324 (1943/4080), LST326 (1943/4080), LST331 (1943/4080), LST336 (1942/4080), LST337 (1942/4080), LST346 (1943/4080), LST351 (1943/4080), LST352 (1943/4080), LST358 (1943/4080), LSE(LC)52 (ex-LST360, 1943/4080), LST361 (1942/4080), LST363 (1942/4080), LST366 (1942/4080), LST368 (1943/4080), LST369 (1943/4080), LST371 (1943/4080), LST380 (1943/4080), LST381 (1943/4080), LST383 (1942/4080), LST385 (1942/4080), LST386 (1942/4080), LST394 (1942/4080), LST401 (1942/4080), LSE53 (ex-LST402, 1942/4080), LST403 (1942/4080), LST406 (1942/4080), LST408 (1942/4080), LST409 (1943/4080), LST410 (1943/4080), LST412 (1943/4080), LST413 (1943/4080), LST416 (1943/4080), LST417 (1943/4080), LST419 (1943/4080), LST421 (1943/4080), LST423 (1943/4080), LST424 (1943/4080), LST425 (1943/4080), LST426 (1943/4080), LST427 (1943/4080), LST428 (1943/4080), LST430 (1943/4080), LST538 (1944/4080), LST3008 (1945/4980), LST3014 (1945/4980), LST3017 (1945/4980), LST3022 (1945/4980), LST3035 (1945/4980), LST3501 (1945/4980)

LSI(L) Glenearn (1938/9784), Glengyle (1939/9919), Glenroy (1938/9809), Ard Patrick (ex-Lamont, 1939/7526), Persimmon (ex-Pampas, 1943/8244), Donovan (ex-Empire Battleaxe, 1943/7080), Rocksand (ex-Empire Anvil, 1944/7080), Sainfoin (ex-Empire Crossbow, 1944/7177), Sansovino (ex-Empire Cutlass, 1943/7080), Sefton (ex-Empire Gauntlet, 1944/7177)

LSI(M) Prince David (1930/6892), Prince Henry (1930/6893), Prins Albert (1937/2938), Prinses Beatrix (1939/4136), Queen Emma (1939/4136)

LSI(H) Brigadier (1928/2294), Laird`s Isle (1911/1783)

MS Saltburn (1919/930), Speedwell (1935/1088), Jason (1938/1190), Speedy (1939/1190), Bangor 91940/690), Blackpool (1941/690), Bridlington (1940/690), Bridport (1940/690), Bude (1941/875), Stornoway (1941/875), Caraquet (1942/875), Tadoussac (1942/875), Wedgeport (1942/875), Larne (1943/1325), Arcturus (1943/1325), Aries (1943/1325), Gozo (1943/1325), Lightfoot (1943/1325), Persian (1943/1325), Postillion (1943/1325), Catherine (1943/1250), Chance (1943/1250), Combatant (1943/1250), Fairy (1944/1250), Florizel (1944/1250), Foam (1944/1250), Gazelle (1943/1250), Gorgon (1943/1250), Jasper (1944/1250), Pique (1943/1250), Steadfast (1943/1250), Strenuous (1943/1250)

MDV Cybele (1944/3980)

TL Stour (1918/665), Colne (ex-Isaac Chant, 1918/665), Foyle (1918/665), Blackwater (ex-William Inwood, 1918/665), Boyne (ex-William Jones, 1918/665), Arthur Cavanagh (1918/547), David Ogilvie (1917/547), George Adgell (1920/547), Thomas Altoft (1920/547), William Bell (1918/547), William Brady (1918/547), Dee (ex-Battleaxe, 1916/520), Garry (ex-Goldaxe, 1916/520), Cedar (1933/649), Cypress (1930/570), Hornbeam (1930/530), Maple 91929/550), Oak (1928/545), Redwood (1928/555), Moonstone (1934/615), Pearl 91933/649), Ruby (1933/568), Sapphire (1934/608), Turquoise (1935/641), Butteremere 91939/560), Wastwater (ex-Grassmere, 1939/560), Thirlmere (1939/560), Elm (1940/770), Hazel (1940/770), Mangrove (1940/770), Rowan (1939/770), Whitethorn (1940/770), Wistaria (1940/770), Fandango (1940/770), Foxtrot (1940/770), Gavotte (1940/770), Hornpipe (1940/770), Mazurka (1941/770), Minuet (1941/770), Pirouette (1940/770), Polka (1941/770), Quadrille (1941/770), Saltarelo (1940/770), Sarabande (1941/770), Tango (1941/770), Two Step (ex-Tarantella, 1941/770), Valse (1941/770), Veleta (1941/770), Celia (1941/770), Ophelia (1940/770), Othello (1941/770), Romeo (1941/770), Rosalind (1941/770), Ailsa Craig (1943/770), Anticosti (1942/770), Arran (1941/770), Balta (1941/770), Benbecula (1944/770), Bressay (1942/770), Bruray (1942/770), Burra (1941/770), Bute (1941/770), Cailiff (1942/770), Caldy (1944/770), Calvay (1944/770), Copinsay (1941/770), Crowlin (1941/770), Cumbrae (1941/770), Egilsay (1942/770), Ensay (1942/770), Fara (1941/770), Fiaray (1942/770), Filla (1942/770), Foula (1942/770), Gillstone (1943/770), Graemsay (1943/770), Grain (1943/770), Grassholm (1943/770), Gruinard (1943/770), Gulland (1943/770), Hayling (1942/770), Herschell (1943/770), Hoxa (1941/770), Hoy (1941/770), Hunda (1942/770), Inchcolm (1941/770), Inchmarnock (1941/770), Ironbound (1942/770), Islay (1941/770), Kerrera (1941/770), Kintyre (1942/770), Kittern (1943/770), Lindisfarne (1943/770), Liscomb (1942/770), Longa (1944/770), Magdalen (1942/770), Manitoulin (1942/770), Mewstone (1943/770), Mincarlo (1944/770), Mousa (1942/770), Mull (1941/770), Neave (1942/770), Oronsay (1944/770), Oxna (1943/770), Prospect (1942/770), Ronaldsay (1941/770), Rosevean (1943/770), St. Agnes (1943/770), St. Kilda (1942/770), Scalpay (1942/770), Scaravay (1945/770), Shapinsay (1941/770), Sheppey (1942/770), Shiant (1941/770), Skogholm (1943/770), Skomer (1943/770), Sluna (1941/770), Staffa (1942/770), Stroma (1942/770), Texada (1942/770), Tiree (1942/770), Trondra (1942/770), Ulva (1942/770), Unst (1942/770), Vatersay (1944/770), Westray (1942/770), Whalsay (1942/770), Proctor (ex-Portisham, 1943/586), Probe (ex-Portaferry, 1943/586), Prodigal (ex-Porthleven, 1942/586), Product (ex-Port Jackson, 1942/586), Professor (ex-Portmadoc, 1942/586), Promise (ex-Port Natal, 1942/586), Prophet (ex-Portobello, 1943/640), Protest (ex-Port Patrick, 1942/640), Proof (ex-Port Royal, 1943/640), Property (ex-Portrush, 1943/640), Prong (ex-Port Stanley, 1943/640), Prowess (ex-Provost, 1943/640), Butser (1942/1005), Duncton (1942/1005), Dunkery (1942/1005), Inkpen (1942/1005), Portsdown (1942/1005), Yestor (1942/1005), Sir Agravine (1942/590), Sir Galahad (1942/590), Sir Gareth (1942/590), Sir Geraint (1942/590), Sir Kay (1943/590), Sir Lamorak (1943/590), Sir Lancelot (1942/590), Bream (1943/830), Grayling (1942/830), Grilse (1943/830), Mullet (1942/830), Pollack (1943/830), Whiting (1942/830), Bombardier (1943/1190), Coldstreamer (1943/1190), Fusilier (1943/1190), Grenadier (1943/1190), Guardsman (1944/1190), Home Guard (1944/1190), Lancer (1943/1190), Royal Marine (1944/1190), Sapper (1943/1190)

APV Edendale (1897/1659), Helvig (1936/2252), Pygmalion (ex-Galatea, 1906/569)

CAAAV Royal Eagle (1932/1539), Goatfell (1934/624), Jeannie Deans (1931/635)

AY Kenkora II (1930/536), Sagitta (1908/756), Sayonara (1911/762), Velda (1926/571)

ATL Asie (1914/551), Cape Warwick (1936/515), Lady Elsa (1937/518), Lady Madeleine (1939/581), Northern Dawn (1936/655), Northern Duke (1936/655), Northern Reward (1936/655), Norwich City (1937/541), Reine des Flots (1923/608), St. Kenan (1936/565), St. Loman (1936/565), St. Nectan (1937/565), St. Wistan (1937/567), St. Zeno (1940/608), Spindrift (/926), Retriever (1930/869)

AWC Namsos (ex-H. J. Bull, 1935/569)

AMS Bichgrove Park (1930/640)


CVL Warrior (1946/18300)

DD Nootka (1946/2745)

DD Kootenay (1933/1865), Gatineau (1934/1940), Saskatchewan (1935/1940), Qu`Appelle (1935/1940)

DE St. Clair (1919/1390)

FF Carlplace (1944/2180), Glace Bay (1944/2180), Joliette (1944/2180), Sea Cliff (1944/2180), Thetford Mines (1944/2180)

FS Battleford (1941/1280), Calgary (1941/1350), Chicoutimi (1941/1280), Dawson (1941/1280), Dunvegan (1941/1280), Fredericton (1941/1350), Lunenburg (1941/1280), Morden (1941/1280), Napanee (1941/1280), Oakville (1941/1280), Rosthern (1941/1280), Summerside (1941/1280), Ville de Quebec (1942/1350), Wetaskiwin (1940/1280), Beauharnois (1944/1370), Lindsay (1943/1370), Norsyd (1943/1370), North Bay (1943/1370), St. Lambert (1944/1370), Stellarton (1944/1370), Strathroy (1944/1370), Thorlock (1944/1370), Whitby (1944/1370), Leaside (1944/1630), Petrolia (1944/1630), St. Thomas (1944/1630)

MS Bellechasse (1941/875), Burlington (1941/875), Courtenay (1942/875), Cowichan (1941/875), Kelowna (1942/875), Outarde (1941/875), Quatsino (1941/875), Thunder (1941/875), Ungava (1941/875), Wasaga (1941/875), Middlesex (1944/1325), St. Boniface (1943/1325)

TL Comox (1938/775), Miscou (ex-Bowell, 1942/770)

SAAAV Prince Robert (1930/6892)

AY Venetia (1903/687)


FF Barwon (1946/2187), Condamine (1946/2187), Shoalhaven (1946/2187)

LST LST3008 (1945/4980), LST3014 (1945/4980), LST3017 (1945/4980), LST3022 (1945/4980), LST3035 (1945/4980), LST3501 (1945/4980)

SL Moresby (1918/1493)

LSI(L) Manoora (1934/10856)

MS Broome (1942/790), Burnie (1941/790), Cairns (1942/790), Gawler (1942/790), Geraldton (1942/790), Ipswich (1942/790), Kalgoorlie (1942/790), Launceston (1942/790), Lismore (1941/790), Pirie (1942/790), Tamworth (1942/790), Toowoomba (1941/790), Wollongong (1941/790)

APV Matthew Flinders (1917/1180), Bingera (1935/922), Kybra (1926/858), Yandra (1928/990)

AMS Medea (1912/778), Coombar (1912/581), Mercedes (ex-Medusa, 1913/793)

AML Bungaree (1937/3155)

New Zealand

CL Black Prince (1943/7410)

CL Achilles (1933/9280), Gambia (1942/10450)

TL Aroha (1943/625), Awatere (1943/625), Maimai (1944/625), Manuka (1942/625), Tawhai (1944/625), Waiho (1944/625), Waikato (1944/625), Waima (1944/625), Waipu (1943/625)

APV Viti (1940/700)

AMS Matai (1930/1050)


FF Tamar (1943/2180), Neza (1942/2180), Kukri (1943/2180)

FS Mahratta (1944/1370)

TL Cochin (1946/775), Lucknow (1946/775), Multan 91946/775)

SL Cornwallis (1917/1450)

FF Tamar (1943/2180)

FS Sind (1943/1370), Gondwana (1943/1370)

TL Agra (1942/775), Cuttack (1943/775), Karachi (1942/775), Lahore (1942/775), Lucknow (1946/775), Madura (1943/775), Multan (1946/775), Patna (1943/775), Poona (1942/775), Shillong (1943/775)

APV Pangkor (1929/1208), Sonavati (1935/1638), Hiravati (1930/580), Ratnagiri (1935/590)

AY Sea Belle (1927/1057)

South Africa

ATL Spindrift (/926)

FF Swale (1942/2180), Teviot (1943/2180)


CV Leyte (1946/34881), Kearsarge (1946/34881), Valley Forge (1946/34881), Philippine Sea (1946/34881)

CVL Saipan (1946/18750)

CVE Sicily (1946/21397), Rabaul (1946/21397), Palau (1946/21397), Tinian (1946/21397)

AV Timbalier (1946/2620), Valcour (1946/2620), McCulloch (1946/2620), Gresham (1946/2620)

CA Toledo (1946/17031), Oregon City (1946/17031), Albany (1946/17031), Rochester (1946/17031)

CL Juneau (1946/8450), Spokane (1946/8450), Fresno (1946/8450), Manchester (1946/14144), Huntington (1946/14464)

DD Buck (1946/3218), Henley (1946/3218), Wiltsie (1946/3460), Theodore E. Chandler (1946/3460), Hamner (1946/3460), William C. Lawe (1946/3460), James E. Kyes (1946/3460), Hollister (1946/3460), Eversole (1946/3460), Shelton (1946/3460), Corry (1946/3460), New (1946/3460), Holder (1946/3460), Rich (1946/3460), Johnston (1946/3460), Robert H. McCard (1946/3460), Samuel B. Roberts (1946/3460), Agerholm (1946/3460), Perry (1946/3460), Baussell (1946/3460), Ozbourn (1946/3460), Robert L. Wilson (1946/3460), Witek (1946/3460), Richard E. Kraus (1946/3460), Rupertus (1946/3460), Leonard F. Mason (1946/3460), Charles H. Roan (1946/3460), Arnold J. Isbell (1946/3460), Fechteler (1946/3460), Damato (1946/3460), Forrest Royal (1946/3460)

SS S29 (1924/1062), Cusk (1946/2415), Diodon (1946/2415), Dogfish (1946/2415), Greenfish (1946/2415), Halfbeak (1946/2415), Trumpetfish (1946/2415), Tusk (1946/2415), Corsair (1946/2415), Unicorn (1946/2415), Walrus (1946/2415), Remora (1946/2415), Sarda (1946/2415), Spinax (1946/2415), Amberjack (1946/2415)

DE Bull (1943/1823), Cubitt (1943/1823), Curzon (1943/1823), Deane (1943/1823), Fitzroy (1943/1823), Riou (1944/1823), Rupert (1943/1823), Stockham (1943/1823), Seymour (1943/1823)

LCC Taconic (1946/12560)

LSD Fort Marion (1946/9375), Wheatstone (1946/9375)

LST LST2 (1942/4080), LST3 (1943/4080), LST4 (1943/4080), LST8 (1943/4080), LST9 (1943/4080), LST11 (1943/4080), LST12 (1943/4080), LST13 (1943/4080), LST62 (1943/4080), LST65 (1943/4080), LST76 (1943/4080), LST77 (1943/4080), LST157 (1943/4080), LST159 (1943/4080), LST160 (1943/4080), LST161 (1943/4080), LST163 (1943/4080), LST164 (1943/4080), LST165 (1943/4080), LST173 (1943/4080), LST198 (1943/4080), LST200 (1943/4080), LST215 (1943/4080), LST217 (1943/4080), LST237 (1943/4080), LST238 (1943/4080), LST239 (1943/4080), LST280 (1943/4080), LST289 (1943/4080), LST301 (1942/4080), LST302 (1942/4080), LST303 (1942/4080), LST304 (1942/4080), LST311 (1943/4080), LST320 (1942/4080), LST321 (1942/4080), LST322 (1943/4080), LST323 (1943/4080), LST324 (1943/4080), LST331 (1943/4080), LST336 (1942/4080), LST337 (1942/4080), LST346 (1943/4080), LST352 (1943/4080), LST358 (1943/4080), LST360 (1943/4080), LST361 (1942/4080), LST363 (1942/4080), LST366 (1942/4080), LST368 (1943/4080), LST380 (1943/4080), LST381 (1943/4080), LST386 (1942/4080), LST394 (1942/4080), LST401 (1942/4080), LST402 (1942/4080), LST403 (1942/4080), LST406 (1942/4080), LST408 (1942/4080), LST409 (1943/4080), LST410 (1943/4080), LST412 (1943/4080), LST413 (1943/4080), LST416 (1943/4080), LST417 (1943/4080), LST419 (1943/4080), LST421 (1943/4080), LST423 (1943/4080), LST424 (1943/4080), LST425 (1943/4080), LST426 (1943/4080), LST427 (1943/4080), LST428 (1943/4080), LST430 (1943/4080), LST538 (1944/4080)

LSM LSM544 (1946/1095), LSM545 (1946/1095), LSM546 (1946/1095), LSM547 (1946/1095), LSM548 (1946/1095)

MS Reign (1946/945), Report (1946/945)

CGC Chelan (1928/2075), Tahoe (1928/2075), Champlain (1929/2075), Itasca (1930/2075), Sebec (ex-Saranac, 1930/2075), Mocoma (ex-Cayuga, 1931/2075), Iroquois (1946/2660), Wachusett (1946/2660), Escanaba (1946/2660), Winona (1946/2660), Klamath (1946/2660), Minnetonka (1946/2660), Androscoggin (1946/2660)

BB Arkansas (1912/27243), Nevada (1916/28400), Pennsylvania (1916/32567)

CV Saratoga (1927/43055), Ranger (1934/17577)

CVL Independence (1943/14751)

CVE Long Island (1941/14050), Charger (1942/16000), Casablanca (1943/10902), Wake Island (1943/10902), Solomons (1943/10902), Kitkun Bay (1943/10902), Tulagi (1943/10902), Salamaua (1944/10902), Admiralty Islands (1944/10902), Attu (1944/10902), Roi (1944/10902)

AV Childs (ex-DD, 1920/1308), Ballard (ex-DD, 1919/1308), William B. Preston (ex-DD, 1920/1308), AV Lapwing (ex-MS, 1918/1400), Heron (ex-MS, 1918/1400), Thrush (ex-MS, 1919/1400), Avocet (ex-MS, 1919/1400), Teal (ex-MS, 1918/1400), Swan (ex-MS, 1919/1400), Sandpiper (ex-MS, 1919/1400)

CA Pensacola (1930/11512), Salt Lake City (1929/11512)

CL Detroit (1923/9508), Richmond (1923/9508), Trenton (1924/9508), Memphis (1925/9508)

DD Stewart (1920/1308), Lamson (1936/2103), Mugford (1937/2245), Ralph Talbot (1937/2245), Mayrant (1939/2250), Trippe (1939/2250), Rhind (1939/2250), Stack (1939/2250), Wilson (1939/2250), Hughes (1939/2313), Anderson (1939/2313), Mustin (1939/2313), Wainwright (1940/2313)

SS S15 (1921/1092), S29 (1924/1062), S35 (1922/1062), S41 (1924/1062), Cuttlefish (1934/1650), Pollack (1937/1997), Skipjack (1938/2210), Stingray (1938/2210), Sargo (1939/2198), Saury (1939/2198), Spearfish (1939/2198), Skate (1943/2415), Apogon (1943/2415), Pilotfish (1943/2415)

DE Carlson (1943/1416), Doherty (1943/1416), Austin (1943/1416), Edward C. Daly (1943/1416), Gilmore (1943/1416), Wyman (1943/1416), Sanders (1943/1416), Doneff (1943/1416), Engstrom (1943/1416), Seid (1943/1416), William C. Miller (1943/1416), Cabana (1943/1416), Dionne (1943/1416), Canfield (1943/1416), Deede (1943/1416), Eldon (1943/1416), Rall (1944/1416), Bull (1943/1823), Donaldson (1943/1823), Thomas J. Gary (1943/1823), Liddle (1943/1823), Straub (1943/1823), Byron (1943/1823), Conn (1943/1823), Cotton (1943/1823), Cranstoun (1943/1823), Cubitt (1943/1823), Curzon (1943/1823), Deane (1943/1823), Fitzroy (1943/1823), Riou (1943/1823), Rowley 91943/1823), Seymour (1943/1823), Solar (1944/1823), Chaffee (1944/1811)

FF Asheville (1942/2150), Grand Forks (1944/2238), Annapolis (1944/2238), Alexandria (1945/2238), Gulfport (1944/2238), Shreveport (1943/2238), Eugene (1944/2238), Van Buren (1943/2238), Hutchinson (1944/2238), Gladwyne (1944/2238), Uniontown (1944/2238), Reading (1944/2238), Peoria (1945/2238), Brunswick (1944/2238), Davenport (1945/2238), Orlando (1944/2238), Racine (1945/2238)

FS Action (1942/1375), Brisk (1942/1375)

PC PE27 (1919/615), PE48 (1919/615), PCE(R)848 (1944/903), PCE(R)854 (1944/903), PCE(R)859 (1944/903), PCE869 (1943/903)

PG Dubuque (1905/1237), Paducah (1905/1237), Sacramento (1914/1592), Tacloban (ex-Tulsa, 1923/1760), Charleston (1936/2800)

LCC Ancon (1939/14150)

LST LST1 (1942/4080), LST2 (1943/4080), LST3 (1943/4080), LST4 (1943/4080), LST7 (1943/4080), LST8 (1943/4080), LST11 (1943/4080), LST13 (1943/4080), LST16 (1943/4080), LST18 (1943/4080), LST(H)19 (ex-LST19, 1943/4080), LST20 (1943/4080), LST21 (1943/4080), LST22 (1943/4080), LST(H)23 (ex-LST23, 1943/4080), LST24 (1943/4080), LST25 (1943/4080), LST26 (1943/4080), LST28 (1943/4080), LST29 (1943/4080), LST30 (1943/4080), LST(H)38 (ex-LST38, 1943/4080), LST(H)41 (ex-LST41, 1943/4080), LST(H)42 (ex-LST42, 1943/4080), LST46 (1943/4080), LST49 (1943/4080), LST55 (1943/4080), LST56 (1943/4080), LST59 (1944/4080), LST61 (1943/4080), LST62 (1943/4080), LST63 (1943/4080), LST65 (1943/4080), LST66 (1943/4080), LST67 (1943/4080), LST68 (1943/4080), LST70 (1943/4080), LST71 (1943/4080), LST72 (1943/4080), LST74 (1943/4080), LST76 (1943/4080), LST77 (1943/4080), LST78 (1943/4080), LST119 (1943/4080), LST(H)121 (ex-LST121, 1943/4080), LST122 (1943/4080), LST(H)123 (ex-LST123, 1943/4080), LST124 (1943/4080), LST125 (1943/4080), LST128 (1943/4080), LST139 (1944/4080), LST140 (1944/4080), LST141 (1944/4080), LST157 (1943/4080), LST159 (1943/4080), LST160 (1943/4080), LST161 (1943/4080), LST162 (1943/4080), LST163 (1943/4080), LST164 (1943/4080), LST165 (1943/4080), LST166 (1943/4080), LST168 (1943/4080), LST169 (1943/4080), LST170 (1943/4080), LST171 (1943/4080), LST172 (1943/4080), LST173 (1943/4080), LST174 (1943/4080), LST175 (1943/4080), LST177 (1943/4080), LST180 (1943/4080), LST181 (1943/4080), LST197 (1943/4080), LST198 (1943/4080), LST200 (1943/4080), LST202 (1943/4080), LST204 (1943/4080), LST(H)205 (ex-LST205, 1943/4080), LST206 (1943/4080), LST207 (1943/4080), LST208 (1943/4080), LST210 (1943/4080), LST214 (1943/4080), LST215 (1943/4080), LST217 (1943/4080), LST221 (1943/4080), LST224 (1943/4080), LST225 (1943/4080), LST226 (1943/4080), LST237 (1943/4080), LST238 (1943/4080), LST239 (1943/4080), LST241 (1943/4080), LST244 (1943/4080), LST245 (1943/4080), LST(H)247 (ex-LST247, 1943/4080), LST261 (1943/4080), LST262 (1943/4080), LST264 (1943/4080), LST265 (1943/4080), LST267 (1943/4080), LST271 (1943/4080), LST272 (1943/4080), LST273 (1943/4080), LST275 (1943/4080), LST280 (1943/4080), LST284 (1943/4080), LST286 (1943/4080), LST289 (1943/4080), LST292 (1944/4080), LST294 (1944/4080), LST295 (1944/4080), LST302 (1942/4080), LST303 (1942/4080), LST307 (1942/4080), LST310 (1943/4080), LST311 (1943/4080), LST312 (1943/4080), LST316 (1943/4080), LST317 (1943/4080), LST319 (1942/4080), LST320 (1942/4080), LST322 (1943/4080), LST323 (1943/4080), LST324 (1943/4080), LST331 (1943/4080), LST332 (1943/4080), LST334 (1942/4080), LST335 (1942/4080), LST336 (1942/4080), LST337 (1942/4080), LST341 (1942/4080), LST345 (1943/4080), LST346 (1943/4080), LST350 (1943/4080), LST352 (1943/4080), LST354 (1942/4080), LST357 (1943/4080), LST358 (1943/4080), LST360 (1943/4080), LST361 (1942/4080), LST363 (1942/4080), LST366 (1942/4080), LST367 (1942/4080), LST368 (1943/4080), LST369 (1943/4080), LST370 (1943/4080), LST372 (1943/4080), LST374 (1943/4080), LST377 (1943/4080), LST379 (1943/4080), LST380 (1943/4080), LST381 (1943/4080), LST384 (1942/4080), LST386 (1942/4080), LST387 (1942/4080), LST392 (1942/4080), LST394 (1942/4080), LST395 (1942/4080), LST397 (1942/4080), LST401 (1942/4080), LST403 (1942/4080), LST408 (1942/4080), LST409 (1943/4080), LST412 (1943/4080), LST416 (1943/4080), LST417 (1943/4080), LST419 (1943/4080), LST423 (1943/4080), LST424 (1943/4080), LST426 (1943/4080), LST428 (1943/4080), LST430 (1943/4080), LST446 (1942/4080), LST449 (1942/4080), LST(H)450 (ex-LST450, 1943/4080), LST451 (1943/4080), LST452 (1943/4080), LST454 (1943/4080), LST458 (1943/4080), LST459 (1943/4080), LST462 (1943/4080), LST463 (1943/4080), LST(H)464 (ex-LST464, 1943/4080), LST465 (1943/4080), LST466 (1943/4080), LST467 (1943/4080), LST468 (1943/4080), LST469 (1943/4080), LST470 (1943/4080), LST471 (1943/4080), LST473 (1943/4080), LST474 (1943/4080), LST475 (1943/4080), LST479 (1943/4080), LST481 (1943/4080), LST484 (1943/4080), LST485 (1943/4080), LST487 (1943/4080), LST494 (1943/4080), LST495 (1943/4080), LST497 (1943/4080), LST511 (1944/4080), LST517 (1944/4080), LST526 (1944/4080), LST534 (1944/4080), LST537 (1944/4080), LST538 (1944/4080), LST539 (1944/4080), LST544 (1944/4080), LST552 (1944/4080), LST554 (1944/4080), LST555 (1944/4080), LST556 (1944/4080), LST557 (1944/4080), LST559 (1944/4080), LST560 (1944/4080), LST562 (1944/4080), LST564 (1944/4080), LST565 (1944/4080), LST568 (1944/4080), LST569 (1944/4080), LST570 (1944/4080), LST571 (1944/4080), LST574 (1944/4080), LST576 (1944/4080), LST584 (1944/4080), LST585 (1944/4080), LST588 (1944/4080), LST592 (1944/4080), LST593 (1944/4080), LST596 (1944/4080), LST598 (1944/4080), LST605 (1944/4080), LST606 (1944/4080), LST609 (1944/4080), LST612 (1944/4080), LST614 (1944/4080), LST615 (1944/4080), LST617 (1944/4080), LST618 (1944/4080), LST620 (1944/4080), LST621 (1944/4080), LST622 (1944/4080), LST627 (1944/4080), LST628 (1944/4080), LST631 (1944/4080), LST634 (1944/4080), LST635 (1944/4080), LST637 (1944/4080), LST640 (1944/4080), LST641 (1944/4080), LST646 (1944/4080), LST654 (1944/4080), LST655 (1944/4080), LST656 (1944/4080), LST658 (1944/4080), LST660 (1944/4080), LST662 (1944/4080), LST663 (1944/4080), LST665 (1944/4080), LST666 (1944/4080), LST667 (1944/4080), LST668 (1944/4080), LST669 (1944/4080), LST670 (1944/4080), LST671 (1944/4080), LST672 (1944/4080), LST673 (1944/4080), LST674 (1944/4080), LST679 (1944/4080), LST680 (1944/4080), LST681 (1944/4080), LST682 (1944/4080), LST683 (1944/4080), LST684 (1944/4080), LST686 (1944/4080), LST687 (1944/4080), LST688 (1944/4080), LST690 (1944/4080), LST691 (1944/4080), LST693 (1944/4080), LST696 (1944/4080), LST697 (1944/4080), LST699 (1944/4080), LST700 (1944/4080), LST701 (1944/4080), LST702 (1944/4080), LST703 (1944/4080), LST704 (1944/4080), LST705 (1944/4080), LST706 (1944/4080), LST707 (1944/4080), LST708 (1944/4080), LST709 (1944/4080), LST711 (1944/4080), LST712 (1944/4080), LST713 (1944/4080), LST714 (1944/4080), LST720 (1944/4080), LST721 (1944/4080), LST724 (1944/4080), LST725 (1944/4080), LST726 (1944/4080), LST727 (1944/4080), LST728 (1944/4080), LST729 (1944/4080), LST730 (1944/4080), LST732 (1944/4080), LST733 (1944/4080), LST734 (1944/4080), LST736 (1944/4080), LST737 (1944/4080), LST739 (1944/4080), LST740 (1944/4080), LST741 (1944/4080), LST743 (1944/4080), LST744 (1944/4080), LST745 (1944/4080), LST746 (1944/4080), LST747 (1944/4080), LST751 (1944/4080), LST752 (1944/4080), LST753 (1944/4080), LST754 (1944/4080), LST755 (1944/4080), LST757 (1944/4080), LST760 (1944/4080), LST763 (1944/4080), LST764 (1944/4080), LST765 (1944/4080), LST766 (1944/4080), LST767 (1944/4080), LST768 (1944/4080), LST769 (1944/4080), LST770 (1944/4080), LST771 (1944/4080), LST774 (1944/4080), LST776 (1944/4080), LST777 (1944/4080), LST778 (1944/4080), LST779 (1944/4080), LST780 (1944/4080), LST781 (1944/4080), LST782 (1944/4080), LST785 (1944/4080), LST787 (1944/4080), LST788 (1944/4080), LST789 (1944/4080), LST(H)790 (ex-LST790, 1944/4080), LST791 (1944/4080), LST792 (1944/4080), LST793 (1944/4080), LST795 (1944/4080), LST796 (1944/4080), LST797 (1944/4080), LST798 (1944/4080), LST800 (1944/4080), LST801 (1944/4080), LST804 (1944/4080), LST805 (1944/4080), LST806 (1944/4080), LST807 (1944/4080), LST809 (1944/4080), LST810 (1944/4080), LST811 (1944/4080), LST812 (1944/4080), LST813 (1944/4080), LST814 (1944/4080), LST816 (1944/4080), LST818 (1944/4080), LST820 (1944/4080), LST823 (1944/4080), LST830 (1944/4080), LST832 (1944/4080), LST834 (1944/4080), LST837 (1944/4080), LST847 (1945/4080), LST851 (1944/4080), LST856 (1944/4080), LST860 (1945/4080), LST863 (1944/4080), LST866 (1944/4080), LST867 (1944/4080), LST869 (1945/4080), LST870 (1945/4080), LST(H)871 (ex-LST871, 1945/4080), LST872 (1945/4080), LST873 (1945/4080), LST874 (1944/4080), LST875 (1944/4080), LST876 (1944/4080), LST877 (1945/4080), LST878 (1945/4080), LST879 (1945/4080), LST882 (1945/4080), LST885 (1944/4080), LST886 (1944/4080), LST889 (1944/4080), LST890 (1944/4080), LST891 (1944/4080), LST892 (1944/4080), LST893 (1944/4080), LST894 (1944/4080), LST897 (1944/4080), LST899 (1945/4080), LST907 (1944/4080), LST908 (1944/4080), LST909 (1944/4080), LST910 (1944/4080), LST911 (1944/4080), LST915 (1944/4080), LST916 (1944/4080), LST917 (1944/4080), LST918 (1944/4080), LST919 (1944/4080), LST922 (1944/4080), LST923 (1944/4080), LST924 (1944/4080), LST926 (1944/4080), LST927 (1944/4080), LST(H)929 (ex-LST929, 1944/4080), LST(H)930 (ex-LST930, 1944/4080), LST(H)931 (ex-LST931, 1944/4080), LST932 (1944/4080), LST933 (1944/4080), LST934 (1944/4080), LST935 (1944/4080), LST936 (1944/4080), LST937 (1944/4080), LST939 (1944/4080), LST940 (1944/4080), LST941 (1944/4080), LST942 (1944/4080), LST943 (1944/4080), LST944 (1944/4080), LST945 (1944/4080), LST946 (1944/4080), LST947 (1944/4080), LST(H)949 (ex-LST949, 1944/4080), LST(H)951 (ex-LST951, 1944/4080), LST958 (1944/4080), LST959 (1944/4080), LST960 (1944/4080), LST961 (1944/4080), LST964 (1944/4080), LST965 (1944/4080), LST968 (1945/4080), LST969 (1945/4080), LST970 (1945/4080), LST972 (1945/4080), LST974 (1945/4080), LST978 (1945/4080), LST979 (1945/4080), LST981 (1944/4080), LST982 (1944/4080), LST984 (1944/4080), LST985 (1944/4080), LST986 (1944/4080), LST989 (1944/4080), LST990 (1944/4080), LST991 (1944/4080), LST992 (1944/4080), LST994 (1944/4080), LST995 (1944/4080), LST996 (1944/4080), LST998 (1944/4080), LST999 (1944/4080), LST1000 (1944/4080), LST1001 (1944/4080), LST1002 (1944/4080), LST1007 (1944/4080), LST1008 (1944/4080), LST1009 (1944/4080), LST1011 (1944/4080), LST1012 (1944/4080), LST1013 (1944/4080), LST1014 (1944/4080), LST1015 (1944/4080), LST1016 (1944/4080), LST1017 (1944/4080), LST1019 (1944/4080), LST1023 (1944/4080), LST1024 (1944/4080), LST1025 (1944/4080), LST1026 (1944/4080), LST1029 (1944/4080), LST1031 (1944/4080), LST(H)1033 (ex-LST1033, 1944/4080), LST1034 (1944/4080), LST1035 (1944/4080), LST1039 (1945/4080), LST1040 (1945/4080), LST1042 (1945/4080), LST1043 (1945/4080), LST1044 (1945/4080), LST1045 (1945/4080), LST1046 (1945/4080), LST1047 (1945/4080), LST1051 (1945/4080), LST1052 (1945/4080), LST1053 (1945/4080), LST1054 (1945/4080), LST1057 (1945/4080), LST1058 (1945/4080), LST1061 (1945/4080), LST1062 (1945/4080), LST1075 (1945/4080), LST1105 (1945/4080), LST1106 (1945/4080), LST1107 (1945/4080), LST1108 (1945/4080), LST1109 (1945/4080), LST1139 (1945/4080)

LSM LSM1 (1944/1095), LSM2 (1944/1095), LSM3 (1944/1095), LSM6 (1944/1095), LSM7 (1944/1095), LSM8 (1944/1095), LSM9 (1944/1095), LSM10 (1944/1095), LSM13 (1944/1095), LSM16 (1944/1095), LSM18 (1944/1095), LSM21 (1944/1095), LSM22 (1944/1095), LSM23 (1944/1095), LSM24 (1944/1095), LSM25 91944/1095), LSM26 (1944/1095), LSM27 (1944/1095), LSM28 (1944/1095), LSM29 (1944/1095), LSM31 (1944/1095), LSM32 (1944/1095), LSM33 (1944/1095), LSM34 (1944/1095), LSM35 (1944/1095), LSM36 (1944/1095), LSM39 (1944/1095), LSM40 (1944/1095), LSM42 (1944/1095), LSM43 (1944/1095), LSM44 (1944/1095), LSM46 (1944/1095), LSM47 (1944/1095), LSM48 (1944/1095), LSM49 (1944/1095), LSM50 (1944/1095), LSM51 (1944/1095), LSM52 (1944/1095), LSM53 (1944/1095), LSM55 (1944/1095), LSM56 (1944/1095), LSM60 (1944/1095), LSM61 (1944/1095), LSM62 (1944/1095), LSM63 (1944/1095), LSM64 (1944/1095), LSM65 (1944/1095), LSM66 (1944/1095), LSM67 (1944/1095), LSM68 (1944/1095), LSM70 (1944/1095), LSM71 (1944/1095), LSM72 (1944/1095), LSM73 (1944/1095), LSM74 (1944/1095), LSM75 (1944/1095), LSM76 (1944/1095), LSM77 (1944/1095), LSM78 (1944/1095), LSM79 (1944/1095), LSM81 (1944/1095), LSM82 (1944/1095), LSM83 (1944/1095), LSM87 (1944/1095), LSM89 (1944/1095), LSM90 (1944/1095), LSM91 (1944/1095), LSM92 (1944/1095), LSM93 (1944/1095), LSM94 (1944/1095), LSM95 (1944/1095), LSM97 (1944/1095), LSM98 (1944/1095), LSM100 (1944/1095), LSM103 (1944/1095), LSM111 (1944/1095), LSM112 (1944/1095), LSM114 (1944/1095), LSM115 (1944/1095), LSM117 (1944/1095), LSM122 (1944/1095), LSM123 (1944/1095), LSM124 (1944/1095), LSM126 (1944/1095), LSM127 (1944/1095), LSM128 (1944/1095), LSM129 (1944/1095), LSM130 (1944/1095), LSM131 (1944/1095), LSM133 (1944/1095), LSM134 (1944/1095), LSM136 (1944/1095), LSM138 (1944/1095), LSM139 (1944/1095), LSM140 (1944/1095), LSM141 (1944/1095), LSM142 (1944/1095), LSM143 (1944/1095), LSM144 (1944/1095), LSM145 (1944/1095), LSM148 (1944/1095), LSM150 (1944/1095), LSM151 (1944/1095), LSM152 (1944/1095), LSM153 (1944/1095), LSM155 (1944/1095), LSM156 (1944/1095), LSM157 (1944/1095), LSM158 (1944/1095), LSM160 (1944/1095), LSM162 (1944/1095), LSM163 (1944/1095), LSM164 (1944/1095), LSM166 (1944/1095), LSM170 (1944/1095), LSM173 (1944/1095), LSM174 (1944/1095), LSM176 (1944/1095), LSM177 (1944/1095), LSM178 (1944/1095), LSM179 (1944/1095), LSM180 (1944/1095), LSM181 (1944/1095), LSM182 (1944/1095), LSM183 (1944/1095), LSM184 (1944/1095), LSM185 (1944/1095), LSM186 (1944/1095), LSM187 (1944/1095), LSM201 (1944/1095), LSM202 (1944/1095), LSM203 (1944/1095), LSM205 (1944/1095), LSM206 (1944/1095), LSM207 (1944/1095), LSM208 (1944/1095), LSM209 (1944/1095), LSM210 (1944/1095), LSM211 (1944/1095), LSM213 (1944/1095), LSM214 (1944/1095), LSM215 (1944/1095), LSM216 (1944/1095), LSM217 (1944/1095), LSM218 (1944/1095), LSM220 (1944/1095), LSM221 (1944/1095), LSM222 (1944/1095), LSM223 (1944/1095), LSM224 (1944/1095), LSM225 (1944/1095), LSM228 (1944/1095), LSM230 (1944/1095), LSM233 (1944/1095), LSM234 (1944/1095), LSM235 (1944/1095), LSM237 (1944/1095), LSM240 (1944/1095), LSM241 (1944/1095), LSM242 (1944/1095), LSM243 (1944/1095), LSM244 (1944/1095), LSM245 (1944/1095), LSM246 (1944/1095), LSM247 (1944/1095), LSM248 (1944/1095), LSM249 (1944/1095), LSM252 (1944/1095), LSM254 (1944/1095), LSM255 (1944/1095), LSM256 (1944/1095), LSM257 (1944/1095), LSM258 (1944/1095), LSM259 (1944/1095), LSM260 (1944/1095), LSM261 (1944/1095), LSM263 (1944/1095), LSM264 (1944/1095), LSM265 (1944/1095), LSM266 (1944/1095), LSM272 (1944/1095), LSM277 (1944/1095), LSM278 (1944/1095), LSM279 (1944/1095), LSM282 (1944/1095), LSM283 (1944/1095), LSM284 (1944/1095), LSM285 (1944/1095), LSM286 (1944/1095), LSM287 (1944/1095), LSM290 (1945/1095), LSM293 (1945/1095), LSM294 (1945/1095), LSM302 (1945/1095), LSM307 (1945/1095), LSM308 (1945/1095), LSM310 (1944/1095), LSM311 (1944/1095), LSM312 (1944/1095), LSM314 (1944/1095), LSM321 (1944/1095), LSM322 (1944/1095), LSM323 (1944/1095), LSM325 (1944/1095), LSM326 (1944/1095), LSM327 (1944/1095), LSM328 (1944/1095), LSM333 (1944/1095), LSM334 (1944/1095), LSM336 (1944/1095), LSM338 (1945/1095), LSM339 (1945/1095), LSM349 (1945/1095), LSM352 (1945/1095), LSM363 (1945/1095), LSM374 (1945/1095), LSM376 (1945/1095), LSM384 (1945/1095), LSM386 (1945/1095), LSM391 (1945/1095), LSM393 (1945/1095), LSM425 (1945/1095), LSM430 (1945/1095), LSM431 (1945/1095), LSM453 (1945/1095), LSM457 (1945/1095), LSM459 (1945/1095), LSM461 (1945/1095), LSM467 (1945/1095), LSM468 (1945/1095), LSM470 (1945/1095), LSM475 (1945/1095), LSM482 (1945/1095), LSM489 (1945/1095)

APD Dent (ex-DD, 1918/1247), Tattnall (ex-DD, 1919/1247), Gilmer (ex-DD, 1920/1308), Kane (ex-DD, 1920/1308), Osmond Ingram (ex-DD Ingram, 1919/1308)

LPA Harris (1921/21900), Zeilin (1921/21900), Leonard Wood (1922/21900), Hunter Liggett (1922/21900), Henry T. Allen (1921/21900), American Legion (1921/21900), Barnett (1928/15000), Heywood (1919/14450), Fuller (1919/14450), William P. Biddle (1919/14450), Neville (1918/14450), Crescent City (1940/14247), Windsor (1943/13200), Leedstown (1943/13200), Adair (1944/13200), Dauphin (1944/13200), Dutchess (1944/13200), Queens (1944/13200), Shelby (1945/13200), Frederick Funston (1942/13200), James O`Hara (1942/13200), Griggs (1944/13200), Grundy (1945/13200), Guilford (1945/13200), Sitka (1945/13200), Hamblen (1945/13200), Hampton (1945/13200), Hannover (1945/13200), Doyen (1943/6720), Feland (1943/6720), Bolivar (1943/16100), Callaway (1943/16100), Clay 91943/16100), Custer (1943/16100), Du Page (1943/16100), Elmore (1943/16100), Fayette (1943/16100), Knox (1943/16100), Lamar (1943/16100), Leon (1943/16100), Alpine (1943/16100), Barnstable (1943/16100), Burleigh (1944/16100), Cecil (1944/16100), Dade (1944/16100), Mendocino (1944/16100), Montour (1944/16100), Riverside (1944/16100), Westmoreland (1944/16100), Hansford (1944/16100), Goodhue (1944/16100), Goshen (1944/16100), Grafton (1944/16100), Ormsby (1943/13910), Pierce (1943/13910), Sheridan (1943/13910), Sumter (1943/12775), Warren (1943/12775), Wayne (1943/12775), Baxter (1944/12775), Gilliam (1944/7080), Banner (1944/7080), Barrow (1944/7080), Butte (1944/7080), Carlisle (1944/7080), Clarendon (1944/7080), Crenshaw (1945/7080), Cullman (1945/7080), Elkhart (1945/7080), Garrard (1945/7080), Haskell (1944/14880), Hendry (1944/14880), Highlands (1944/14880), Hinsdale (1944/14880), Hocking (1944/14880), Kenton (1944/14880), Kittson (1944/14880), Lanier (1944/14880), St. Mary`s (1944/14880), Allendale (1944/14880), Arenac (1944/14880), Marvin H. McIntyre (1944/14880), Attala (1944/14880), Bandera (1944/14880), Beckham (1944/14880), Bland (1944/14880), Bosque (1944/14880), Bowie (1944/14880), Braxton (1944/14880), Broadwater (1944/14880), Buckingham (1945/14880), Clearfield (1944/14880), Clermont (1945/14880), Colbert (1945/14880), Collingsworth (1945/14880), Cottle (1944/14880), Audubon (1944/14880), Bergen (1945/14880), La Porte (1944/14880), Laurens (1944/14880), Lowndes (1944/14880), Lycoming (1944/14880), Napa (1944/14880), Newberry (1944/14880), Darke (1944/14880), Dickens (1944/14880), Drew (1944/14880), Eastland (1944/14880), Effingham (1944/14880), Fond du Lac (1944/14880), Freestone (1944/14880), Gallatin (1944/14880), Gosper (1944/14880), Granville (1944/14880), Hyde (1944/14880), Jerauld (1944/14880), Karnes (1944/14880), Kingsbury (1944/14880), Lander (1944/14880), Lauderdale (1944/14880), Oconto (1944/14880), Oxford (1944/14880), Pickens (1944/14880), Pondera (1944/14880), Marathon (1944/14880), Talladega (1944/14880), Bingham (1944/14880)

LKA Arcturus (1939/13910), Alchiba (1939/13910), Alcyone (1939/13910), Betelgeuse (1939/13910), Procyon (1941/13910), Bellatrix (1942/13910), Electra (1942/13910), Alhena (1941/11154), Almaack (1940/14460), Aquarius (1943/13910), Centaurus (1943/13910), Cepheus (1943/13910), Sheliak (1944/13910), Theenim (1944/13910), Tolland (1944/13910), Shoshone (1944/13910), Southampton (1944/13910), Starr (1944/13910), Stokes (1944/13910), Suffolk (1944/13910), Tate (1944/13910), Todd (1944/13910), Caswell (1944/13910), New Hannover (1944/13910), Lenoir (1944/13910), Alamance (1944/13910), Torrance (1944/13910), Towner (1944/13910), Trego (1944/13910), Trousdale (1944/13910), Tyrrell (1944/13910), Valencia (1944/13910), Venango (1944/13910), Vinton (1944/13910), Waukesha (1944/13910), Wheatland (1944/13910), Woodford (1944/13910), Duplin (1944/13910), Prentiss (1945/13910), Aurelia (1944/6740), Birgit (1944/6740), Circe (1944/6740), Corvus (1944/6740), Devosa (1944/6740), Lacerta (1944/6740), Lumen (1944/6740), Medea (1945/6740), Mellena (1945/6740), Ostara (1945/6740), Pamina (1945/6740), Polana (1945/6740), Renate (1945/6740), Roxane (1945/6740), Sappho (1945/6740), Selinur (1945/6740), Selinur (1945/6740), Sidonia (1945/6740), Sirona (1945/6740), Tabora (1945/6740), Troilus (1945/6740), Valeria (1945/6740), Vanadis (1945/6740), Veritas (1945/6740), Xenia (1945/6740), Zenobia (1945/6740)

LFR LSM(R)189 (1944/1175), LSM(R)191 (1944/1175), LSM(R)192 (1944/1175), LSM(R)193 (1944/1175), LSM(R)196 (1944/1175), LSM(R)197 (1944/1175), LSM(R)198 (1944/1175), LSM(R)199 (1944/1175)

ML Breese (ex-DD, 1918/1247), Tracy (ex-DD, 1920/1308), Barricade (1942/1320), Barbicon (1942/1320), Bastion (1942/1320), Obstructor (1942/1320), Picket (1942/1320), Trapper (1944/1320)

MS Hopkins (ex-DD, 1921/1308), Buoyant (1943/945), Delegate (1944/945), Elusive (1945/945), Embattle (1945/945), Notable (1943/945), Prime (1944/945), Dunlin (1945/945), Gavia (1945/945)

AY Vixen (1929/3774), San Bernardino (1928/1768), Dauntless (1921/1950), Zircon (1929/1220), Beryl (1929/1400), Chalcedony (1931/1000), Isabel (1917/710), Sylph (1929/810), Argus (1929/890), Carnelian (1930/500), Almandite (1927/705), Girasol (1926/700), Mizpah (1927/607), Cythera (1931/800), Sapphire (1922/500), Amethyst (1931/525), Sardonyx (1928/640), Rhodolite (1931/588)

APV YP415 (1936/560), YP420 (1936/560), YP421 (1936/560)

AML Salem (1916/5300), Monadnock (1938/3110)

CGC Ossipee (1915/997), Tallapoosa (1915/879), Northland (1927/2150)


CVL Arromanches (1944/17900)

DD Desaix (1937/3110), Kléber (1937/3110), Hoche (1940/3543), Marceau (1942/3691)

TB Bir Hakeim (1940/1082), Baccarat (1942/1098), L`Alsacien (1942/1754), Le Lorrain (1943/1754)

SS Millé (1943/1070), Roland Morillot (1944/1819)

AML Pollux (1917/2463)

CL Jeanne d`Arc (1931/8950)

SS Marsouin (1927/1441), Argo (1933/2084), Aréthuse (1933/798), Atalante (1934/798), La Vestale (1934/798), La Sultane (1935/798), Antiope (1932/807), Amazone (1933/807), Orphée (1933/807), Curie (1943/732)

SL Calais (1920/850)

APV Reine des Flots (1923/849)


FS Ammiraglio Magnaghi (1943/1258)

LCU MZ901(1945/640), MZ902(1945/640), MZ903(1945/640), MZ904(1945/640), MZ905(1945/640), MZ906(1945/640), MZ907(1945/640), MZ908(1945/640), MZ909(1945/640), MZ910(1945/640), MZ911(1945/640)

MS DR307 (1941/770), DR308 (1941/770), DR312 (1940/770), DR316 (1940/770), DR310 (1941/770), DR301 (1941/770), DR302 (1941/770), DR303 (1942/770), DR304 (1942/770), DR305 (1942/770), DR306 (1942/770), DR309 (1943/770), DR311 (1942/770), DR313 (1942/770), DR314 (1942/770), DR315 (1942/770)

SS Ettore Fieramosca (1930/2094)


MON Sivash (1946/2400)

CL Admiral Makarov (1935/8900)

DD Prytkiy (1938/3165), Pylkiy (1938/3165), Prochny (1939/3415), Provorny (1943/3691), Poryvisty (1941/1098), Primerny (1944/1754), Porazhayushchiy (1912/884), Prozorlivy (1908/691), Pronzitelny (1911/810)

SS S-21 (1946/1077), S-22 (1946/1077), Shch-412 (1946/705), N-22 (1944/1070), N-23 (1944/1070), N-24 (1944/1070), N-25 (1944/1070), N-26 (1944/1257), N-27 (1944/1819), N-28 (1945/1819), N-29 (1945/1819), N-30 (1945/1819)

FS Buran (1937/1028)

NL Tyumen`-Ula (1944/1800)

MS T-722 (1942/775), T-728 (1943/775), T-920 (1943/908), T-917 (1941/878)

AMS T-808 (1938/526), T-810 (1937/545), T-925 (1939/630), T-927 (1939/740)

DD Stalin (ex-Samson, 1916/1450)

FS Shtorm (1932/534), Buran (1937/1028)

APC SKR-84 (ex-SKR-32, 1931/1107), Dezhnyov (1938/7330), SKR-83 (ex-AMS T-882, 1940/1287), SKR-82 (ex-AMS T-897, 1932/1050)

APG Dnestr (1944/1300)

AAAS VN-2 (1902/1624)

APGR Tobol (1917/568)

ADV PS-89 (ex-APC SKR-65, 1936/1165)

MS T-918 (1938/874), T-922 (1941/878)

AMS T-135 (ex-No135, 1938/510), T-136 (ex-No136, 1938/510), EMTShch-501 (ex-T-501, 1932/500), EMTShch-516 (ex-T-516, 1893/842), T-808 (1938/526), T-810 (1937/545), T-101 (1929/540), T-102 91930/540), T-104 (1929/540), T-107 (1929/500), T-489 (1910/1441), T-879 (1930/1036), T-880 (1931/1150), T-881 (1940/1500), T-884 (1931/1200), T-885 (1930/1200), T-887 (1931/1165), T-888 (1931/1416), T-894 (1935/1150), T-895 (1935/1150), T-901 (1928/1100), T-902 (1930/1100), T-905 (ex-APC SKR-61, 1931/1140), T-906 (1932/1255), T-907 (1930/1100), T-908 (1928/1100), T-909 91929/1100), T-910 (1933/1050), T-12 (ex-No12, 1933/1250), T-13 (ex-No13, 1930/1250), T-14 (ex-No14, 1930/1107), T-16 (ex-No16, 1931/1200), T-17 (ex-No17, 1931/1033)



CL Conrad (1918/6000)

DD Garland (1936/1900), Piorun (1940/2350)

SS Sokól (1941/732), Dzik (1942/732)

DE Krakowiak (1941/1580), Ślązak (1942/1580)


DD Bergen (1946/2535), Stavanger (1946/2535)

SS Utstein (1943/740), Utvær (1943/740), Uthaug (1944/740)

MS Glomma (1940/690), Tana (1941/690)

SS B1 (1923/545)

TL Jeløy (1941/770), Karmøy (1943/770), Oksøy (1943/770), Tromøy (1944/770)

AWC Namsos (ex-H. J. Bull, 1935/569)


CVE Karel Doorman (1943/17210)

DD Evertsen (1943/2545)

LCT LT1 (1943/640), LT2 (1943/640), LT3 (1944/640), LT4 (1944/640), LT101 (1944/640), LT102 (1944/640), LT103 (1944/640), LT104 (1943/640), LT105 (1944/640), LT106 (1944/1946), LT5 (1944/640), LT6 (1944/640), LT7 (1944/640), LT8 (1945/640), LT9 (1945/640), LT10 (1945/640)

MS Abraham van der Hulst (1940/585), Pieter Florisz (1937/585)

MS Ambon (1942/790), Banda (1941/790), Batjan (1941/790), Boeroe (1941/790), Ceram (1941/790), Morotai (1942/790), Ternate (1942/790), Tidore (1942/790)

SS K XIV (1933/1045), K XV (1933/1045), Dolfijn (1942/732)

PG Soemba (1926/1793)

ML Medusa (1911/670)


MS Faial (1940/770), Salvador Correia (1940/770), São Miguel (1942/770), Terceira (1942/770), Santa Maria (1942/770)



PG Pizarro (1946/2246)

MS Bidasoa (1946/748), Nervión (1946/748), Tambre (1946/748), Guadalete (1946/748)

SS C4 (1929/1143)


SS Argonautis (1944/740), Triaina (1944/740)

DE Astings (1942/1590), Adrias (1942/1590), Aigaion (1941/1625)

LCT Kandanos (1943/640), Sofades (1943/640), Kithera (1944/640), Serifos (1944/640), Anafi (1944/640), Thira (1944/640), Milos (1944/640), Amorgas (1944/640)

DD Aetos (1912/1175), Ierax (1912/1175), Panthir (1912/1175), Kountouriotis (1932/2050)


DD Muavenet (1942/2080), Gayret (1941/2430)

SS Yıldıray (1946/1210), Burak Reis (1942/861)

MS Ayvalık (1942/790), Antalya (1942/790), Alanya (1942/790), Amasra (1942/790), Ayancık (1942/790)



FS Macha (1942/1170), Maev (1941/1170)



LSM Kut (1944/1095), Phai (1945/1095)



FS Fu Po (1941/1170)

PG Chang Chi (1941/1110)

LST Chung Sheng (1943/4080), Chung Ting (1944/4080), Chung Hsing (1944/4080), Chung Yung (1944/4080), Chung Chuan (1944/4080), Chung Shun (1944/4080), Chung Hai (1944/4080), Chung 101 (1944/4080), Chung 111 (1944/4080), (ex-LST929) (1944/4080), (ex-LST937) (1944/4080), (ex-LST1008) (1944/4080), Chung Chi (1944/4080), Chung Sheng (1944/4080), (ex-LST1075) (1945/4080)

LSM (ex-LSM13) (1944/1095), Hua 208 (1944/1095), (ex-LSM43) (1944/1095), (ex-LSM62) (1944/1095), (ex-LSM76) (1944/1095), Hua 201 (1944/1095), Hua 209 (1944/1095), Mei Cheng (1944/1095), Mei Lo (1944/1095), (ex-LSM208) (1944/1095), (ex-LSM218) (1944/1095), (ex-LSM225) (1944/1095), Hua 202 (1944/1095), (ex-LSM249) (1944/1095), (ex-LSM256) (1944/1095), Hua 207 (1944/1095), Mei Yi (1944/1095), (ex-LSM308) (1945/1095), Hua 205 (1944/1095), (ex-LSM339) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM349) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM363) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM374) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM376) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM391) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM393) (1945/1095), Hua 204 (1945/1095), Mei Tseng (1945/1095), (ex-LSM453) (1945/1095), Mei Song (1945/1095), (ex-LSM461) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM470) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM475) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM482) (1945/1095), (ex-LSM489) (1945/1095)

MS (ex-Buoyant) (1943/945), Yung Ho (1944/945), Yung Kang (1945/945), Yung Hsing (1945/945), (ex-Notable) (1943/945), Yung Feng (1944/945), Dunlin (1945/945), Yung Chun (1945/945)




PG Bogota (1919/630)


FS Federación (1941/1280), Libertad (1941/1280), Independencia (1941/1280), Patria (1941/1280), Victoria (1940/1280)

FS Carabobo (1941/1280)

APG General Salóm (ex-Restaurador, 1884/750)



DD Mato Grosso (1909/560), Maranhão (1914/1300)

AMS Heitor Perdigão (1921/500), Muniz Freire (1921/500)


FS King (1946/1032)

BC Libertad (ex-Nueve de Julio, 1892/2595)

MS Bathurst (ex-M1, 1916/513), Jorge (ex-M3, 1916/503), Teniente de la Sota (1916/503)


FF Esmeralda (1944/2180), Iquique (1944/2180), Covadonga (1944/2180)

FS Casma (1944/1370), Chipana (1944/1370), Papudo (1944/1370)


Dominican Republic

FF Presidente Trujillo (1944/2125)

FS Cristobal Colón (1944/1350)


© Ivan Gogin, 2010-11